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1 Explain following terms: non-repudiation, integrity, confidentiality, authentication.

2 Discuss the different techniques for public key distribution.
3 Define: Security attack, security mechanism, security service.
4 Explain the following properties of the hash function: One way property and weak
collision resistance
5 Explain the playfair cipher. Encrypt the plain text message: ‘SECRETMESSEGE’
using key ‘KEYWORD’
6 Discuss Electronic code book mode in detail.
7 Explain DES encryption with neat sketches.
8 Explain AES encryption with neat sketches
9 Encrypt the message ‘ATTACK’ using Hill cipher with key ‘VIEW’.
10 Define: Cryptography, Cryptanalysis, Brute-force attack.
11 Explain RSA algorithm in detail. Perform encryption and decryption using RSA
algorithm for prime numbers p=3 and q=11, plaintext message m=2
12 List and explain various types of attacks.
13 Compare authentication and authorization.
14 Explain digital signature algorithm.
15 Explain pre-image resistance and second pre-image resistance.
16 Write difference between conventional encryption and public-key encryption
17 Explain Diffie Hellman key exchange algorithm with example.
18 Discuss X.509 Certificates.
19 Explain Kerberos in detail
20 Discuss Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA)
21 What is KDC? Explain how KDC do key distribution with diagram.
22 Write a short note on Birthday attack.

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