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Part 3: Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of your group solutions.

Advantages of the proposed solutions:

- Resolve problems immediately: Suggested solutions address pressing issues at hand,
such as accommodating overbooked guests, managing pets, and resolving equipment
failures, helping to retrieve regain control of the situation quickly.
- Guest satisfaction: By providing alternative accommodations to overbooked guests and
prioritizing the needs of pet owners, hotels can salvage guest satisfaction, even in the face
of challenges. challenges.
- Effective communication: Implementing improved communication channels and
emergency response procedures can prevent similar problems in the future and promote
better teamwork among hotel staff .
- Preventive measures: Increased staff training and implementation of a booking
verification process can help prevent recurring issues related to pet policies and
- Supplier relationships: Establishing direct communication between suppliers and
department heads can help resolve problems more effectively, reducing the impact of
supply shortages on hotel operations .
Disadvantages of the proposed solutions:
- Immediate costs: Some immediate solutions, such as arranging transportation for
overbooked guests, may incur additional costs that the hotel will need to bear.
- Employee stress: Addressing employee behavior in stressful situations can be
challenging and it can take time to rebuild morale and team spirit.
- Guest inconvenience: Despite our best efforts, some guests may still experience
inconvenience due to initial issues, which may lead to negative reviews or complaints.
- Supplier substitution: Substitution of products from different suppliers can lead to
differences in quality, which can affect the overall guest experience, especially in the case
of orders. special order like chocolate Swiss roll cake.

The proposed solutions aim to minimize the immediate problems encountered by The
Times Hotel and enhance communication to prevent future problems. While they have
advantages such as addressing the current crisis and improving guest satisfaction, there
are also disadvantages, including potential costs and the need to deal with employee
stress. Ultimately, a hotel's ability to recover from this challenging situation and improve
its operations will depend on its commitment to implementing recommended changes,
monitoring their effectiveness, and continuously improving them. process to deliver
seamless and exceptional customer experiences in the future.

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