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1. What do you think about the tradition in the video? Is it morally acceptable?

Can we
identify a better race through the traditions and practices that are being carried out by
different cultures?

Female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C), also popularly known as female circumcision

(FC) is one of the issues that have attracted much attention across the globe. It is defined
as “all procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or the
female genital organs whether for cultural or other non-therapeutic reasons. Female
genital mutilation is important not only for the women who experience it, but also for those
who perform it. Because she gains her respect and respect for her role in her community.
FGM is mostly performed by women, usually traditional birth attendants. FGM providers
may have inherited the role through their family or belong to a particular caste of the

I think it is morally wrong to circumcise a baby without consent. It is widely regarded as a

human rights violation and condemned by the international community. It can cause
serious physical and mental damage and has absolutely no health benefits.In the video
there is a girl named Zaza who was circumcised at a young age. Since she was a toddler, she
has no freedom to choose what is good and what is bad, and what is morally acceptable is
all up to her parents.

Culture is a strong part of people's lives. It influences their beliefs, values, loyalties, worries
and fears. So, when working with people and building relationships, it helps to have a
perspective and understanding of their culture.
At the same time, we cannot pretend that our cultures and differences do not matter. We
cannot pretend that differences do not exist by wanting them all to be the same, and we
cannot pretend that discrimination does not exist.

2. Identify a Filipino tradition or custom that you think needs evaluation.

Treating children like a retirement plan is the Filipino tradition or custom that, in my
opinion, deserves evaluation. In short, children in the Philippines are seen as the parents'
future retirement savings. Children are perceived as their caregiver and source of income if
parents stopped working, which I believe requires a lot of scrutiny. I believe that the parents
are responsible for these children since they were brought into the world without their
consent, and not only as an investment for when they are older. Undoubtedly, you cannot
obtain a child's consent or approval. Because of this, it is difficult to argue with previous
generations that having a kid that is a retirement plan is solely selfish.
The children knows that they have a lot of debt with their parents, and it’s up to them
whether to help them or not. I have a classmate in elementary that is constantly being
pressure and scolded by his parents to excel in his studies and controlling what he should
be studying. He is scolded everyday in school to be a great student in order for them to
have a good life when he grows up Since he was just a kid, he has no freedom to choose
what he wants in life. his life is being dictated by his parents up until this day. And me,
personally, I think that is very selfish. Raising a child primarily so they would take care of
you and support you in return for you raising them is selfish. Instead why don’t we just
break this kind of toxic culture and respect their choices in the future.

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