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Struktur dan Perkembangan

Bunga dan Perbungaan

Bagian 2: Stamen dan Putik
Part 2:
Parts of Flower
Stamen (Benang Sari)
• Alat KelaminJantan
• Lingkaran ke tiga dari
• Letaknya bergantian
dengan petal dan
berhadapan dengan sepal

23-Oct-23 4
2 Bagian Stamen
• Tangkai sari
• Kepala Sari (anthera)
– Ruang/Kotak sari
(theca), Biasanya
sepasang dan diantara
keduanya terdapat
penghubung kotak sari
– Serbuk sari (pollen),
dlm kotak sari

23-Oct-23 5
• Terminology:
– Anther: Upper swollen part with microsporangia.
– Filament: Stalk of stamen
– Connective: Tissue connecting anther lobes
with filament
• Anther typically contains two com-
partments called thecae (singular
theca). Each theca consists of two
microsporangia. Two microsporangia
fused to form a locule.
• A pollen grain develops from
a microspore in the microsporangium
and contains the male gametophyte.
Letak Stamen pd Bunga
• Pada reseptaculum (jeruk)
• Diatas kelopak (mawar)
• Diatas corolla (Heliotropium
indicum, Alamanda

Jumlah Benang Sari
• Sama banyak dengan
petal (isostemony)
– Epipetal
– Episepal
• Didynamus
• Tetradynamus
Jumlah Benang Sari
• The androecium can consist of as few as one-half
stamen (i.e. a single locule) as in Canna species or as
many as 3,482 stamens which have been counted in
the saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea).

Carnegiea gigantea

Stamen dari Canna. A:

Anthera; PA: Petaloid
Appedages. Bar = 1 cm
Bunga Canna
Figure 3. Normal type of inflorescence and flower in Canna. (A) to (C) C. indica. (A) Inflorescence of C. indica; (B) 1-flowered
cincinnus and flower dissection of C. indica; (C) The fertile stamen of C. indica. (D) to (F) C. glauca; (D) Inflorescence of C.
glauca; (E) 2-flowered cincinnus and flower dissection of C. glauca; (F) The fertile stamen of C. glauca; (G) SEM picture shows
a developing inflorescence of C. indica; (H) Diagram showing the ground plan of partial inflorescence of normal type Canna;
(I) Illustration of Canna inflorescence from lateral view. A, anther; ax, main florescence axis; b, primary bract; CM, cincinnus
meristem; F1, the primary flower; F2, the secondary flower bract; CM, cincinnus meristem; F1, the primary flower; F2, the
secondary flower; FS, fertile stamen; G, gynoecium; IM, main inflorescence meristem; L, labellum; P, petal; P1, adaxial petal;
P2, abaxial petal; P3, lateral petal; PA, petaloid appendage; PF, partial inflorescence; PS, petaloid staminode; S, sepal; S1,
lateral sepal; S2, abaxial sepal; S3, adaxial sepal; sb, the secondary bract; Si, inner petaloid staminode; So1, lateral outer
petaloid staminode; So2, aborted abaxial outer staminode; So3, aborted adaxial outer staminode; Sty, style; tb, the tertiary
bract. The Bars: (B,C,E,F) = 1 cm; (G) = 100 m. (Yu, et al., 2022)
Jumlah Benang Sari
• Satu lingkaran dengan jumlah
stamen sama dengan jumlah petal
dan terletak diantaranya
• Dlm dua lingkaran (2x jumlah petal)
– Diplostemonous,stamen pada lingkaran
luar berseling dengan petal,stamen
lingkaran dalam berseling dengan sepal
(berhadapan dgn petal). Misalnya kembang
merak (Caesalpinia pulcherrima Swartz dan
ketepeng (Cassia fistula)
– Obdiplostemonous, jika stamen pada
lingkaran luar berhadapan dengan petal dan
yang lingkaran dalam berseling dengan
petal. Misalnya,bunga geranium
(Pelargonium odoratissimum Hort).
Jumlah Benang Sari
• Banyak (pada Myrtaceae: jambu biji, gelam, jambu air)

23-Oct-23 13
Jumlah Benang Sari
1. didymous: two equal pairs
2. didynamous: occurring in two pairs, a long pair and
a shorter pair
3. tetradynamous: occurring as a set of six stamens
with four long and two shorter ones

Didynamous Tetradinamous
Didynamous Stamen

Vitex lucens

The distinctive pinkish-red

petals with four stamens,
the two inner being
shorter than the two
peripheral. Note also the
bifid stigma.
Union of stamen
• The union of stamens takes place either among
themselves (cohesion/connation) or with other whorls
• Cohesion/connation: Refers to the fusion of stamens
among themselves. It is of 3 types, a). Adelphy
(Monadelphous or ployadelpohus), b). Syngenecious,
and c). Synandrous.
• Adhesion of stamens : Stamens may unite with other
floral whorls like Perianth, petals or gynoecium. Based on
the floral organ involved in the union with stamens, the
adhesion may be of the following types: a). Epipetalous,
b). Episepalous, c). Gynostegium, and d). Pollinium
of Stamens

Connation of Stamen: Adelphy
• Monadelphous: Filaments of stamens connate into a single bundle
(Staminal Column). Example: Malvaceae (chinarose,cotton).
• Diadelphous: Filaments of stamens connate into two bundles. Example:
Fabaceae, Pea and Bean.
• Polyadelphous: Filaments connate into many bundles. Example: Citrus,

a. Monadelphous (Hibiscus)
b. Diadelphous (Fabaceae)
c. Polyadelphous (Citrus)

Monadelphous diadelphous polyadelphous

a. Monadelphous (Hibiscus)
b. Diadelphous (Fabaceae)
c. Polyadelphous (Citrus)

Hibiscus Fabaceae Citrus

Polyadelphus pada Citrus
Cohesion / Connation
of Stamen
• Syngenesious: Anthers
connate, filaments
free. Example:
• Synandrous: Filaments
and anthers are
completely fused.
Example: Coccinea,
Synegensious pada

Helianthus annuus Bidens pilosa

Synandrous pada

Anthera dan
Adhesion of stamens
• Epiphyllous : Stamens unite with perianth/perigonium. e.g., Asparagus
officinalis, Ixora, Gloriosa
• Epipetalous : Stamens unite with petals. e.g., Allamanda cathartica,
• Gynandrous : Stamens unite with gynoecium. It is also called gynandrium
or gynostegium. e.g., Calotropis gigantea
• Pollinium: Pollen grains are fused together as a single mass, e.g.
Calotropis, Asclepias (Asclepiadaceae), Orchidaceae.

stamen g
Gynostegium dan Polinia pada
Calotropis gigantea

Antera dan Filamen
Struktur Anthera (Simpson, 2019)
Bentuk-bentuk Anthera
SEM Antera dan Filamen
Pentas lanceolata
Attachment of anther to the
• Innate or Basifixed: When
the filament is firmly attached
to the base of the anther.
Solanum sp
• Adnate: When filament
running the whole length of
the anther from the base to
apex. Michelia sp Innate or Basifixed Adnated
• Dorsifixed: When the filament
attached to the back of
anther. Bauhinia variegate.
• Versatile: Filament attached
to the back of anther at a
point only , so that the later
can swing freely. Graminae
Dorsifixed Versatile
Tipe-tipe Perlekatan Antera
basifixed dorsifixed versatile

4 Cara Anthera Membuka
• Celah membujur (longitudinal dehiscent); contoh:
Helianthus annuus, Begonia spp, Hibiscus,
• Celah melintang (transversal dehiscent); contoh;
• Lobang pada pangkal (poro dehiscent); Contoh:
Solanum tuberosum (Solanaceae)
• Katup (valvi dehiscent) contoh: Cinnamomum
burmannii, Persea americana (Lauraceae)

23-Oct-23 35
4 Cara Anthera Membuka

longitudinal transversal Poro Valvi

dehiscent dehiscent dehiscent dehiscent
Modifikasi Stamen
• Staminodium (benang sari
yang steril)
• Staminodium petaloid
(benang sari yang
termodifikasi menjadi petal)
• Staminal colum (tangkaisari
bersatu berbentuk tabung)
• Nectaries are specialized nectar-producing structures of the flower.
Nectar is a solution of one or more sugars and various other compounds
and functions as an attractant (a reward ) to promote animal pollination.
• Nectaries may be padlike, developing as a discrete pad of tissue
extending only part-way around the base of the flower.
• Commonly, a floral disk, consisting of a disk-like or doughnut- shaped
mass of tissue surrounding the ovary base or top, functions as a nectary.
These nectariferous disks may be inner to (intrastaminal), beneath
(staminal), or outer to (extrastaminal) the androecium.
• A perigonal nectary is one on the perianth, usually at the base of
sepals, petals, or tepals.
• Septal nectaries are specialized tissues embedded within the septae of
an ovary
Figure 2 – a-c. Position of the nectary in the flower (longitudinal sections of the staminate flower of
Randia micracantha in which the nectary can be seen surrounding the base of the style) – a. anthetic
flower; b. detail of the nectary area from a fresh flower; c. detail of the nectary area, with light
microscopy. Abbreviations: an = anther; ca = calyx; co = corolla; ne = nectary; ov = ovary; sg =
stigma; st = style. Scale bar: a, b = 1 mm; c = 100 μm (Judkevich, et al., 2022)
Position of the nectaries in a G. sylvaticum flower (Varga et al., 2013)
Fig. 1. Nectaries in the
morphologically and
functionally differentiated
flowers of Acer platanoides. A,
B – Inflorescences; C –
functionally male flower; D,E –
nectaries in functionally male
flowers; F – vertical sectional
view of a functionally female
flower; G – portion of a
functionally male flower with
the nectary; H,I – layer of
nectar on the nectary surface;
n – nectary, r – receptacle. A-x
0.5; B-x 2; C-x 4; D-x 7;, E-x
8; F,G – x 9; H-x 12; I –x 17.
(Weryszko-Chmielewska and
Sulborska 2011)
Fig. 1. Flowers and nectaries of
Citrus limon. SLM images: a-
flowers with nectaries (arrow); b-
nectary in a functionally male
flower (with a short vestigial pistil)
and in a hermaphrodite flower
(with a long pistil); c-e-different
shaped nectaries in dorsal view in
functionally male flowers; f-lateral
view of the hermaphrodite
flower's nectary; Ne-nectary, Pe-
petal, St-stamen, Pi-pistil, Ov-
ovary, Re-receptacle (Konarska &
Weryszko-Chmielewska, 2016)
Fig 1: Flowers of pummelo cv.
Nambangan : A. group of flowers
(compound flower); B. single flower; C.
female sex organ (pistil); D. male
sexorgan (stamen); E. lateral view of
nectary; F. dorsal view of nectary; G.
fertilized embryo; H. flower structure;
I. floral diagram; Pi-pistil, Sti-stigma,
Sty-style, St-stamen, Fi-filament, An-
anther, Ov-ovary, Ne-nectary, Se-sepal,
Pe-petal, Re-receptacle, Ped-pedicel
(PDF) The diversity and abundance of
visitor insects on pummelo (Citrus
maxima (burm) Merr) cv. nambangan.
Available from:
bangan [accessed Oct 22 2023].
• Gynoecium: Fourth series; the
terminal or centermost component;
the female reproductive unit;
• The unit of the gynoecium is the
carpel, defined as a modified,
typically conduplicate megasporophyll
that encloses one or more ovules.
• Pistil, Terdiri atas:
– Kepala Putik (stigma)
– Tangkai Putik (stilus)
– Bakal Buah (ovarium), di dlmnya ada:
• Bakal Biji
• Plasenta

23-Oct-23 45
What is a carpel

• Basic unit of gynoecium

• The foliar, ovule –
bearing unit of a flower
that forms either all
(apocarpous) or part
(syncarpous) of the
• Leaflike megasporophyll
with infolded or inrolled
connate margins bearing
one or more ovules on
the inside.
• Carpels 1 per flower (simple)
• Carpels more than 1 per flower
– carpels distinct (apocarpous
– carpels connate (syncarpous
• Pistil – equivalent to gynoecium;
formed from one or more carpels
• Simple pistil – a gynoecium with one
• Compound pistil – a gyneocium with
two to many separate or fused
carpels (it combines both apocarpous
and syncarpous gynoecia)

23-Oct-23 47
Stigma (Kepala Putik)
• The term stigma is used for a discrete structure that is
receptive to pollen on the entire surface, whereas stigmatic
region may be used for that portion of a larger structure
(generally a style or style branch) that is receptive to pollen.
• General shape terms may be used to describe stigma or
stigmatic region types.
• A few common stigma or stigmatic region types ar:
– discoid, with stigma(s) disk-shaped;
– globose, with stigma(s) spherical in shape;
– linear, with stigmas or stigmatic tissue long and narrow in shape;
– plumose, stigmas with feathery, trichome-like extensions, often
found in wind-pollinated taxa (e.g., in Cyperaceae, Poaceae).
Kepala Putik

• Berbagai bentuk:
– Benang : jagung
– Bulu ayam : padi
– Bulat : jeruk
• Gynostegium: Kepala Putik bersatu
dengan stamen → Callotrophis

23-Oct-23 49
Tangkai Putik (Stylus)
• Posisi Tangkai Putik: is the placement of the style relative to the body of the
ovary. Terdiri atas:
– A terminal or apical style position is one arising at the ovary apex; this is by far the most
common type.
– A subapical style arises to one side, near and slightly below
the ovary apex.
– A lateral style position is one arising at the side of an ovary, as in members
of the Rosaceae, such as Fragaria.
– A gynobasic style arises from the base of the ovary. Gynobasic styles are
characteristic of the Boraginaceae, s.s. and of most Lamiaceae, in which the
style arises from the base and center of a strongly lobed ovary.
• Styles may be structurally specialized in some taxa. One specialized style
structural type is a stylar beak, a persistent, extended style or basal (to
subbasal) stylar region. A beak is typically accrescent and elongates during fruit
formation. Beaks function in fruit dispersal, as in members of the Asteraceae
(e.g., Taraxacum, dandelion) or Geraniaceae (e.g., Geranium).
Bagian-bagian Ovary
(Bakal Buah)
• Within the ovary, a septum (plural septa) is a partition or cross-wall.
• A locule is an ovary cavity, enclosed by the ovary walls and septa.
Locule number may be an important systematic character; the term
unilocular may be used for an ovary with one locule, pleurilocular
for an ovary with two or more (typically many) locules.
• Placenta are the tissues of the ovary that bear the ovules, the
immature seeds.
• A funiculus is a stalk that may lead from the placenta to the ovule.
• A column is the central axis to which septae and/or placentae are
attached in axile or free-central placentation
Jumlah Karpel
• If the gynoecium is apocarpous, the number of
carpels is equal to the number of pistils
• If there is a single pistil:
– can be equivalent to one carpel (i.e., unicarpellous) or
– be composed of any number of fused carpels.
• For one pistil the carpel number is determined:
(1) equal to the number of styles or stigmas, greater than 1. the
styles or stigmas is a part of a carpel or is interpreted as a vestige of
an ancestral carpel.
(2) If a single pistil has only one style and stigma, the ovary must be
dissected to reveal the carpel number.
a. If the ovary is plurilocular, then locule number is generally equal
to the number of carpels.
b. If the ovary is unilocular, the number of carpels is equal to the
number of placentae.
Jumlah Ruang
• Locule number is generally easy to determine from ovary cross- and/or
longitudinal sections, being equivalent to the number of wall-enclosed
chambers within the ovary.
• In a general sense, ovaries may be
• unilocular, with a single locule, or
• plurilocular, having two or more locules.
• In some angiosperms, septa may divide the ovary into chambers in one region,
such as the ovary base, but not in another region, such as the ovary apex; in
such a case, the chambers below are continuous with one chamber above, and
the locule number is technically 1, or unilocular.
Perianth/Androecial Position
Bakal Buah

• Berdasarkan letak bakal buah terhadap dasar

– Superus
– Semiinferus
– Inferus
• Berdasarkan jumlah ruang
– Beruang satu : pepaya
– Beruang dua : kubis
– Beruang tiga : karet
– Beruang banyak: duren

23-Oct-23 59
• Placentation refers to the positioning of the ovules and takes into
account the number and position of placentae, septa, and locules.
• Determining placentation requires probing or making a cross and/or
longitudinal section of the ovary.
Tipe Plasenta
• axile, plasenta muncul dari kolom ovarium majemuk dengan sekat (septa),
umum terdapat pada tumbuhan berbunga, contohnya pada Liliaceae
• apical or pendulous, placenta pada bagian atas ovarium;
• apical-axile, denga dua atau lebih plasenta pada bagian atas ovarium
bersekat, seperti pada Apiaceae;
• basal, satu placenta pada bagian bawah ovarium seperti pada Asteraceae
and Poaceae;
• free-central, placentae disepanjang kolom ovarium majemuk (syncarpus),
tanpa sekat seperti pada Caryophyllaceae;
Tipe Plasenta
• laminar, dengan bakal biji muncul dari permukaan sekat;
• marginal, plasenta disepanjang tepi dari ovarium unikarpel seperti pada
• parietal, placentae diata dinding ovarium atau di atas partisi yang
muncul dari ovarium unilocular majemuk, seperti pada Violaceae;
• parietal-axile, placentae pada persilangan sekat dengan dinding
ovarium dari dua atau lebih ruang ovarium seperti pada Brassicaceae;
• parietal-septate, placentae pada dinding dalam ovarium tapi daam
ruang sekat seperti pada Aizoaceae.

23-Oct-23 63
Marginal Free-central Axile Parietal
Fabaceae Caryophyllaceae Amaryllidaceae Papaveraceae
Struktur Bunga Calotropis

• Corona
• Anther
• Style
• Sepal
• Petal
Struktur Bunga Calotropis
Struktur Bunga Calotropis
Struktur Bunga Calotropis
Struktur Bunga Calotropis
Struktur Bunga Asclepias
Struktur Bunga Anggrek
Struktur Bunga Anggrek
Struktur Bunga Anggrek
Struktur Bunga Anggrek
Struktur Bunga Anggrek
Struktur Bunga Poaceae,
Cyperaceae, Juncaceae
Struktur Bunga Cyperaceae,
Struktur Bunga Cyperaceae,
Struktur Bunga Cyperaceae,
Struktur Bunga Cyperaceae,
Flower Maturation
• the time of development of flowers or flower parts
• Anthesis is the general time of flowering, the opening of flowers with parts
available for pollination.
• The relative timing of development of male versus female flowers or floral
parts can be an important feature in reproductive biology.
• Protandrous refers to stamens developing, or pollen release occuring, prior to
the maturation of carpels or stigmas being receptive.
• Protogynous is the reverse, with carpels or stigmas developing before stamens
mature or pollen is released. Both protandry and protogyny may function to
promote outcrossing (and thus inhibit selfing) within individuals of a species.
• Two flower maturation terms dealing with the relative direction of development
of parts can be important in describing taxonomic groups.
• Centrifugal refers to developing from the center toward the outside or
periphery, whereas centripetal is development from the outside or periphery
toward the center region. Both centrifugal and centripetal can be applied to
parts of the perianth, calyx, corolla, androecium, or gynoecium; the terms are
often used to describe the direction of development of stamens in a
multiwhorled androecium.

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