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San Vicente West, Urdaneta City

Master of Arts in Nursing



1. Organizational, Leadership, and Change Theories

2. Transformational Leadership

Submitted by:
Alyssa S. Javier, RN

Submitted to:
Mari Jane C. Andaya, MAN

November 1, 2020
One of the cornerstone models for understanding organizational change was developed by Kurt
Lewin back in the 1940’s which is also applicable today. His model is known as Unfreeze- Change-
Refreeze, which refers to the three stages of change that he describes, comparing to the analogy of
changing the shape of a block of ice. If you have a large cube of ice but you realize that what you want is
a cone of ice, what do you do? First you must melt the ice to make it amenable to change (unfreeze).
Then you must mold the ice water into the shape you want (change). Finally, you must solidify the new
shape (refreeze). Change management occurs as a response to an ever- changing environment or
current crisis. It may also occur as a result of a proactive management.

We all have heard for countless times the irony: “The only constant thing in the world is change.”
With the emergence of the COVID-19 Pandemic, a great change in the world and our lifestyle has been
evident. Many companies and businesses has been bankrupt and closed down. Every institution must
devise a way to live with the odds of the pandemic. Management is important nowadays. Without the help
of the managers and the support and cooperation of the employees, more agencies and companies may
not cope up. These change management is very applicable in our situation now.

So what’s the right model for your institution? There’s no single, correct answer to that question. It
depends upon the kind of change being implemented, the culture of the institution, or the personalities
involved. Perhaps a hybrid approach might be the most effective—and in many cases, it can be.

Regardless, the important point here is to recognize that there are a handful of useful tools to
craft a successful change—and to become familiar with these methods in order to determine your path


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