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Talent Report

Sofia Gonzalez Llamazares

Sofia Gonzalez Llamazares

Sofia ,
We can define Talent as aptitude or natural ability to perform an activity with mastery. It is what we do well, with pleasure, without
difficulty or sacrifice, which is pleasant and seems simple and uncomplicated to us.

Each of us has some Talents, some more substantial and others that need improvement. Identifying them is paramount for us to fully develop
ourselves, transforming us into happier people and successful professionals. Knowing our Talents is what leads us to our true essence,
making us healthier and ecologically human and reducing the chances of failure, unsuccess, or frustration.

Your main Talent is Observer, which will be presented next, on the “Talents” page.

But to deepen your self­knowledge, it is not enough to know your own Talents; it is also necessary to understand how they interfere
with your choices and attitudes and develop them in a conscious and structured way.

With this ETALENT Talent Report, you will take the first step in this direction, and you’ll see tips for making better choices for your career and
your life. 01
Sofia Gonzalez Llamazares



04 Brief summary of your way of being

04 What makes you produce better

04 How would you like to be led

05 How do you lead others

05 How do you plan and organize yourself

05 Your most outstanding features

06 Your least outstanding features

06 How do you make a decision

06 How do you communicate


07 Positive

07 Negative


08 Talent Map

09 Talent Description

10 Talent Ranking


11 Strengths that should be maximized

12 Points you should pay attention to 02
Sofia Gonzalez Llamazares

When reflecting on your behavior, you will notice that some characteristics are quite common in your daily life and describe how you tend to
act, react, think and feel about the situations that present themselves. This happens because behaviors are part of our nature and
accompany us almost our entire life. These behaviors are more visible when you are relaxed, in leisure situations, and among those closest to
you, or under a lot of pressure, as there is not much time to think about how to act.

We also know that to live in society, there are times when we need to police or even change our way of being so that we can better adjust to
the situations we are in, such as the work environment or specific social groups, for example.

The great “secret” to professional success and happiness in personal life is to know your behavioral tendencies and use them in the best
possible way in your daily life, whether at work, with your family, in their social relationships or any other environment. This is the purpose of
the book Talent for Life: Bringing people closer to their true talents, clarifying how to get the best out of themselves to boost their lives in a
positive and stimulating way.

In this ETALENT Talent Report, we will present the main characteristics of your behavioral profile. Make the most of this opportunity to get to
know yourself better! 03
Sofia Gonzalez Llamazares

Brief summary of your way of being

In your profile, we observe that the 4 Factors are positioned in the intermediate region, not characterized as high or low, with no
predominance of one or the other. This may have occurred because the questionnaire answered was not well understood, and the choices
made did not reflect the greater or lesser identification of the person. There may also have been a non­spontaneous choice, consciously or
unconsciously, of more valued alternatives, in your perception. Another possibility is that you are experiencing a situation of tension, in
which, according to your perception, the environment requests you to adopt different behaviors at each moment.
When this fact occurs in the Structural chart, it may be that the individual is experiencing any problem related to his lifestyle; if it happens in
the Adapted chart, it could be that you are experiencing a short­term issue, linked to your professional life or your financial situation. The
compressed profile in the Resulting chart may denote doubts regarding your objectives, or even you may perform a function that is currently
very different from your essence.

What makes you produce better

You find motivation mainly in aspects related to safety and time to plan. When faced with a new situation, you need to feel secure, which
usually takes some time to adapt. In addition, you need time to plan your course of action, reducing the risks involved in it as much as
For you, pressure is not a driver of results; on the contrary, it can negatively influence your performance since your flexibility factor is not

How would you like to be led

Your leader should give you the time to think and act at your own pace, whenever circumstances permit. If he exerts stronger pressure or
demands tasks on tight deadlines, you will likely not be productive. On the other hand, your leader can gain efficiency in teamwork, knowing
how to take advantage of both your qualities as a planner and your characteristics of thoughtfulness and obstinacy. To this end, adopting an
attitude of understanding and maintaining good relations with you will be a practical management attitude. 04
Sofia Gonzalez Llamazares

How do you lead others

You tend to see the leadership process as establishing relationships with people to convince them to carry out their activities. In this way,
you seek to build a friendly and integrated environment so that it is not necessary to take more energetic measures. As you are not
particularly attentive to more precise rules, procedures, and approaches, you usually rely on people with a more thoughtful profile to carry
out more complex projects.

How do you plan and organize yourself

Your great self­confidence makes you feel capable of getting around any problem that may arise, even when things have not been well
planned and organized beforehand. Therefore, organizing and planning are not part of your favorite activities, who does not appreciate the
detail, analysis, or detailed plans. You usually understand the big picture of situations and will deal with them mainly using your
communicative talent.

Your most outstanding features

It was not possible to accurately indicate the characteristics that stand out the most in your profile due to the leveling of the four DISC
Factors in the central region of the chart, which have contrasting characteristics. This can occur when the respondent does not fully
understand the questionnaire, has been interrupted while answering, has tried to project characteristics that would not be her own, or is
under excessive pressure, which causes a moment of withdrawal and doubt. In any case, we recommend a more detailed conversation with a
DISC Etalent Consultant to help reflect and verify the need for reapplication at a more opportune time. 05
Sofia Gonzalez Llamazares

Your least outstanding features

With all characteristics of different natures completely leveled out, your profile does not allow for objective analysis. It is possible that the
questionnaire was not understood, that there was an attempt to manipulate the results, or that you are experiencing a problem related to
your personal life that will necessarily be reflected in your performance. In addition to analyzing these possibilities, reapplying to the
questionnaire is convenient.

How do you make a decision

Your communication and persuasion power are essential in how you make and implement your decisions. You know how to sell your ideas
well and show excellent self­confidence to defend them to your boss, colleagues, or subordinates. In this way, you usually decide quickly and
firmly and manage to get other people to cooperate, proving that your choices were the right ones. In this process, you don't bother to break
some rules whenever you think it's necessary. Endowed with a more comprehensive and general view of the problems you have to decide,
you will usually leave the details to more detailed and precise people.

How do you communicate

Your compressed profile shows a very undefined communication style. Without being typically extroverted or introverted, you are likely to
adopt greater or lesser sociability, self­confidence, or enthusiasm, depending on the circumstance or environment in which you find yourself,
without being notable for another style. This does not mean a perfect balance of behavior but the impossibility of marking one or another
predominant style. 06
Sofia Gonzalez Llamazares

The way you demonstrate your behavioral nature in everyday life influences your relationships with other people. Without realizing it, we can
intensify or soften some of our characteristics, facilitating or hindering relationships, approaching or distancing ourselves from the people who
are part of our social circle, whether at work, family, friends, or others.

The greater our level of self­knowledge, the better we understand our behavioral tendencies and preferences, the motivations for our
attitudes, and, thus, we can make the best use of our Talents.

Next, we will understand how you can be seen by others.

When in a comfortable environment, where you don’t have to make significant behavioral adaptations, your socio­emotional skills tend to
appear in their most balanced form. In situations like this, you give the impression of being someone who:

Conquers with friendliness and optimism.

Can communicate fluently and naturally.
Creates bonds of trust in a genuine way.
Demonstrates sensitivity and empathy for the client.

In pressure, stress, or irritation conditions, your characteristics can be seen in a more negative light. In this case, you may not have such a
clear perception, but people around you may consider that you:

Lose objectivity and focus on the customer's need.

Avoids more technical and rational discussions.
Hesitate to offer a new and independent solution.
Takes time to respond to objective requests and with a sense of urgency. 07
Sofia Gonzalez Llamazares

You already know that your talent is related to your natural abilities, which can be developed over time. The same goes for behaviors. Each of
us has our own behavioral potential that can be improved more and more, always seeking excellence in what we are already able to do. Let’s
get to know the different talents and where yours is located.

Talent Map
ETALENT carried out and published the Brazilian Talent Survey, which included a sample of 1.3 million people, revealing the behavioral
trends of our population. We identified that the behavior profile of Brazilians is divided as follows between the DISC factors: Dominance 9%,
Influence 46.29%, Stability 29.10%, and Compliance 15.62%.

With the research results, it was possible to define the 36 talents presented below based on typical behavioral profiles, which point to
people’s competences and motivations.

See how the 36 different talents are distributed among Brazilians, according to the research sample. Inside each box, you will find the portion
of Brazilians with that talent.

We also compared your profile with the 36 talents and identified that the one with the most significant adherence is Observer, highlighted in
the image. According to the Brazilian Talent Survey, just like you, 6.98% of the Brazilian population also has this talent, with 2º in total
predominance. 08
Sofia Gonzalez Llamazares

Talent Description
You can look to the past to understand what is happening in the present. In this way, you can see the present structure and how it has been
formed since your initial intentions. Even if these intentions are almost unrecognizable in the present, you identify them, giving you more
confidence in dealing with the situation and feel guided to make much better decisions. You become a better partner because you
understand people and became wiser about the future because you saw your seed planted. You need time to orient yourself and to ask the
right questions that will give you this linear view of the situation within time and space. On the other hand, when you build this vision, you can
help others understand where they are and where they want to go. In the same way, this works concerning administration, advice,
negotiations, consulting, and other services aimed at people or goods. 09
Sofia Gonzalez Llamazares

Talent Ranking
In practice, people can exercise all their talents. The big question is the effort they will have to make this happen. Below, we present a list of
the 36 Talents ranked descending according to their behavioral preferences, from the one that most resembles their behavior to the one
that is least similar.

Observer 76.09% Conciliator 74.44%

Facilitator 72.18% Diplomat 70.72%

Articulator 70.33% Welcomer 70.19%

Moderator 69.49% Advisor 69.42%

Counselor 69.36% Retriever 67.73%

Influencer 67.67% Designer 66.73%

Experts 66.25% Warned 66.24%

Integrator 65.25% Verifier 64.75%

Solver 63.27% Regulator 62.44%

Orderly 62.12% Stimulator 61.38%

Communicator 60.51% Judicious 60.33%

Strategist 59.66% Organizer 59.55%

Participative 59.48% Manager 58.98%

Booster 58.83% Analyzer 58.4%

Inventive 58.37% Entrepreneur 57.38%

Creators 57.16% Driver 56.79%

Visionary 54.76% Competitor 54.54%

Innovator 53.49% Pioneer 52.41% 10
Sofia Gonzalez Llamazares

During a group dynamic, a job interview, or while performing your professional activities, be aware of the main traits of your behavioral profile,
whether positive or negative. It is worth mentioning that no one can show all the characteristics of the 36 Talents; there is always a
predominance of some to the detriment of others. The important thing is that you use the full potential of your Talent and show how you can
best contribute to the challenges presented.

To make it easier for you to understand, below are the strengths of your behavior that should be highlighted and those you should pay
attention to.

Strengths that should be maximized

Try to demonstrate the best that your Talent has to offer and learn about the main positive characteristics of your Talent. With that in mind,
below, we highlight the most striking traits of your behavioral profile. If asked, be able to give examples of situations in which you put these
characteristics into practice, explaining the context, how you acted, and what the result was.

Your very high Patience level makes you very welcoming and easy to build trust with, and combined with a very low
Self­Motivation, makes you more collaborative.

Its high level of Sociability favors interaction with people, aggregating and facilitating communication on a daily
basis, and the low level of Determination further accentuates this diplomatic communication, avoiding
confrontations with people.

Because you have a high level of Persistence, you tend to be persevering and consistent. And with low
Perceptiveness, your ease of concentration and of sticking to a routine are accentuated. 11
Sofia Gonzalez Llamazares

Points you should pay attention to

Likewise, avoid exposing traits of your Talent that could be seen as negative. Try to understand which behaviors are best suited to perform
well in that position. Note that it is not about becoming someone you are not but about paying attention to specific points that can harm your
professional performance. It is up to you to decide whether to develop these aspects. The suggestion here is for you to reflect on them.

Because you have such a high level of Patience, at times you may take too long to make a decision, which wastes
time, and is emphasized by low Self­Motivation, reinforcing that you prefer to leave the initiative and action to
other people.

By having a high level of Sociability, you can present moments of dispersion, loss of focus on tasks, spending long
periods in not very objective conversations, and with low Determination you can be overly cautious, leaving
decision making to others.

Your high level of Persistence makes you you show a certain stubbornness in your attitudes, acting without
considering the necessary changes. This is made even more evident by your low level of Perceptiveness. 12
This report was generated by ETALENT, to learn more visit
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