13 Bản a5 - Script Ket U6

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Track 38

Narrator: For these questions, choose the correct answer. You will hear Louis and
Rachel talking about their new schools,
Rachel: Hey Louis, how's your new school?
Louis: Hi, Rachel - I love it. What's your new school like?
Rachel: It's great. But don't like the uniform!
Louis: I don't have that problem, because there isn't one! I usually go in trousers
and a T-shirt. The school rules are that I can't wear jeans or trainers, that's all.
Rachel: What time does your school start?
Louis: I catch the eight-thirty bus, which gets me to school at about quarter to
nine. Lessons don't start until nine o'clock, so that gives me plenty of time to talk
to my friends. What are the teachers like at your school?
Rachel: Great - especially my maths teacher. She's from the US and she uses
different words for some things. But she speaks Slowly. She isn't funny, but she's
kind. I think the best thing about her is that she tells us how to do things really
clearly, you know, so we understand!
Louis: What about English?
Rachel: It's fine. We have homework for tomorrow. We have to write about a
famous person. I talked about it with my family. My dad said I should write about
a famous actor, but I think I want to write about a football player. What sports do
you play at school?
Louis: It's different each term. At the moment, it's basketball. Next term think it's
hockey or football. And of course, I have badminton on Fridays at my mum's

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