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Puff – the puff itself is a sparkly star

shape to catch viewers attention and

make the information on the puff stand
out which is written in a bold, red, San
Skyline – the skyline is positioned at the
serif font.
top of the cover in a white, San serif font
to present a few other topics within the
magazine and give a further dive into
what this issue will be covering for the
audience to get a brief understanding.

Masthead – the masthead is written in a

bold white San serif font to look
sophisticated and stand out on the cover
so it catches peoples attention.
Central image – the central image of
this cover is the main character of the
musical this issue of the magazine will
focus on who has been edited to be
placed in front of the big issue title and
surrounding her is a trail of stars which
help highlight its importance.

Coverline – the coverline is written in a

smaller font size but still in the same
bold, white, San serif style in order to
keep the way in which it stands out and
also gives a deeper insight into the
topics the magazine will cover for the
consumers to get a better
Tagline – the big issue’s tagline ‘A hand up, not
a hand out’ is positioned at the bottom of the
cover in a small but bold black San serif font to
maintain the big issue’s distinct motto.
1. What groups, cultures, places, issues, events or concepts are represented on these covers?
This cover presents the musical ‘Matilda’ and advertises it in a way to make consumers of the magazine
want to go see it.
2. Look carefully at the photographs and images – the composition, the lighting, the tone, the mode of
address, colours? What are the connotations of these constructions?
The central image of the cover depicts Matilda who is the main character of the musical that The Big
Issue are representing. She’s positioned in the middle of the cover and stood with an upright posture
and has her hands on her hips. She’s also using direct mode of address as she’s looking at the viewer.
The body language in the picture indicate that she’s a very smart, sophisticated, and independent
character. This is also contributed to by her smart looking uniform she’s wearing. Not only this, but she’s
also been edited to be placed in front of the ‘Big Issue’ text as well has having a trail of stars placed
around her. These edits help portray her importance and catches peoples eye to the cover, making
people interested.
3. Look at the anchorage. -How does it fix meaning to create the representation? -What words stand
out? -what suggestions are made through this word selection?
The masthead uses the adjective ‘vital’ when describing the musical and this has connotations of
importance which is similar to the whole sophisticated look of the whole cover, and makes readers think
that this musical is a ‘must watch’, again heightening their interest. One of the puffs has been placed
near the top and is a star shape which will again bring attention to it as well as the use of a bold, red,
San serif font. These words being red differs to most of the font being white and so it makes consumers
interested in what it says at it stand out.
4. How do the representations you have identified fit with The Big Issue’s ideology?
The whole idea of the Big Issue is to help dismantle poverty by allowing vendors to sell in on the streets
to make profit and by doing this, it will include stories and references to popular culture and what is
popular at the time. The cover stands out by using bright colours and sparkly stars and the central image
being a new and relevant media reference, it will heighten people’s attention and get people to buy it.
5. Are stereotypes reinforced or challenged on this front cover? Explain your answer.
Matilda in the central image could be thought of to be challenging stereotypes with the way she’s being
represented as she looks bold and confident whereas stereotypically, girls are thought to be reserved
and less bold. Not only this, but even the puff challenges a stereotypical look that magazine cover
mostly follow. For example, most puffs on a cover would be a simple circle but the Big Issue used a star
for this instead to keep the theme of the stars circling Matilda in the central image. This helps to catch
peoples attention and puts a spin on the normal style a magazine cover gives.
6. What gender / age group is being addressed through the front cover and the way is has been
designed? How?
In my opinion, I think the main group of people this cover is trying to appeal to is younger girls as the
character is from a musical that is aimed towards younger girls. The character herself is a young girl and
so by this we can tell that the musical is for kids. This might also attract parents attention as they might
think the musical is something their kid might enjoy watching.
Coverline – this is written in the same bold, white,
Buzz word – the word ‘exclusive’ is written in a San serif font and gives a deeper insight to the
yellow font in order to stand out from the magazine’s topics to grab people’s attention
typical white font. The word itself makes this
issue sound important as it connotes that this
story is only going to be discussed in this
magazine and makes people want to purchase a

Central image – the cover’s central image

depicts Prince William with one of the Big
Issue’s vendors. This helps grab people’s
Coverline – the coverline is presented in a attention as this cover has a member of the
bold, white, San serif font in order to keep royal family on it which emphasises The Big
a smart look to it. It’s also a direct quote Issue’s significance and popularity.
from Prince William which suggests his
involvement with this issue and will
heighten people’s interest in what he had
to say or what he did.

Tagline – the big issue’s tagline ‘A hand up,

not a hand out’ is positioned at the bottom
of the cover in a small but bold white San
serif font to maintain the big issue’s distinct
1. What groups, cultures, places, issues, events or concepts are represented on these covers?
This cover is representing a member of the Royal family stood with one of The Big Issue’s vendors which
emphasises the magazines popularity as someone from the royal family is getting involved with selling it. This
helps to create a sense of equality between class and presents not just Prince William, but the whole royal
family is a positive light.

2. Look carefully at the photographs and images – the composition, the lighting, the tone, the mode of address,
colours? What are the connotations of these constructions?
The picture itself has been taken outside and so it has a very natural, sunny lighting to it suggesting a natural and
positive bond between the royal family and regular people. The two shot has both of them positioned in the
middle and they’re stood close together, Prince William even has his hand on the vendors shoulder to suggest a
close connection between the two and emphasises an equality between social classes. Not only does body
language suggest this, but also the fact that Prince William is wearing the same Big Issue jacket that all vendors
wear to connote an idea of equilibrium in between them.

3. Look at the anchorage. -How does it fix meaning to create the representation? -What words stand out? -what
suggestions are made through this word selection?
The first word that stand out is the use of the buzz word ‘exclusive’ which signifies the importance of this issue
and the word makes people think that this magazine is their only opportunity to read about this certain topic
and therefore, makes them want to buy it. They also use a direct quote from Prince William in one of the
coverlines to help suggest his involvement with this issue of the magazine and makes people interested. They
also use inclusive pronouns at the bottom by stating ‘our man Dave’, it creates a communal tone to the
magazine and makes consumers and vendors feel included and together.

4. How do the representations you have identified fit with The Big Issue’s ideology?
The cover depicts a royal family member stood with a vendor and getting involved with selling the magazine
himself, so it connotes the obvious significance this magazine has and the popularity its gained. With such a high
status figure on the cover, it makes people feel like they should purchase the magazine and that The Big Issue
are worth supporting.

5. Are stereotypes reinforced or challenged on this front cover? Explain your answer.
The obvious way in which this cover challenges stereotypes is how Prince William is stood with a normal person
as people assume a member of the royal family wouldn’t have the time to be amongst those who are
underneath them on the hierarchy. Therefore, it illuminates the idea that people are equal regardless of their
social status.

6. What gender / age group is being addressed through the front cover and the way is has been designed? How?
In my opinion, I believe that this cover is aimed to appeal to adult, working/lower class people as it helps
highlight the idea that there’s a balance in people despite financial income and placement on the social

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