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5 most essential general rules while working with clients/society:

1. Pay attention to names. It’s known that our own name’s sounding is the most
pleasant melody for us. So calling by name helps us to establish a contact
with a person.
2. Be polite and professional in all forms of communication. I think there are
even no subject for discussion. Politeness and professionalism is a necessary
foundation of relationships with clients.
3. Always be on time. To my mind, it’s one of «Golden Rules» of etiquette.We
all know the expression «Punctuality is the politeness of kings». By arriving
at a meeting on time, we show our respect.
4. Put away your phone. Today this rule can be called one of the most actual.
Because using the phone has become our most obsessive habit and we don’t
even notice how much time we spend this way.
5. Conduct Yourself with Consideration and Respect. Whether is it online or
offline communication, any way it is important to behave yourself
appropriately. Also we must treat others the way we want to be treated.

5 most important etiquette rules for my future profession:

1. Give cues that show you’re paying attention. It is really important for
everyone to understand that his/her message reaches the interlocutor. That’s
why demonstration of interest in the topic of conversation will help to make
communication more comfortable.
2. Don’t overshare but don’t be too distant either. Sometimes it’s really
difficult to find a middle way between excessive frankness and overly
closeness. Of course, all depends on the situation and circumstances.
3. Be aware of nonverbal cues. Only some part of the information is perceived
by the interlocutor through speech, the rest is read through non-verbal signs.
It is advisable not to allow contradictions between speech and body
4. Consider Your Tone. When we communicate by text messages, the
interlocutor doesn’t hear our intonation and may misinterpret the sense.
Therefore it is necessary to choose words accurately.
5. Keep Information as Up-to-Date as Possible. In the modern world
everything changes instantly. So irrelevant information can lead to loss of
order or customer in some moment.

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