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HPHY —E10t EGERTON UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS REGULAR /SSP— NJORO CAMPUS UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION 2021/2022 ACADEMIC YEAR FIRST YEAR RESIT EXAMINATION FOR DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF "MEDICINE AND BACHELOR OF SURGERY pny — E101 P STREAM: MBChB 1 ‘TIME: 3 HOURS EXAMINATION SESSION: DECEMBER ‘YEAR: 2022 INSTRUCTIONS: 4. This end of year resi examination consists of 3 (Three) sections. Namely, Section A, Banc, 4, Section A, is of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). There are 90 (Ninety) questions andlor statements, each with given responses underneath; Le a, bye, d andor e. On| the answer sheet provided, CIRCLE THE SINGLE BEST RESPONSE OUT OF ‘THOSE PROVIDED = One mark i awarded for every correct response Wrong response or omitted responses will NOT be penalized UW, Section Bis of Short Answer Questions (SAQs). There are Twelve (12) questions ‘Answer ALL. questions on the Question paper. iv. Section Cis of Long Answer Questions (LAQ, ESSAY). Ansrer ONE question from {his section on the separate answer booklet provided. ¥. Writeyour registration number and NOT your name onal the pages ofthis Question booklet, MCQ answer sheet and the LAQ answer booklet Transforming Liver tong Olly Bancton™ PHY —E101 What i the bass of nerve ation potent: ‘A. The Sodium-Potassivim Pump B, The Sodium Chloride co-transpotation ©. The Sods entry int cells D. The Potussium efx from ells The Calcium itl iat cls ‘What i the ference in hydrogen ion concentration between two Mis, one with a ptt of another witha pl of 7 A fold B. efold © 100-fod . ton00 fol E2 hat is4 foa 3. Nuclear DNA replicates inthe phase A. G2 phase BM phase ©. Sphase D. Anaphase E, None ofthe above 4 Thelongest stage inthe cll eele is ‘A. Interphase B. Anaphase C. Metaphase D. Prophase E. Telophase state implies the exit of elif the cell eele Ina healthy adult weighing 60 kg (ase this information to answer the next 3 questions) 6. What ste estimated body water? A SOL B36. © 281 Page 2 of PHY -E101 D. 301. E 105L 7. What s the estimated plasma volume? AIL B. LOL. cat Ds Ba 5. Ifthe hematocrit i 45% what i the blood volume? AL B22 © 66. D. tL B3IL 9. Which one ofthe folowing i an example of secondary active tanspor? ‘A. Calcium uansfer out of RER B. Na-Ca exchanger . Calcium entry into the elt D. Entry of Na into cells E. Entry of K into cells 10, Which G protein subunits has GTPase utvity? A. Alpha B. Beta ©. Gamma D. Delta E. Sigma 11. The control of blood clot development i under what mechanism ‘A. Open loop 1B. Negative feedback . Positive feedback D. Complex system E. None ofthe above 12. The control of blood glucose i under what mechanism ‘A. Open loop BB. Negative fedbock C. Positive feedback D. Complex sytem E. None ofthe above Transforming Lives trong ally Eaton” Page 30626 uPay— toi 13, Comes ofthe coll membrane | Tis bilipd layer B. Has integral proteins only © Measures 7.51054 D. tas. bydrophiie middle one , Carbohydrates contributes to approximately 40% of the membane 14. Which i tre concerning incepral proteins ‘A. All integral proteins ate transmembrane B, All integral proteins have enzymatic activity © Some integral proteins dissociate fom the ell membrane 1. Al inteyral protcins ave covalently bonded to the membrane BE, None ofthe above 15. meorct of the mitochon ‘A. It has.a double layer membrane 1B. The inner layer has $ membrane complexes C. Complex § his ATPase activity D. Hydrogen ions are eoncenated in the mateix E. Has genetic material of matemal origin 16, Correct concerning mirotubsles ‘A. The cross-section has 26 subunits 18. ‘The subunits have alpha and beta subunits C. Involved in the protein systhesis D. Enables unidveetional anspor: only E. Resistant by @xol group of meictions '7-Ancorect about protein sythess |A. The number of proteins equals the numberof genes B, Proteins destined fr inacellulrwse are synthesized by free lating ribosomes Proteins have primary, secondary etary and quartemary strucures D. Amino acids ate attached to {RNA to enable translation Translation proceods tanscripion 18 Transcription goes though the following process except ‘A Initiation B. Hloagation ©. Grow D. Termination E. Splicing 19. False about body water ‘A. Babies have high body wate content han ads “Trenfring Liver tough Oly Ednton Page of 26 B c D. B pny =| 01 “Men have high body water content dan wore Most water is kept inthe interstitial compartment Insensible water los varies with evel of activity Obese individuals have lower body water content than lean ones 20. One ofthe funtions of DNA is to A. B, c. D. E Secreto vacuoles. Make copies of iso. Join amino acids to each other Carry genetic information out ofthe nucleus, Energy production 21. Two sugars found in nucleic acids are ‘A. Sucrose and ribose B c D. E Glucose and fuctore Deoxyribose and ribose Deoxytibose and glucose, Pentase and purine 22, Which of te following isthe eowet matching of base pairs in DNA? A B. c D. E. “Adenine-Gusnine and Thymine-Urscil Guanine-Cytosine and Adenine-Urecil ‘Adenine-Thymine snd Guanine-Cytesine Guanine-Thymine and Adenine-Cytosine [None ofthe above 23. Fora substance to be classified as a mutagen, it must cause A B, a D. E Change in DNA. Enzymes to denature Hydrolysis of proteins. mRNA to be produced mRNA tansation 24. Which of the following statements shout gia steve? A B Microglia arse fiom macrophages outside of the nervous system and are physiologically and embryologically similar to other neural call yp. Glia do not undergo proliferation. Protoplasmie astoeytes produce substances that are topic to neurons 19 help ‘maintain the appropriate concenation of fons and newotansniters by isking up K+ and the neurotsnsmiters glutamate and GABA, Oligodendrocytes and Schwann eells are involved in myelin formation around ‘axons in the peripheral and central nervous systems, spectively Macroplia ar scavenge ells that resemble ise macrophages nd remove debris resulting ffom injury, infection, and disease. Transforming Lvs trough Qvally Edvctor Frage of 26 pay E101 25, 13-year-old girl was being scen by her physician because of experiencing equent spisodes of red, painful, warm extremities, She was diagnoted with primary ceythromealyia, which may be de 1 a peripheral nerve sodium ehamclopathy. Which pat of neuron has the highest concentration of Na + channels pet square micrometer of ell membrane? A donates B. cal body near dendrites inital segment D. axonal membrane under myelin one of Ranvier 26, A4S-year-od female offic workerhad been experiencing tingling inh index and middle Fingers and thumb ater right hand. Receatly, her wrist and hand had become wea. ler pltysician onlered w nerve conduction test to evaluate her for earpalcunnel syed ‘Which one of he fllowing nerve hs the slowest conduction velocity? A. Ae fibers BAB thors ©. Ay fibers D. Biers EC fibers 27. A ma falls into deep sleep with one arm under his head, This amis paralyzed when he ‘weakens, but i tingle, and pain sensation in itis stil intact. The reason forthe loss of ‘motor Funetion without loss of pai Sensation is that i he nerves to his ana, ‘A.A fibers are more A. susceptible to hypoxia than fers B.A fibers are more sensitive to pressure than C fibers, C.-C bers are more snstiveto pressure than A fibers, D. Motor nerves are moe affected by sloep than sensory ners, B. Sensory nerves are nearer the bone dan motor ncrves ad hemes ar less acted by pressure 28, Return ofthe dihydropyridine ecepor to is resting conformation. The esting potential of ‘myelinated nerve fiber is primarily dependent on the coacenistion griient of wich of the following ions? A. cane BC © C03 D. Ks E, Nat 29. A neuroansmitter activates its receptor on anion channel of w neuron, which eases the ‘water-filled eiannel to open. When the channel is open, ions move tough the channel dow ther respectiveclecochemical gradients. A change in membrane potential follows. ‘Which ofthe folowing bes describes the ype of channel snd mechanism of on iansport? Type of Channel, Mechanism of Transport “Thanforming Lives through Quatiy Econ age 6 ol 24 PHY -E101 ‘A. Ligand gated, Primary active transport B. Ligand gated, Diffusion CC. Ligand gated, Secondary active transport D. Voltage gated, Primary active transport E. Voltage gated, Diffusion 30, Which of the following is primarily responsible for repoatizatoy of the neuronal membrane? ‘A. Inhibition ofthe Nas, K*-ATPase B. Movement of Kino the eel C. Movement of K+ ou ofthe cll D. Movement of Ne into the esl E. Movement of Net out ofthe cell SI. Which of the following i the mechanism of action behind hear arrythmias caused by ‘byperkalemia?| ‘A. Increased potassium hyperpolarizes the cell 'B. Increased potassium prolongs action potential duration C. Inereated potassium increases heart ate via fnny current chanels D. Inereated potassium depolarizes the cxl bringing excitable nerves closer to aston potential E, Increase potassium increases intracellular caleium Concentration 32, Which ofthe following represents the pathologie alteration causing myasthenia gravis? ‘A. Autoimmune antibodies tha black postsynaptic Nm reeepoes BB. Antibodies blocking the presynaptic voltage-gated Ca2+ channels CC. Opening of presynaptic Ca2+ channels resulting in excess ACh relense D. Toxins that block inactivation of fast Nat channels E. Demyelination of Schwann ce 33. 45-year-old man goes othe local gym to lift weights. He begins by eneh-pressng 130, Tb asa warm-up procedure and then gradually inereasesthe weight, Which of the following sets of changes occur as he adds more weight (Activation of motor units; Frequeney of ‘motor nerve setion potentials) ‘A. Increased; No change 1B. Decreased; Inereased : Decreased; No change D, Increased; Decreased , Increased Inereated 34, Which ofthe fllowing substances havea higher extracellular concentration compared with the intracellular concentration? ‘A. Caleium and ebloride 'B. Potassium and sodium CC. Caleium and potassium ._ Potassium and proteins “Transforming Lives trong Oval Bacon Page 7028 PHY E101 E. Chloride and proteins 35. What is largely responsible forthe negative resting membrane potenti (around -70 nV) ‘A. Axonal insulation by Schwann cal B, Voltage-gated sodium channels opening. . The ation potenti . Possum lek curents, EE. Ligand gated potassium channels Depolarization A 0m) me te ab “rine (ns) 36. Which ofthe following best dserbes masle B compared with muscle A? |A. Adapted for rapid contraction B, Compose of larger masele fiber . Fewer mitochondria D. Krmervated by smaller nerve fibers B, Less extensive blood supply 57, Staiease phenomenon (Tepe) is dae to: [A Increased availablity of ntracelllrcaeium B. Summation ©. Tetanus D. Ineroased excitability E. Motor unit cruitment 38. Rigor mortise due to ‘A. Damage to aetin and myosin B, Rapid sequestration of calcium in ER C. Increased myosin ATPase D__ATP depletion “Traaforning Lvs ronth Dally Eda Page BF 26 PHY — E101 E. Cross ridge eyeling 38. The major souree of eaeium for skeletal muscle contraction is A ECF B. Cytosol CC. Mitochondria D. Sarooplasmie reticulin . sareoplasm 40, Aa fs typically conduct action pote to signal which ofthe following? ‘A. The CNS thatthe bod is in contact with pinfl stimuli B. The CNS about changes in body surface temperature CC. The viscera to increase gut motility D. Skeletal muscles to contract, E, These ae intemcurons 41 Local anaesthetic drugs take effect by which of the following mechanisms? ‘A. Internal block of axonal voltage-gated sodium channels B. Blocking neurotransmitter release from neuronal terminals C. Blocking nicotinic acetylboline receptors a the synapse 1D. Inhibiting the action of aceyleholinesterase in he synapse E. Blocking neuotransmiterupake 42, Wha the role of Schovann cells n newrotsnsmision? ‘A. Thermal insulation of neuronal axons 'B. Limitthe spood of the action potential CC. Enhance the speed ofthe action potential D. Protect the neuronal soma from trauma E. Conversion ofan clctial signal to chemical signal 43, Most excitatory neurotansnission i the bran is believed tobe mediated by ‘A. Glutamate B. Glycine ©. GABA D. GnRH E. acetylcholine 44, GABA-A receptor ita ‘A. Sodiv chanel B. Chloride channel C. Calcium channel D. Grprotein couple receptor , Potasivm cael 45, The following ae true of dopamine except ‘A. Involved in regulation of etdal blood flow 'B. Important in initiation and maintenance of motor function _ Involved in addiction reinforcement Transforming Us trngh Qoaliy Faveon™ rages of 24 PHY —B101 D, Eegoline san antagonist , Thioxanthine isan antagonist 46, Renshaw inhibition oF alpha motor netton isan exaimple of: ‘A. Feedback inhibition B. Feedback inhibition . Presynaptic inhibition D. Presynapie fiitation 1. Postsynapti inhibition 47, Which ofthe following ie not an example of igand-gated ion chenn ‘A. Nicotinic Ach receptor B. GABA.D receptor C13 recepor D. Glycine receptor E. NMDA receptor 48. tensity of sensory stimula is encadd by al he following ‘A. Siz of generator potential 1. Fregueney of ation potentials in sensory neuron . Recruitment of sensory units D. Size of action potentials 49. Which ofthe following snot featur af lower motor neuron lesion? ‘A. Masele atrophy B. Hypotonia C. Fatciculations D. Spastic paralysis . Dencration hypersensitivity 50. Impatses fom Golgi tendon organs pas o inhibitory inemeurons in th spinal cord vie ‘AW alpha fibres B.A bot fibres ©. A gamma ides D. Adela bres E. Chios 51, The mas ex ‘A. Isa sign of central inhibitory state 1B. Oceuts in the deserebrate asia, © Is duc to radiation of spinal afferent nerves D. Ise toss of fiitation of spinal reflexes from higher centres E. Can oceur ater spinal cod ansection at T2 52, Which isthe amplification provided by the middle ear? AS times B. 10times © 22 4imes D. 30times E. 43 times 53. Which ofthe following structures is involved in the spatial localization of sound? Trenforming Lives trong Quay Eaucaton™ PHY - E101 |. Spiral ganglion B, Basil membrane (C. Superior alivary nucleus . Medial genieutate body , Cochlear nucleus ‘54, Ganglion cells attached to photoreceptors located onthe tempor porn of the reina project to which structure? ‘A. Contralateral ateal geniculate ascleus B, Ipsilateral lateral geniculate ncteus Ipsilateral medial geniculate nucleus D. Calearne Sssure EE, Contralateral medial geniculate nucleus 55, A2S-year-old student with 20/20 vision looks up fom his book to view hi gilitend ‘siting onthe other side ofthe room. Which of te following is mos likely 10 cecur when ‘the stent changes his view fom his book to his girlrend? ‘A. Thicker lens, contation of ciliary auscle B, Thicker lns, relaxation of iiry muscle C. Thinner lens, contraction of eliary muscle D. Thinner lens, relaxation of ciliary muscle E, None ofthe above '56, Which stuctre fonctions to ensue that each ofthe three ses of extraocular musees i reciprocally innervated so that one muscle ofthe par relaxes wale the oher contacts? ‘A. Bainger-Westpal nucleus 1B. Medial longitudinal fasciculus . Pretctl nucleus D. Superior colliculus E. Suprachiasmatc nucleas 57. A. 25-year-old student stds fora text in medical physiology. The visual contrast ofthe subject mater is enhanced du olteral nhbiton ofthe visual put by which call ype in the retina? ‘A. Amacrine cells B. Bipolar ceils . Ganglion cells D. Horizontal ells E, Maller cells 58, Which statoment best describes function cerebellum? "A. Control and coordinate movements ofthe axial muscles, s wells the shoulder and hip BB. Co-ordinate movements that involve distal tim musculature CC. Funetion wit the cerebral cortex to plan movements D. 5 role forthe lateral hemispheres ofthe Stimulate motor neutons through their connections tothe spinal end Covordinate eye movements “Freafrming Lives dough Qoaliy Eancaon™ Page 1 of 24 PHY —101 59, As the wxons of motor neurons leave the spinal cond and course peripherally to skeletal Imusee, they must pass through which site? ‘A. Lateral column 1B Lateral hor . Venue white commissure D. Posterior horn 1B Anterior root 60. Anexpecimental drug is administered intravenously osx heathy volunteers. A ‘unanimous finding in ll six voluntears i¢deerensed induction of sleep. A decrease in ‘production of which substance is mos likely in these volunters ater teatrent withthe experimental drug? A. Acetylene B, Dopamine C. Glutamate D. Norepinephrine E. Seria ‘Anareain the dominant hemisphere, when damaged, may lave the sense of Rearing inst but not allow words tobe anranged into comprehensive thougt. Which em i used to identify this portion ofthe cortex? ‘A. Primary auditory eorex B. Wernicke's aca © Broca’s area D. Angular gyrus E. Limbie association cortex ‘Which body part is represented most laterally and inferiorly within the primary motor A Foee 3 Hand ©. Neck DL Abdomen E. Lower lim (63. The pigantocelular neurons ofthe reticular formation release which neurotransmitter? ‘A. Norepinephrine B. Serotonin ©. Dopamine D. Acetylcholine E, Glutemate 64, The sweat glands and ploerector muscles of bsty skin ar innervated by which type of ‘bers? ‘A. Cholinergic postganglionic parasympathetic 1B. Cholinergic postgangionie sympathetic . Adresene ezmghon psp E “ 6 Adronerge pstganlonic sympathetic Adrenergie preganglionic sympathetic Transforming Liver dough Dally Bdecton Page 32 of 26 PHY -E101 Afferent signals fram the periphery ofthe body travel to the cerebellum in which nerve ‘A. Ventral spinocerebellar B. Fastigioretiular : Vesibulocerebellar D. Reticulocerebelar E, Dorsal spinocerbellar {Ina neurophysiology experiment conducted with monkeys, the amygdalte ae sugicelly ablated bilaterally. Which ofthe following is most likely tobe increased 6 months afer ‘lation of the amygdala? "A. Despondence B. Memory © Paranoia D. Sex drive E, Tremors Which of the following reflexes is always absent in the bling ‘A. Vestibular ocular reflexes B. Nystagmus Visual accommodation D. Papillary light reflex E, Alfofthe above ‘The procedure by which the hindbrain and spinal cond are separated fiom the res oC the brain is known a: ‘A. Decoration 1B. Doverebration : Deafferentiation D. Rhizotomy’ E. Transection Which ofthe following hormones isnot a glycoprotein? ‘A. TRH FSH cin D. heG 5. TSH Which of the flfowing hormones has intinsiclactogene activity? ‘A. MSH B. Dopamine C. Triodathyronine D. aH E TSit Insulin sensitivity is not reduced in ‘A. Glucagon-secreting tumors “Treaforning Ever sro Oval can Pago 18 0f20 UPHY E101 D, Htypopituitarism E, Hyperlipidemia 72.21 hydeoxylate defcieney results in ‘A, Congenital adrenal hyperplasia B. Testicular feminization syndrome © ypertension D. Male pseudohermaphrodiinn . Cona’s syndkome 73. nthe arent cortex: ‘A. the zona glomerulos has 17 alphe-bydroxylase and no aldosterone synthase B. all the cholesterol is synthesis fom acetate zona fasciculata makes up 10% ofthe mass ofthe akenal gland D, angiotensin It bins to receptors i the ona reticularis 1. ACTH inoteases the synthesis ofall 5P450 cytochromes involved in he formation or adrenocorial hormones “A, Regarding the islets of Langer ‘A. Deells secrete paneeatic polypeptide 1B. Acells are the most common . they are most plentiful in the body ofthe pansreas D. blood from the sles drain int the Repti portal vein EB cell scrction of glucagon occur by exocytosis 75, Calcitonin inhibits the activity of ‘A. Ortcoblass 1B Osteoclats . Oncoeyees D. Paraoticutor els E, Chiet ess 176. Which ofthe following i not syethesized from prepro-apiomelancrtin (prepeo- Pomcy ‘A, MSH BAcTH . Endoophin D. E, Dynosphin Lipottopin 77. Allof the ftlowing, except one nh hiaside diaries © propranola D. eartisol, E, glucagon 78. Chiet cals serve ‘A. Vitamin D B. Calcitonin © Paratiyrid hormone insulin secretion, Which i i? => “Transforming Lines trongh Ouliy Eancton™ age 8 of 28 D. Thyroid hormones E. TSH 79, Regarding thyroid hormones: ‘A. lle T3 is produced peripherally by deiodnation T4 B. albumin has more pacity to bind thyroid hormones than TBG CC. TBO has less affinity for thyroid hormone than albumin D. thyroid hormones stimulate lipogenesis E. RT isslightl less ative than T 80, The term “neurohormone 8 applied to: ‘A. Insulin B FSH NO D. Dopamine E. Glycine SI, Caletonin iss hormone of which of followings ‘A. Adrenal cate. B. Thyroid gland, ©. Pituitary gland, D. Thymus gland . None ofthe above. 82, The endocrine gland responsible for the bodys ereadian rhythm ithe ‘A. Thymus glen. B. Pineal gad. Parathyroid gland. D. Pituitary gland, B. Hypothalamus 583, Calcium level in the blood is roglated by the: ‘A Thyroid, 1B Parathyroid © Posterir pituitary D. Adrenal medulla. E. AandB, 14. A patent has an elevated plasma thyroxine (T4) concentration, alow pasma TSH concentration, and her thytoid gland i smaller han normal. What is the most iksly explanation for these findings? ‘A. A lesion inthe anterior pituitary that prvents TSH secretion 'B. The patent staking propylthiourail CC. The patent staking thyroid exact D. The patent is consuming large amounts of fone Graves’ disease 85, Inhibition ofthe iodide pump would be expected to cause which change? ‘A. Increased syntesis of T4 B. Increased synthesis of thyroglobulin CC Ineeased metabolic rate “Tranforming Lies tre Quality coon Page 15 024, pny E101 D. Decreased TSH secretion , Extome nervousness 86. Which ofthe following would be expected in a patient with genetic defiieny of Iyyroxystroid dehydrogenase type I? ‘A Hypekslemia B, Hypecension Inrease psa rein activity D. Inereasd plas aldosterone] E, Hyperglycemia 7. When compared withthe lae-evening values typically observe in nomal subjet plasma eves ofboth ACTH and orisol woul be expected to be higher in which Persons A. Nona subject aftr waking inthe mornin 1B. Normal subjocis who have taken dexamethasone Paton with Cushing's syndrome (aden adeno) Paton with Addison's disease Patent with Cann’ synome 88, Which condition contributes 1a “sodium escape" in persons wilh Con's syndrome ‘A. Decreased plasma levels of arial natriuretic peptide 'B. Increased plasna levels of angiotensin I CC. Decreased sodium reabsorption in the collecting tubules D. Increased areil pressure 89, Cortsne is administered to a patent forthe weatment ofan autoimmune disease ofthe flowing would least ikely occur in response to the consone wean? ‘A. Hypertrophy of te adrenal lands B, Increased plain levels of C-peptide © Decreased CRH seeeton D. Increased blood pressure B. Hype 90. A mam eats lowcarohydate meal that sie in proteins containing amino that stimulate insulin secretion. Which esponse account To the abserce of hypoglyecmia? ‘A. Suppression of GH B. Suppyession of somatomodin C secretion ©. Stimulation o cortisol secretion D. Stimulation of glucagon secretion E Stimulation of epinephrine secretion Trasforwing Liver tirongh Olly Edson HPHY- E101 ‘SECTION B: SAQs: Answer ALL questions inthe spaces provided 1. List the different types of transport across membranes. Give an example inthé boy fr each ofthe transport mechanism listed (marks) 2, Liste phases in protein synthesis, giving the main event each ofthe phases (5 marks) Transforming Lives dough Qvally Banctor ove 17 028 pny — E101 3. Deseibe the basis ofthe resting membrane potenti (marks) 4, List ive diterences between sksletl und smooth muscle (6 maria) “trensfrming Lives rongh Quality Educstion™ Page 8 of 24 PHY — E101 5. With the aid ofa diagram, describe the action potential ofthe myocardium (5 mais) 6, Using a diagram, illustrate communication across the neuromuscular junctinn (S marks) Franforng Lvs ough Qnty Banco Page 90f28 pty ~ 7. List five functions af insulin (Smacks) 8. Aldosterone increases sodium reabsorption and potassium exretion in the kidney, Deseibe the mechanism of action (Gratis) “Transforming Lives rough Quay Eancaon™ Page 20 of 24 PHY —E101 9. With the ad of diagram, describe the hypobalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis (Satis) 10. List five types of sensory recepors and foreach give one sensory modality tht activates them (Sats) “Transforming Lives tivengh ually Edvctor age 21028, PHY E101 1, With he aid oF diagram, describe the steich reflex masts) 12 Listthe three functional division ofthe cerebellum and state the Function af each (5 marks) age 028 PHY -E101 ‘SECTION C: ESSAYS: Answer ONE question inthe booklet provided marks) 4 Wilh the aid if diagram (7 marks), desribe the cell membrane (13 marks) 2. Describe the excitaton-contacton coupling proces in skeletal muscle (20: 3. Discuss thyroid hormones under the following subedings: 8) With the aid of a diagram, dserbe the synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones (Grats) b) Deseribe the transport of thytoid hormones in blood Gmals) ©) List five functions of thyroid hormones (Gals) State thee effec of TSH on the thyroid gland G mais) ) With reasons, deseribe the exposed thyroid function et results in Grave's disease (G mnvia) 4. Discuss the physiology of hearing under the following subheadings 4) Describe the impedance matching function of the mile ea Gnas ') Describe th ceptor transduction process atthe Organ of Corti (5 mks) ¢) With the aid ofa diagiam, deserbe the suitory pathways (mas) Describe the sensory coding fr the following modalities: (Gms) i. Loudness fi, Froqueney/Piteh {il Location of sound “Frenforming Line tro Qvaiy acon Page 280f28 STU es Nee RAR ea MCCLANSWER SHEET "ik the coret response a 32 3 “Hrengorming Fives twaph Oval Esato age 26 of 28

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