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Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 23 (2012) 203–215 203

IOS Press

A Fuzzy Simulated Annealing approach

for project time-cost tradeoff
Milos Milenkovica,∗ , Nebojsa Bojovica , Rita Almeida Ribeirob and Natasa Glisovicc
a TheFaculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
b UNINOVA Campus da FCT/UNL, Monte de Caparica, Caparica, Portugal
c Mathematical Institute of The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia

Abstract. Managers often face difficulties when making project decisions that involve large number of interrelated activities –
the planning and scheduling of which is project management. Most problems often arise in areas such as product development,
production planning and control and setting up the production facilities. One important aspect of project management is activity
crashing, i.e. reducing the activity time by adding more resources such as workers, overtime and so on. It is important to decide
the optimal crash plan to complete the project within the desired time period. A fuzzy simulated annealing crashing method
is introduced in this paper to evaluate project networks and determine the optimum crashing configuration that minimizes the
average project cost, due to lateness penalties and crashing costs in the presence of vagueness and uncertainty. Through a real
project example the proposed approach is shown effective and efficient in conducting time-cost tradeoff analysis.

Keywords: Project management, project crashing, fuzzy linear programming, simulated annealing

1. Introduction time scale. Its disadvantage is that the interdependency

between the different activities (which mainly controls
“Crashing” is a tool for project management that is the progress of the project) cannot be determined from
used by many companies to help improve performance the bar chart. The growing complexities of today’s
and competitiveness (e.g. [12, 15, 18]). Projects and projects have demanded more systematic and more
their execution, in general, require resources. Project effective planning techniques with the objectives of
management, which is characterized by techniques, optimizing the efficiency of executing the project. Effi-
intended to provide a better use of project resources ciency here implies affecting the utmost reduction in
could positively impact the profitability of a company. time required to complete the project while accounting
Successful applications of project management tech- for the economic feasibility of using available resources
niques in various projects are numerous and mostly (Taha [25]).
reflect very large time and financial savings. An important aspect of project management is risk
In the past, the scheduling of a project (over time) was management. Different types of risk are present in any
done with little planning. The one of the best-known given project, but the emphasis of this research will be
“planning” tools is the Gantt bar chart, which specifies focused on schedule/time risk and associated costs. The
the start and finish times for each activity on a horizontal schedule/time risk essentially implies not completing
∗ Corresponding author. Milos Milenkovic, The Faculty of
project activities on time, resulting in a late completion
Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade,
of the project. Late project completion generally has
Belgrade 11000, Serbia. Tel.: +381 11 3091343; E-mail: negative effects for the company such as penalty costs and customer dissatisfaction. If a project is running late

1064-1246/12/$27.50 © 2012 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
204 M. Milenkovic et al. / A Fuzzy Simulated Annealing approach for project time-cost tradeoff

project managers might be able to bring the project The paper is organized in six sections including the
back on track by incorporating additional resources. In first section for the introduction of the problem. Sec-
project management, this method of mitigating risk is tion 2 gives a brief summary of past work aimed at
known as crashing. project activity crashing methods. In Section 3 we made
Rosenau and Githens [24] state crashing is “spending an introduction to the fuzzy optimization, and present
more money on the project in order to speed up accom- a flexible fuzzification model for fuzzy optimization
plishment of scheduled activities”. Since crashing a problems. Then, in Section 4 we introduced the concept
project represents additional costs, crashing decisions of a fuzzy simulated annealing algorithm as a searching
need to be made in a cost-effective way. When crash- tool for obtaining the solution for fuzzy optimization
ing a project the tradeoff between the crashing cost and problems. In Section 5, we present the project time-
the penalty cost needs to be evaluated. The crashing cost tradeoff problem in the uncertainty environment
concept is focused on reducing the time of the activ- and we apply the proposed methodology on a real case
ities on the critical path. The critical path is the one study. Finally, in Section 6, we conclude this paper with
that can cause a delay of the project because there is no some perspectives on further developments.
slack on that path. The traditional method of crashing
CPM/PERT networks ([25, 27]) only considers aver-
age activity times for the calculation of the critical path,
ignoring the uncertainty related with the duration of the 2. Related work
Time-cost tradeoff problems can be modeled by Time/cost trade-offs in project networks have been
deterministic or uncertain approaches. Deterministic the subject of intensive research since the develop-
approaches assume that project parameters are pre- ment of the critical path method (CPM) in the late
sented as exact values. However, there are many 50 s. Time/cost behavior in a project activity basically
cases where a great uncertainty in project parameters describes the trade-off between the duration of the activ-
exists. One way to handle uncertainty is via stochas- ity and its amount of non-renewable resources (e.g.
tic time-cost tradeoff approach based on probability money) committed to it. It is generally accepted that the
theory. It requires a prior predictable regularity or a trade-off follows a non-increasing pattern, i.e. expedit-
posterior frequency distribution to construct the prob- ing an activity is possible by allocating more resources
ability distribution of activity times. However, in real (i.e. at a larger cost) to it. There are several contribu-
world applications, sometimes we have to use human tions in the literature, related with our work, and next
judgment instead of stochastic assumptions to deter- we summarize the most relevant ones.
mine activity times. An alternative way to deal with Demeulemeester et al. [8] described two new algo-
imprecise data is to employ the concept of fuzziness, rithms for optimally solving the discrete time-cost
where the vague activity times can be represented by trade-off problem in deterministic activity-on-arc net-
fuzzy sets [32]. The main advantages of methodolo- works under limited resource availability. Authors
gies based on fuzzy theory are that they do not require proposed two procedures, both based on a special proce-
prior predictable regularities or posterior frequency dure for finding the minimal number of node reductions
distributions, and they can deal with imprecise input needed to transform a general network to a series-
information containing feelings and emotions quanti- parallel network. The second algorithm minimizes the
fied based on the decision maker’s subjective judgment. computational effort in enumerating alternative modes
This paper adopts an approach combining the Sim- through a Branch and Bound search tree.
ulated Annealing algorithm and fuzzy set theory to Gutjahr et al. [12] introduce a stochastic optimiza-
develop a time-cost tradeoff model under uncertainty. tion approach to determine a set of efficient measures
A fuzzy linear programming (FLP) time-cost tradeoff that crash selected activities in a stochastic activity
model is presented and solved by Simulated Annealing network. The proposed approach modifies the conven-
(SA). The results obtained by SA are compared with tional stochastic Branch-and-Bound, using a heuristic
those of traditional approach for solving FLP problems. method instead of an exact one to solve the deterministic
The proposed method solves the time-cost tradeoff sub problem. This modification reduces computational
problems under an uncertain environment and proves time and by doing so provides an appropriate method for
suitable through a real example of franchising imple- solving various related applications of combinatorial
mentation project for the Serbian Postal Company. stochastic optimization.
M. Milenkovic et al. / A Fuzzy Simulated Annealing approach for project time-cost tradeoff 205

Kuhl and Tolentino-Pena [15] introduced a dynamic to imitate the probabilistic nature of project networks
simulation-based crashing method to evaluate project throughout the search of optimal solutions. The results
networks and determine the optimum crashing config- showed that GAs can be integrated with simulation
uration that minimizes the average project cost due to techniques to provide an efficient and practical means
lateness penalties and crashing costs. By reevaluating of assessing project time and cost risks.
the project network possible adjustments to the crashing Tareghian and Taheri [26] proposed a meta-heuristic
strategy may be identified and implemented. The out- solution procedure for the discrete time, cost and quality
put of the method includes a distribution of the project tradeoff problem. This problem involves the schedul-
completion time, a distribution of the project total cost, ing of project activities in order to minimize the total
and the project cost savings. cost of the project while maximizing the quality of the
Vanhoucke et al. [28] described a solution procedure project and also meeting a given deadline. They applied
for the deadline problem in which three special cases of electromagnetic scatter search to solve this problem.
time switch constraints are involved. These constraints Yang [29] developed and tested a particle swarm opti-
impose a specified starting time on the project activities mization (PSO) algorithm for project crashing analysis.
and force them to be inactive during specified time peri- The optimization results include direct and project cost
ods. They propose a branch-and-bound algorithm and curves, both of which can assist project managers in per-
a heuristic procedure which both make use of a lower forming what-if analyses on the project deadline and
bound calculation for the discrete time/cost trade-off budget. The application of the proposed algorithm is
problem. demonstrated through an example project and a real-life
Deckro et al. [7] developed a series of nonlinear case.
time/cost tradeoff models for project management. A Yang [30] proposed elitist PSO algorithm to facili-
base model with quadratic cost relations is developed tate bicriterion time-cost trade-off analysis. Algorithm
and then extended to include other operational consid- modifies a population based search procedure, parti-
erations. The use of nonlinear functions to describe cle swarm optimization, by adopting an elite archiving
time/cost relationships in project scheduling environ- scheme to store nondominated solutions and by aptly
ments permits a more accurate representation of the using members of the archive to direct further search.
operational setting than is possible with linear or piece- Ng and Zhang [19] presented a multiobjective
wise linear approximations. approach known as the ant colony system to model time
Moussourakis and Haksever [18] presented a flexible cost optimization problems so as to optimize the total
mixed integer-programming model for the solution of project duration and total cost simultaneously.
the time/cost tradeoff problem. The model presented in Zheng et al. [31] introduced a multiobjective
this paper makes minimal assumptions and accommo- approach that aims to optimize total time and total cost
dates any type of cost function that is linear, piecewise simultaneously by utilizing appropriate GAs concepts
linear or discrete. The model can be used for answering and tools. The model introduces a MAWA (modified
various “what if” questions that may be very helpful adaptive weight approach) to replace traditional fixed
to a project manager in making rational decisions. The or random weights and integrates time and total cost
basic model minimizes the total cost which is the sum into a single objective for simulation. The concept is
of direct and indirect costs, subject to a project deadline illustrated through a simple manual simulation and the
constraint. A simple modification in the model changes results indicate that the model could assist decision
the focus from minimizing total cost to minimizing makers in concurrently arriving at an optimal project
project completion time subject to a resource constraint. duration and total cost.
Phillips and Dessouky [20] proposed a solution Leu et al. [17] proposed a flexible approach employ-
procedure for solving the project time/cost tradeoff ing genetic algorithms (GAs) and fuzzy set theory to
problem of reducing project duration at a minimum develop a time-cost trade-off model for construction
cost. They obtained a solution by locating a minimal cut projects under uncertainty. They treat the activity dura-
in flow network derived from the original project net- tion as a fuzzy number. The main focus of the paper was
work. Minimal cut is then utilized to identify the project to determine the impact of uncertain activity durations
activities which should experience a duration modifica- on project direct costs.
tion in order to achieve the total project reduction. Ke et al. [13] proposed three new fuzzy time-cost
Feng et al. [10] developed a hybrid approach that trade-off models, the α-cost minimization model, the
combines simulation techniques and genetic algorithms expected cost minimization model and the credibility
206 M. Milenkovic et al. / A Fuzzy Simulated Annealing approach for project time-cost tradeoff

maximization model of the time-cost trade-off prob- 3. Fuzzy optimization

lem in which the uncertainty of the activity durations
was described by credibility theory. To solve the mod- The main objective of a fuzzy optimization method
els, a hybrid intelligent algorithm integrating the fuzzy is to find the “best” solution (decision alternative) in
simulation and genetic algorithm was built. the presence of incomplete information, i.e. imprecise
Feyzan and Gungor [11] presented a practical appli- information and/or in the presence of “vague” limits in
cation of fuzzy goal programming in a real-life project the information. In general, there exist following forms
network problem with two objectives as minimum com- of imprecision in fuzzy optimization problems:
pletion time and crashing costs wanted to be optimized
simultaneously. Fuzziness in the problem stems from • Imprecision in the constraints boundaries, this
the imprecise aspiration levels attained by the deci- implies the fuzzification of the inequalities limits;
sion maker to both objectives. Comparisons between • A fuzzy goal is imposed on the objective func-
solutions of fuzzy goal programming, fuzzy linear pro- tion. Essentially this implies fuzzifying the utility
gramming, lexicographic maximization method and function by considering a limiting goal;
linear programming are also presented. • Compound imprecision. This implies combina-
Eshtehardian et al. [9] presented a multi-objective tions of the above sources of imprecision;
genetic algorithm to solve the discontinuous and multi- • The parameters (coefficients) of the variables of
objective fuzzy time-cost model. Fuzzy numbers are the constraints are not known precisely. This
used to address the uncertainties in activities execution means that coefficients are fuzzy numbers;
times and cost. The proposed approach identifies the • The coefficients of the variables in the objective
best set of implementation options defined by the sets function are not known precisely. This means that
and non-dominated solutions. coefficients are fuzzy numbers;
Arikan et al. [2] presented a practical application of • All possible combinations of uncertainty.
fuzzy goal programming (FGP) in a real-life project A classical linear optimization problem consists on
network problem with two objectives, the minimum minimizing (maximizing) a certain objective function
completion time and crashing costs. Fuzziness in the subject to a set of constraints. Formally for the mini-
problem stems from the imprecise aspiration levels mization problem,
attained by the decision maker to both objectives.
Comparisons between solutions of fuzzy goal pro- min Z = cT x (1)
gramming, fuzzy linear programming, lexicographic
maximization method and linear programming are also Ax{≥, ≤, =}B (2)
x≥0 (3)
Abbasnia et al. [1] developed an approach for solving
time-cost tradeoff problem affecting uncertainties on In this paper we discuss the fuzzification of a lin-
activity cost. Fuzzy logic theory is employed to consider ear programming model to deal with project crashing
affecting uncertainties in total direct and indirect cost of problems in uncertain environments, where we have
a construction project. Non-dominated Sorting Genetic imprecision in the constraints boundaries and also in
Algorithm, a multi objective optimization algorithm is the objective function (Zimmermann [32], Bector and
applied to provide a trade-off between time and total Chandra [3]). Therefore, the fuzzy version of this prob-
cost. Project manager have different non-dominated lem with a fuzzy objective and a set of fuzzy constraints,
solutions or pareto solutions which are dependent on which are of the “less or equal type” or “greater or
his measure of accepted risk through applying ␣ cuts equal” type is generally formalized as,
methods in fuzzy logic theory.
Jin et al. [5] presented a GA-based fully fuzzy opti- min Z̃ = cT x (4)
mal time-cost trade-off model based on fuzzy sets and
˜ , ≥}B
˜ (5)
genetic algorithms. Parameters and variables are given
by fuzzy numbers. GAs is adopted to search for the x≥0 (6)
optimal solution to this model. The method solves
the time-cost trade-off problems under an uncertain where Z̃ represents a fuzzy goal, cT is the vector of
environment and is proved practicable through a giving crisp costs, A is the matrix that contains the fuzzy coef-
example in ship building scheduling. ficients of the objective and of the constraints and B̃
M. Milenkovic et al. / A Fuzzy Simulated Annealing approach for project time-cost tradeoff 207

is the corresponding vector of the fuzzy limits of the 3.1. Flexible fuzzification model
The first model to solve decision problems in a fuzzy Ribeiro and Moura-Pires [21–23] proposed a method
environment was proposed by Bellman and Zadeh [4]. for fuzzy optimization problems that include fuzzy
These authors consider that the decision on each alter- coefficients either in the objective function or in the
native results from the intersection of the objectives constraints. The whole process is designated as “flex-
and the constraints and that the union of the decisions ible approach” for fuzzy optimization problems in its
on each alternative gives the “best” decision. A fuzzy formalization is: assuming the formulation for fuzzy
decision can then be seen as an intersection of goals and optimization problems defined in (4–6), we made a
constraints, which mean that it is a symmetric model. A transformation into the following system of equations:
maximization fuzzy decision is defined as a point in the
space of alternatives, in which the membership function max Z = cT x (10)
of a fuzzy decision reaches its maximum value.
In general, the process of solving a fuzzy optimiza- max M = ∩(µ0 (cT x), µ(Ai x), µ(Ai x)) (11)
tion problem consists on the following steps: Subject to:
• Depending on the problem type, formalize it in cT x ≤ Z0 + (1 − µ0 (cT x))p0 (12)
the form of a linear programming problem or in
the form of a multiobjective form, or even as a non Ai x ≤ bi + (1 − µi (Ai x))pi (i = 1, 2, ..., m)(13)
linear programming problem.
Ak x ≥ bk − (1 − µk (Ak x))pk (k = 1, 2, ..., n) (14)
• If we intend to fuzzify the objectives, define the
goal for those objectives. µ0 (cT x), µi (Ai x), µk (Ak x) ∈ [0, 1] (15)
• Select the membership functions to represent the
fuzzification of any parameter and constraints, x≥0 (16)
such as triangular, sinusoidal, trapezoidal, or other.
It should be noted that all the fuzzy parameters are
• Define the membership functions with the nec-
presented with a tilde on the top. The ∩ symbol repre-
essary parameters for the preference value and
sents the intersection of all membership values. The
second objective represents the maximization of the
• Define thresholds for the allowable degree
intersection of all membership values, i.e. this goal
of the deviations/violations in the constraints
gives the best value of the minimum (intersection) of
the violations of constraints.
• Define the aggregation operator to combine the
The most frequently used membership functions -
constraints (and goals), e.g. the t-norm operator
to represent the deviations accepted for the fuzzy
objectives (goals), constraints and/or coefficients - are
• Solve the problem.
triangular functions. In particular, let µ0 denote the
The first proposal to formalize a fuzzy linear pro- membership function for the objective function and µi
gramming problem is due to Zimmermann [32]. This or µk denote the membership functions for the ith or kth
author considers that there exist flexibility in the viola- constraint. Let p0 and pi and pk be the permissible tol-
tion of both constraints and objective(s). This model is erances for the objective function and the constraints.
based on the symmetric model of Bellman and Zadeh Then we may decide µ0 and µi or µk to be either
[4]. non-increasing or non-decreasing as well as continuous
membership functions as follows:

⎪ 1 Ai x  bi
⎨ Ai x − b i
µi (Ai x) = 1 − bi < Ai x  bi + pi (17)

⎩0 pi
Ai x > bi − pi

⎪ 1 Ai x  bi
⎨ Ai x − b i
µi (Ai x) = 1 + bi − pi  Ai x < bi (18)

⎩0 pi
Ai x < bi − pi
208 M. Milenkovic et al. / A Fuzzy Simulated Annealing approach for project time-cost tradeoff

⎪ 1 cT x < Z0
⎨ Z0 − c T x
µ0 (c x) = 1 + Z0 ≤ cT x ≤ Z0 + p0 (19)

⎩0 p0
cT x > Z0 + p0

Function (17) corresponds to the membership func-

tion for constraints “less or equal”, function (18) is the constraints. Its implementation is defined by following
membership function for the constraints of the “greater flowchart (Fig. 1).
or equal” type, and function (19) is the membership The variable k is the counter for the number of
function of for objective function of minimization type. constraints. Min represents the aggregation of the
memberships of the fuzzy constraints. As aggregation
operator the t-norm min is used. The variable  rep-
4. The concept of Simulated Annealing resents the difference between the previous Min and
new Min. This represents the old and new energy
Simulated Annealing (SA) is a general purpose meta states difference. The probability function of moving
heuristic method that has been applied successfully to to a smaller energy state is given by exponential of 
a number of combinatorial optimization problems. The divided by the control parameter T. The smaller the
reasoning of simulated annealing is derived from the temperature the less probable any change will occur.
physics of annealing substances. Simulated annealing The algorithm includes also N(t) as the number of
seeks to minimize an energy function, which in com- generated neighbors. T(t) is decreasing function of tem-
binatorial optimization is the objective function. At the perature. The algorithm stops when the temperature is
beginning of the annealing process there is a high like- less than a defined limit value. As presented in previ-
lihood of accepting any transition made in the search ous chapter, the membership functions of the fuzzy goal
space (whether it improves the solution or not) rather and constraints used in this application are triangular
than later on the run. Each transition consists of choos- functions.
ing a variable at random and giving it another value (also
at random). This process is done in accordance with an
exponential acceptance function based on a parame- 5. A Fuzzy Simulated Annealing approach
ter called temperature. The temperature is decremented for project time-cost tradeoff
until it is quite small and hence very few uphill moves
(where a worse solution may replace the current solu- In traditional approaches for crashing project time
tion) are accepted. Since simulated annealing can make based on Critical Path Method, the first task is to identify
these uphill moves, settling into local optima is poten- the normal critical path and the critical activities. Then
tially avoided. The way the temperature is controlled it is required to determine the crash cost per time period
is referred to as the cooling schedule (Laarhoven and (cost-time slopes) for various activities. In most of the
Aarts [16]). existing time-cost tradeoff methodologies the activity
Four basic requirements for using the SA algorithm time-cost relationships are assumed to be deterministic
in combinatorial optimization problems are: (linear, convex, continuous) or fuzzy. Without loss of
generality, for easy implementation, in this paper the
• Concise description of the problem; relationship between normal cost and crash cost with
• Random generation of the changes from one con- respect to activity time is assumed to be linear [6, 14]:
figuration to another;
• An objective function containing the utility func- Crash Cost − Normal Cost
Slope =
tion of trade-offs; Normal Time − Crash Time
• The initial state, the number of iterations to be
performed at each temperature and its annealing The nonlinear cases can be generalized straightfor-
scheme. ward from this case. The next step is to identify the
activity on the critical path with the smallest crash cost
The objective of the simulated annealing algorithm per time period. This activity will be crashed to the
implementation is to solve fuzzy optimization model maximum possible extent or to the point at which man-
presented in the previous chapter by maximizing the agement’s desired deadline has been reached. Then it
aggregation of the membership values of the goals and should be checked that the critical path being crashed is
M. Milenkovic et al. / A Fuzzy Simulated Annealing approach for project time-cost tradeoff 209

Fig. 1. Simulated Annealing block diagram for maxmin approach.

still critical. If the path is still critical then the crashed be completed. Using events specifies the relationship
activity is the one with second lowest cost-time slopes between the activities. An event represents a point in
and this process is continued until the goal has been time that implies the completion of some activities and
reached. If, a reduction in a critical activity time causes the beginning of new ones, the beginning and end point
a non-critical path or paths to become critical, then of an activity are thus expressed by two events.
the crash will be continued along with the new criti- Now let’s define the variables of the problem:
cal path based on the lowest cost time slopes of the new
path. • ti – the time when an event i will occur, measured
Now, let us introduce a linear programming formula- from the start of the project, i = 1, ..., n;
tion for the optimal project crashing problem. The basic • tj – the time when an event j will occur, measured
data requirements are: from the start of the project, j = 1, ..., n;
• tij – Amount of time (in terms of days, weeks, or
• We have to know the project network with activity months or some other units) for each activity i − j;
time; • tijn – Normal time (in terms of days, weeks, or
• To what extent an activity can be crashed; months or some other units) for each activity
• Crash cost associated with per unit of time for all i−j ;
activities. • tiju – Crash time (in terms of days, weeks, or months
or some other units) for each activity i − j
As we know, a project is the combination of some • tij – Amount of time (in terms of days, weeks,
activities, which are interrelated in a logical sequence in or months or some other units) that each activity
the sense that the starting of some activities is dependent i − j can be crashed, i = 1, . . . , n, j = 1, . . . , n;
upon the completion of some other activities. These • Cij – crash cost per unit of time for activity i − j;
activities are jobs which require time and resources to • T – Proposed project deadline date;
210 M. Milenkovic et al. / A Fuzzy Simulated Annealing approach for project time-cost tradeoff

Hence, the linear programming formulation of the terms of starting and ending points (Fig. 2). Moreover,
time-cost tradeoff problem is as follows: as we can see the total number of events is 19.
n Before modeling the problem, it is required to deter-

Minimize Z = Cij tij (20) mine the extent of the project crashing time. According
i=1 j=1
to the Critical Path Method (CPM), the critical path for
normal length of activities is path B-H-M-O-P-Q-S-W,
Subject to: and the time length of this path is 280 time units (in
this case days). The critical path based on crash time
tij ≤ tijn − tiju , i = 1, ..., n, j = 1, ..., n, i =
/ j (21) of activities remain the same as previous B-H-M-O-P-
Q-S-W, and the time length is 262 days. Suppose now
tj − tij − ti ≥ tij , i = 1, ..., n, that we want to adjust the deadline of the project on its
expected completion date based on crash time.
j = 2, ..., n, i =
/ j (22)
According to LP formulation (20–23) of crashing
tn ≤ T (23) project time, the problem for this particular case study
can be interpreted as:
The objective (20) is to minimize the cost of crashing
the total project. Constraints (21) represent crash time Z = 30t12 + 30t13 + 20t24 + 20t28
constraints. The time to complete an activity can be + 15t25 + 16t36 + 20t39 + 18t37
reduced by increasing the resources or by improving the
productivity which also require additional resources. + 25t411 + 20t810 + 25t811 + 25t911
But it is not possible to reduce the time required to + 24t712 + 30t1112 + 120t1213 (24)
complete an activity after a certain threshold limit. Con-
straints (22) describe the network. As we mentioned, + 15t1314 + 10t1415 + 26.67t1416
activities of a project are interrelated, the starting of + 20t1518 + 20t1517 + 20t1618
some activities is dependent upon the completion of
some other activities. Since event 1 will start at the + 15t1619 + 16.67t1819 → Minimize
beginning of the project, we begin by setting the occur- Subject to:
rence time for event 1 equals to zero. Constraints (23) is Crashing time constraints:
the project completion constraint. This constraint will
recognize that the last event must take place before the t12 ≤ 1 (25)
project deadline date. However, in real world for many
projects we have to use human judgment for estimating. t13 ≤ 1 (26)
A way to deal with this imprecise data is to employ the t1819 ≤ 1 (27)
concept of fuzziness.
In the next chapter, for a real project, we fuzzified the Network constraints:
LP formulation according to the approach discussed in
t1 = 0 (28)
Chapter 3. Then the Simulated annealing algorithm is
used and the obtained results are compared with those t2 − t1 + t12 ≥ 5 (29)
of crisp linear programming and Zimmermann’s fuzzy
linear programming approach. t3 − t1 + t13 ≥ 5 (30)
t19 − t18 + t1819 ≥ 62.5 (31)
5.1. Fuzzy Simulated Annealing crashing
methodology applied to a project of Project completion constraint:
franchising implementation t19 ≤ 262 (32)
For the sake of testing our approach we used the The optimal solution for this exact formulation of
data from the project of franchising implementation project crashing problem, obtained using the CPLEX
managed by the Serbian Postal Company. All activi- software package is given in Table 3.
ties included in the project as well as needed time and Now, we will consider that in reality, unpredictable
costs, are given in Table 1. For the purpose of modeling situations may affect on the project activity times i.e.
the problem, it is necessary to define the activities in after obtaining crisp results we should relax the crashing
M. Milenkovic et al. / A Fuzzy Simulated Annealing approach for project time-cost tradeoff 211

Table 1
Activities, time, costs and relationships for the project network used for the example
Activity Description Depends on Normal time Crash time Normal cost Crash cost
(days) (days) (monetary units) (monetary units)
A Resource identification – 5 4 120 150
B Defining components and deadlines – 5 4 120 150
C Market segmentation by priority A 10 9 170 190
D Profile preparing for each market A 85 82 1470 1530
E Market analysis and franchise A 70 68 1210 1240
location identifying
F Identification of common outputs for B 22.5 20 390 430
G Selling information preparation B 21 20 360 380
H Establishing the project budget and B 62.5 57.5 1080 1170
estimated costs
I Developing the process for C 30 28 740 790
categorization of outputs based on
functions preferred by Post
J Developing the criteria for franchise D, E 5 4.5 120 130
K Developing the process for franchise D, E 10 8 250 300
L Developing the process of contract F, G 20 18 490 540
M Establishing the project budget and H 62.5 60 1540 1600
estimated costs
N Preparing the draft of plan I, J, K, L 10 9 250 280
O Presenting to superior M, N 5 4 0 120
P Evaluation of existing contract model O 20 18 300 330
Q Translation of contract on Serbian P 10 9 120 130
R Legal checking P 10 8.5 100 140
S Making necessary changes to adapt Q 52.5 50 1000 1050
in business environment
T Development of basic contract Q 50 47 1000 1060
models for each output
U Creating and implementation of R 30 25 600 700
franchise structure of payment
V Provision of all necessary R 45 43 600 630
permissions from higher instances
W Establishing the project budget and S, Y, U 62.5 59.5 1080 1130
estimated costs

Fig. 2. Network diagram of the project.

212 M. Milenkovic et al. / A Fuzzy Simulated Annealing approach for project time-cost tradeoff

Table 2
Tolerance intervals for project time-cost tradeoff problem
Constraints of “less or equal” type Constraints of “greater or equal” type
Lower bound Deviation Upper bound Lower bound Deviation Upper bound
(ci ) (di ) (ci +di ) (ci -di ) (di ) (ci )
Z = c0 = 350 100 450 4 d25 = 1 c25 = 5
c1 = 1 d1 = 1 2 4 d26 = 1 c26 = 5
c2 = 1 d2 = 5 6 9 d27 = 1 c27 = 10
c3 = 1 d3 = 1 2 69 d28 = 1 c28 = 70
c4 = 3 d4 = 2 5 20.5 d29 = 2 c29 = 22.5
c5 = 2 d5 = 1 3 60.5 d30 = 2 c30 = 62.5
c6 = 2.5 d6 = 5 7.5 82 d31 = 3 c31 = 85
c7 = 1 d7 = 0.5 1.5 −1 d32 = 1 c32 = 0
c8 = 5 d8 = 0.5 5.5 20 d33 = 1 c33 = 21
c9 = 2 d9 = 1 3 −1 d34 = 1 c34 = 0
c10 = 0.5 d10 = 0.5 1 3 d35 = 2 c35 = 5
c11 = 2 d11 = 1 3 9 d36 = 1 c36 = 10
c12 = 2 d12 = 0.5 2.5 −1 d37 = 1 c37 = 0
c13 = 2.5 d13 = 2 4.5 29 d38 = 1 c38 = 30
c14 = 1 d14 = 2 3 8 d39 = 2 c39 = 10
c15 = 1 d15 = 0.5 1.5 57.5 d40 = 5 c40 = 62.5
c16 = 2 d16 = 0.5 2.5 4 d41 = 1 c41 = 5
c17 = 1 d17 = 0.5 1.5 17 d42 = 3 c42 = 20
c18 = 1.5 d18 = 1 2.5 9 d43 = 1 c43 = 10
c19 = 2.5 d19 = 1 3.5 8 d44 = 2 c44 = 10
c20 = 3 d20 = 1 4 47 d45 = 3 c45 = 50
c21 = 5 d21 = 1 6 –2 d46 = 2 c46 = 0
c22 = 2 d22 = 1 3 52 d47 = 0.5 c47 = 52.5
c23 = 3 d23 = 1 4 29 d48 = 1 c48 = 30
c24 = 262 d24 = 5 267 62.5 d49 = 0 c49 = 62.5
44 d50 = 1 c50 = 45

time constraints and the network constraints to reflect considered project crashing problem. In the implemen-
the real situation during the project execution. Hence, tation of the SA algorithm it is needed to choose the
we fuzzified the problem, considering the tolerance following parameters:
intervals for the objective function and all constraints.
• How to generate a state y neighbor of x;
The total number of constraints is 51, and for each par-
• Which aggregation function to use;
ticular constraint, different permissible tolerances are
• The number of neighbours to generate - N(t);
defined in consultation with experts involved in real-
• The decreasing temperature function - T (t);
ization of considered project (Table 2).
• The stopping criterion.
We first solved the problem by using the Zimmer-
mann’s approach, which considers that in a fuzzy The choice of how to generate a state y as a neighbour
environment there is no difference between goals and of x, is done by defining a new state which is a random
constraints. Within this approach the objective moves point y where the distance to the point x is random and
into a constraint with a defined stretched boundary less than t, defined by
as any other fuzzy constraint. The resolution process ⎧

⎪ 0.5 if t < 100
proceeds to transform the problem into a crisp one, ⎪

using the objective for the maximization of the min- ⎨ 1.0 if 100 ≤ t < 200
η(t) =
imization of the membership values of the constraint ⎪
⎪ 1.5 if 200 ≤ t < 300

deviations, determined in functions like those in expres- ⎩ 2.5 if t ≥ 300
sions (17–19). The results of the considered problem
by using fuzzy Zimmermann approach are given in For the aggregation function the intersection of all
Tables 3 and 4. membership values of the constraints is selected, and
Next, on the base of flexible fuzzification model the operator used is the t – norm min. The intersection
presented in Chapter 3, we developed a suitable Sim- represents the logical “and” to signify that all con-
ulated Annealing algorithm for solving the model for straints must be satisfied to a certain degree (Min). The
M. Milenkovic et al. / A Fuzzy Simulated Annealing approach for project time-cost tradeoff 213

Table 3
Solutions of the Zimmermann’s approach and flexible fuzzification model for crashing project problem (α = 0.98)
Variable A B C Variable A B C Variable A B C
Z= 440.01 352.7 351.47
M 0.97 0.982
t12 0.00 0.00 0.54 t1314 2.00 2.01 0.44 t8 90.00 101.16 90.97
t13 1.00 1.13 0.54 t1415 1.00 1.01 0.26 t9 26.50 26.25 28.50
t24 0.00 0.00 0.60 t1416 0.00 0.00 0.57 t10 111.50 111.16 95.90
t28 0.00 0.00 0.09 t1518 2.50 2.53 0.02 t11 111.50 111.13 101.21
t25 0.00 0.00 0.15 t1517 0.00 0.00 0.29 t12 121.50 121.08 130.52
t36 0.00 0.00 0.85 t1618 0.00 0.00 2.61 t13 125.50 125.84 135.84
t39 0.00 0.00 0.00 t1619 0.00 0.00 0.85 t14 143.50 143.74 155.46
t37 5.00 5.01 1.19 t1819 3.00 3.02 1.88 t15 152.50 152.70 166.00
t411 0.00 0.00 0.52 t1 0.00 0.00 0.77 t16 172.50 172.69 165.49
t810 0.00 0.00 0.47 t2 5.00 4.97 5.99 t17 202.50 202.72 216.37
t811 0.00 0.00 0.06 t3 4.00 3.83 5.71 t18 202.50 202.66 219.43
t911 0.00 0.00 0.59 t4 81.50 81.16 15.50 t19 262.00 262.14 263.19
t712 2.50 2.55 0.16 t5 90.00 101.19 76.68
t1112 0.00 0.00 0.87 t6 26.50 26.28 28.29
t1213 1.00 0.21 0.59 t7 61.50 61.27 67.27

Table 4 of Zimmermann, which represents a reduction of about

Min results 87.31 monetary units as costs of project time crash-
Variables Simulated Annealing approach ing respect to the crisp case. Values of variables are
Maxmin (α > 0.95) Maxmin (α > 0.98) very similar to exact case, except a small difference for
Z 354.5 351.47 variables t1213 and t5 and t8 .
˜ 0.952 0.982
˜ 0.951 0.982
After several tests the threshold of α = 0.98 seems to
Min 0.951 0.982 provide the best results, as shown in Table 3. Applying
our fuzzy SA approach for the threshold value α = 0.95
for all constraints we obtained a slightly worse result
objective becomes the maximization of minimization for the objective function in comparison with Zim-
of the constraint deviations. mermann’s solution, but still well below the defined
For the number of neighours to be generated, N(t) we goal limit. Comparing decision variable values with
made a heuristic procedure of generating 300 neigh- those from fuzzy LP solution, there are differences
bours, if t < 300, and generating 400 neigbours if in most crashing time constraints, but all these new
t  300. This procedure assumes that more neighbours values are within the boundaries, so there is no infea-
should be generated when the temperature decreases sibility. Furthermore, we can observe that values for
to have more options to test. The temperature’s func- variables t4 , t5 , t8 , t10 , t11 , and t16 present a reduction
tion T (t) uses a decreasing factor of 0.95. The stopping in time, relatively to Zimmermann’s and crisp solu-
criterion used is reached when the temperature is less tion, while the others have slightly higher values (see
than 0.0018. For the purpose of solving time-cost trade- Table 3).
off project problem the SA algorithm was coded in C In case of increasing the satisfaction degree for all
programming language. constraints to a value of 0.98, the value of objective
To prove the applicability of our approach for fuzzy function decreases to 351.47 which is a better result
time-cost trade-off project crashing problem we tested it than for the Zimmermann’s case. Decision variables for
for different threshold values. We compared the results this case have values that are very close to those from
of the crisp version (A), Zimmerman’s approach (B) the first test.
and the SA algorithm based on flexible fuzzification In summary, we can conclude that the use of Sim-
model (C) for the considered project time-cost tradeoff ulated Annealing for the purpose of solving project
problem. time-cost tradeoff problem in the presence of uncer-
After relaxing the objective function and the con- tainty seems quite flexible and adaptable than the
straints, we obtained the value of 352.7. For the crisp mathematical transformations required in Zim-
objective function when using the crisp transformation mermann method.
214 M. Milenkovic et al. / A Fuzzy Simulated Annealing approach for project time-cost tradeoff

From Table 4 we can see that the fuzzy SA, as a References

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