Organelles and Their Functions

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Nucleus- Regulates cell growth and metabolism.

Nucleolus – It transcribes and modifies RNA.

Lysosomes – To break down and recycle cellular waste.

Chromatin – To condense and package DNA.

Centrioles – Help with cytokinesis. (The splitting of a cell)

Cytoskeleton – Gives a cell its shape and prevents it from deforming.

Cytoplasm – Provides shape to the cell.

Plasma Membrane – Separates the cell interior from the outside environment.

Ribosomes –They convert genetic material into protein.

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum –Manufactures enzymes and proteins.

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum –Lipids, phospholipids, and steroids.

Golgi Apparatus – Packages protein inside a cell, in preparation for secretion.

Mitochondria – Produce energy (ATP) through cellular respiration.

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