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Annunaki History
23 Sep 2019 · 󰟡
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Enki and Enlil, sibling rivalry

According to the ancient Sumerian texts,
the Sumerian god, Anu, the “Supreme Lord
of the Sky”, had two sons. They were Enki
(Ea), Lord of the Earth and Waters (whose
mother was Antu), and Enlil (Ilu), Lord of
the Air and Lord of the Command (whose
mother was Ki). These two half-brothers --
surprise, surprise -- did not get along.
Critical to their rivalry was the fact that
Enki had been the first of the Anunnaki to
hazard a trip to Earth to begin a mining
operation for gold. When this effort did
not apparently produce gold in sufficient
quantities, Enlil was brought in, given
command, and armed with a new plan.
The revised program was to mine gold
from deep mines in the Earth. According
to Sumerian texts, during a visit by their
father, Anu, the Anunnaki made a
decision: “The gods had clasped their
hands together.
Had cast lots and had divided.
Anu then went up to heaven. To Enlil the
Earth was made subject. The seas,
enclosed as with a loop. They had given
to Enki, the Prince of Earth.” “Enki was
not happy about his brother’s promotion
because, although Enlil was the elder of
the two, his mother (Ki) was Anu’s Log In
sister, whereas Enki’s mother (Antu) was
the senior sister. True kingship, claimed
Enki, progressed as a matrilineal
institution through the female line, and by
this right of descent Enki maintained that
he was the first born of the royal
succession.” “I am the great brother of
the gods.
I am he who has been born as the first
son of the divine Anu.”
SCHOOL. LINK IN BIO 4biddenknowledge.
#4biddenKnowledge http://www.
Dan Han and 67 others

󰤥 68 󰤦8 󰤧 22

Carl C White
Somewhat inaccurate
8 mths

😂😂😂 I can
Anahkse Anna Annalise

Scott Murphy
feel the u know
1 yr

View previous 2 replies

Anahkse Anna Annalise

Scott Murphy I didn’t read it

the pic tells it all to me

1 yr

Ixis Mutant
flat earthers anti-freemasonic
jesus r*tarded community!
active again to destroy science
2 yrs
John Wright
Who is more stupid? The
guy that believes the Bibles
that have not been
corrupted that say point
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blank the Earth is a flat

(2 SAMUEL 11:11)
“and my lord Joab and the
servants of my lord lie in
tents upon the flat earth.”

(2 SAMUEL 11:11)
“my Lord Ioab and the
seruauntes of my Lorde lye
in tentes vpon the flat
earthe.” 2 Samuel 11 - Holy
Bible [English Tyndale
1537] - (2Sam 11)

(2 SAMUEL 11:11) (1539

GREAT BIBLE) “and my
Lorde Ioab and the
seruauntes of my Lorde lye
vpon the flatt erthe: 2
Samuel 11 (OldeBible)
Great Bibl


(2 Samuel 11:11) (
Matthew's Bible 1537
Textus Receptus Bible) “the
seruauntes of my Lorde lye
in tentes vpon the flat

(2 SAMUEL 11:11) (Modern

Facebook Spelling Tyndale-
Coverdale) “and my lord
Joab and the servants of
my lord lie in tents upon the
flat earth.” 2 Samuel 11
MSTC - And it came to Log In
in the beginning of a new
year, in the

Isaiah 40:22 ISV - He’s the

one who sits above the disk
- Bible Gateway


(Isaiah 40:22) (ISV) “JESUS

is the one who sits above
the “disk” of the earth.”

Or is the guy that believes

in the religion of science
that says he lives on a
spinning globe ball that
spins round & round in
circles at 1,039 mph, while
simultaneously the earth &
the moon orbit (circle) the
sun in a completely
different rotation at 66,000
mph, while the earth, the
moon, & the sun are
supposed to be streaking
through the Milky Way
Galaxy like the Starship
Enterprise at 500,000 mph,
while the entire Milky Way
Galaxy is supposedly
“STILL” blasting away
from the big bang
explosion over 67,000,000
mph? Don’t forget all of the
satellites are are coming
right along too.

That same guy believes

nothing exploded
thousands & thousands of
years ago, maybe longer,
Facebook and created all life forms.
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6 mths

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