Actividades Pratica Del Primer Cuatrimestre

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EEST Nº1 Teacher: Luciana Aranda English 1st year Student: ______________

Revision: TERM 1

A) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets – PRESENT SIMPLE

1. When you _________________ (use) the computer, don’t play video games, please.
2. Peter and Tom ___________________ (play) videos games every day.
3. Jim ____________________ (make) very good videos and he ______________________ (upload) them to
4. The teacher ________________ (type) documents very fast.
5. I ____________________ (turn) on the computer and _______________________ (listen) to music online.
6. My brother Bob ________________________ (download) tiktok videos.
7. My friend ___________________ (edit) videos for a TV company.
8. Laura and Marcel ________________________ (use) excel and they also ___________________(program)
for a company.

9. Sophy _____________________ (print) documents for the principal of the school.

10. I ______________________(download) music from the internet.
11. My friend Tom _________________(play) computer games every day.
12. Laura _______________________ (make) videos and she __________________ (edit) them.
13. Lisa and Mary ______________________ (send) emails at night.
14. My sister ______________________ (write) emails in the morning.
15. My mother ____________________ (read) the newspaper online.
16. You ___________________(browse) the Internet every day.
17. You and your friend _______________________ (listen) to music online.
18. My father ____________________ (use) the computer in the afternoon.
B) Lea el siguiente texto y responda las preguntas en español.

1. ¿Qué hacen los empleados en una computadora?

2. ¿Por qué ahora usan más las laptops que las computadoras de
3. ¿Qué tipo de computadora es la Tablet?
4. ¿Qué se usa si los empleados necesitan realizar proyectos

C) Find the equivalent phrase in English for the following phrases in

1. Cada trabajador
2. Ellos también chequean los mails.
3. A reuniones y charlas de negocios.
4. Mantenerse en contacto con colegas.
5. Poder de procesamiento
6. Ellos guardan su trabajo.

D) Read about Sally and Sam and complete the sentences below. Write 1 word in each blank.

1. Sally is _____________ years old.

2. Sally likes _______________. She also loves _____________ _______________ ___________________.
3. Sally writes ______________ to a friend.
4. She also writes ______________ to her grandmother.
5. She likes playing _____________ _____________.
6. Sam is ______________ years old.
7. He likes drawing ______________ .
8. He ______________ photos of his
9. He talks about ____________ with his
10. He _____________ sports games.

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