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Folklore, which is like traditional stories and customs, includes the things that are passed down
from older people to younger ones in specific groups. People often talk about these stories, but
they can also sing songs, dance, and do rituals to keep them alive. Folklore usually shows what a
community or group of people values, beliefs, and who they are.
Key points of Folklore:
Here are the main parts of folklore:
1. Myths: These are old stories that explain how the world began, why things happen in nature,
and the beliefs of a certain group. Myths often have gods, heroes, and magical creatures.
2. Legends: Legends are stories based on real events or people, but they might have some extra
exciting or magical parts. They often talk about local heroes, famous outlaws, or mysterious
3. Folktales: These are made-up stories that are passed down for generations. They include fairy
tales, fables, and other stories that often have lessons in them.
4. Folk Songs and Music: Traditional songs and music are important in folklore. They can tell
stories, share cultural ideas, or be for fun and entertainment.
5. Proverbs and Sayings: These are short and wise sayings that teach lessons, show what's
normal in a culture, or give practical advice. People remember them and say them to others.
6. Superstitions: Folklore often has beliefs in things that are supernatural, like luck and bad
omens. People have different ideas about these things in different cultures.
7. Rituals and Customs: Folklore covers lots of traditions, ceremonies, and things people do for
special occasions, like when babies are born, people get married, or someone passes away. It
also includes customs connected to farming and different seasons.
8. Local Traditions: Different areas and groups of people have their own special folklore, which
comes from their history, where they live, and their unique culture.
Title of Folklore: Sussi Punnu
"Sassi Punnu" is a cherished Pakistani folk story passed down through generations, capturing
the hearts and minds of countless people. This touching tale of love, separation, and lasting
devotion takes place in the dry deserts of Sindh, Pakistan, and explores themes like true love,
fate, and the enduring strength of human connections.

Sassi: A beautiful and virtuous daughter of a Hindu king who is left in the desert and eventually
falls in love with Punnu.
Punnu: A handsome and courageous young man, a prince from a neighboring kingdom, who
crosses paths with Sassi in the desert.
Bhagat Mangar: A wicked sorcerer determined to separate Sassi and Punnu.
Sindhi people: The humble and caring people of Sindh who play a crucial role in the story.
The story begins with the birth of Sassi, whose beauty and grace are legendary. Her father, the
king, orders her to be abandoned in the desert due to a prophecy predicting her marriage to a
man from a lower caste. Sassi is miraculously found and raised by a washerman, who treats her
as his own daughter. In the neighboring kingdom, Punnu is born, and as he grows up, he hears
tales of Sassi's unmatched beauty. Fate intervenes, and the two lovers meet in the vast desert,
instantly falling in love. They agree to get married despite all the odds.
However, Bhagat Mangar, a malicious sorcerer, sets out to thwart their love. He convinces
Punnu to consume a drugged drink, which temporarily paralyzes him. Unaware of Punnu's
condition, Sassi continues her journey to meet him. Upon finding him in this state, she is
devastated and believes he has abandoned her. Sassi, distraught by Punnu's perceived
abandonment, continues her journey to the shrine of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar. Her devotion and
purity of heart draw the attention of the saint, who, through his mystical powers, grants her
wishes. Sassi prays earnestly for Punnu's safety and well-being.
Meanwhile, Punnu, who had been paralyzed by the sorcerer's potion, eventually regains his
strength. He awakens to find himself alone in the desert, devastated by the thought of losing
Sassi. Realizing the cruel deception played upon him by Bhagat Mangar, he vows to find and
reunite with Sassi at any cost. Sassi's journey to the shrine proves challenging, filled with trials
and difficulties. Along the way, she wins the support of the local Sindhi people with her kindness
and pure heart. They become her protectors and guides, sharing stories of her legendary beauty
and virtuous character.
As Punnu searches for Sassi, he encounters numerous obstacles, from treacherous desert
terrain to deceitful individuals who try to hinder his quest. But his love for Sassi remains
unwavering, providing him with the determination to overcome these challenges. Back at the
shrine, Sassi's unwavering faith is rewarded. Lal Shahbaz Qalandar guides her and provides her
with a vision that confirms Punnu's love and loyalty. This revelation renews her hope, and she
resolves to reunite with Punnu.
Sassi and Punnu's paths draw closer, and their respective journeys are marked by hardship and
danger. Along the way, their love story becomes legendary. Their unwavering devotion and
determination to find each other inspire those who hear their tale. Eventually, after a series of
dramatic and heart-pounding encounters, Sassi and Punnu are reunited. Their love is stronger
than ever, having withstood the trials and tribulations that fate, sorcery, and treacherous
landscapes have thrown at them.
The folklore of "Sassi Punnu" concludes with their joyous reunion, celebrating the triumph of
love over adversity. Their enduring love story becomes a symbol of hope, proving that true love
can overcome any obstacle, be it the harsh desert of Sindh or the devious intentions of a
In the end, their love story continues to be celebrated and retold, serving as a testament to the
power of love, destiny, and the resilience of the human spirit. "Sassi Punnu" remains a
cherished and timeless piece of Pakistani folklore, reminding people that true love can conquer
all and endure for generations to come.

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