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08th March 2017

Mr Aamir
Tuscany Courtyard


Kindly provide us the following records/information related to audit of the financial statements for the period 1 st
March 2015 till 28th February 2017.


1. Audited Financial Statements and audit report for the period ended 30 th June 2015, 30th June 2016 & 28th
February 2017
2. Trial balance for the period ending 30th June 2015, 30th June 2016 & 28th February 2017
3. Copies of all rental, lease, suppliers and other agreements entered into/renewed during the period.
4. Operational policies / standard operating procedures for all departments
5. System access

Stores, spares and stock in trade

6. Complete inventory listing showing unit and total cost of all items as at (will be demanded in due course)

Trade Debtors

7. Party wise and category wise break-up of trade debtors as at 30 th June 2015, 30th June 2016 & 28th February
8. Aging of trade debtors.
9. Copies of major corporate agreements entered into/ renewed during the period.
10. Bad debts written off and basis for such.
11. Policy and schedule of credit limits definition for credit customers.

Advances, Deposits, Prepayments and Other Receivable

12. Employee wise movement schedule of advances to employees as at 30 th June 2015, 30th June 2016 & 28th
February 2017
13. Schedule and movement of prepayments
14. Schedule of all receivables as at 30th June 2015, 30th June 2016 & 28th February 2017
15. Party wise aging analysis of all advances.

Cash and Bank Balances

16. Certificate of cash in hand as at 30th June 2015, 30th June 2016 & 28th February 2017
17. Certified list of bank accounts as at 30th June 2015, 30th June 2016 & 28th February 2017
18. Certified list of bank accounts opened and closed during the period along with approval of partners
19. Certified list of bank signatories along with their approval limits.
20. Bank reconciliation statements for the period ended 30th June 2015, 30th June 2016 & 28th February 2017
along with details of reconciling items.
21. Bank statements for the month of March 2017, to check subsequent clearance of reconciling items.
Creditors, Accrued and Other Liabilities

22. Party wise break-up of trade creditors as at 30th June 2015, 30th June 2016 & 28th February 2017
23. Aging analysis of trade creditors.
24. Break-up of accrued expenses as at 30th June 2015, 30th June 2016 & 28th February 2017
25. Break-up of amount due to Government agencies
26. Party wise break-up of advances from customers as at 30th June 2015, 30th June 2016 & 28th February 2017
27. Break-up of miscellaneous/other liabilities.

Fixed Assets, Intangible Assets And Capital Work In Progress (PPE)

28. Break up of additions in PPE during the period 2015 to 2017

29. Break up of deletions in PPE during the period 2015 to 2017
30. Depreciation/amortization charge calculation on the fixed and intangible assets (if any) for the period 2015 to
31. Updated fixed assets listing/register.
32. Last available report of fixed assets physical verification conducted by the management.

Long Term Loans

33. A breakup of long term loans as at 30th June 2015, 30th June 2016 & 28th February 2017 and the interest
accrued thereon.

Other Operating Income

34. Breakup of other income booked along with its basis, calculation and supporting for booking during the
period ended 30th June 2015, 30th June 2016 & 28th February 2017


35. Payroll sheets for all the months of the financial period ended 30 th June 2015, 30th June 2016 & 28th February
36. Certified list of employees as at 30th June 2015, 30th June 2016 & 28th February 2017
37. Certified list of joiners and leavers during the period.
38. Break-up of month wise financial charges
39. Break-up of Administrative expenses.
40. Break-up of lease rentals.
41. Schedule of heat, light and power, communication and other utilities.
42. Details of repair and maintenance expense during the period, bifurcated into direct expense and issuance from
engineering and other stores.
43. Breakup of drawings

Related parties

44. Certified list of related parties

45. Breakup and details of transactions with related parties during the period


46. Policy for Insurance of assets entered into/ renewed during the period.

47. Copies of income tax, sales tax and property tax payment challans filed during the period.
48. Sales tax returns filed during the period.


Detailed month wise break-up of revenue for the period, which includes

49. Food and beverages revenue

50. Other revenues
51. Month wise break-up of rebate allowed during the period.
52. Breakup of other income

Food & Beverage

53. Copies of Current & previously applicable a la carte' menus along with the date of effectiveness of the same
during the period.
54. Costing of Current and previous menus also showing the date of the costing performed during the period.
55. Standard recipe cards.
56. Hi-tea menu along with costing.
57. Daily food cost report.
58. Month end food cost report.
59. Discount approval forms.
60. Discount policy.
61. Detail of entertainment expenses.
62. Guest checks.
63. Any yield tests carried out during the period in respect of all meat and non-meat items.
64. Month wise sales history report.


65. Complete list of purchase orders

66. Complete list of purchase requisitions
67. List of outstanding purchase orders
68. List of outstanding purchase requisitions
69. Supplier profiles/list - segregated on the basis of store items
70. Details of advances to suppliers showing the aging of the same with remarks from the management explaining
nature and the timelines for adjustments of the same, if any
71. List of rejected/damaged items
72. List of slow moving items
73. List of all items received
74. Detail of near to expiry items
75. List of items purchased on cash basis
76. List of urgent & emergent purchases
77. Receiving report article wise.
78. A report showing cash purchases.

Kindly note that this requisition is not exhaustive and we may require information as our audit progresses.

Your early response shall be highly appreciated.


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