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The Need for Safety

Different Types of Hazards

Risk Assessment

Multiple Causation Theory

Unsafe Act & Condition

Immediate, Underlying & Root cause

Safety Pyramid & Incident Triangle

Performance & Behavioural Relationship

Factor Influencing Human Behaviour

BBS Categories & Behavioural Parameters
Organizations set up businesses and
The International Labour Organization
obviously make profits and earn
(ILO) has released the following data to
money. To get the work done they hire
support the cause of maintaining safety
workers and contractors. Workers get
in the organizations:
paid for accomplishing the tasks given
► There are 270 million
by the employer. The employer
occupational accidents and 160
provides everything to the employee to
million occupational diseases
get the task done in the desired time
recorded each year
with the desired quality. No employer
► Around 2 million people die would want his employees to get
every year from occupational injured or hurt while completing the
accidents and diseases. tasks.

► 4% of the world’s Gross

domestic product (GDP) is lost
each year due to the cost of
injury, death, absence etc.

► There are around 355,000 work-

related fatal accidents each year-
half of these occur in agriculture.

Three primary reasons to manage the

health and safety are:
► Moral reason. The employer has a moral duty to take

► Social reason. (Legal – Civil & care of his employees. This moral duty

Criminal law) can also be called ‘humanitarian’ or

► Economic reason. (Financial – ‘ethical’. An employer pays the

cost of accidents) employees for the duties given to them

and not for getting injured while doing
them. Hence the employer has to
ensure that employees who work for The societal expectations may increase
him do not get injured or suffer ill- as the living conditions, technology and
health. This is the moral reason for awareness increases, and the law also
managing safety. gets amended to take care of these
enhanced expectations. To ensure that
the law is adhered to, the national
governments also appoint the
No employer can start a business
enforcement agencies, who are
without taking care of the legal
empowered to enter workplaces,
requirements. Even before the
conduct audits, interview people and
businesses are set up, certain permits
verify records. During such routine
are sought from the local authorities;
inspections, if the enforcement agencies
these permits are only given if the
find any violations with respect to the
employer undertakes to ensure that all
law then they may initiate proceedings,
the legal requirements are met. Most
which can range from a simple
national legislations would require
enforcement notice to prosecution in
employers to make arrangements to
the criminal court, which can lead to
take care of the health, safety and
either fines, imprisonment or both
welfare of its employees. These
The following are the social factors that
legislations are made by local
influence health and safety:
governments in consultation with the
► Economic climate
► Government policy

► Risk profile

► Globalizations

► Migrant workers

► National level of sickness and


► Social expectations of equality

BASIC SAFETY REQUIREMENTS ventilation and illumination and a
means of safe access and egress.
Most national laws will talk about the
following basic safety requirements: Having created a safe place to work, the
employer then has the task of getting
► Safe place of work.
‘Safe Plant and Equipment’ installed in
► Safe plant and equipment.
these premises. These plant and
► Safe systems of work. equipment could be ranging from large
► Information, Instructions, stationary equipments like
Training and supervision. compressors and generators to material

► Competent workers handling equipments like Fork lift

trucks to simple hand held tools.
Needless to say all these equipments
and plant need to be reasonably safe at
the time of procurement, by ensuring
that it meets the required standards
and at the same time it needs to remain
safe during its lifetime by ensuring that
regular preventive maintenance and
routine inspections are carried out.

Now, having equipped his safe place of

work with safe plant and equipment,
the next task for the employer is to
The above five requirements follow a
provide ‘Safe Systems of Work’, that is
certain logic that we should know,
the right, documented way of
only then can we appreciate its
operating these plant and equipment.
These procedures should not only
Firstly the employer has to provide a
cover the routine day-to-day activities
‘Safe Place of Work’, a place which is
but also the non-routine activities
inherently safe, for e.g., good
which happens once in a while and at
the same time the procedures should
also cover emergencies, both man- maximize profits and to minimize
made and natural, so that adequate costs, the costs associated with
action can be taken to save lives. accidents either needs to be totally

Having ensured that the above three eliminated or atleast minimized as far

requirements are met the employer as possible. Let us now understand as

now has the task of getting employees to what are the costs associated with

to work for him. These employees need accidents.

to be adequately ‘Trained’ so that they The theory of costs of an accident can

know how to work on these safe plant be closely associated with that of a
and equipments using the safe systems floating iceberg. What we see above the
of work and are adequately aware of ocean level is only 1/10th of the mass of
the inherent risks present and know the the iceberg, while 9/10th of the mass is
use of safety devices and implements, hidden below the waters. In the same
thereby keeping him and others safe way, we associate the costs of accidents
and free from injury. Having trained only to costs of hospitalization and
the employees the employer has to compensation payments which can be
ensure that the safe systems of work easily measured, this is also known as
need to be followed and no unsafe acts direct costs, but the majority of the costs
or conditions are created by them. This is hidden like the iceberg and can be
can be done by ensuring that the work many times the direct costs, these costs
is carried out under ‘Competent are known as indirect costs.
Supervision’. Let us now define direct and indirect
costs and look at examples of the same.

ECONOMIC REASON Direct Costs: the measurable costs

arising directly from an accident.
Today the business scenario is
Examples of direct costs are:
changing and if a business is not able to
► First aid treatment
make profits year on year then it is
difficult to sustain it. Accidents cost ► Worker sick pay

money, and businesses realize that to ► Hospitalization costs

► Compensation payable to the Indirect Costs: Those which arise
victims indirectly as a consequence of the

► Fines in the criminal courts event. Indirect costs are often difficult
to quantify precisely and may be hard
► Repairs or replacement of
to identify. Examples of indirect costs
damaged structures and plant
► Lost or damaged product
► Loss of staff from productive
► Lost production time while
duties in order to investigate the
dealing with the injury
incident, prepare reports,
► Overtime to make up for the lost
undertake hospital visits, deal
with relatives, attend court
► Costs associated with proceedings.
rehabilitation of the injured
► Loss of staff morale, which
worker and their return to work.
impacts productivity and

► Cost of remedial action

following an investigation.

► Compliance with any

enforcement notice served.

► Cost of recruiting and training

temporary or replacement labor.

► General difficulties in recruiting

and retaining staff as an indirect
result of the accident.

► Loss of goodwill of the

customers following delays in
production and fulfilling orders.

► Activation of penalty clauses for

failing to meet delivery dates.
► Damage to public image and But not all costs are covered by
business reputation. insurance and generally the quantum

► Damage to industrial relations, of uninsured costs is generally much

perhaps leading to workers higher than the insured costs. Some

unrest. examples of possible insured and

uninsured costs are as follows:

Looking at the above it is proved

beyond doubt that accidents cost Insured Costs
money and it is the indirect costs which ► Damage to plant, buildings,
cause most of the damages to the vehicles and equipment.
companies’ performance and hence it is
► Compensation paid to workers.
worthwhile for businesses’ to invest in
► Medical costs.
accident prevention (which some
companies unfortunately look at as
costs) rather than face the loss making Uninsured Costs

consequences of the accidents ► Production delays of down time.

► Loss of materials and product

► Accident investigation time.

Insured and Uninsured Costs,
► Emergency supplies and first aid
To take care of any eventualities arising
from accidents employers are required ► Cleaning up the site

to buy insurance by paying a premium. ► Criminal fines and legal costs.

In most countries it is a legal ► Sick pay of injured workers.
requirement for employers to have
► Overtime to make up for lost
insurance for their workers. Other than
meeting the legal requirements it also
► Hiring and training new
creates a sense of comfort both in minds
employees or temporary
of the employer and employee that in
case of an accident the insurance will
take care of the costs associated with it. ► Loss of business reputation.
In general, uninsured costs are usually Biological
2-10 times expensive than direct costs. Living micro-organisms that cause
Even though, most of the uninsured disease and ill health effects E.g.
costs cannot be insurable due to the Hepatitis B virus, Leptospira bacteria
following reasons.

► Difficult to quantify Ergonomic

It is a type of hazard which harms

► Not readily measurable
musculoskeletal system and leads to
injuries like back pain, sprains, strains,
and elbow problems. E.g. performing
HAZARD the same work again and again,

Any source or a situation that has the awkward posture and movements

potential to cause harm, injury, illness while material handling,

or property damage. uncomfortable workstation height and

poor body positioning


Physical Psychological
Things which can cause harm because Things that have a potential to cause

of their physical characteristics E.g. injury to the mind rather than the body

Electricity, falls due to slips & trips, E.g. Stress, bullying

radiation, vibration, noise, etc.

Things which can cause harm because
of their chemical characteristics E.g.
Lead, Sulphuric acid, cement, etc.
RISK ASSESSMENT ► The risk is determined by
calculating the product of the
The formal process of identifying
likelihood & the consequence
preventive & protective measures by
► The risk range from 1 (low
evaluating the risk arising from a
likelihood and low
hazard, taking into account the
consequence) to 9 (high
adequacy of any existing controls, and
likelihood and high
deciding whether or not the risk is

► Identify the Hazards
Incident is an undesired event that has
► Identify the people at risk
caused or could have caused damage,
► Evaluate, Remove or Reduce the
death, injury or ill health. There are two
main types of incident.
► Record findings, Preparing
► Accident
Emergency plan & Training
► Near miss
► Review & Update regularly

An Accident is an incident which
results in injury to someone or damage
► Use simple matrix to estimates
to property.
the likelihood & consequence to
place risk in ranking order

► The likelihood and consequence NEARMISS

are characterized as low, An incident that result in no injury or

medium or high damage, but have the potential to do so

► Assign number as 1, 2, and 3


Multiple causation theory is an outgrowth of the domino theory, but it postulates that
for a single accident there may be many contributory factors, causes and sub-causes,
and that certain combinations of these give rise to accidents. According to this theory,
the contributory factors can be grouped into the following two categories:

Behavioural - This category includes factors pertaining to the worker, such as

improper attitude, lack of knowledge, lack of skills and inadequate physical and
mental condition.

Environmental - This category includes improper guarding of other hazardous work

elements and degradation of equipment through use and unsafe procedures.

The major contribution of this theory is to bring out the fact that rarely, if ever, is an
accident the result of a single cause or act.
UNSAFE ACT Unsafe Act Unsafe condition

Unsafe act is a violation of an accepted Unsafe loading Improper

safe procedure which could permit the housekeeping,
occurrence of an accident things not at their
proper places


Unsafe condition is a hazardous IMMEDIATE, UNDERLYING &

physical condition or circumstances ROOT CAUSE

which could directly permit the Immediate causes: Unsafe actions or

occurrence of an accident lack of actions for e.g. operating
equipment with missing guards and
bypassing interlocks, using wrong PPE
Unsafe Act Unsafe condition
and unsafe conditions for e.g. damaged
Not using PPE Unguarded or
tools and equipment or high noise and
low lighting levels.
guarded machine
or equipment's
Underlying causes: Factors that allow
Bypassing safety Defective condition
the unsafe actions and conditions to
devices of machines,
happen. The majority of these are
equipment's and
related to the way the organization
tools e.t.c
manages health and safety and how
Operating at Unsafe method of
people perceive risk.
unsafe speed storing, pilling e.t.c

Using wrong Inadequate or

Root causes: A root cause is a factor
tools/ equipment Incorrect
that could result in an undesirable
event. If the problem were corrected, it
Unauthorized Inadequate
could prevent the undesirable event
operation ventilation
from happening. In other words, a root
cause is an event from which all other
causes spring

► Undesired events can be actively controlled by identifying and correcting poor


► Active monitoring is better than been Reactive

MEANING OF SAFETY CULTURE psyche. It is not that only few people in

In any organization there is a way in the organization have this habit of

which things get done. Some delaying but it is generally seen that

organizations take important decisions this problem exists throughout the

very fast and execute client projects in a entire hierarchy of the organization.

time bound manner, while in other As explained above, organizations,

organizations decision making is slow thus build up its own values, traditions,
and generally clients do not get their customs and informal views. This can
projects executed in time. This type of also be stated as the ‘culture’ of the
delaying or poor decision making organization. In the same way the
process is in built in the companies’ organizations can also have a ‘health
and safety culture’. A health and safety ► Managers believe in safety and
culture can be defined as the product of treat it is an investment, rather
individual and group values, attitude, than as a cost. Every action is
beliefs, perception and competencies taken by them only after careful
related to health and safety. assessment of the risks and after
considering the companies’
internal policies.

A companies’ health and safety

performance is determined by its
health and safety culture. A positive
culture leads to good performance,
while in a negative culture the
performance is poor.

► Workers behave in a safe

POSITIVE CULTURE manner because they are well
In an organization with positive culture trained and competent and
the following is seen: know the importance of

► There is leadership and following the rules and

commitment to health and regulations. Those workers who

safety throughout and at all do not feel that safety is

levels of the organization; important are generally are in

minority, but as time passes by
► There is acceptance that high
these workers also absorb this
standards of health and safety
good culture and changeover for
are achievable as part of a long-
the better, while those workers
term strategy formulated by the
who are reluctant to changeover,
either leave or are made to leave.
► This good health and safety look at the managers to lead them and
culture leads in better control of follow their poor customs and
the risks, highly motivated and behaviors. There may be some workers,
empowered workforce, a strict who are safety conscious, but they are
adherence to the rules, a too few to make an impact or they get
thorough investigation of absorbed into this negative way of
incidents thereby leading to working or they leave the organization.
good health and safety
performance with low accidents
and sickness rates.


In an organization with negative

culture the following is seen:

There is poor health and safety

leadership from the management. This negative culture leads to workers

Managers are generally concerned in and managers violating the rules, there

ensuring that the productivity is is poor or no implementation of risk

achieved and sales targets are met even control measures and there are large

if it means adopting unsafe practices or number of unsafe acts and conditions,

breaking the set procedures. Health which neither get reported not

and safety issues are neglected; near investigated. This leads to an increase

misses and worker complaints are in accidents and ill health thus

either not reported or not adequately impacting the organizations health and

investigated. There are no policies or safety performance.

they are poorly implemented.


Workers are poorly trained and the HEALTH AND SAFETY CULTURE

companies’ procedures are not It is not possible to measure health and

properly communicated to them. They safety culture directly, but it is possible
to come to a conclusion whether an A decreasing trend would obviously
organizations health and safety culture point out to an improvement in the
is good or poor by looking at a variety health and safety culture overall. An
of indicators. The following are the organizations accident data can be
indicators: compared to similar sized, similar
product company which can thus be
used as a benchmark to compare with
companies having good health and
The number of accidents that are
safety culture.
happening in an organization is a good
Other way of assessing the culture is to
judge of its health and safety culture.
look at the standards of investigation
But only the number of accidents as a
that follows the accidents. A company
standalone itself cannot give a clear
with positive health and safety culture
picture. Accidents happening in the
would obviously carry out a well-
organization need to be converted into
structured investigation and there will
indicators for e.g. number of accidents
be great emphasis placed on reaching
per 1000 workers. Once these indicators
out to the root cause of the incident and
are generated the companies’ records
bringing out structural improvements
can be checked for the previous few
by looking at short comings in the risk
years to see an increasing or decreasing
assessments and the companies’
policies. While in a company with
negative health and safety culture,
accidents investigations will be carried
out superficially, often with an
intention to blame someone rather than
with an intention to prevent such
accidents in the future.
Absenteeism: compared in the same way as accidents

In a company with poor health and rates are.

safety culture high level of worker

absenteeism may be seen, this indicates
that workers are not able to come to
work or do not want to come to work.

► Workers are not able to come to

work as they may be suffering
from ill health which could get
worsened by continuing to
work. Staff Turnover:
► Workers do not want to come to Workers leave the work and join other
work as they feel their work his organizations. One prime reason to
too risky and hence would not leave is to seek a better working
like to suffer any loss of limb or environment. An organization with
life. poor health and safety culture will have
a higher worker turnover because they
don’t feel safe at work or suffering with
poor morale.

Sickness Rates:

A workplace is full of hazardous

Compliance with Safety Rules:
substances which can cause ill health
In organizations with positive health
effects and subsequently cause workers
and safety culture audits and routine
to report sick. Sickness rates can be
inspections will point out to high level adhering to minimum legal
of compliance with health and safety requirements.
rules (this obviously is one of the reasons
for good accident records). Conversely in
The Influence of Peers:
an organization with poor culture there
would be rampant violations of rules In an organization workers form their

and regulations to meet the companies’ own groups to socialize and to make

production targets. the work life more meaningful. Within

this group an informal hierarchy gets
formed with one or more of the
Complaints about the Working
workers becoming their unelected
leader who obviously influence the
Organizations with poor health and group due to their imposing
safety culture will have high number of personality and effective
worker complaints recorded through communication. A person wishing to
formal consultation processes. become a member of this group needs
to comply with the groups norms. This
pressure to comply is called as peer
group pressure.

Complaints will range from poor

quality PPE, to poor work environment
like too much noise or very dusty If the group has a positive attitude
workplace. Organizations with good towards health and safety then any
health and safety culture will find less new comer would also be required to
of workers complaints because the follow this norm, even if this new
organization will definitely be
person doesn’t think of safety as FACTOR THAT HAVE A NEGATIVE
something which is important. The
peer group can also have a negative
impact on health and safety behaviour
Lack of leadership from the
in which the group as such thinks that
safety is something which is meant only
to be followed on paper and those who ► Presence of a blame culture.

believe in safety will also tend to ► Lack of management

overlook it so as to comply with the commitment towards safety.
peer group pressure. ► Health and safety receiving
The only way for the management to lower priority than other
overcome this peer group pressure business issues.
from imposing negative pressure on ► Organizational changes leading
the workmen is to identify the to uncertainty.
influential persons in the group and
► High staff turnover rates.
turn them over to the safe way of
► Lack of resources.
behaving. This can be done by training,
► Lack of worker consultation.
education and involvement in safety-
related projects. Once these workers are ► Interpersonal issues, e.g. peer-

changed, they will influence the others group pressure, bullying or

in the group to also change their harassment.

behaviour. ► Poor management systems and


► External influences e.g.

economic climate resulting in
difficult conditions

► Little or no near-miss reporting ► Blame would only be attributed

► No way to stop accidents from if somebody has been reckless

occurring as there is no data to and taken unnecessary and

learn from unacceptable risk.

► However just culture leaders
must also recognize that they
must appreciate that
accountability must be delivered
in a fair and consistent manner.

► No accountability

► Sometimes people have to be

held accountable, so it is
IMPROVING HEALTH & SAFETY manager’s responsibility and they
CULTURE should be held to account for their

Improving health and safety depends performance on health and safety

upon factors such as, issues.

► Management commitment, Specialist expertise should be made

► Good leadership, available when required (e.g. for noise

assessment), either from within the
► Competency of personnel
workforce or by the employment of
► Effective communication,
external contractors or consultants.
► Training and Disciplinary Health and safety should be discussed
procedures. on a regular basis at management
Let us now look at each of these meetings at all levels of the
factors in detail organization. If the organization
employs sufficient people to make
direct consultation with all employees
Securing Management Commitment
difficult, there should be a health and
& Good Leadership:
safety committee at which there is
There needs to be a commitment from employee representation. In addition,
the very top of the organization and there should be recognized routes for
this commitment will, in turn, produce anybody within the organization to
higher levels of motivation and receive health and safety information
commitment throughout the or have their health and safety concerns
organization. Probably, the best addressed.
indication of this concern for health and
The health and safety culture is
safety is shown by the status given to
enhanced considerably when senior
health and safety and the amount of
managers appear regularly at all levels
resources (money, time and people)
of an organization whether it be the
allocated to health and safety. The
shop floor, the hospital ward or the
management of health and safety
general office and are willing to discuss
should form an essential part of a
health and safety issues with staff. A
visible management is very important ensure that workers do not repeat their
for a positive health and safety culture. acts again. The level of action would
Finally, the positive results of a depend upon the severity of the breach.
management commitment to health Minor breaches can be dealt with even
and safety will be the active a verbal reprimand and more severe
involvement of all employees in health ones through written warnings and
and safety, the continuing even suspension of work for a few
improvement in health and safety days.
standards and the subsequent
reduction in accident and occupational
Competent Personnel:
ill-health rates. This will lead,
ultimately, to a reduction in the A competent person is a person who

number and size of compensation has sufficient knowledge, skill,

claims. experience, and other abilities and

authorised to carry out their work
safely and without risk to health.
Ensuring Disciplinary Procedures:

The companies’ policies and

procedures states clearly what is
acceptable or not, in terms of health and
safety behaviour at all levels of the
organization. It becomes important that
non-compliance to rules brings with it
certain disciplinary procedures which
are also well documented in the
companies’ policies. A good
organization will ensure that negligent It is the responsibility of the employer
acts are reported immediately and to ensure that the employees are
managers act upon them using the competent at all levels. Competence is
disciplinary actions available, this will required at managerial, supervisory
and at workers level so that each one
can do their jobs safely. Furthermore an systematic approach, the organizations
employer has to appoint competent need to develop and maintain a legal
health and safety professionals so that register for managing legal
the organization benefits from their requirements with ease.
advice and knowledge. Below is the list of ILO instruments that
illustrate typical international legal and
other requirements.
Identifying and Keeping up to date
with Legal Requirements General provisions

For operating a sustainable and socially ► C155 - Occupational Safety and

responsible business, organisation Health Convention, 1981 (No.

must take account of legal 155)

requirements in all their systems and ► P155 - Protocol of 2002 to the

procedures such as while assessing Occupational Safety and Health
risks, planning control measures and Convention, 1981
setting objectives. Organization must ► R164 - Occupational Safety and
establish, implement and maintain a Health Recommendation, 1981
procedure for identifying and accessing (No. 164)
the legal and other OH&S requirements
► C161 - Occupational Health
that are applicable. This information
Services Convention, 1985 (No.
must be communicated and kept up-to-
► R171 - Occupational Health
Moreover, organization must
Services Recommendation, 1985
demonstrate their commitment in the
(No. 171)
health and safety policy statement to
► C187 - Promotional Framework
meet legal requirements. Being
for Occupational Safety and
compliant with legislation
Health Convention, 2006 (No.
requirements not only helps to achieve
business excellence but also avoid
prosecution, litigation, absence costs ► R197 - Promotional Framework

and loss of reputation. To ensure a for Occupational Safety and

Health Recommendation, 2006 Vibration) Recommendation,
(No. 197) 1977 (No. 156)

► R097 - Protection of Workers’ ► C162 - Asbestos Convention,

Health Recommendation, 1953 1986 (No. 162)
(No. 97) ► R172 - Asbestos
► R102 - Welfare Facilities Recommendation, 1986 (No.
Recommendation, 1956 (No. 172)
102) ► C170 - Chemicals Convention,
► R194 - List of Occupational 1990 (No. 170)
Diseases Recommendation, 2002 ► R177 - Chemicals
(No. 194) Recommendation, 1990 (No.

Protection against specific risks ► C174 - Prevention of Major

Industrial Accidents
► C115 - Radiation Protection
Convention, 1993 (No. 174)
Convention, 1960 (No. 115)
► R181 - Prevention of Major
► R114 - Radiation Protection
Industrial Accidents
Recommendation, 1960 (No.
Recommendation, 1993 (No.
► C139 - Occupational Cancer
Convention, 1974 (No. 139)
► R147 - Occupational Cancer
Recommendation, 1974 (No. Communication can be defined as the

147) transmission of data from the sender to

the receiver. Effective communication
► C148 - Working Environment
means the data is sent by the sender,
(Air Pollution, Noise and
which is then received by the receiver
Vibration) Convention, 1977
in totality and understood and acted
(No. 148)
upon as desired. There are three
► R156 - Working Environment
common ways in which
(Air Pollution, Noise and
communication can be delivered. In The three common methods of
health and safety we follow a mixture communication are verbal, written and
of all the three methods to overcome graphic.
the barriers of each method and for the
► Verbal Communication
reasons such as:
► Written Communication
► Variety prevents over-
► Graphical Communication
familiarization with one
Means of Broadcasting Information:
► Helps to reinforce a message;
Health and safety information can be
► Overcome language barriers
made in any of the three means of
and the inability of some
communication. Also this
workers to read;
communication can be broadcasted
► People respond differently to
using different methods; some of them
different stimuli;
have been discussed below:
► To motivate, stimulate interest
Notice Boards: These are the most
and gain involvement and
common and widely used method for
broadcasting information. For the
► Different types of information notice board to be effective the
require different methods to following needs to be considered: It
communicate; should be eye-catching and centrally
► It may be the policy that certain located in an area which is used by
information to be in a specified most workers, like for e.g. pantry, rest
format; rooms or changing areas.

► Need to be keep evidence of the The displays should be current and

message delivered. replaced at regular intervals so that it

► To ensure communication is compels the workers to read it more

clear and understood by all often.

It should contain data related to health

and safety only for e.g.: the
companies’ policies, accident data, work shift to boost up the motivation
minutes of safety committee meetings and morale of the workers and urging
etc. them to work safely. It refreshes the
Posters and Videos: These are great in knowledge of the workers and creates
drawing instant attention and puts awareness about the risks of the task to
forth simple information in graphical be undertaken in that shift.
form which can be understood by all.
The following are the advantages of Digital Media: DVDs can be used as a
posters: They are graphical and hence teaching medium to educate workers
avoid language barrier. about the organization’s health and

► It is easily eye catching and safety policy and its objectives. It is also

hence generates interest. used to create awareness among the

workers and show the impacts of not
► Cost can be kept low.
following health and safety procedures.
► It can reinforce key messages.
Visual media ensures clear
interpretation of concepts, procedures
The following are the disadvantages of and ideas and encourages the workers
posters: to apply safety rules and procedures at
► Can quickly become part of the the workplace. It should incorporate
surroundings and hence ignored pleasant and motivational visuals for
by the workers. better health and safety behaviour.

► May be defaced and hence not

readable. Company Intranet: It is a private
► Can trivialize important issues. network connecting only few numbers

► Rely on the recipient of computers while internet is a public

interpreting the correct message network connecting lots of computers

from the image. across the globe. It is normally used in

most of the organisations to share
health and safety rules and procedures
Tool Box Talks: These are short
of the organisation among employees.
practical talks given at the start of the
Memos and Emails: These are written cooperation from the workers. But here
notifications used to provide specific we should be aware of the requirement
information about a single issue, such of consulting. Let’s understand what
as updating procedures, drawing the meaning of consulting is and how it
attention ton lapses in practice, etc. is different from informing.
When using memos there is no ‘Informing’ is a one way process and
opportunity for feedback or generally decisions are taken by the
questioning, so their use is really management and it is informed to the
limited to issuing clear and precise workers and checked for
instructions or information. understanding. Most workers would
resist this type of communication
because they look at the decisions of the
Worker Handbooks: It is used to set
management as something that is
out the organizations health and safety
imposed on them and the management
policy. All employees should be given
been autocratic in imposing their
a copy on joining the organization, and
decision. This creates a negative
updates are usually circulated to
inform staff of changes. This is a key
document, containing such information
as site rules, reporting procedures, ‘Consulting’ is a two way process,

emergency arrangements, etc. It is where the management and the

standard practice to issue this workers discuss on matters affecting

handbook as part of the workers their work and come to a joint decision.

induction and to get a receipt as proof The workers are given an opportunity

of issue. to speak out and ask for clarifications.

This is seen as a democratic way of
management and the decision taken by
Co-operation and Consultation: With
the consultation process is supported
good commitment from the top
whole heartedly by the workers and the
management, adequately competent
management can look at getting co-
workers and managers and effective
communication, we can expect good
Training accrue to the employer by the
Training can be defined as the provision of sound information
imparting of skills and knowledge in a and training to employees.
structured manner in a relatively safe
Benefits to Employer:

► Increased productivity
The Effects of Training:
► Decreased Accidents
Training is an important aspect in
building the competency of the ► Happy workforce

workers. It improves his knowledge ► Better Reputation

and changes their attitude towards ► Business profitability

health and safety. It also acts as a
motivating factor to work safely and Training opportunities: the following
improves the workers perception of could be the opportunities when
risks. training needs to be imparted to

Once the workers are properly trained: workers.

► They develop their awareness Induction training: This is given to

and understanding of the employees who have joined the

specific hazards and risks organization and before they can settle

associated with their jobs and down with their daily routine the

working environment. organization needs to give them safety

induction to make them aware of the
► It will inform them of the control
companies’ rules and procedures and
measures that are in place and
site specific information.
any related safe procedures that
must be followed. Job change: When a workers job profile
changes like if an office worker has
► The emergencies that can
been given the task of visiting
happen and the action that
customers at their site, then lone
needs to be taken.
workers training, training in safe road
► Apart from satisfying legal
travel etc. may have to be given.
obligations, several benefits will
Process change: A change in the way of analysis in which the following factors
doing things may expose the workers can be considered:
to additional hazards, this need to be ► The work profile and the type of
communicated by training. organization.
New technology: The introduction of ► The hazards present in the work
new technology brings with it many carried out.
benefits but also add to the hazards
► Statutory training as required by
already existing. For e.g. the
the law. For e.g.: firefighting,
introduction of hand held bar code
first aid, emergencies.
scanners in a shopping mall should be
► The level of competence already
done by training the workers
existing and further training that
concerned on the hazards of lasers.
needs to be given to close the
New legislation: New laws been
gap in competency.
passed by the national governments
► The accident history of the
may require training to be given to the
workers, so as to understand its
implications on their routine activities. ► Presence of vulnerable group

Training may also be required to be

given after a risk assessment is made or Training Records:

revised; after an accident investigation, Once the training has been provided it
to prevent a recurrence; after an audit becomes important that proper records
or a notice by enforcement agency etc. are maintained. Training records help
us in the following way:
Training Needs Analysis: ► It helps us track the progress in
Each worker would require a different training with respect to the
set of skills and capabilities and hence training plans.
the training that needs to be imparted ► Helps in evaluating the
needs to be properly evaluated and effectiveness of training
planned. To do this the organization
► It helps in determining the
needs to carry out a training needs
competence level of a worker.
► It lets us know, when refresher training is to be planned.

► In case of an accident or an audit by a regulator it helps in proving that

adequate training has been provided.

Why human behaviour is important?

► If we want to improve the organizations H&S performance then we have to

continuously decrease the incidents.

► To decrease incidents we have to proactively work on the UNSAFE ACTS.

► To reduce UNSAFE ACTS, we need to understand “Why humans behave the

way they do”

► So for the overall improvement of the H&S performance we need to understand

human behaviour and improve it.





► Ivan Pavlov conducted a famous experiment with dogs.

► He found that to generate excessive saliva the dogs need to be presented with

► In a few weeks the sight of the attendant feeding them itself generated excessive

► To further reinforce this theory he started feeding the dogs with bells ringing
in the background.

► Soon the sound of ringing bells also gave the same response.

► Similarly human response is also triggered by such stimuli.

► For example: SALE, COCA COLA etc.

NUDGE THEORY & SUB that in spite of all the training and
CONSCIOUS TRIGGER awareness why do they end up in

It is concept in behavioural science doing unsafe acts.

which argues that POSITIVE Human factor is a science of analyzing

REINFORCEMENT and INDIRECT human’s knowledge, skills, abilities,
SUGGESTIONS can achieve non- behaviour and emotions with respect to
formal compliance. It builds up on the work. The system, workplace and
following theory: environment are designed and

a. Understanding of how people evaluated based on the human factors

think, make decisions and behave. observations for ensuring the safety of
the people.
b. Helping people improve their
thinking and decision making. Human factor is mainly influenced by

c. Managing change and identifying the “Organizational”, “Job”, and

and modifying existing unhelpful “Individual” factors

influences on the people. To understand the above we need to

understand the factors that affect
human behavior. The factors that have
an effect on the human behaviour are:

One critical factor that most

1. The Organizational Factor
organizations would face while
Organizational factors have the
improving their health and safety
greatest influence on individual and
culture and consequently their safety
group behaviour, yet they are often
performance would be the human
overlooked during the design of work
factor. Research and previous data on
and during investigation of accidents
accident causation has pointed towards
and incidents. Organizations need to
human error, lapses and mistakes in
establish their own positive health and
creating unsafe acts which is most of
safety culture. The culture needs to
the times the immediate cause for an
promote employee involvement and
accident. We have to understand why
commitment at all levels, emphasizing
humans behave the way they do and
that deviation from established health ► Consultation and workers
and safety standards is not acceptable. involvement: keeping the
Following are the characteristics of the workers involved in work
organization that influences human related decisions and ensures
behaviour: cooperation and acceptance
from the workers.
► Safety culture of the
organization: a negative culture ► Communication: effective

will influence the worker to communication ensures that the

behave negatively. workers have understood their

► Policies and procedures: the job requirements and hence

presence or the absence of there is a less chance of them

been involved in mistakes.
procedures and the quality of
the same and whether it is easy ► Resources: this could include

to understand and interpret. space, manpower, tools and

► Commitment and leadership training. The absence of the right

from the management: tool or inappropriate level of

Management should show training may require a worker to

visible leadership and their improvise thereby seen as poor

actions should speak louder
than their words.

► Levels of supervision: the

correct level and competent
supervision acts as a deterrent
for unsafe behaviour. Most
workers would not want to be
caught and reprimanded by the

► Peer group pressure: this is

already discussed earlier.
► Training: if well trained and competent staff is not accomplishing the tasks then
it certainly affects the workers behaviour.

► Work patterns: the shift start and end time, overtime or extended hours, the
weekly off between changes in shift can adversely affect the workers’ health
and cause fatigue and thereby affect the safety performance.

2. The Job Factor:

Tasks should be designed in accordance with ergonomic principles to take into
account limitations and strengths in human performance. Matching the job to the
person will ensure that they are not overloaded and that the most effective
contribution to the business results. Physical match includes the design of the whole
workplace and working environment. Mental match involves the individual’s
information and decision-making requirements, as well as their perception of the tasks
and risks. Mismatches between job requirements and people’s capabilities provide the
potential for human error. Following are the various job related characteristics that
influence human behaviour:

. Task: the way the work is . Environment: If the job involves

performed. If the task is too working in noisy, dusty or hot
complicated and requires the worker to environment, then the worker needs to
stoop too often or reach out for controls wear certain PPE to take care of the
which are far from his hands span, then adverse effects. Wearing the PPE and
it is most likely he will find an easier doing physically exerting jobs tires the
way of doing the task which may not be workers quickly and he will find ways
the safest way. of doing the job without the requisite

. Workload: the amount of work PPE and thus exposing himself to the

if it is high with smaller and less hazards.

frequent breaks will compel the worker . Displays and controls: poorly
to find out shortcuts of accomplishing positioned and designed displays and
the task quicker so that he gets some controls may require a worker to reach
more additional time to relax. out to them or strain his eyes to see
them, or may have to rely upon his situation. Attitudes are influenced by
memory to see if the parameters seen in the prevailing health and safety culture
the display are correct or wrong. All of within the organization, the
these factors can contribute to human commitment of the management, the
error. experience of the individual and the

. Procedures: the existence and influence of the peer group. Peer group

quality of the procedures. A lack of pressure is a particularly important

written procedures or poorly written factor among young people and health

procedures that are out of date or and safety training must be designed

overly complex or impractical can be with this in mind by using examples or

why workers do not comply with them. case studies that are relevant to them.
Attitudes develop over time, many of

1. The Individual Factor: the time quiet early in the life, and they

People bring to their job personal have a tendency to stay with us.

attitudes, skills, habits and Because of this particular reason it is

personalities which can be strengths or very difficult to change attitude.

weaknesses depending on the task Changing the attitude can be done

demands. Individual characteristics using a combination of all the methods

influence behaviour in complex and stated below: Education and Training:

significant ways. Their effects on task When workers are educated and made

performance may be negative and may aware of the hazards in the workplace

not always be mitigated by job design. and in operating of machinery and the

Some characteristics such as accidents that can be caused work act as

personality are fixed and cannot be an eye opener, thereby changing their

changed. Others, such as skills and attitude towards safety requirements as

attitudes, may be changed or enhanced. something provided for their own

Following are the individual related good. Educating workmen that it is a

characteristics that influence human legal requirement for them to work

behaviour: safely also changes their attitude.

. Attitude: is the tendency to . High-impact intervention:

behave in a particular way in a certain Images of grievous bodily injuries

caused by poor attitude towards health . Use of incentive schemes for
and safety creates a lasting image on having good safety records. It is
the minds of the workers thereby important here to know that if
changing their attitude. production is incentivized then

. Consultation and workers workers may take shortcuts to achieve

involvement: In this the workers are the targets thereby they may be

made part of the decision making motivated to work unsafely and

process and therefore the decisions selection of incentive schemes should

taken are more readily accepted by the be done carefully.

workforce and safety critical decisions . Recognition and promotion

are viewed with a positive attitude opportunities, job security and job

. Enforcement: workers are satisfaction.

forced to follow the rules and .

procedures laid out by the organization Competence: is a combination of

and the managers should be seen as knowledge, experience, training and

following it themselves and taking ability that brings a person to a level

unbiased action on the workers if they where they are able to perform to an

violate the rules laid out. acceptable standard and they are aware

. Motivation: is the driving force of their own limitations. Competence

behind the way a person acts or the way also means the right combination of all

in which people are stimulated to act. the factors involved. Some tasks may

So, if a worker has to work safely, he require a high level of technical

needs to be motivated in doing so. knowledge, while other would require

Following are the ways in which physical ability to accomplish. If a

workers could be motivated in working worker is competent to do a task then

safely. Involvement in the decision- his behaviour will be positive and he

making process in a meaningful way will do the task without any shortcuts

will improve motivation. or errors, but at the same time a non-

competent worker would not have the
right knowledge and hence would
accomplish the task in an unsafe possibility of accidents. A tired worker
manner. may not be able to recognize a pothole
Perception of risk: It is the quick enough to avoid it- in this case
way in which a person interprets the eyes has spotted the pothole but it
information detected by the senses. In is the brain that has failed to interpret it
health and safety, the perception of and send the right signals.
hazards is an important concern. Many
accidents occur because people do not
perceive that there is a risk. Poor Other Factors that May Affect a
perception of risks are caused by: Perception of Risk are:
People having sensory impairment ► Illness.
may not be able to correctly detect
► Stress.
hazards in a workplace; hence they
► Fatigue.
may not feel, hear, see or smell a
► Drugs and alcohol.
► Previous experiences.
The brain may not be correctly
interpreting the hazards sensed by the ► Training, knowledge and

senses. It is important to understand education.

that when perception leads to an

increased health and safety risk, it is not Ways of Improving Workers
always caused by a conscious decision Perception of Risk:
of the individual concerned. The ► Carrying out safety awareness
stroboscopic effect caused by the campaigns using posters,
rotation of a drill at certain speeds toolbox talks, etc.
under fluorescent lighting will make
► Developing training programs
the drill appear stationary. It is a well-
to increase awareness of the
known phenomenon, especially among
hazard and its consequences.
illusionists, that people will often see
► Highlighting hazards, e.g. by
what they expect to see rather than
using safety signs to inform
reality. Routine or repetitive tasks will
employees that hearing
reduce attention levels, leading to the
protection is required, or to Link between individual, job and
warn of a hazard, such as the organisation factors can be explained
presence of forklifts or wet with a below example.
floors. Paint and tape can be Mutually complement each other
used for highlighting hazards
For example:
like low objects or changes in
Visible leadership from management
will motivate workers; Consultation
► Ensuring that there is adequate
and communication will improve
perception of risk, etc. (Organisational
► Removing distractions such as
Vs Individual factor)
noise (which could result in a
Demonstration of management’s
worker not hearing a warning)
commitment to safety such as
or excessive heat (which can
availability of resources, setting
cause fatigue).
realistic targets will provide reasonable
work load (Organisational Vs Job
Link between Individual, Job and
Organisational Factors
No distractions in terms of
Individual: Includes the person’s
lighting/noise/temperature in
competence, skills, personality,
working conditions will help to
attitude, and risk perception.
improve perception of risk at work (Job
Job: Includes nature of the task, Vs Individual factor)
workload, and the working

Organisation: Discuss about work

patterns, the culture of the workplace,
resources, communications, and
WHAT IS BEHAVIOUR BASED reinforce safe behaviors among
SAFETY? the workers.

Behaviour Based Safety is a process that

helps workers identify their unsafe BENEFITS OF BEHAVIOUR
behaviours and helps them choose a
► Tangible Benefit
safer behaviour over the unsafe ones.
► 12 % increase in productivity
Behaviour Based Safety (BBS) is the ► 30 % Reduction in Insurance
application of positive reinforcement to Premium
change unsafe individual behaviours to ► 30 – 70 % reduction in undesired
safe behaviours. Here, BBS is a process event
leading to creation of safety ► Intangible Benefit
partnership between management and ► Improve Business Image &
employees having focus on attention of Reputation
people and their behaviour related to ► Improve working environment
safety ► Reduction in operation cost
► Behavior based safety is an
established technique to NATURAL LAWS OF BEHAVIOUR
promote safe behavior at the
If the SAFE way is the EASY way, then
we will behave SAFELY - behavior has
► BBS is a methodical analysing
advantages and becomes habit.
tool which allows achieving the
If the SAFE way is DIFFICULT or
safety management system the
uncomfortable, then we will be
logical understanding of
tempted to behave UNSAFELY -
individual’s antecedents,
behavior has disadvantages - unsafe
which triggers at risk
becomes habit
behaviours, follows
consequences. If we really understand the

► It involves identifying the consequence of our actions it will lead

worker’s unsafe behaviors and to SAFE behavior

develops action plans to

towards H & S as a continuous
► To focus on safe and at-risk
► To lead by example
► To provide feedback and learn
from one another instantly
► To enable all the employees and
WHY BBS TRAINING IS their contribution towards

► To promote safe behavior at ► To develop open two way

workplace communication about safety

► To enhance safety and decrease issues

the frequency of unsafe ► To remind workplace safety

behaviours from time to time

► To create a positive Climate & ► To lower the rate of incidents

Culture ► To identify hazards at the source

► To identify & take appropriate & eradicate/mitigate before

remedial actions on the root they occur

► To educate employees in BEHAVIOUR BASED SAFETY
behavior guidance for keeping OBSERVATION
themselves and others safe
Behaviour Based Safety Observations
► To increase employee
(BBSO) are an integral part of
productivity and job satisfaction
behaviour based safety programs,
which aim to reduce the number of
BENEFITS OF BBS incidents by recognizing safe
► To show Active & Visible Top- behaviour, and eliminating the need for
management commitment unsafe behaviour. The general idea is
that by creating safe work habits
through observations, the number of ► Tools, equipment, supplies in
incidents will decrease among workers. designated area
► Tools & equipment – correct
selection, use
► Mobile equipment
► Guards, barriers & warnings
► Contact with rotating
► Body posture & position
► Adequate force used
► Caught between, pinch point
► Pushing, pulling, reaching
► Contact with sharp edges
► Lifting & lowering techniques
► Motorized equipment
► Eyes on path & work
► Body and/or hands in right
► Housekeeping
► Walking surfaces
► Working surfaces
► Area clean & free of obstacles or
► Hand protection slip, trip, fall hazards
► Fall protection ► Walkways, fire equipment,
► Eye & face emergency access routes clear of
► Respirator, dust mask obstructions
► Hearing protection ► Contact with temperature
► Correct & complete PPE ► Tool slippage
► Proper use of PPE ► Walking under suspended loads
► PPE in good condition ► Confined space environment
► Driver safety

TOOLS & EQUIPMENT ► Electrical safety

► Noise levels
• Tools adequate & in good
► Dust levels
QUALITIES OF GOOD BBS ► Observer not knowing

BEHAVIOUR observee’s job well.

► Observer is not patient while
Some characteristics of a good BBS
interacting with observees.
observer are:
► Observer losing objectivity and
► Concern for others.
getting personal with the
► Self-initiation for correcting the
► Lack of proper follow-up once
► Ability to develop a mutually
feedback is given.
agreeable insight on safe
► Observer not interacting on a
one-to-one level, but acting
► Training the observee in self-
superior and more
► Observer unable to convey the
REASON BBS MAY FAIL IN importance of an injury-free
OBSERVATION AND work culture.
SUBMITTING FEEDBACK ► Observer not being proficient in
PROPERLY giving feedback.
► Observee responding in an
aggressive manner. BBS OBSERVER REQUIRE GOOD
► Observer does not have INTERPERSONAL SKILLS
knowledge of Standard
► Trust-building ability; not
Operating Procedure (SOP);
displaying seniority, pride, or
► Communication gap between
observer and observee.
► Having high levels of patience
► Feedback not being given in a
when giving feedback;
proper way.
► not being too formal or serious,
► Lack of rapport between
but giving feedback in an
observer and observee.
informal, understandable, and

may be even humorous manner;
ability to listen and understand 5. Observe for 15 to 20 minutes and
the observee ; update your checklist.
► displaying empathy with the
6. Once the observation is
completed, join the
► always being the more active
observee/observees to share the
participant in the feedback
process and never looking low
7. Start with all the positive things
on energy;
that you saw and then talk about
► becoming a friend and not a
the at risk behaviours.
► not to be under any kind of 8. Ask open ended question to

personal or professional stress understand the reasons

when giving feedback; (antecedents) for the at risk

► and, appreciating the safe behaviours.

behaviour of employees along 9. Thank the observees and update

with telling him where he has to the checklist and upload it.

do better.

STEPS IN CONDUCTING BBS Observe the things in terms of:
► Employee- What he or she is
1. Reach the desired location
where the observation is
► Equipment- Is it safe
► Environment-Is it dangerous
2. Explain the observee/observees
Observers during observation should
why you are there. ask themselves:
3. Tell them you are there not to ► What is happening
find fault or blame them. ► Is safe procedure in place
4. Select a safe place to do the ► What needs to be changed

► Look above, below, behind and inside.

► Listen for vibrations and unusual sounds.
► Smell for unusual odors.
► Feel for unusual temperatures and vibrations.


There are certain objective for giving feedbacks such as:

► To motivate by appreciating safe behavior practice

► To draw attention of unsafe behavior
► To identify barriers of the expected safe behavior


► Public feedback
► Team feedback
► One to one feedback


► Keep to the observed behavior not your perception

► Be tactful but honest
► Inform to the person regarding observation
► Keep the feedback simple and to the point
► Record the feedback
► Look for information regarding occurrence of behavior

► Reinforcement occurs when the Consequence that follows a Behaviour makes

it more likely that the behaviour will occur in the future.
► Therefore, a reinforcing Consequence is one that causes Behaviour to occur
more frequently.


If PPE is worn to avoid fines, then this is Negative Reinforcement. Workers may not
wear PPE the moment supervisors are not watching.


At the same time if PPE is worn with the consideration that it will keep him safe, then
the worker will always wear the PPE. This is Positive Reinforcement.

► Listening = a skill
► Individual differences dictate what we hear.
► Components of listening:
► hearing
► attending
► understanding
► remembering



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