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Before discussing the potential adoption of a Property Management System (PMS) with Margaret

Chu, the general manager of The Times Hotel, Ana Chavarria and Lorraine DeSantes should take the
following steps:

1. Research and Evaluation:

 Conduct thorough research on different PMS options available in the market.
 Create a list of potential vendors and systems that fit the specific needs of The Times
 Evaluate the features, benefits, and costs associated with each PMS solution.
 Compare the systems' compatibility with the hotel's existing technology
2. Identify Specific Needs and Goals:
 Define the specific needs and objectives that both the front office and marketing and
sales departments aim to achieve with the PMS.
 Determine the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will measure the success of the
PMS implementation in both departments.
3. Cost-Benefit Analysis:
 Calculate the expected return on investment (ROI) for adopting a PMS.
 Consider not only the initial acquisition cost but also ongoing maintenance, training,
and support expenses.
 Determine how long it will take to recoup the investment through increased
efficiency and revenue.
4. Assess Training and Support Requirements:
 Identify the training needs for staff members in both the front office and marketing
and sales departments.
 Determine if the chosen PMS vendor provides adequate training and support
5. Legal and Compliance Considerations:
 Ensure that the selected PMS complies with relevant laws and regulations in the hotel
industry, such as data protection and privacy laws.
6. Scalability and Future-Proofing:
 Assess whether the chosen PMS can accommodate the hotel's future growth and
evolving technology needs.
 Consider the scalability of the system and its ability to integrate with other tools and

Once Ana and Lorraine have completed these preliminary steps and are prepared to discuss the
adoption of a PMS with Margaret Chu, they should proceed as follows:

1. Meeting with Margaret Chu:

 Schedule a meeting with Margaret Chu to present their findings and
 Clearly articulate the benefits and potential ROI of implementing a PMS in both the
front office and marketing and sales departments.
2. Involve Key Stakeholders:
 Include key stakeholders from various departments, such as IT, finance, and
operations, in the discussions and decision-making process.
 Gather input and address concerns from all relevant parties.
3. Develop a PMS Adoption Plan:
 Collaborate with the IT department to create a detailed plan for the PMS adoption,
including timelines, budget allocation, and resource allocation.
 Define roles and responsibilities for each department involved.
4. Vendor Selection:
 If Ms. Chu approves the adoption of a PMS, involve the procurement department in
the vendor selection process.
 Negotiate with selected vendors for the best pricing and contractual terms.
5. Implementation and Training:
 Work closely with the chosen PMS vendor to ensure a smooth implementation
 Provide comprehensive training to staff members to ensure they can effectively use
the new system.
6. Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation:
 Establish regular performance reviews and assessments to measure the system's
 Continuously adapt and optimize the PMS to meet the evolving needs of the hotel.

By following these steps and involving relevant stakeholders, Ana and Lorraine can make an
informed case for the adoption of a PMS and ensure a successful implementation that benefits both
the front office and marketing and sales departments at The Times Hotel.

Ana Chavarria, front office manager, and Lorraine DeSantes, director of marketing and sales, have
just returned from a computer conference at which they were able to look at the latest property
management systems for hotels. Ana is enthusiastic about updating and adopting front office
applications for reservations, registration, room status, posting, call accounting, checkout, and night
audit. Lorraine is sure the marketing and sales applications will help her department be more
efficient. Both realize the cost involved in obtaining modules for a property management system.
What would you suggest they do prior to discussing this issue with Margaret Chu, general manager
of The Times Hotel?
Before discussing the potential adoption of a Property Management System (PMS) with Margaret
Chu, the general manager of The Times Hotel, Ana Chavarria and Lorraine DeSantes should take
several preliminary steps to ensure they are well-prepared and can make a compelling case for the
PMS adoption:

1. Needs Assessment:
 Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the current operational processes in both
the front office and marketing and sales departments. Identify pain points,
bottlenecks, and areas where efficiency can be improved.
2. Vendor Research and Evaluation:
 Research different PMS vendors and their offerings. Look for vendors that specialize
in hotel management systems and have a good reputation in the industry.
 Evaluate the features and capabilities of different PMS systems to ensure they align
with the specific needs of The Times Hotel.
3. Cost-Benefit Analysis:
 Estimate the total cost of ownership (TCO) for implementing a PMS, including the
initial acquisition costs, ongoing maintenance fees, training expenses, and any
hardware or infrastructure upgrades required.
 Calculate the potential return on investment (ROI) by quantifying the expected
benefits, such as increased efficiency, reduced errors, and improved guest
4. ROI Projection:
 Develop a clear projection of how the PMS adoption will impact the hotel's revenue
and profitability. This may include projections for increased bookings, higher
occupancy rates, and improved marketing and sales efficiency.
5. Technology Infrastructure Assessment:
 Assess the current technology infrastructure of The Times Hotel to determine if any
upgrades or modifications will be needed to support the new PMS.
6. Staff Training Needs:
 Identify the training needs of both front office and marketing and sales staff.
Determine the time and resources required to ensure a smooth transition to the new
7. Data Security and Compliance:
 Consider data security and compliance requirements, especially if the PMS will handle
sensitive guest information. Ensure that the selected PMS complies with relevant data
protection and privacy regulations.
8. Integration with Existing Systems:
 Determine whether the chosen PMS can seamlessly integrate with any existing
systems or software used by the hotel, such as accounting software, guest
relationship management (CRM) tools, or online booking platforms.
9. Risk Assessment:
 Identify potential risks and challenges associated with PMS adoption and develop
mitigation strategies for these risks.
10. Alignment with Hotel Goals:
 Ensure that the adoption of a PMS aligns with the overall strategic goals and vision of
The Times Hotel. Consider how it fits into the long-term plans for the hotel.
11. Gather Supporting Data:
 Collect data and case studies from other hotels or businesses that have successfully
implemented the same or similar PMS systems to support your proposal.

Once Ana and Lorraine have completed these preliminary steps, they will be well-prepared to discuss
the potential adoption of a PMS with Margaret Chu. Their proposal should include a detailed analysis
of costs and benefits, a clear plan for implementation, and a compelling argument for how the PMS
will improve both front office and marketing and sales operations at The Times Hotel.
Assuming Ms. Chu is willing to consider the purchase of a PMS, how should Ana and Lorraine
If Ms. Chu is willing to consider the purchase of a Property Management System (PMS) for The Times
Hotel, Ana and Lorraine should proceed as follows:

1. Formulate a Presentation:
 Prepare a comprehensive and well-structured presentation outlining the benefits,
costs, and implementation plan for the PMS adoption.
 Ensure that the presentation is clear, concise, and tailored to address Ms. Chu's
concerns and priorities.
2. Schedule a Meeting:
 Request a meeting with Ms. Chu to discuss the PMS proposal. Allow ample time for
the presentation and subsequent discussion.
3. Highlight the Benefits:
 Emphasize the advantages of adopting the PMS, focusing on how it will improve the
operations and efficiency of both the front office and marketing and sales
 Discuss how it will enhance the guest experience, increase revenue, reduce errors,
and streamline processes.
4. Cost-Benefit Analysis:
 Present a detailed cost-benefit analysis that outlines the expected return on
investment (ROI) over a specified period.
 Explain how the benefits will outweigh the initial costs and provide a timeline for
when the hotel can expect to see a positive ROI.
5. Implementation Plan:
 Share the proposed plan for implementing the PMS, including timelines, resource
requirements, and training programs for staff.
 Address any potential disruptions and explain how they will be minimized during the
6. Risk Mitigation:
 Acknowledge any potential risks associated with PMS adoption and present
strategies to mitigate these risks effectively.
 Show that careful planning has been done to ensure a smooth transition.
7. Data Security and Compliance:
 Address data security and compliance concerns and explain how the selected PMS
meets industry standards and regulations.
8. Stakeholder Involvement:
 Highlight the involvement of key stakeholders from various departments in the
planning and decision-making process.
 Demonstrate that the proposal has received input and buy-in from relevant parties.
9. Questions and Concerns:
 Encourage Ms. Chu to ask questions and express any concerns she may have about
the PMS adoption.
 Be prepared to provide detailed answers and solutions to address her concerns.
10. Alternative Solutions:
 If Ms. Chu has reservations about the proposed PMS, be ready to discuss alternative
solutions or modifications to the plan that could address her concerns while still
achieving the desired improvements.
11. Next Steps:
 Request Ms. Chu's feedback and guidance on the next steps. Be open to her
suggestions and recommendations.
12. Follow-Up:
 After the meeting, follow up with a written summary of the presentation, including
key points and action items.
 Be prepared to provide any additional information or data that Ms. Chu may request.

By presenting a well-prepared and persuasive case for the PMS adoption, while also being receptive
to Ms. Chu's input and concerns, Ana and Lorraine can increase the likelihood of obtaining approval
for the implementation of the system at The Times Hotel.

Whom should they include in developing a PMS adoption plan, and why?
In developing a Property Management System (PMS) adoption plan for The Times Hotel, Ana
Chavarria and Lorraine DeSantes should involve various stakeholders from different departments and
roles within the organization. Inclusion of these individuals is important because it ensures a holistic
approach to the planning process and helps address the diverse needs and perspectives of the hotel.
Here are the key stakeholders to include and the reasons for their involvement:

1. Margaret Chu (General Manager):

 Ms. Chu should be actively involved as she holds the highest authority in the hotel.
Her approval and support are essential for any major decision, including PMS
2. IT Department:
 The IT team is crucial for evaluating the technical requirements and compatibility of
the PMS with the existing technology infrastructure.
 IT experts can provide insights into data security, system integration, and potential
technical challenges.
3. Front Office Staff (Reservation, Registration, Reception, Night Audit, etc.):
 Front office staff members are the primary users of the PMS. Their input is invaluable
for identifying specific needs, pain points, and workflow improvements.
 Involving them ensures that the chosen PMS aligns with their daily tasks and
enhances their efficiency.
4. Marketing and Sales Team:
 Lorraine DeSantes' marketing and sales team should be engaged to understand how
the PMS can support their operations.
 They can provide insights into guest preferences, booking processes, and the data
they require for marketing campaigns.
5. Finance Department:
 The finance team can evaluate the financial aspects of the PMS adoption, including
budgeting, cost projections, and ROI analysis.
 Their involvement ensures that the project aligns with the hotel's financial goals.
6. Guest Services and Housekeeping Departments:
 Guest services and housekeeping teams should be consulted to assess how the PMS
can enhance room status tracking, housekeeping scheduling, and guest requests
 Their input is crucial for improving guest satisfaction.
7. Legal and Compliance Experts:
 Legal and compliance experts, either within the organization or external advisors,
should assess the PMS for data security and compliance with relevant regulations.
 Ensuring legal and ethical data handling is essential in the hospitality industry.
8. Training and HR Department:
 The training and human resources department should be involved in planning staff
training programs for the PMS implementation.
 They can help design training materials and ensure a smooth transition for
9. Procurement Department:
 The procurement team can assist in vendor selection, contract negotiations, and
procurement of hardware or software licenses.
 Their involvement ensures a cost-effective acquisition process.
10. Guest Feedback and Input:
 Gathering feedback and input from guests or conducting surveys can provide
insights into guest preferences and expectations related to the PMS.
 This external perspective can help tailor the PMS to meet guest needs.
11. PMS Vendor Representatives:
 Representatives from the PMS vendor should be included in discussions to provide
insights into system capabilities, customization options, and ongoing support.
 They can answer technical questions and address vendor-specific concerns.

By involving these stakeholders, Ana and Lorraine can create a comprehensive PMS adoption plan
that addresses the needs and concerns of various departments, ensures smooth implementation, and
maximizes the benefits of the PMS for The Times Hotel. Effective communication and collaboration
among these stakeholders are essential for the success of the project.

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