Correction of Exam Nº 1

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Monday, October 9th 2023

Correction of Exam 1

Obsolete Jobs
(1) In the past, there were many jobs that now no longer exist. Most of them have been replaced by machines,
but in some cases the whole idea has disappeared. For example, there used to be telegraph operators, who sent
long-distance messages called telegrams. There were like an old kind of text message, but you had to ask a
telegraph operator to transmit your message using a special electrical machine. So, no telegraph operators
Here are some other jobs that people used to do.
Lift operators
(2) These days we get in a lift, push the button and go. A lift can be operated by anyone, but until 1950, a lift
operator travelled in the lift with passengers all the time. They were trained to operate the lifts. Lift operators
have mostly gone now. Though they are still used in some office buildings and tourist attractions, like the Eiffel
Tower in Paris.

(3) In most big cities around the world at the beginning of the 20th century, street lamps used gas, not
electricity. So, there were men who worked as lamplighters: they used to go around and light street lamps
every evening with a kind of candle on a long pole. They used to light about a hundred lamps an hour.

(4) A lot of computer software has been designed to help people produce books and newspapers. But how was
this done before computers? The answer- the pages were assembled by typesetters. They put metal letters into
wooden frames to make the layout of each page.

Switchboard operators
(5) Can you believe, that in the past, to make a telephone call you had to talk to an operator, say the number
you wanted and then the operator connected you to that number? Strange but true. This was one of the few
jobs at the beginning of the 20th century that was almost always done by women- men were not patient

1. Read the article and answer the questions. (2.5pts)
a) Where can you still see lift operators?
In some office buildings and tourist attractions, like the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
b) What did lamplighters use to light the lamps?
A kind of candle on a long pole
c) How many lamps did each lamplighter light an hour?
About a hundred lamps an hour
d) What did typesetters do?
They assembled pages, put metal letters into wooden frames to make the layout of each page.
e) What did callers have to say to switchboard operators?
Say the number they wanted.
2. Choose the correct item. (2.5pts)
1. My brother is training to be a judge / paramedic because he wants to help people when they get hurt.
2. Amy works full-time / part-time from 9am until 1pm every day.
3. I earn / gain a living as an actor.
4. John is a responsible / loyal friend and he is always there for me.
5. After his promotion, Jack’s salary / wage increased to £2000 a month.
3. Fill in. admit | sink | wrap | capture | analyse (2.5pts)
1. The scientists capture animals, study them and then release them back into the wild.

2. Herpetologists analyse blood samples from reptiles to learn more about them.

3. I enjoy working as a surgeon, but I admit that it is hard work.

4. Make sure you wrap up warm; it’s getting cold outside.

5. We have to keep our pet python in a tank because it might sink its teeth into someone.
4. Complete the words for each description. (2.5pts)
1. This person teaches at a university. PROFESSOR
2. A formal word for job. O CCUPATION
3. Extra money that you’re paid on top of your salary. BONUS
4. The skill you learn from doing something. EXPERIENCE
5. This person designs plans of buildings or machines. ENGINEER
5. Find the correct jobs based on the words between brackets (1.25pts)
1. Lucy works as a professional journalist (journal)

2. Jessica is a really brilliant shoe designer (design)

3. My brother is a shop assistant at a Nike store. (assist)

4. I love Tom Hanks’ movies. He is a very talented actor (act)

5. Amy wants to be a news presenter and read the news on television every evening. (present)
6. Put the verbs between brackets in the present simple. (2.5pts)
1. Does Ann have any hobbies? (have)

2. The children don’t live near school. (not live)

3. Susan tidies her bedroom every morning. (tidy)

4. Dave doesn’t watch TV every evening. (not watch)

5. Do you enjoy going shopping at weekends? (enjoy)

Everyday English
7. Complete the dialogues (1-5) with the appropriate responses (A or B) (1.25pts)
a. X: What do you think I should do?
Y: You could talk to her about it.
A. You could talk to her about it.
B. I’m not sure about that.
b. X: Any ideas what to do?
Y: Yes, one thing you can do is lock your things away.
A. Any ideas what to do?
B. What do you think I should do?
c. X: If I were you, I’d sit somewhere else.
Y:I don’t think that will help.
X: Well then, you could try talking to the teacher.
A. That sounds like good advice!
B. I don’t think that will help.
d. X: How about meeting with your boss?
Y: Yes, I suppose so.
A. Thanks for your help.
B. Yes, I suppose so.
e. X: Have you thought of asking them to come too?
Y: That sounds like good advice.
A. That sounds like good advice.
B. Any ideas what to do?

Writing: (5pts)
Write a paragraph about someone you know. In your paragraph, describe the person’s:

• Appearance

• Character


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