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San Vicente West, Urdaneta City

Master of Arts in Nursing



1. Financial Management in Nursing

2. Management of Nursing Operations

3. Curriculum Design in Nursing Education

Submitted by:
Alyssa S. Javier, RN

Submitted to:
Prof. Mari Jane C. Andaya, MAN
Nurse administrators may be responsible for an annual operating budget for their units and

making adjustments throughout the year. They may have to determine the revenue their unit generates,

the cost of the supplies and medication it uses, and its staffing expenses. Properly identifying such costs

can be helpful in calculating the cost per patient, which, in turn, can improve future resource allocation.

One key responsibility of a nurse manager is to budget the resources and funds available for its

organization. If we do not have enough budget, we could not carry out our programs. Let’s take for

example our fight against COVID-19 today. A lot of budget in the government were allocated for the

relief goods and funds given for the less fortunate Filipinos. A large cut of budget is experienced in the

Department of Health. So when the Rapid testing and swab testing were available in the Philippines, the

government lack budget for purchasing them. There were some nurses who had their duties in the Covid

ward and after having their duties there, the DOH didn’t provide them swab testing. It should be the

responsibility of the hospital with the initiative of the nurse managers to ensure that every nurse who

rotates in the COVID/ Isolation ward should undergo swab testing before they can be released to their

homes for their own protection and for the safety of their family members. Because of this, I think that

the nursing management or the hospital management have enough resources and budget so that they

can use them in times like this.

Seven years ago, the late Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago filed Senate Bill no. 1573

Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act which most people think would be of significant help at a

time like this. The bill is designed to keep the public prepared for various emergencies, from natural

disasters to mass casualties. “This bill is built upon such wisdom by seeking to strengthen national

response and preparedness for public health emergencies, such as those which result from natural

disasters and severe weather, recent outbreaks and pandemics, bioterrorism, mass casualties, chemical

emergencies and radiation emergencies,” This bill however, was not approved in the Senate.

When thinking of quality it is important to look at the big picture. Try to view your area or

unit as a stranger would. This activity can help you see the big picture and consider the seemingly simple

fundamentals that can make a difference in quality and performance improvement. Questions for

consideration might include: “Do patients get admitted in a timely fashion?” “Are the patient rounds

used as a time to update and clarify the care plan?” “Are family members and other lay caregivers

valued for their input and thoughts?” and “Are adverse events identified in a timely fashion and is a root

cause analysis performed expediently while times and event trajectories are remembered accurately?”

In order to achieve quality health care services, the role of nurse managers are important.

Change is synonymous with healthcare and its delivery. Clinical functioning of a patient care

department or area should be reviewed continuously for appropriateness and efficiency, with all team

members involved in reviewing what is done, why it is done, and whether it is done correctly the first

time. Managers must also think strategically and plan for the inevitability of change.

Despite the best efforts of those creating the schedule, staffing problems do occur. Nurse

managers should be aware of the options available to deal with these crises and the fact that everyone

has them, at one time or another, to a greater or lesser extent. The nurse manager should ensure that

each patient assignment is appropriate for his/her staff nurses. In that way, problems encountered will

be minimized and patient satisfaction will be achieved.


Curriculum development in nursing education is a scholarly and creative process

intended to produce an evidence- informed, context- relevant, unified nursing curriculum. The ultimate

purpose is to create learning opportunities that will build students’ professional knowledge, skills, values

and identify so that graduates will practice nursing professionally and competently in changing social

and healthcare environments, thereby contributing to the health and quality of life of those they will


Every skill taught in the clinical area was first performed in the skills laboratory where

the clinical instructors ensure that the students know the rationale of each procedure and understand

the nursing concepts within. All skills were performed following a step-by- step procedure that will be

demonstrated first by the instructor and later the students will have their return demonstrations with

their checklist graded by their instructors.

Developing curriculum in nursing is important because it serves as guide not just for

instructors but most especially for nurses for their future roles. This will also serve as their foundation

for the future arena that they will enter.

However, I personally believe that the instructors should also prioritize to teach their

students the right values and how to treat patients respectfully. Because what’s the use of having great

knowledge and skills if you don’t have a nice behavior. Good value is what matters most. We serve the

sick individuals, we should always talk to them positively and serve them with a great heart.

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