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1 Warm-up

Do you know the difference between baby boomers, Generation X and millennials?

2 Key vocabulary

Match the words on the left with definitions on the right.

1. an expert c a. a country’s business and trade and any money it creates

2. a toddler f b. a group of people who are about the same age in a society

3. a society g c. a person who has a lot of knowledge about a subject

4. an issue d d. a subject that many people are talking about

5. a generation b e. a telephone that is connected to a system by wires

6. the economy a f. a young child that is learning to walk

7. a landline e g. people living together somewhere with laws which say how they
can behave
8. a threat h h. the possibility that something bad is going to happen.

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3 Find the information

Put T (true) or false (F) next to each of the statements below. Then read the article on the next page
to confirm or correct your answers.

1. The Linkster generation haven’t known a world without technology. t

2. Millennials can’t remember what life was like before social media. F
3. Linksters might never go into a real bank in their lives. T
4. Linksters won’t have problems communicating face-to-face with people. f
5. Generation X parents both go out to work. F
6. Each new generation often thinks that other generations are responsible for their problems.t

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What comes after millennials? Meet the generation known

as the ‘The Linksters’
Will the young people born after 2002, sometimes called Generation Z, feel the same anger that
millennials do when they become adults?

Experts have said and written a lot about millennials, have a young relative that knows what Snapchat is.
Generation X and baby boomers, but have you heard Johnson says it is important that we carry on teaching
of the ‘Linkster generation’? Linksters how important real-life conversation is.
Meagan Johnson, speaker, author and expert on 9.
The other way that this generation will be different
differences between generations, describes anyone is family structure. The parents of Linksters will
born after 2002 as part of the Linkster Generation be a mixture of baby boomers (born between 1946
or Generation Z. and 1964) and Generation X parents (usually born
"We chose the term Linkster Generation because it is between 1965 and 1980.)
the first generation to be linked into technology from 10.
Johnson says that more and more Generation X
day one," Johnson says. parents are deciding that one parent should stay
She also says that because of millennials, society at home, and that it is often the male parent that
is focused on technology and this has forced other chooses to do this.
generations to use it. But, she adds, there are 11.
People believe that each generation gets more liberal
millennials that can remember using dial up phones and open-minded, so it is more likely that Linksters
and a life before social media. will be willing to tolerate other people’s beliefs. They
So, the Linkster Generation - about 18 percent have also never experienced a time when climate
of the world’s population - grew up with social change is not a serious threat and issue.
media, smartphones and apps. Linksters know 12.
Johnson says that she thinks that the Linkster
the advantages of social media, the internet and Generation will take the idea of different lifestyles to
advanced technology, but also have to learn to cope a new level.
with the pressure they create. 13.
She also believes there is no need to criticise
Johnson says that the Linkster Generation probably members of one generation and give them a negative
grew up in a home where people used cell phones image. Millennials have been called lazy and
and there was no landline. She adds that they may people say they act like they should get everything
never write a cheque or walk into a traditional bank. they want. Generation X sometimes only seem
Millennials (those born after 1981 and before 2002) interested in themselves, but work hard and play
are often known as the generation which prefers hard. Millennials often think that baby boomers
binge-watching Netflix series instead of going to the are out of touch and have ruined the economy for
cinema, texting instead of calling and using apps to them. Johnson says it is important to remember that
date instead of meeting in bars. Therefore, Linksters each generation has a habit of being unfair to other
may have problems when they have to communicate generations.
with someone face-to-face. Adapted from the Independent, by Olivia Blair, 11th of
For example, it is quite normal to see a toddler in April 2017
a café playing games on their parent’s phone or to

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4 Phrasal verbs

Complete the sentences below with a phrasal verb from the text.

carry on focus on go on
grow up with walk into

1. If you have to focus on work, make sure you are in a quiet place.
2. Many children now grow up technology all around them.
3. Damian wants to go on a date with Laura. He will take her to his favourite restaurant.
4. Sometimes when you walk into a shop, there is an assistant there to help you.
5. It is difficult to carry on talking to someone when they are texting.

5 Find the words

Find a word or phrase in the text which means ...

1. people born after the Second World War (noun - plural, P.1): baby boomers
2. have to deal with situations that make you feel worried or stressed (phrase, P.5): cope with the pressure
3. watch several episodes of a television programme, one after the other (verb (informal), P.7):
4. talking in person and not through electronic messages (phrase, P.8): real-life conversation
5. happy to (do something) (phrase, P.11): be willing to
6. accept that people believe in different things (phrase, P.11): tolerate other people's beliefs
7. show the things that are wrong with someone or something (verb, P.13): criticise
8. not aware of changes (phrase, P.13): out of touch

6 Talking point

Discuss any of the questions below in pairs or small groups.

1. What do you think the advantages and disadvantages of ‘Generation Linkster’ are?
2. Which generation are you part of? Would you like to belong to a different generation?
3. What generation do you think will come after the Linksters?

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