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It's just a day. I traveled to Arab countries.

I don't remember the date of the day but I

remember what happened to me. It may be an
action day or adventure day.
On this day I decided to travel to all Arab
countries.Yeah it's true.
I prepared everything for this trip. It took two days
to prepare, but I enjoyed it. While I was preparing
my bags, my father entered my room, and he said,
Are you ok, did you organize all things, did you add
what will happen to us if you leave the home, and
he said did you figure everything out. But I said
One sentence, it was

[ Arab People need me]

Dad, listen to me please if I stay here and let the

Arab People without help it will disappear from the
world. Dad, did you see the children who have lost
their own homes, schools, hospitals and their
streets? Streets that they used to play and have fun
with their friends! I know people who have lost their
sons, daughter, because of the war in Arab
Who has lost Safety! Have you heard about the
people who have lost their dreams? They missed to
dream, to breathe, to Smell, and they missed their
lives. God will ask everyone about them. I can't live
and let them die without help! Our Arab countries
are related to everyone who lives in this area. My
Dad, I hope you understand me. Let me survive
them. I know I can't do everything and my help is
very simple, but I want to join them to fight the
enemy. Again! Dad, let me go.
He said take care of yourself.

I left my house and decided to go to Alexandria

port. I took the desert road. After I arrived, I started
to go from Alexandria with my ship and chose the
first country. Can you guess what it was? Can you
tell me which country is needing help now?

I can tell you it was Palestine, yeah it is needing

help from all All Arabs People. Palestine needs
help from all of us Because it was occupied by
Israel. People of Palestine can't live
Because they face danger every day and they also
face death. I prepared everything and I was going
to leave but, Someone told me you can't sail today!
I said why? He said because there was a strong

Oh my God!
What a day!

I stopped suddenly, and He saw me surprised, and

he said why are you surprised. I told myself with a
lower voice, I had nothing to stay in Alexandria. and
the Mediterranean sea will close after three days
because there was a problem with the Suez Canal.
I haven't choice, it was something hard to know,
and I asked myself why!
Why does it start with this situation?
I have to continue, And I have to sail now without a
break or without any rest and with a little sleep. I
told myself this, and the man asked me do you
need help? I said to him with a Stupid question, Do
you have a house? He said no, I'm from Cairo.
Anyway, I will sail now.
He said as you like, God with you man. Thanks,
this is what I said to him after two hours talking.

The man said the truth, there was a strong wind

and many sharks.
Why didn't the man tell me about the sharks? But I
remembered that I had learned that the white sea
has a lot of sharks and it is normal to see sharks in
this sea. The sharks were trying to break the ship
because my ship was an old ship. But I can't
understand how the sharks knew that the ship was
old and weak. It was impossible, but I was hungry.
No, I was very hungry. I could eat a horse. But my
food was finished. I remembered the last film I
saw. The film was talking about the adventure of
the sea and the name of the film is The Red Sea

I know why the director named the sea with this

name, Because there were a lot of people dying
and the sea became red with a lot of blood. The
people were staying in a big ship and they were
facing. But not with sharks,with pirates. But it isn't
my story now. Let me continue my main story. I
went fishing from the sea because I saw the main
character of the film I had told you went fishing. But
I didn't have any hook. But I had a big bag. And I
started to catch fish with it. I caught four fish within
half an hour. It was amazing to catch fish with a
bag. But While I was cutting the fish the sharks
started to face me again. After three hours the
sharks went away from me. because I cleaned all
the blood of the fish from my ship. I was very
hungry. I started to cook my fish with flame which I
took from my house. When night came and it
became dark. I slept and I watched the stars. The
stars contained something, it was that you can do
everything. Because now people can go to space
and watch it and catch photos of the stars. I told
myself that I can help my friends in Palestine like
the people who can travel to space.
All night watching the sky and thinking how to help
the families of Palestine.
I saw my phone has lost connection . And I had
no map.
I stayed thinking what I should do.
and finally I remembered what I saw on the map
the last time when I opened it from my phone.
I had to sail ten hours and go north for 22 hours
and go East for five hours. I opened my watch and
saw the time was 5 Pm. After ten hours I listened to
the Adhan of Al-fajr prayer and it meant that I was
Arish Governorate. I arrived at the beach of Al
Arish. And pray Al-fajr prayer with a lot of people.I
asked the man who prayed for us. Pray for me.
When I said to him this, he said God with you man.
You are doing a good job. When he said this I
understood that he knew what I was going to do. I
started to sail again with a lot of courage. And after
this day and this man I didn't sleep. Because I was
very happy.
All the 22 hours and the other five hours I had
made a plan. And {I said Praise be to Allah}.

But when I was near Palestine I saw many police

officers on the beach. Another problem was the
police ships. I can't control my nerves. I dived into
the sea without swimming tools. They saw my ship
and thought that it was for a person from Palestine.
They destroyed the ship. Oh my Goodness,
I couldn't swim. I caught the police ship and I made
him not see me. It was very difficult for me to catch
the ship and the speed of it was very high. I saw a
man who was saying let us do another tour and I
said, Oh, No.
I left the ship and I started to swim but it's definitely
difficult. Because I didn't learn how to swim.
I was going to die because I sinked for five or six at

But finally I arrived at the beach.

With a lower voice I started to go slowly, so that no
one could feel me.
There were many mountains and I had to pass
them to reach the city.
But I said to myself, let's stay this morning at the
mountain because there were many soldiers and I
would be exposed so I stayed. I was very hungry
and there wasn't any food. But I had to be patient.
At 2 AM I was walking to the city.
When I saw Palestine, I started to cry with a loud
voice, And I said how God's paradise on earth
became like that, but does anyone know why I went
to Palestine? To make a plan to expel Israeli
soldiers from Jerusalem, and all the Palestine area.
I said, I would make them hate their boring day. I
stayed because the night came and I couldn't see
anything. There wasn't a light on the streets. I
started to think again about the war that I would
join. I heard a sound. It Sounded like dogs, but it
was a Police dog. I thought that I got exposed. But I
took a risk and started to walk slowly away from
I saw the dogs were near me. I told myself: wait, I
have a lighter and there are many herbs. I said this
to myself, and I made a big fire.
The place I chose was very far from me. By this
way I escaped from danger again.

I said {please adventure stop for a while so I could

Arrive to my friends}
After I said this everything went well. I thanked my
God a lot. I met my friends who I prepared with
them on the first plan in my house by the computer
and my phone. We stayed four days to prepare the
weapons and the military gear. We said we will
make the Israeli soldiers in a fire. We will make
them in underground tunnels. We said the plan to
the people who will fight with us, but we said
inaccurate plans. Why, to discover who was
trustworthy and who was distrustful.
We locked up the people who were untrustworthy.
And we made sure that all people were trustees.
And we say our plans to them. After ten hours we
finished the plan. we were careful that there wasn't
a traitor.
We went to Jerusalem and started to fight them.
We heard them crying with a loud voice. Because
we made a big fire at the camp of the Israelis
soldiers. We started the war at 2 AM to make sure
that all of them were sleeping. We chose the Friday
night because the next day was Saturday and this
day the soldiers can't use the weapons. Because
it's a rule for them.
After 20 hours all of them were scared and they
escaped from the war. I had to stay in Palestine for
many days to fight all the Israelis and expel them
from the City of Jerusalem. To make sure that all
things would be good there.
I made the another plan, And it was
We will expel Israeli soldiers from this area that
surrounds Jerusalem. And we will put cannons to
kill anyone who will decide to Approach Jerusalem.
We chose the area of cannons and it was on the
mountains. To make sure it will be safe and to kill
the soldiers easily, because we were at the top and
they were at the bottom of the mountains. It was
easy to kill All of them.
The Leader of the Occupation soldiers send war
planes. But we had long range missiles. We killed
them and destroyed all of the war planes.
The second day was very easy because we left the
area of Jerusalem and caught up with the soldiers
who had escaped from the war. The leader wanted
us to leave Jerusalem and he made the trick of
Soldiers escaping. But we know this trick and we let
them enter our camp but they didn't find any
weapons or any person. They found a big fire that
we built for them.
It was dark but the fire made it like noon. I said to
my friends we did an impressive job. We returned
to our camp and killed them all. We didn't let any of
them. We found a Wireless device, and someone
tried to communicate with his soldiers. I said to him,
meet them in hell. If you want to meet them quickly,
come here,I said this to him, and I destroyed the
wireless. On the last day of the plan I got three
bullets, but I still fought with a lot of courage. After
three hours I returned to our house, after I had
killed all of the Israeli soldiers who fought me.
When I arrived at the house, my friends cared for
me and performed a small operation on me to get
bullets out of my body. After two days, I got better
and could fight again. We all caught up with our
friends, and joined them in the war. After a month
we finished the war in Jerusalem, and the Israeli
soldiers had a big lesson, I started to leave the
house and my new friends in Jerusalem. It was
hard but I had to leave because there were many
cities of Palestine that needed help from me.

Wait for me when I will tell you about the second

part of returning Palestine to Arab. If you didn't like
this part, I am sorry for you, but I promise you that I
will do the best for you.

The best didn't come yet.

~~Wait me

Thanks for reading.

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