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32nd STUDENT 2021/2022






Praise and thanks giving we first offer the presence of God Almighty for all its
abundant gifts and grace so that we can finish this final report of students in the
Airborne Navigation System Maintenance Basic Specialty Course (ANSMBSC) without
any hindrance.

This report is the result of the activities during our education at Training
Squadron 203 Sulaiman Air force base as a requirement to end the ANSMBSC
Education in 203 Training Squadron Sulaiman Airbase.

The author is fully aware that in the preparation of this report there are still many
shortcomings and errors, therefore for the realization of a better report in the future,
with all humility, the authors expect suggestions and criticism from all parties.

In this occasion, we compiled a big thank you to:

1. Lieutenant Colonel Electronics Indrawati Ningsih, ST., M.I.Pol as

commander of the education in 203 Training Squadron.

2. All Training Squadron 203 staff and instructors who have helped morally
and materially.

May Allah Almighty give his blessings to all of us, great hope of authors for this
paper to become a useful thing for everyone who reads it and becomes a contribution
that is able to enrich knowledge in the field of electronics.

Bandung, December 2022

Moch Nur Faisal Abidin

Second Sergeant / 4211000552424


PREFACE...................................................................................................................... i

TABLE OF CONTENT.....................................................................................................ii

1. General....................................................................................................................1

2. Mean and purpose...................................................................................................1

a. Mean.................................................................................................................. 1

b. Purpose..............................................................................................................1

3. Scope...................................................................................................................... 1

4. Writing method........................................................................................................ 2

5. Theoritical review.....................................................................................................2

a. Description......................................................................................................... 2

b. Function............................................................................................................. 3

c. Part of DME........................................................................................................4

d. DME Component System...................................................................................5

6. Problems................................................................................................................. 5

7. Efforts...................................................................................................................... 5

8. Conclusion and suggestion..................................................................................... 6

a. Conclusion......................................................................................................... 6

b. Suggestion......................................................................................................... 6

9. Closing.....................................................................................................................6



ANSMBSC 32 nd FORCE 2021/2022


1. General. The DME avionics system, which stands for Distance Measuring
Equipment, is an air navigation device that functions to provide guidance or distance
information for aircraft with the intended DME station. DME operates on Ultra High
Frequency (UHF) which is between 962 to 1213 Mhz. The frequency band is divided
into 252 channels, namely 126 channels X and 126 channels Y which have a frequency
of 1 MHz each. Transmitter and Receiver DME form a frequency difference of 63 Mhz.
Small channels (1 - 63x), Frequency Reply is smaller than the height. Large Channel
(64 - 126x), Frequency Reply greater than height. As for the ability or workings of
distance measurement, it is actually obtained through the pulse engineering system,
where pulse means a single vibration of electric current. Where the antenna of the
aircraft sends pulses in pairs at a certain distance. The DME station receives the pulse
and then responds with paired pulses at the same distance but different frequencies.
The receiver of the aircraft measures the time it takes to transmit and receive the
transmitted signal to a distance. The aircraft receiver measures the time it takes to
transmit and receive the transmitted signal to a distance.

2. Mean and purpose.

a. Mean. To provide educational explanations about air navigation that

can be applied using the DME System on airplanes and so that students can
operates the DME System properly and correctly.

b. Purpose. The purpose is as input and consideration for the measure of

the success of the implementation and application of material or lessons about
the DME System on aircraft that have been received during education.

3. Scope. The scope of the discussion in this report includes the DME System
electronic component circuit which has been arranged as follows:

a. General.
b. Mean and purpose.
c. Scope.
d. Writing method.
e. Theoritical review.
f. Problems.
g. Efforts.
h. Conclusion and suggestion.
i. Closing.

4. Writing method. The writing method in preparing this tactical training report is
based on reviewing the guide book, the internet, and also the material that has been
taught during the education in the form of theories and practices that have been carried
out in the laboratory.

5. Theoritical review. The writing method that we use to compile this report is
based on the material that has been taught during the education period in Training
Squadron 203 in the form of direct theory and practicum, the recording of problem
material and writing compiled based on references, such as the Student Guide Book
and intern

a. Description. DME is an air navigation aid that functions to provide

information on the direct distance / slant distance between the aircraft and the
DME station. DME is a transponder that converts the amount of time into the
amount of distance. The DME system consists of a transmitter/receiver in the
aircraft called an interrogator, and a receiver/transmitter in the ground station
called a transponder. DME works on UHF frequencies of 962-1213 MHz based
on the Technique of pulses transmitted through the DME antenna on the Aircraft
with a pair of pulses at a certain distance or emitted from the aircraft received
automatically then retransmitting the signal of a pair of pulses in response to the
aircraft but at different frequencies. The required travel time is then measured on
the aircraft's DME receiver, then processed into a form of distance (Nautical
Miles) from the aircraft to the ground station. and displayed on the existing digital
display in the cockpit and updated again. The distance received by this aircraft is
in the form of an oblique/inclined distance on the side of the aircraft to the
Ground Station.

Picture 1.
DME (Distance Measuring Equipment)

Picture 2.
Block Diagram DME

The working principle of DME works as a transponder by receiving a beam

signal from the aircraft. The aircraft emits pulse pair signals that are later
received in DME through the antenna. From the antenna signal that is still weak
and there is a lot of noise, the noise will be removed and strengthened again in
the LNA block. After the LNA signal will be mixed with the carrier in the mixer.
After that, enter the IF amplifier block to detect the signal. From there, the signal
will enter the ADC to be used as a digital signal to make it easier to calculate the
distance of the aircraft to the transponder. The time it takes to process the signal
is 50us. So the new aircraft can receive information the distance of the aircraft is
50us after the aircraft emits pulse pairs to the transponder. After calculating the
signal that is still in digital form, it is returned to analog form to be emitted back to
the plane.

b. Function. Serves as a tool to find out the distance from the known
beacon After transit-time, the ground system emits 2 groups of pulses. DME is
usually installed on the VOR station to complement it (complementary) so that
the position of the aircraft can be meticulously continuous. Known to the
aviators. (VOR provides information in degrees while DME provides distance
information in NM, as per polar coordinates in aircraft position determination).
DME can also be used at ILS (Instrument landing System) air navigation facilities
to provide continuous / uninterrupted distance information to airmen at the time
of approach / landing. In short the DME serves to determine the exact position,
separation on the way, approach to airport, calculate the speed based on
calculations from the ground.

c. Part of DME. DME enables aircraft to establish its range to the ground
station: Distance in nautical miles (NM), Ground Speed in knots, Flying time to the
station in minutes.

Picture 3.
DME (KN 64)

In FREQ mode, the unit will display distance and the selected Frequency.
(See picture 4.)

Picture 4.
Distance/Frequency FREQ Mode.

In Groundspeed/Time-to-Station (GS/T) position. The unit will hold the

internally selected frequency and will display distance, groundspeed and time-to-
station. (See Picture 5.)

Picture 5.
Distance/Groundspeed/Time To Station GS/T Mode

Place the function switch in the Remote* (RMT) position, and your DME
will be channeled when you select your NAV frequency on the NAV receiver.
Search time is usually about one second. When the unit locks on a ground
station, it will display distance, groundspeed and time-to-station. (See Picture

Picture 6.
Distance/Groundspeed/Time To Station RMT Mode

d. DME Component System. The DME system consist of three basic

components which are DME antenna on the aircraft body, DME navigation display
unit in aircraft, DME transmitter / receiver in the ground station.

Picture 6. Picture 7.
DME Antennas in aircraft DME Antennas in aircraft

Picture 8.
DME Antennas in ground station

6. Problems. Sometimes the plane experiences a Distance Measuring

Equipment (DME) system failure when flying or grounded due to some problems in the
antenna or transponder or something else.

7. Efforts. Several efforts made by technicians to avoid reading problems in the

Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) system caused pilots to have difficulty reading
the instrument or to find out the distance from the aircraft to the ground station or the
intended airport, namely:

a. Technicians can check antenna in ground station and the MPD for check
the display massage.
b. before the flight should be checked the DME system and DME antenna
on the aircraft know what the meaning of the code or signal sent or received.
c. perform regular repairs and checks on DME system components and

8. Conclusion and suggestion.

a. Conclusion. The DME instrument system uses the pulse technique,

where a single vibration pulse is current. It works by sending a signal or pulse in
pairs at a certain distance or different frequencies that are transmitted through
the aircraft antenna and received by the ground DME station then responded
with paired pulses at the same distance in units of nautical miles (NM) but the
frequencies are different. The aircraft receives the signal and measures the time
it takes to transmit and receive the transmitted signal from a distance and
produces an output in the form of numerical data displayed in the indicator.

b. Suggestion. In this paper, there are still errors that we made, we

sincerely expect criticism and suggestions from readers to improve this paper in
the future, as for our suggestions to the readers :

1) The reader can understand properly and correctly after knowing

the function of DME.
2) Readers can understand about DME system.
3) Readers must always pay attention to the condition of aircraft
4) All about the failure system is can be repair if read the Technical
Manual Book of DME
5) Technicians can remove the error functions of component or tools
and install the component is qualified Serviceable (S).

9. Closing. Thus the report on Practice Exercise System of Distance Measuring

Equipment (DME), with the presence of this latent activity, the students get new
experiences that can also be used as a measure of the results of the 32nd ANSMBSC
education for five months. With the provision of avionics, we also hope that this
knowledge will make the Force increasingly prosperous because it is awake by the
ability of reliable graduatesthe Training Squadron 203.

Bandung, December 2022

Aditya Johan Putuarsa

Second Sergeant / 4211000552424






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