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University of NAIROBI Library


This project is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other


This project has been submitted for examination with my approval as university


Mr. M.N. Anyangu Date

Lecturer, Department of Accounting

Faculty o f Commerce

University of Nairobi


To my parents Loise Wambui and Peter Gathuya.

To my love; Grace Wanjiru and the unborn.


My special appreciation goes to my supervisor Mr. Moses N. Anyangu for the advice and

support throughout the period of writing this project.

My thanks also go to my parents, my brother Sam and his family and my wife Grace

Wanjiru for their support and understanding throughout the entire course.

Lastly I thank all my colleagues at Oakland Media Services Limited for their



Although many business people make decisions on profitability and relate them to the

value of firms quite well at a decision making level, this relationship is not clear to many

of them. In Kenya, Financial managers struggle to understand the relationship but no

study has been done to affirm the decisions. There is therefore a staring gap and this is

the reason for which this study has been done to find out if there is any relationship

between the Net Operating Income, and the value of firms quoted at the Nairobi Stock


To achieve this objective, regression analysis was used to establish the relationship. F-

ANOVA test showed that the relationship is statistically significant for all the firms under

study. The study failed to reject the hypothesis that there is no significant relationship

between the Net Operating Income and the value o f the firm. That means that the Net

Operating Income has a significant effect in the value of the firms quoted at the Nairobi

Stock Exchange. The y-intercept showed a significant value o f y meaning that there are

other factors that significantly affect the value o f the firm, other than the profit.


DEDICATION....................................................................................................................... Ill
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS................................................................................................. IV
1.1 Background..................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem .......................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Objective of the St u d y ..................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Importance of the Study ..............................................................................................................5
2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW.......................................................................................... 7
2.1 Researcher’s V iew ......................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Evaluation of a F irm ’s Earning Power...................................................................................14
2.2.1 Profitability Ratios.................................................................................................................... 14
2.2.2 Market Value ratios.....................................................................................................................15
2.3 Other V aluation Methods................................................................................................................. 16
2.3.1 Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM).......................................................................................16
3.0 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY........................................................................... 20
3.1 Population .....................................................................................................................................20
3.2 Sample............................................................................................................................................. 20
3.3 D ata Collection .......................................................................................................................... 20
3.4 D ata A nalysis ................... 21
4.0 DATA ANALYSIS, FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS............................................ 22
4.1 Introduction ..................... :......................................................................................................... 22
4.2 Regression A ssumptions.............................................................................................................22
4.3 Estimated Linear R egression Mo d el ......................................................................................25
RECOMMENDATIONS...................................................................................................... 28
5.1 Implication of Results and Recommendations ....................................................................28
5.2 L imitations of the Study ............................................................................................................29
5.3 Suggestions for Further Research .........................................................................................30
6.0 REFERENCES.................................................................................................................31
7.0 APPENDICES............................................................................................................ 33
7.1 APPENDIX 1: LETTER OF INTRODUCTION............................................................................. 33
7.2 APPENDIX II: DATA COLLECTION FORM................................................................................34
7.3 APPENDIX III: LIST OF COMPANIES......................................................................................... 35
7.4 APPENDIX IV: EARNINGS BEFORE TAX EBT (000’S)..........................................................36
7.6 APPENDIX VI: MEAN VALUES (000’S ) ...................................................................................... 38


1.1 Background

The argument as to the relationship between net operating income and the value of a firm

has remained a puzzle in Finance for many years. Some researchers believe that there is a

fundamental relationship between the two parameters, yet others argue to the contrary,

that other factors other than the Net Operating Income are responsible for the value of


Early studies conducted by researchers like Durand (1959) indicated that the value of

firms is affected by the Net Operating Income (Profitability) and not capital structure.

According to the Net Operating Income approach, the cost of equity is assumed to

increase linearly with leverage. As a result, the weighted average cost o f capital remains

constant and the total value of the firm also remains constant, as leverage is changed.

The proponents of the Net Operating Income approach assume that investors have an

entirely different reaction to corporate debt from the traditional investors. They assume

that investors value Net Operating Income (or Earnings Before Interest and Tax-EBIT) at

a constant rate of Weighted Average Cost of Capital.

A constant WACC results in a constant value for the firm regardless o f its use of debt and

also a constant WACC, along with a constant cost o f debt, implies that cost of equity

increases with leverage, and hence that the stockholders regard the use o f leverage as

increasing the riskness of the equity cash flows.

Ross and Westerfield (2002) argue that a firm cannot change the total value o f its

outstanding securities by changing the proportions of its capital structure. The value of

the firm is always the same under different capital structures.

The proponents of the Net Income approach are of the view that a firm can increase its

total valuation and lower its cost o f capital, as it increases the degree of leverage

(Brigham et al, 1976).

Modigiliani and Miller (1958) have a similar position to that o f Durand. They advocate

that the relationship between the leverage and the cost of capital is explained by the net

operating income approach. They make a radical departure from the traditional approach,

and offer behavioral justification for having the cost of capital remain constant through

all levels of leverage, and put forward an argument that the total risk for all security

holders o f a firm is not altered by the changes in the capital structure. The total value of

the firm must be the same regardless of its financing mix.

Arbitrage precludes perfect substitute from selling at different prices in the same market.

In this case the perfect substitutes are two or more firms in the same homogeneous risk

class and that differ only with respect to capital structure.

In this respect, MM contends that the value of these firms has to be the same; otherwise

arbitragers will enter and drive the values of the two firms together. The essence of their

argument is that arbitragers are able to substitute personal leverage for corporate


A firm cannot change its value, or its weighted average cost of capital by leverage. The

financing decision does not matter from the standpoint of our objective of maximizing

market price per share. One capital structure is as good as the next (MM). Therefore, the

value of the firm is affected by other variables rather than capital structure.

The value of a firm depends upon its expected earning streams and the required rate of

return. Thus, the capital structure decision can affect the value of the firm either by

changing the expected earnings or the cost of capital or both. Leverage cannot change the

total expected earnings of the firm, but it can affect residue earnings of the shareholders.

The issue of valuation is very important in Finance and Management. A great deal of

controversy still surrounds this issue.

This study is aimed at establishing whether there is any relationship between the net

operating income and the value o f Kenyan firms. The study involved analyzing

profitability o f firms quoted at the Nairobi Stock Exchange for a period of 10 years and

comparing it with its valuation, which was represented by the share prices.

This period is considered long enough to provide sufficient variables to assist in

determining a reliable regression model so as to ascertain the strength o f the relationship.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Theories advanced show conflicting results on what is responsible for changes in the

value of a firm. According to the Net Income approach, the firm can increase its value or

lower the overall cost of capital by increasing the proportion o f debt in the capital

structure (Durand 1959).

On the other hand, the proponents of the Net Operating Income approach argue that the

market value of the firm is not affected by the capital structure changes, but by

capitalizing the net operating income at the overall, or the weighted average cost of

capital, which is a constant.

MM in their first proposition (1958), argue that for firms in the same risk class, the total

market value is independent of the debt-equity mix and is given by capitalizing the

expected net operating income by the rate appropriate to that risk class.

This study aimed at establishing if any relationship exists between Net Operating Income

(Profit) and the value of firms listed in the Nairobi Stock Exchange. In order to study this

problem, the following hypothesis was tested:

Ho: There is no relation between Net Operating Income and the value of a firm.

Ha: There is a relationship between Net Operating Income and the value o f the firm.

1.3 Objective of the Study

To find out if there is a relationship between the Net Operating Income and the value of

firms quoted at the Nairobi Stock Exchange.

1.4 Importance of the Study

The findings and deductions of this study will be of interest to:

The management of publicly quoted companies in determining the effect of profitability

on the share prices.

Useful to scholars who intend to analyze the content of information contained in financial

reports and possible effect on the investor’s psychology.

Investors will be able to make informed decisions on whether to await trading results

before offloading and/or repurchasing stock in the stock Exchange.

Financial consultants will be able to offer proper advise to clients on the possible effects

of reported losses or gains.

Scholars who may wish to use the findings o f this study as a basis for further research on

this subject.


Literature Review

2.1 Researcher’s View

Many theories have been advanced on what affects the value of the firm.

Modigiliani and Miller in their original proposition (1958) advocate that the relationship

between the leverage and the cost of capital is explained by the Net Operating Income

Approach. According to them, the market value of the firm is not affected by the changes

in the capital structure. The market value is found out by capitalizing the net operating

income at the overall, or weighted average cost of capital, which is a constant.

They showed that a company’s capital structure is irrelevant in a perfect financial market

because investors can accept the company’s decision or reverse its effect on their

portfolio by borrowing or lending their own money without adding costs to them. A

perfect financial market has no transaction costs or taxes, information is instantaneously

and freely available to everyone, securities are infinitely divisible, and the market is


According to the traditional approach to valuation and leverage, debt can affect the value

° f the firm. It assumes that there is an optimal capital structure and the firm can increase

its total valuation through a judicious use of debt. According to this approach the cost of

capital declines and the value of the firm increases with leverage to a prudent debt level.

After reaching the optimum point the cost of capital increases and the value of the firm

declines. It asserts that as long as the level of borrowing in a firm does not go beyond a

certain level, the value of the firm will continue to grow with the increased use of debt.

The cost o f capital declines with leverage because debt capital is cheaper than equity

capital within a reasonable, or acceptable limit of debt (Solomon 1963).

An optimal level of debt is that where the benefits from tax equal the costs o f bankruptcy.

Beyond this point the value of the firm begins to decline. (Brealey and Myers, 2001).

According to a study by Myers (1984) at this point the value of the firm is maximized

and the cost of capital declines.

In the same thread, Solomon (1963) argues that a firm with certain structure of assets and

that offers net operating earnings of given size and quality, and given a certain structure

of rates in the capital markets, there should be some specific degrees of financial leverage

at which the market value of the firm’s security will be higher (or the cost of capital will

be lower) than at other degrees o f leverage.

Durand (1959) came up with two extreme views on the existence o f optimum capital


The Net Income Approach proposes that the firm is able to increase its total valuation and

lower its cost of capital, as it increases the degree of leverage. According to this

approach, a firm can lower its cost o f capital continually and increase its total valuation

by the use of debt funds.

The net Income approach is based on assumptions that the use of debt does not change

the risk perception o f investors and this results in the equity-capitalization rate and debt

capitalization rate remaining constant with changes in leverage, the debt-capitalization

rate is less than the equity-capitalization rate and the corporate income tax does not exist

among others.

The cost of capital (ko) is given by the following formula:

Ko=Net Operating Income/Value of the firm.

With constant annual Net Operating Income, the overall cost of capital will decrease as

the value of the firm increases.

The overall cost of capital can also be measured by ko=ke- (ke-kd) D/V

When a Company uses the accrual method of accounting to recognize costs and income,

there arises a difference between the Net Income and the cash flow. The accrual method

assigns costs and revenue to the Accounting period in which a transaction takes place

rather than the period when cash is paid or received. Consequently, net income does not

equal net cash flow when there are credit sales or purchases or when expenses that did

not use cash are collected in the period.

According to the Net Operating Income approach, investors are assumed to have an

entirely different reaction to corporate debt. It assumes that investors value Net Operating

Income at constant rate of Weighted Average Cost of Capital. A constant Weighted

Average Cost of Capital results in a constant value o f the firm regardless of its use of

debt and a constant WACC along with a constant cost o f debt implies that cost o f equity

increases with leverage, and hence that stockholders regard the use of leverage as

increasing the riskness of the equity cashflows. If the Net Operating Income assumptions

are true, then the capital structure decisions are unimportant (Gapenski et al, 1988.)

The market value of the firm is found out by capitalizing the net operating income at the

overall, or the weighted average cost of capital, which is a constant. The market value of

the firm is determined by:

V= (D+S) =NOI/ko

Where lq, is the overall capitalization rate and depends on business risk of the firm. It is

independent of the financial mix.

The critical assumptions of the Net Operating Income approach are:

The market capitalizes the value of the firm as a whole. Thus, the split between debt and

equity is not important.

The market uses an overall capitalization rate, to capitalize the net operating income. Ko

depends on the business risk. If the business is assumed to remain unchanged, lq, is a


The use of less costly debt funds increases the risk of shareholders. This causes the equity

capitalization rate to increase. Thus, the advantage o f debt is offset exactly by the

increase in the equity capitalization rate.

They also assumed away corporate tax.

However, in a world with corporate taxes, both the Net Income and the Net Operating

Income approaches would indicate that the optimal capital structure calls for virtually a

hundred per cent debt. (Gapenski & Eugene 1988).

The Modigiliani and Miller hypothesis is identical with net operating income approach.

They argue that, in the absence o f taxes, a firm’s market value and the cost o f capital

remain invariant to the capital structure changes. They support the NOI approach by

providing logically consistent behavioral justifications in its favor in their 1958 article.

They deny the existence of an optimal capital structure.

iM V E m iTY OF NAIR&*

They make the following assumptions:

Firm’s business risk can be measured by the standard deviation of EBIT and firms with

the same degree of business risk are said to be in a homogeneous risk class.

All present and prospective investors have identical estimates of each firm’s future EBIT,

that is, investors have homogeneous expectations about expected future corporate

earnings and the risk ness of these earnings.

Stocks in bonds are traded in perfect capital markets. This implies among other things

that there are no brokerage costs and the investors, both individuals and institutions, can

borrow at the same rate as corporations.

The debt of firms and individuals is riskless, so the interest rate on debt is the risk-free

rate. Further, this situation holds regardless of how much debt a firm (or an individual)


All cash flows are perpetuities; that is, the firm is a zero-growth firm with an

‘expectationally constant’ EBIT and its bonds are perpetuities.

‘Expectation ally constant’ means that the best guess as to the EBIT for any future year is

the same as for any other year, but investors know that the realized level could be

different from the expected level in any year.

The value of a firm is established by capitalizing its expected net operating income

(NOI=EBIT) at a constant rate, which is appropriate for the firms risk class.

Vl=V u=EBIT/W ACC=EB IT/K su, where:

L=Levered firm

U=Unlevered firm

Ksu=WACC=the required rate o f return for unlevered, or all equity firm.

Since V as established by proposition 1 is a constant, then under MM theory the value of

the firm is independent o f its leverage. This also implies that the WACC to any firm,

leveraged or not, is completely independent of its capital structure and is also equal to the

cost of equity to an unlevered firm in the same risk class.

Thus, MM’s proposition 1 is identical to the Net Operating Income (NOI) hypothesis.

MM’s original work of 1958 assumed zero corporate tax. 5 years after, they published a

second article, which included the effects of corporate tax. They concluded that leverage

would increase a firm’s value because interest on debt is a tax-deductible expense, and

hence, more of a leveraged firms operating income flows through to investors.

In the summary, they said that the value of a levered firm is equal to the value of

unlevered firm in the same risk class plus, the gain from leverage, which is the value of

the tax savings and equals the corporate tax rate times the amount of debt the firm uses,

that is;

Vl=V u+TD

In rejection to NI approach, MM argued that for two firms identical in all aspects except

for their capital structures, cannot command different market values or have different cost

of capital. Their opinion is that if these two firms have different market values, arbitrage

will take place to enable investors to engage in personal or homemade leverage as against

the corporate leverage to restore equilibrium in the market.

2.2 Evaluation of a Firm’s Earning Power.

According to Van Home (2001), several indicators may be used in valuing a company.

Net Operating Income (NOI), which is the earnings from operations before interest and

taxes, is a useful tool in the evaluation of a firms earning power. If there are no recurring

items on the income statement, then NOI is equal to the Earnings Before Interest and

Taxes (EBIT).

Return On Net Assets (RONA) is the measure of the firm’s operating performance. It

indicates the firm’s earning power. It is a product o f assets turnover, gross profit margin

and operating leverage. Operating leverage is the change in EBIT for a given change in



2.2.1 Profitability Ratios

Profitability is the net result of a large number of policies and decisions. It shows the

combined effects of liquidity, assets management, and debt management on the operating


i) Profit margin on sales:

This is computed by dividing net income by sales, and it gives profit per shilling of sales.

Profit Margin on Sales=Net Income available to Common Stockholders/Sales.

ii) Basic Earnings Power Ratio:

This is calculated by dividing earnings before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) by the total


BEPR=EBIT/Total Assets

It is useful for comparing firms in different tax situations and with different degrees of

financial leverage.

iii) Return on Common Equity

The ratio of net income to Common Equity measures the return on Common Equity

(ROE), or the rate of return on the stockholders investment:

ROE=Net Income available to Stockholders/Common Equity.

2.2.2 Market Value ratios.

These relate the firm’s stock price to its earnings and book value per share. These ratios

give management an indication o f what investors think of the Company’s past

performance and future prospects. If the firm’s liquidity, asset management, debt

management, and profitability ratios are good, then its market value ratios will be high,

and its stock price will probably be as high as can be expected.

Price Earnings ratio

The price earnings ratio is used to value the firm’s performance as expected by investors.

It indicates investor’s judgment or expectations about the firm’s performance.

P/E ratio=Price per share/EPS

P/E ratio is higher for firms with high growth prospects.

2.3 Other Valuation Methods

2.3.1 Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)

This approach is helpful in determining the appropriate discount rate to employ in

discounting expected dividends to their present values. This rate is the risk free rate plus a

premium that is sufficient to compensate for the systematic risk associated with the

expected dividend stream.

Dividend Discount model

This method involves determining the market price per share by discounting the future

dividends at the required rate of return.



Po=market Price per share

Dt =Expected Dividend

t=End of period t

t=required rate of return

The market price per share is multiplied by the number of outstanding shares to

determine the market value o f the firm. The total value of the Company’s existing stock

is equal to the discounted value of the total dividend stream, which will be paid to the

stock outstanding.

The book value concept is an Accounting concept where assets are recorded at their

historic value, and then depreciated over their useful life. The difference between the

book values of assets and liabilities is the net worth.

The replacement value is the amount that a Company would be required to spend if it

were to replace all its existing assets in the current condition. This method ignores the

benefits of intangible assets and the utility of existing assets.

If a Company were to sell all its assets, after terminating its business the proceeds make

up the liquidity value.

Going concern value is the amount that a Company could realize if it sold its business as

an operating one. The value includes the price paid for the intangible assets such as


The market value of an asset or security is the current price at which the asset or security

is being sold or bought in the market. For profitable firms, the market value is expected to

be higher than the book value.

Some scholars however, seem to agree that the value of the firm is the worth of the

common stock which is a function of the expected return, risk to which the stockholder is

exposed, and the timing of returns.

The expected return is the cash flows the stockholder is expected to receive in the future.

Risk is the degree of uncertainty that the expected cash flows will be received and timing

is the pattern of expected future cash flow receipt.

According to Pandey (1999), the value of a firm depends upon its expected earnings

stream and the rate of return or the cost of capital.

An estimate of the expected returns from an investment encompasses the size but also the

form, time pattern, and the uncertainty of return.

The returns from an investment may take many forms such as earnings, dividends,

interest payments, or capital gains during a given period.

For an investor to calculate accurately the value of a security, he must be able to estimate

when the returns are likely to be received; and the pattern that they are received. This is

because of the time value of money. This knowledge will make it possible to properly

value the streams of returns relative to alternative investments with a different time

pattern of returns.

The required rate of returns on an investment is determined by the economy’s real risk

free rate of return, the expected rate of inflation during the holding period and a risk

premium that is determined by the uncertainty o f returns.

All investments are affected by the risk-free rate and the expected rate of inflation

because these two variables determine the nominal risk-free rate. This implies that the

risk premium is the only factor that causes the difference in required rate of returns.


Research Methodology

3.1 Population

The population was made up o f all firms quoted at the Nairobi Stock Exchange. There are

47 companies presently listed at the Nairobi Stock Exchange.

3.2 Sample

The sample was made up of all those firms that consistently submitted their annual

returns in the period 1994 to 2002. All the 47 companies submitted their returns in that

period. This was therefore a census study. This period is considered long enough to

provide sufficient variables to assist in determining a reliable regression model so as to

ascertain the strength of the relationship. It is also considered to contain a fairly

representative group to give adequate information on the population.

3.3 Data Collection

For the purpose of this study, data was purely secondary and was collected from financial

statements for firms that are quoted at the Nairobi Stock Exchange. This information is

available from the Nairobi Stock Exchange and the Capital Markets Authority. It

comprises of Profit before tax, number of outstanding shares, and share prices all of

which are as at end of the year.

3.4 Data Analysis

In analyzing the data simple regression analysis was used. The regression equation is in

the form of: -

Y= A + BX


Y is the firm value

A is the intercept of the regression equation which represents the firm value at zero profit.

B is the slope or gradient depicting change in the value o f the firm due to change in


X is the Earnings Before Tax (EBIT).

The regression model was used to find out if there exists a relationship between Net

Operating Income and the value o f the firms. The objective was achieved through

hypothesis testing on the basis of the F-significance ANOVA.


Data Analysis, Findings And Discussions

4.1 Introduction

This empirical study sought to establish the relationship between profitability and firm

value. The hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between the two was tested

using linear regression analysis. Secondary Mean Market Value data (appendix ii) and

Mean Earnings Before Tax (appendix i) for the 47 companies was collected for 9 years

covering 1994 to 2002. The mean values calculated Mean Market Value and Mean

Earnings Before Tax for the 47 companies was then calculated and presented in appendix


4.2 Regression Assumptions

Linear regression assumptions for the independent and dependent variables were first

verified. The response variable (Mean Market Value) was tested for normality conditions.

The constant variance of the distribution o f the dependent variable (Mean Market Value)

was also checked for constant for all values o f the independent variable (Mean Earnings

Before Tax). The relationship between the dependent variable and each independent °

variable was also checked for linearity through curve fitting. The linear regression

assumptions tests are presented as below:

The distribution of the response variable (firm value) was found to be positively skewed

meaning that the normality assumption was not satisfied calling for transformation of

firm value data before linear regression analysis is conducted. Figure 4.1 presents the

normal curve for the firm value data.

Figure 4.1: Distribution of the response variable (mean firm value)

Mean Market Value

Source: Survey Data (2005)

Distribution o f the normalized transformed curve for the square root Mean Market Value

satisfies normality assumptions (Figure 4.2).

Figure 4.2: Square root transformed mean firm value (response variable)
10 T---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------

Square Root Mean Market Value

Source: Survey Data (2005)

Linearity assumption is achieved for the relationship between the dependent variable

(square root mean market value) and the independent variable (mean earnings before tax)

implying that linear regression analysis can be adopted to test the stated hypothesis. The

figure shows that there is no apparent deviation from randomness in the residuals

confirming that it is reasonable to model the relationship as linear. The fit shows that

there is a strict positive relationship between firm vale and firm earnings. An increase in

firm earnings corresponds to an increase in firm value and vice versa. The values for the

y-intercept for all the firms are consistently positive (>0) implying that firm earnings are

not the only factor contributing to firm value.

Figure 4.3: Linear Curve Fit

S q u a re R o o t M e a n M a rk e t V a lu e

m e a n E a rn in g s B e fo re T a x

Source: Survey Data (2005)

4.3 Estimated Linear Regression Model

The predicted model for the relationship between Mean Market Value and the Mean

Earnings Before Tax is Yj = 973.380 +0.740 X;, i= 1, 2, 3, ... 47. (Refer table 4.1). The

value 973.38 is the Y-intercept while 0.74 is the slope (gradient) for the regression

model. The intercept value (973.38) represents the Mean Market Value for all the 47

firms before factoring in Earnings Before Tax. The implication of the findings is that

firm earnings may not be the only factor contributing to the value o f the firm. That is to

say that there are other factors, which have significant impact on the value of the firm on

top o f firm earnings. The t-value (7.37) and the significance value (0.000) indicate that

slope (0.74) is significant. The interpretation of the slope is that there is a 0.74 increase in

firm value for every unit increase in firm earnings. The estimated linear regression model

can be used to predict the firm value for any specified firm earnings in the future.

Table 4.1: Variables Coefficients in the Equation

95% Confidence Interval for B
Coefficients t Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
973.380 100.489 770.986 1175.774
.740 .000 7.370 .000 .001 .001
Tax (B)
Source: Survey Data (2005)

On the basis of the F-value (54.315) and significance value/ p-value (0.000) at 95%

confidence level, the regression relationship between Mean Market Value and the Mean

Earnings is statistically significant. The implication of the finding is that firm Earnings

contributes significantly to firm Market Value. As a result, any change on the

profitability will have an impact on the value of the firm. The null hypothesis (there is no

relationship between Net Operating Income and the value of a firm) is therefore rejected.

Table 4.2: ANOVA (Analysis of Variance):

Sum of
Df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 20731466.030 1 20731466.030 54.315 .000 Regression
Residual 17175928.846 45 381687.308 Residual
Total 37907394.876 46
Source: Survey Data (2005)

Multiple R-value for all the 47 firms is 0.73953 showing that there is a strong positive

relationship between the firm earnings and their values. As a result any change on the

profitability will have a great impact on the value o f the firm. Therefore as profit

increases the value of the firm also increases and vice versa. The interpretation is the

although there are other factors that contribute to firm value other than earnings, the latter

remain a major determinant.

Table 4.3: Model Summary

Multiple R 0.73953
R Square 0. 54690
Adjusted R Square 0.53683
Standard Error 617.80847
Source: Survey Data (2005)


Summary Of Findings, Conclusions And Recommendations

The objective of this study was to ascertain whether there exists a relationship between

the profitability of a firm and its value for firms quoted on the Nairobi Stock Exchange.

The data used covers 9 years from 1994 to 2002 and was obtained from the Nairobi Stock

Exchange records.

The research tested the stated hypothesis by use o f F- significance ANOVA for to

determine the nature and magnitude of the relationship between the profitability and firm


The regression relationship between Mean Market Value and the Mean Earnings is

statistically significant. Any change on the profitability will have an impact on the value

o f the firm. The null hypothesis is rejected and it is concluded that there is a strong

positive relationship between net operating income and the value of firms quoted at the

Nairobi Stock Exchange. Firm earnings remain a major determinant o f firm value.

However, there are other factors that contribute to firm value.

5.1 Implication of Results and Recommendations

The concept of there being a relationship between profitability and value of firms was

first researched by early researchers like the Modigliani Miller (MM). This research is in

tandem and concurrence with earlier researches and supports the findings and

conclusions but has revealed that there are more variables that could be in play other than

profitability in determination of firm value.

5.2 Limitations of the Study

The study was intended to use data for all the companies quoted on the Nairobi Stock

Exchange for a period of 10 years. This was not achieved due to lack of information

The data available could only allow a period coverage o f 9 years, possibly a large period

could have yielded different results.

Interpreting financial statements was a problem as the data given was in summary form

giving fewer details in relation to individual subsidiaries in the case of consolidated


The data collected comprised of book values only. Market values o f Companies could

possibly have yielded better results.

There was limited time allocated to finish this study. Given more time the study would

have been more enhanced by comparing results with those of firms that are not quoted at

the Nairobi Stock Exchange.

In the availability of more funds, more dimensions of this study can be looked at.

5.3 Suggestions for Further Research

To improve on this study it is suggested that:

A similar study could be carried out over a longer period o f time to obtain more reliable


Since this study used market values (Market capitalization) the same study should be

carried out using book values and the findings compared.

A study should be carried out to find out the relationship between firm value and other

factors such as agency costs, information asymmetry and debt value. The nature and

magnitude o f the relationship should be determined.

Since this study has used book values, a similar study using market values could be done

and results compared.


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Finance, 371-385.

Brealy, R., and Myers, S. (2000), Principles of Corporate Finance, McGraw Hill Inc.

Brigham, Eugene F. and Roman E. Johnson, Issue in Managerial Finance, Dryden

Press, 1976.

Durand, D. (1959), Cost of capital. Corporate Finance and Theory of Investments.

American Economic Review, pp.639-655.

Donaldson, E.F. and Pfahl, J.K (1963) Corporate Finance. New York, Ronald Press Co.

Fama E.J (1978), The effects of a firm’s investment and financing decisions on the
welfare of its security holders. American Economic Review, 272-284.

Gitman, L.T. (1998), Principles of Management Finance, Addison Wesley Education


Jensen M.C. (1986), Agency Costs of Free Cash Flow. Corporate Finance, and
Takeovers. American Economic Review, 323-329.

Miller, M.H (1998e), The M& M propositions 40 years later. European Financial

Miller, M.H. (1977), Debt and Taxes. Journal of Finance, p. 263.

Miller, M.H (1999a), The Derivatives of Revolution after 30 years. Journal of

Portfolio Management, 10-15.

Miller, M.H (1999b), The History of Finance; An Eye witness Account. Journal of
Portfolio Management 25, 95-101.

Modigiliani, F. and Miller (June 1958), The Cost of Capital Corporation Finance and
The Theory of Investment, American Economic Review, 261-297.

Myers S.C and Majiluf S.N, (1984), Corporate financing and investment decisions
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Pandey, I.M (2001), Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House.

Ross, J.A. (1978), The determination of Financial Structure: The incentive signaling
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Dear Sir/Madam,


I am a postgraduate student at the faculty o f commerce, University of Nairobi. As part of

MBA (Finance) course requirements I am undertaking a research project that seeks to
establish if there is any relationship between net operating income and the value of firms
quoted at the Nairobi Stock Exchange.

To satisfy requirements for this research I am collecting data from your institution.

I would be grateful if you can allow me access to all the relevant information pertinent
for this research. The information requested is needed purely for academic purposes and
will be treated in strict confidence.

Yours Faithfully,


John W. Gathuya M. N. Anyangu.

Department of Accounting
University o f Nairobi

7.2 A P P E N D IX II: D A T A C O L L E C T IO N F O R M




Cl Brook Bond Ltd
C2 Kakuzi Ltd
C3 Rea Vipingo Ltd
C4 Sasini Ltd
C5 Car & General Ltd
C6 CMC Ltd
C7 Kenya Airways Ltd
C8 Marshalls Ltd
C9 Nation Media Group
CIO Tourism Promotion Ltd
C ll Uchumi Supermarkets
C12 Barclays Bank
C13 CFC Ltd
C14 Diamond Trust
C16 ICDC Investment Ltd
C17 Jubilee Insurance Company
C18 Kenya Commercial Bank
C19 National Bank
C20 NIC bank ltd
C21 Pan African Insurance ltd
C22 Standard Chartered bank ltd
C23 Athi River mining
C24 Bamburi cement ltd
C25 BAT ltd
C26 BOC Kenya ltd
C27 Carbacid ltd
C28 Crown Berger ltd
C29 Dunlop ltd
C30 East African Cables ltd
C31 East African Portland ltd
C32 E.A Breweries ltd
C33 Firestone ltd
C34 Kenya Oil Co ltd
C35 Mumias Sugar Co ltd
C36 KPLC ltd
C37 Total Kenya ltd
C38 Unga Group
C39 A. Baumann ltd
C40 City trust ltd
C41 Eaagads ltd
C42 Express ltd
C43 Kapchorua Tea ltd
C44 Kenya Orchards ltd
C45 Limuru Tea
C46 Standard Newspaper ltd
C47 Williamson Tea ltd

7.4 A P P E N D IX IV: E A R N IN G S B E F O R E T A X E B T (0 0 0 ’S)

" 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994

■ ^rnJoi 328031 664664 343146 473386 243146 473386 30428 614136

----- xaTT~ -9 5 9 3 4 -8 5 7 6 0 -1 6 6 1 5 146286 17616 146286 84805 283052
-----4 7 1 0 8 8955 -4 6 2 9 2 -7 7 2 3 48773 7230 48773 81791 89247
- 168415____ 36436 161594 50002 209182 55502 209182 -4 3 8 0 0 -7 6 5 2 9 0
' 20074 _ -1 1 0 6 9 10005 13564 -3 3 6 9 7 14264 -3 3 6 9 7
g 45390 32881
'— 2 4 U 5 0 139806 183904 250607 246993 270606 246993 237294 167084
2044000 2853000 1425000 1436000 1325060 1436000
g 10 5 9 0 0 0 719334 1539730
g ------ 1799 -3 5 6 0 6 6 -1 0 4 0 2 8 -2 1 1 1 1 8 60400 210118 60400 129727 20688
635200 390200 296100 342200 497700 343200 497700
g 251573 105793
g ' 1 68987 138699 11 7 1 1 3 103 8 1 3 89216 83813 89216 46520 102221
g ' 80206 151082 462530 375097 485354 475097 485354 352368 418997
g' 550000 4235000 3035000 3361000 4242000 3563000 4242000 3192000 3398000
323093 260467 360622 298194 425681 398094 425681 360606 305753
sg ' U 2799
-9 5 3 1 8
-2 5 5 7 6 5
i 3 06611
— 213413
16 9 7 9 1
t 110483
'4 1 7 8 5 5 182958 -7 6 5 6 3 1 -2 2 4 4 8 5 4 1410598 1244832 1410598
i 3783733 2837146
390142 -3 2 2 5 8 0 -1 6 1 9 7 1 9 -3 4 7 0 8 2 6 -2 8 2 1 7 7 3 512000 -2 8 2 1 7 7 3
i 633379 429253
340224 377040 451165 461569 435559 461569 435559
i 545737 339616
-6452 158103 -5 4 6 6 1 56959 126619 56959 126619 101657 48481
K 12008 3231694 3147004 2566268 2290584 2566258 2290584 1761589 1137869
82136 51027 45601 19925 12866 17980 12866 30415 15563
»4 2083000 1340000 487000 890000 569000 790000 569000 1324820 513360
|5 1310423 851343 682970 1874466 1751790 1874400 1751790 824325 819142
|6 154990 118175 110159 180691 249682 201691 249682 133160 133346
r 78859 70813 133511 169801 130678 169801 130678 56611 53099
93412 58514 40663 86642 37738 86642 37738 132059 127758
21812 10162 12327 9588 12327 9588 24161 23071
-4 9 5 4 24112 46698 32842 94860 32842 94860 89831 106400
212934 974384 -5 3 8 8 6 0 -1 2 9 4 6 4 3 499452 294643 499452 92354 127000
3400411 2499117 1798105 1506962 493858 1506962 493858 509554 1037091
310834 448879 396412 576945 901241 576945 901241 978977 789934
679174 595097 250991 316544 255420 316544 255420 131854 235537
E 1 0 4552 685221
-2 8 4 9 1 1 6 -4 1 0 5 9 1 5 -4 1 5 7 7 9 3 1721924 2005343 721924 2005343 763136 -2 6 1 1 7 8
l 604776 -3 1 8 8 9 9 333498 856686 515021 856686 515021 443663 212835
] -1 3 5 8 5 8 -2 9 2 1 5 7 -7 7 8 3 1 2 -3 3 1 0 5 5 -7 0 8 2 3 9 231057 -7 0 8 2 3 9 435465 237482
-5 1 4 9 4 1060 5463 16 1 4 9 5097 36849 5097 25365 62385
7283 9869 10 2 5 7 11 3 2 2 41458 23022 41458 12830 12747
6391 2656 3115 9762 71573 9762 71573 11729 47134
] -3 2 9 0 8 -5 9 6 9 -3 7 4 0 5 16574 47405 16574 80337 61687
-1 8 0 1 9 11710 202832 25545 109787 25545 109787 4044 95353
1 6729 -7 8 0 9 -1 4 0 -7 0 6 9 -2 0 0 -7 0 6 9 -8 9 8 3 639
4082 -3 9 9 1 16 9 9 8 14242 30169 14242 30169 7788 22986
1 _ 14550 21393 -1 2 6 2 2 6 -1 2 0 5 7 1 1388 -8 2 5 7 1 1388 2440 -1 7 9 0 0
C -3 8 3 0 0 215539 112461 77005 424429 86005 424429 25039 318847
r -

7.4 A P P E N D IX IV: E A R N IN G S B E F O R E T A X E B T (0 0 0 ’S)

2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994

Cl 2 1 7 ,6 0 3 328031 664664 343146 473386 243146 473386 30428 614136

C2 8 ,4 7 1 -9 5 9 3 4 -8 5 7 6 0 -1 6 6 1 5 146286 17616 146286 84805 283052
C3 47108 8955 -4 6 2 9 2 -7 7 2 3 48773 7230 48773 81791 89247
C4 -6 8 4 1 5 36436 161594 50002 209182 55502 209182 -4 3 8 0 0 -7 6 5 2 9 0
C5 20074 -1 1 0 6 9 10005 13564 -3 3 6 9 7 14264 -3 3 6 9 7 45390 32881
C6 241150 139806 183904 250607 246993 270606 246993 237294 167084
C7 1059000 2044000 2853000 1425000 1436000 1325060 1436000 719334 1539730
C8 1799 -3 5 6 0 6 6 -1 0 4 0 2 8 -2 1 1 1 1 8 60400 210118 60400 129727 20688
C9 635200 390200 296100 342200 497700 343200 497700 251573 105793
"C IO 168987 138699 11 7 1 1 3 103813 89216 83813 89216 46520 102221
C ll 80206 151082 462530 375097 485354 475097 485354 352368 418997
C 12 550000 4235000 3035000 3361000 4242000 3563000 4242000 3192000 3398000
C 13 323093 260467 360622 298194 425681 398094 425681 360606 305753
C 14 112799 51407 200346 155259 207599 255259 207599 401605 398564
C 15 95318 -2 5 5 7 6 5 78618 114316 428247 214316 428247 286540 279165
C16 306611 227160 321767 355016 151255 55016 151255 108699 77315
C17 213413 169 7 9 1 117281 138835 206344 138835 206344 125633 110483
C18 -4 1 7 8 5 5 182958 -7 6 5 6 3 1 -2 2 4 4 8 5 4 1410598 1244832 1410598 3783733 2837146
C19 390142 -3 2 2 5 8 0 -1 6 1 9 7 1 9 -3 4 7 0 8 2 6 -2 8 2 1 7 7 3 512000 -2 8 2 1 7 7 3 633379 429253
C20 340224 377040 451165 461569 435559 461569 435559 545737 339616
C21 -6 4 5 2 158103 -5 4 6 6 1 56959 126619 56959 126619 101657 48481
C22 12008 3231694 3147004 2566268 2290584 2566258 2290584 1761589 1137869
C23 82136 51027 45601 19925 12866 17980 12866 30415 15563
C24 2083000 1340000 487000 890000 569000 790000 569000 1324820 513360
C25 1310423 851343 682970 1874466 1751790 1874400 1751790 824325 819142
C26 154990 118175 110159 180691 249682 201691 249682 133160 133346
C27 78859 70813 133511 169801 130678 169801 130678 56611 53099
C28 93412 58514 40663 86642 37738 86642 37738 132059 127758
C29 21812 10162 12327 9588 12327 9588 24161 23071
C30 -4 9 5 4 24112 46698 32842 94860 32842 94860 89831 106400
C31 212934 974384 -5 3 8 8 6 0 -1 2 9 4 6 4 3 499452 294643 499452 92354 127000
C32 3400411 2499117 1798105 1506962 493858 1506962 493858 509554 1037091
C33 310834 448879 396412 576945 901241 576945 901241 978977 789934
C34 679174 595097 250991 316544 255420 316544 255420 131854 235537
C35 104552 685221
C36 -2 8 4 9 1 1 6 -4 1 0 5 9 1 5 -4 1 5 7 7 9 3 1721924 2005343 721924 2005343 763136 -2 6 1 1 7 8
C37 604776 -3 1 8 8 9 9 333498 856686 515021 856686 515021 443663 212835
C38 -1 3 5 8 5 8 -2 9 2 1 5 7 -7 7 8 3 1 2 -3 3 1 0 5 5 -7 0 8 2 3 9 231057 -7 0 8 2 3 9 435465 237482
C39 -5 1 4 9 4 1060 5463 16149 5097 36849 5097 25365 62385
C40 7283 9869 10257 11322 41458 23022 41458 12830 12747
C41 6391 2656 3115 9762 71573 9762 71573 11729 47134
C42 -3 2 9 0 8 -5 9 6 9 -3 7 4 0 5 16574 47405 16574 80337 61687
C43 -1 8 0 1 9 11 7 1 0 202832 25545 109787 25545 109787 4044 95353
C44 6729 -7 8 0 9 -1 4 0 -7 0 6 9 -2 0 0 -7 0 6 9 -8 9 8 3 639

£2L. 4082 -3 9 9 1 16 9 9 8 14 2 4 2 30169 14242 30169 7788 22986

C46 ' 14550 21393 -1 2 6 2 2 6 -1 2 0 5 7 1 1388 -8 2 5 7 1 1388 2440 -1 7 9 0 0
C 47_ -3 8 3 0 0 215539 112461 77005 424429 86005 424429 25039 318847

2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994
Cl 2639250 3519000 4740875 5083000 6891375 4088000 6891375 9286250 13147375
C2 287139 705599 1077999 1705199 2763598 1905160 2763598 1842399 2391199
C3 153000 174000 222000 276000 390000 276000 390000 200000 362000
C4 509722 752583 1320821 2109513 2964721 3009513 2964721 1964728 2553750
CS 222796 222796 423312 222796 267355 252772 267355 2552028 130X08
C6 418822 218516 388472 728385 874064 728385 874064 476486 694191
C7 3623681 3485196 3462116 3692921 3369790 2892921 3369790 3562591 3125754
C8 263393 263393 338237 374220 604510 274220 604510 395810 263873
C9 4492231 1541976 2460031 3565263 4884410 3765283 4884410 922215 827141
C IO 734901 657543 611128 620797 560845 590799 56084 602140 510118
C ll 996000 2730000 2565000 2880000 2760000 2740000 2530000 1690000 2240000
C 12 18685000 13424535 13967500 19075600 20059650 16675600 20059650 16609218 17466489
0 3 1104000 1080000 1206000 1425000 1510000 1505000 1510000 3000000 1500000
C 14 795000 715500 1113000 2067000 1749000 2067000 1749000 4134000 5183000
C 15 598000 690000 632500 1213250 1845750 1213250 1845750 1845750 1897500
C16 1044620 2163470 1899015 1808539 1109143 1808539 1109143 574534 565234
C 17 558000 558000 666000 927000 1080000 927000 1080000 1181250 1812500
C 18 2543200 2445960 2861100 3534300 6900300 3534300 6900300 7152750 7952175
C 19 730000 580000 630000 1000000 1720000 1000000 1720000 4550000 4550000
C 20 163566 1236218 1462858 2225192 2472436 2225192 2472436 1722656 1951172
C 21 336000 628800 528000 648000 325000 648000 325000 434000 416500
C 22 15329094 11620421 12238528 9312838 8323863 9312838 8323863 8735942 12279767
C 23 437100 342000 300000 431250 495000 431250 495000 345000 401000
C 24 15879457 6061415 12340637 9527194 13065542 9527194 13065542 5766271 10484129
C 25 5400000 4900000 6050000 5812500 5737500 5812500 5737500 6675000 16800000
C26 522293 585763 839594 1366781 1366781 1366781 1366781 1323629 1446405
C 27 404931 396436 462509 679605 613532 679605 613532 368709 400313
C 28 150990 107850 194130 215700 173638 215700 173638 587782 571605
C 29 50000 64000 100000 200000 100000 200000 100000 100000
C 30 186300 186300 187312 263250 405000 263250 405000 729000 708588
C31 1125000 990000 1116000 1260000 2115000 1260000 2115000 327000 300000
C 32 8995016 8405849 6260156 7300975 4340804 7300975 4340804 3522003 6347367
C 33 2421518 1948396 3199787 4453478 4481313 4453478 4481313 4592649 6865179
C34 816449 690453 816449 413988 421188 413988 421188 410388 350990
C35 1275000 3238500
C36 684457 2314494 4075092 8941464 10022880 8941464 10022880 1055040 514332
C37 3404560 1895896 3080000 2702000 2744000 2702000 2744000 4788000 7000000
C38 217113 410397 721624 1511194 2647519 1511194 2647519 760133 236897
C39 34560 26888 54912 65857 140942 65857 140942 115202 153603
C40 72905 67489 83320 97902 106234 97902 106234 116649 104151
C41 152745 164804 160785 271726 237961 271726 237961 321570 214520
C42 89520 80400 89520 144000 89520 144000 343200 504000
JC43 535944 547680 586800 489800 316872 489800 316872 528120 354036
C44 35129 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1200 1200

C45 236400 236400 130000 130000 130000 130000 130000 260000 200000

C46 489298 70465 94807 205630 153742 197630 153742 94606 17123

46572320 875632 761799 1225884 1190859 1195885 1190829 1103296 1138321

7.6 A P P E N D IX VI: M E A N V A L U E S (OOO’S)

E a rn in g s b e fo re ta x E B T M e a n M a r k e t V a lu e o f F ir m S q u a r e r o o t M a r k e t V a lu e o f F i r m
3 7 6 4 3 6 .2 6254056 2 5 0 0 .8 1
5 4 2 4 5 .2 2 1715766 1 3 0 9 .8 7
3 0 8 7 3 .5 6 2 7 1 4 4 4 .4 521
-1 7 2 8 9 .7 2016675 142 0 .1
6 4 1 2 .7 8 5 0 6 8 9 0 .9 7 1 1 .9 6
220493 6 0 0 1 5 3 .9 7 7 4 .7
1537458 3398307 1 8 4 3 .4 5
-2 0 8 9 7 .8 3 7 5 7 9 6 .2 6 1 3 .0 2
3 7 3 2 9 6 .2 3038107 1 7 4 3 .0 2
1 0 4 3 9 9 .8 5 4 9 3 7 2 .8 7 4 1 .2
3 6 5 1 2 0 .6 2347889 1 5 3 2 .2 8
3313111 17335916 4 1 6 3 .6 4
3 5 0 9 1 0 .1 1537778 1 2 4 0 .0 7
2 2 1 1 5 9 .7 2174722 1 4 7 4 .6 9
1 8 5 4 4 4 .7 1309083 1 1 4 4 .1 5
1 9 4 8 9 9 .3 134 2 4 7 1 1 1 5 8 .6 5
15 8 5 5 1 9 7 6 6 3 8 .9 9 8 8 .2 5
8 2 6 8 3 6 .1 4869376 2 2 0 6 .6 7
-1 0 1 0 2 1 1 183 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 3 .1 9
4 2 7 5 5 9 .8 1770192 1 3 3 0 .4 9
6 8 2 5 3 .7 8 4 7 6 5 8 8 .9 6 9 0 .3 5
2111540 10608573 3 2 5 7 .0 8
3 2 0 4 2 .1 1 4 0 8 6 2 2 .2 6 3 9 .2 4
9 5 1 7 9 7 .8 10635265 3 2 6 1 .1 8
1304517 6991667 2 6 4 4 .1 8
1 7 0 1 7 5 .1 1131645 1 0 6 3 .7 9
1 1 0 4 2 7 .9 5 1 3 2 4 1 .3 7 1 6 .4 1
7 7 9 0 7 .3 3 2 6 5 6 7 0 .3 5 1 5 .4 3
1 5 3 7 9 .5 114250 3 3 8 .0 1
57499 3 7 0 4 4 4 .4 6 0 8 .6 4
9 6 3 0 1 .7 8 1178667 1 0 8 5 .6 6
1471769 6312661 2 5 1 2 .5
6 5 3 4 8 9 .8 4099679 2 0 2 4 .7 7
3 3 7 3 9 7 .9 5 2 8 3 4 2 .3 7 2 6 .8 7
3 9 4 8 8 6 .5 2256750 1 5 0 2 .2 5
-4 6 1 8 1 5 5174678 2 2 7 4 .7 9
4 4 6 5 8 7 .4 3451162 1 8 5 7 .7 3
-2 2 7 7 6 2 1184843 1 0 8 8 .5 1
1 1 7 7 4 .5 6 8 8 7 5 1 .4 4 2 9 7 .9 1
1 8 9 1 6 .2 2 94754 3 0 7 .8 2
2 5 9 6 6 .1 1 2 2 5 9 7 7 .6 4 7 5 .3 7
1 8 2 8 6 .8 8 185520 4 3 0 .7 2
6 2 9 5 3 .7 8 4 6 2 8 8 0 .4 6 8 0 .3 5
-2 9 8 7 .7 5 5 9 4 1 .1 2 5 7 7 .0 8
1 5 1 8 7 .2 2 1 7 5 8 6 6 .7 4 1 9 .3 6
-3 4 0 1 2 .1 1 6 4 1 1 5 .9 4 0 5 .1 1
1 8 2 8 2 8 .2 6139425 2 4 7 7 .7 9


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