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Lucknow Pact


 The Muslim League had felt a sense of betrayal from the British in the form of
Annulment of Partition of Bengal, despite remaining loyal to the British and declaring it
in their official manifesto.
 There was a growing discontent of the Muslims towards the British.
 There was a gulf between the AINC and AIML, on issues of Separate Electorate and 1/3 rd
representation of Muslims.
 A common ground between the two parties emerged as AIML included the demand of
“self rule suitable for India” in its manifesto. This was for the first time both the parties
were demanding self-rule.
 British had promised for better constitutional reforms for India after the war effort ends.
Jinnah saw this as an opportunity to push for reforms through a joint struggle.

The Pact

 Mohammad Ali Jinnah, who was a member of both the parties was mainly responsible
for the pact.
 He convinced the Muslim League to adapt the policy of the self rule and cooperation
with the Indian National Congress as well as convinced the later to cede to the demand
of 1/3rd representation to allay the apprehensions of the Muslim community.
 He called for a joint session of the two parties to draft a set of common demands for
 Finally, at their respective annual sessions held at Lucknow in December 1916, the INC
and the League confirmed the agreement. This came to be known as the Lucknow Pact.

 Self-government in India.
 Abolition of the Indian Council.
 Separation of the executive from the judiciary.
 Salaries of the Secretary of State for Indian Affairs to be paid from British coffers and not the
Indian funds.
 1/3rd representation to be given to Muslims in the Central Government.
 The number of Muslims in the provincial legislatures to be laid down for each province.
 Separate electorates for all communities until a joint electorate is demanded by all.
 Introduction of a system of weightage for minority representation (it implied giving minorities
more representation than their share in the population).
 Increasing the term of the Legislative Council to 5 years.
 Half the members of the Imperial Legislative Council to be Indians.
 All elected members to be elected directly on the basis of adult franchise. 4/5 th of the
members of the provincial legislatures to be elected and 1/5th to be nominated.
 Members of the Legislative Council to elect their President themselves.

Impact and Analysis

 Muslim League got a mainstreaming.

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