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1) Turksand Tartars- Certain Asiatic races which Elizabethans believed to be
The Duke says that such losses can draw pity
even from brassy bosoms and rough hearts
of flint, even from the Turks and
Tartars who have never been trained in kindness.
2) Holy Sabbath- Saturday, the seventh day of the Jewish week,
which was the sacred
Shylock says that he has informed the Duke of what he wants., and by his
has sworm to have the due and forfeit of his bond. holy sabbath he
3) Epitaph- Inscription on a tombstone.
Antonio says that he is like the sick sheep in the flock who deserves to be taken out of the
herd and killed. He compares himself to the weakest fruit that drops to the
ground first
and rots quickly. He tells Bassanio that he should keep living and write an
inscription on
his tomb.
4) Hangman's Axe- Note: The criminals were executed by hanging and the noble or
political prisoners by beheading them witbh an axe.
Gratiano says that Shylock is not sharpening his knife on the leather sole of his shoe but
on his soul, referring to the malice in Shylock's heart. No metal, not even the hangman's
axe can be as sharp as the hatred in Shylock's heart. He asks Shylock if no prayers can
reach his heart.
5) Pythagoras- A Greek philosopher who believed that souls of men and animals
appeared several times on the earth, assuming sometimes higher and sometimes
lower forms of life. (Transmigration of souls)
Gratiano calls Shylock an inexecrable dog. He says that justice should be impeached for
allowing Shylock to live. He says that Shylock makes him waver in his Christian faith to
make him agree with Pythagoras, the philosopher, who taught about the transmigration of
souls. Animals souls sometimes infuse themselves into the bodies of men. Shylock,
according to Gratiano, has the soulof a wolf that was hanged for human slaughter and
when he died, his soul went into Shylock when he was in his unholy mother's womb.
This is because Shylock's desires are wolfish, bloody, starved and ravenous.
6) Mercy (Prayer)- As she speaks of mercy, Portia tells the Jew to consider, that
though he asks for justice, if strict justice were to be meted out to all, no one can
enter heaven. We all pray to God for mercy, not for justice. We pray to him to
'forgive' us our trespasses that we may forgive those who trespass against us. He
who needs God's mercy to be shown to him, should show mercy to the man who
Portia requests Shylock not press for bare
needs it from him.
and to season justice with
the case but to forego his legal rights, mercy.
Old Testament) in the Bible who Was
character (ofthe
7) Daniel- Agreat Jewish judgement.(Ref. The story of Susana and
and the Elders in
known for his wisdom exam ination Daniel
the Apocrypha. During a skilful cross
condemned by
two Elders was
that Susana
who had been falsely
accused and innocent. Portia
judgem ent)
resem bles Daniel in youth and
8) Perjury- Sin of oath-breaking. usually does to ofhers .
9) Fortune Fortune is treating Antonio more kindy tnan sShe lives to eantss.
misfortune overtakes a man, he
generally happens that when
has come upon him, and to end
hollow eves and wrinkled face, the ruinwhich
of hardships and sufferings. From these protracted sorrows. Fortunst.
old age
mercifully letting him escape by an early L
Jews, asked the.ewish
10) Barrabas- A notorious crim inal. Pilate, the king of the
Barraboe he
whom he should set free: Jesus Christ or Barrabas. The mob said that
set free and Christ be crucified.
Shylock remarks how the Christian husbands regard their wives. He wishes that
had married one of the family of the Jew, Barrabas, a notorious criminal, rather thana
11) Infidel- non-believer (in Christian faith)
12) Christening- When a man is admitted to the Christian faith by baptism with water,
he has a godfather and a godmother, who are responsible to see that he (the baptised
man) grows up as a good Christian. Godfathers' was also a funny name for the
members of a jury- abody of twelve menwho were needed topass a sentence on a
Gratiano gives Shylock a last taunt. He tells him that when he is baptized into the
Christian faith, he will have two sponsors to stand for him, but if he were the judge who
would pronounce the sentence, Shylock should have had a jury of twelve men who would
sentence him to be hanged on the gallows instead of being baptized at the font.

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