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European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005) 696–707

Production, Manufacturing and Logistics

Entropy as a measure of operational flexibility

Eyas Shuiabi a, Vince Thomson a,1
, Nadia Bhuiyan b,*

Mechanical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada H3G 1M8
Received 1 November 2002; accepted 14 January 2004
Available online 24 March 2004


As competition among firms is being based more and more on the level of service, there is a great interest in using a
measure of flexibility to indicate a firm’s capability to respond to customer demands. Entropy is proposed as a measure
of flexibility for manufacturing operations. The properties of entropy that make it a suitable measure of flexibility are
outlined. A computer simulation of a job shop was used to test the measure through a number of different scenarios
using a discrete-event stochastic simulator. Results showed that entropy succeeded in measuring flexibility when the
relative demand for the fabrication of products changed. Entropy was also used to monitor process flexibility as time
 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Flexibility; Entropy; Operations; Simulation

1. Introduction tem (FMS). Kumar (1986) used entropy as a

means of measuring the operational flexibility of
As competition among firms is being based an FMS. Rao and Gu (1994) used entropy as a
more and more on the level of service, there is a measure to quantify production volume and the
great interest in using a measure of flexibility to flexibility to make different products. The question
indicate a firm’s capability to respond to customer in this paper is whether entropy is a useful metric
demands. One metric that has been proposed to to determine the flexibility of production opera-
measure flexibility is entropy. Yao (1985) consid- tions.
ered the notions of flexibility and entropy to be The paper is organized as follows. The
equivalent, and used entropy to measure the remainder of this section discusses flexibility and
routing flexibility of a flexible manufacturing sys- related work. Section 2 defines entropy as a mea-
sure of flexibility and provides a detailed expla-
nation of how it can be used. In Section 3, a
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-514-848-3133; fax: +1-514- mathematical model is presented. This is followed
E-mail addresses: (V. Thomson),
by the application of entropy as a measure of (N. Bhuiyan). flexibility to a simulation of a job shop in Section
Tel.: +1-514-398-6307; fax: +1-514-398-7365. 4. The experimental design and results are

0377-2217/$ - see front matter  2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
E. Shuiabi et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005) 696–707 697

described in Sections 5 and 6, respectively, and the leading Japanese companies have put much effort
final section presents conclusions. into introducing new products with a minimum of
disruption to their normal activities. Both Kawa-
1.1. Flexibility––the new challenge saki and Honda motorcycle companies, for
example, are able to introduce new models every
The challenges that face manufacturing and month. In this way, they are able to continuously
service environments today are steadily increasing. react to the demands of the marketplace (Maskell,
To remain competitive, firms must deliver the best 1994).
out of their limited resources; they must develop Incorporating flexibility requires a huge invest-
strategies and tactics that ensure their survival and ment in new machinery or flexible manufacturing
growth. For manufacturing managers, achieving systems as well as adopting new production tech-
low cost and high quality is no longer enough to niques. Thus, there is a need for a tool that will aid
guarantee success (Mohamed, 1994). In the face of in measuring the impact of new installations on the
fierce, low-cost competition and an army of high flexibility of a process, or a tool that will enable the
quality suppliers, companies are increasingly con- monitoring of the flexibility of a whole plant.
centrating on flexibility as a way to achieve new
forms of competitive advantage. The flexible fac- 1.2. Related work
tory or firm can respond to customer orders more
quickly, provide a broad range of products, and In the context of manufacturing systems, flexi-
introduce new products more effortlessly (Upton, bility is widely accepted as the ability of a system to
1995). cope with change (Mandelbaum, 1990). Zelenovic
As more companies move towards time-based (1982) defined flexibility as the ability of a system to
competition, they require more frequent deliveries adapt itself to various changes. The changes ex-
in smaller quantities. The mix of products ordered pected to affect the performance of a manufactur-
by a client is most often not known until the last ing system might occur for instance in product mix,
minute (Maskell, 1994). Modifying the production product volume, process or raw material. Sethi and
volume of specific products requires the capacity Sethi (1990) defined 11 different types of flexibility
to use production equipment for many different given in Table 1, which assist in classifying flexi-
tasks and the ability to change output rates of bility in manufacturing operations. More recently,
machines and work cells. The fast pace of tech- Kahyaoglu and Kayaligili (2002) proposed a
nology and the demands of customers for novel qualitative measure of flexibility using an opera-
and better products require companies to be able tional approach that describes the performance
to innovate continually and to bring these inno- level of a system relative to a base case when a
vations to the marketplace quickly. Many of the change takes place. Their measure is proposed to

Table 1
Definitions of flexibility types
Flexibility type Definition
Machine Ability of a machine to perform various types of operations
Material handling Ability to move different parts efficiently through a manufacturing facility
Operation Ability to produce a part in different ways
Process Ability to make different parts without a major setup
Product Ease of adding or substituting new products in a manufacturing facility
Routing Ability to produce a part by alternate routes through a system
Volume Ability to operate profitably at different overall output levels
Expansion Ease by which a manufacturing system can increase capacity and capability
Program Ability of a system to run unattended for a period of time
Production Ability to produce different parts without adding major capital equipment
Market Ease with which a manufacturing system can adapt to a changing market
698 E. Shuiabi et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005) 696–707

be useful when probabilities of outcomes are not culated using probabilistic product demand, which
easily defined; however, their measure must be was both the ability to handle different products as
redefined for each specific situation and the mea- well as the capacity of machines to handle pro-
sure of change must be defined for each case. duction volume. This made the measure suitable for
Many researchers have proposed different mea- the design and planning of cellular manufacturing
sures of flexibility. Most of these have focused on a systems to have maximum flexibility.
particular type of flexibility, a static measure or a Neuman et al. (1993) have proposed that com-
particular situation. Some researchers have used panies use capacity, inventory and lead time for
entropy as the measure of flexibility. Yao (1985) flexibility in uncertain environments in addition to
used an information theory approach to define the flexibility in their processes. This provides
entropy and used entropy to measure routing volume flexibility. Pagell et al. (2000), through case
flexibility. He used the principle of least reduction studies, concluded that companies do use different
of entropy to determine the best routing sequence mechanisms to achieve both plant and machine
for parts in an FMS. Kumar (1986) obtained the level flexibility. Their definition of plant flexibility
value of entropy for a Markovian process, and then is similar to Sethi and Sethi’s product flexibility,
applied it to closed queuing network models of where flexibility is the ability to add or substitute
flexible manufacturing systems to measure, first, new products. Thus, flexibility can have a technical
the loading flexibility that arises due to the avail- component where the capability of people and
ability of capacity at workstations, and second, the equipment can adjust to the differences in the
operational flexibility that arises due to the ability production of various products, and a capacity
to choose among workstations that can each per- component where the availability of plant or ma-
form an operation. Total entropy was defined as chine capacity, inventory, and lead time can
the sum of the entropy within operations, i.e., the accommodate changes in production level.
available capacity at several workstations, and the In the research reported in this paper, entropy
entropy between operations, i.e., the ability to was used as a dynamic measure of flexibility along
choose among workstations for a specific opera- a time continuum. This approach was thought to
tion. This definition of entropy allowed a measure be useful for monitoring process flexibility at both
of the flexibility of an FMS based on the determi- the machine and plant level. This was tested by
nation of the sequence of a set of operations by simulating a job shop and by measuring the ability
using the principle of least reduction of entropy. of the shop and its machines to adapt to various
In another direction, Rao and Gu (1994) applied changes in demand for different products. The
an entropic measure to quantify production volume approach outlined in this paper resembles that of
and product flexibility. Their approach used prod- Rao and Gu in terms of measuring entropy along
uct demand forecasts and process probability a time span, but it differs in that it applies entropy
variations to determine the impact of product de- to actual production processes fulfilling work or-
mand changes on the performance of manufactur- ders rather than to product demand forecasts. This
ing systems. System entropy was measured along a makes the proposed measure more suitable for
required time span; the variation in entropy was monitoring operational flexibility.
then used to quantify operational flexibility and its
impact on reconfigurability and cell life. By defining
a reconfiguration threshold that incorporated the 2. Entropy
costs involved in reconfiguration, inter-cell pro-
cessing and other associated costs, it was possible to Rudolf Clasius, a German physicist, formulated
determine the points in time when cell reconfigu- the second law of thermodynamics in 1865 by
ration was feasible to enhance operational flexibil- stating that heat flowed spontaneously from hot
ity. The interesting aspect of Rao and Gu’s research bodies to cold ones, never the reverse. He conjec-
was the use of entropy along a specified time line to tured that matter must have a previously unrec-
quantify operational flexibility. Entropy was cal- ognized property which he called entropy. He
E. Shuiabi et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005) 696–707 699

further showed that total entropy always increased 2.1. Properties of Shannon’s measure of entropy
for all changes in any natural process. This
observation led him to formulate the second law Consider a situation where there are n possible
as: the entropy of the universe tends to a maxi- outcomes, each with a probability of occurrence of
mum. Empirically, Clasius defined entropy, S, in a pi . Let p ¼ ðp1 ; p2 ; . . . ; pn Þ be the probability dis-
differential form: tribution, such that

dS ¼ dQ=dT ; ð1Þ pi P 0

for all i, and

where dS is the change in entropy in a closed X
system due to a physical process in which a pi ¼ 1
quantity of heat, dQ, flows from a higher to a i

lower temperature (dT ). This definition, however, for i between 1 and n. The measure of entropy for
fails to provide much insight as to how the concept this distribution is given by
can be used concretely. X
From the perspective of statistical mechanics, S ¼ k pi ln pi ð2Þ
entropy is viewed as the probability that certain
events may occur within the framework of all for i between 1 and n, and where k is an arbitrary
possible events. By observing the behaviour of positive constant.
large numbers of particles, statistical mechanics This measure is derived by using the axiomatic
has succeeded in providing equations for the cal- method of Euclid to quantify the concept of the
culation of entropy as well as justification for uncertainty of a probability distribution. Shannon
equating entropy with a degree of disorder. used the following properties (Sloane and Wyner,
Shannon (1948) looked at information as a 1993):
function of a priori probability of a given state or
outcome among the universe of physically possible • S depends on all probabilities p1 ; p2 ; . . . ; pn .
states. He considered entropy as equivalent to • Sðp1 ; p2 ; . . . ; pn Þ is a continuous function of
uncertainty. Thus, information theory parallels the p1 ; p2 ; . . . ; pn .
second law of thermodynamics as expressed by • Sðp1 ; p2 ; . . . ; pn Þ is permutationally symmetric. It
Clasius in claiming that the uncertainty in the does not change if p1 ; p2 ; . . . ; pn are re-ordered
world always tends to increase. Indeed, as our among themselves. This property is desirable
perception of the world becomes increasingly since the labeling of outcomes should not affect
complex, the number of phenomena about which the value of entropy.
we are uncertain increases and the uncertainty • Sð1=n; 1=n; . . . ; 1=nÞ should be a monotonic
about each phenomenon also increases. To de- increasing function of n. As the number of out-
crease this uncertainty, one collects an ever- comes increases, then, entropy increases.
increasing amount of information (Kapur and • The maximum value of Sðp1 ; p2 ; . . . ; pn Þ occurs
Kesavan, 1992). when all the outcomes have an equal probabil-
A system facing uncertainty uses flexibility as ity of occurring. This maximum value can be
an adaptive response to cope with change. The shown to be equal to ln n.
flexibility in the action of the system depends on
the decision options or the choices available and Jaynes (1957) demonstrated consistency
on the freedom with which various choices can be between the definition of entropy in statistical
made (Kumar, 1987). A greater number of choices mechanics and the definition in information
leads to more uncertainty of outcomes, and hence, theory. He showed that the measure of uncer-
increased flexibility. This inference has been the tainty defined by Shannon could be taken as
main driver to apply entropy as a measure of a primitive one and be used to derive state-
flexibility by different researchers. probabilities. Jaynes also introduced a formal
700 E. Shuiabi et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005) 696–707

entropy-maximization principle, which Tribus activity or machine, group of machines or a whole

(1961) subsequently used to show that all the laws plant, then, can be defined as a process. The model
of classical thermodynamics could also be derived of a job shop is used to test entropy as a measure
from the uncertainty measure. In summary, since the whole shop or part of it acts as a process.
information is equivalent to the removal of Each activity within a process is composed of set
uncertainty, and uncertainty and entropy are up and production. A process is considered flexible
essentially identical, not mere analogs. when it can handle many jobs, and/or it produces
equal amounts within each job, indicating an equal
2.2. Entropy-based measure ability to handle different products. The more
products that a job shop can produce, the more
Originally, entropy was used to measure the flexibility it shows for handling change.
amount of uncertainty associated with probabi-
listic events. As events increase in number and get 2.4. Application of entropy
closer in probability of occurrence, the associated
uncertainty within the situation increases, and In order to measure flexibility, entropy is used
thus, entropy increases. This observation of the to measure the relative demand for outputs or
nature of entropy leads to the idea of applying products produced by a process. The relative de-
entropy to the relative demand for products, which mand for a product is defined as the amount of
is the ratio of time spent in processing a product to time an entity dedicates to handling a task over the
the total processing time of all products. Thus, as total handling time for all tasks assigned to that
more relative demand exists, entropy will be entity. As is shown later in a mathematical model,
higher. This means that processes capable of this measures the amount of change (variation in
handling more products are more flexible. Also, as demand) to which an entity is subjected. Entropy
relative demands get closer in value, i.e., more measures the ability to service the number of rel-
flexible, entropy is higher. ative demands or tasks and the distribution of
To distinguish the proposed flexibility measure these relative demands. Fig. 1 shows this sche-
from previous works, the measure is designed with matically.
the following properties.

• It is a dynamic measure that can be used along a 3. Mathematical model

time continuum to monitor the performance of
a system in terms of its flexibility. A mathematical model is defined as follows. A
• It is a general measure so that it can be applied job shop of N machines is allowed to run for a
to any process. certain period of time, T , during which it is sub-
jected to different product demands. Each product
has a specified sequence of machines through
2.3. Defining a process which it is processed. Each machine in the shop
has the following characteristics:
To test entropy as a measure, it is applied to a
process, where a process is defined as an activity or • the number of products that machine j handles
set of activities that takes a set of inputs and ðMj Þ,
transforms them into a set of outputs. A single • the setup time of product i on machine jðtsij Þ,

Number of different demands

Flexibility Entropy
Weight of each demand relative to the set of all demands.

Fig. 1. Factors that are measured by entropy and contribute to the quantification of flexibility.
E. Shuiabi et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005) 696–707 701

• the make time of product i on machine jðtmij Þ, lation software used to build the model was
• the sampling time ðT Þ. FirstSTEPTM (Interfacing Technologies Inc.,
Montreal), which does discrete event process
The relative demand, p, of product i being pro- modeling and simulation based on an object-ori-
cessed by machine j is ented architecture. It performs quantitative anal-
yses such as resource usage, costing, and task
ðtsij þ tmij Þ
pij ¼ PMi : ð3Þ duration.
i¼1 ðtsij þ tmij Þ
4.1. Job shop
The entropy of machine j is
Mi The job shop model is composed of 10 different
Si ¼  pij ln pij ; ð4Þ work centers, each of which is capable of pro-
cessing more than one product, but one at a time.
where the constant k is set to one. The job shop is assumed to be operating contin-
The utilization of machine j is given by uously, i.e., shifts, breaks and breakdowns are ig-
PMi nored. When an order is received, it is immediately
ðtsij þ tmij Þ routed on a first-in-first-out basis to the proper
Uj ¼ i¼1 : ð5Þ
T machine. An order must wait until the appropriate
machine is available before being processed.
3.1. Numerical illustration of applying entropy Demand consists of 10 different products, A
through J. The processing of a product comprises
From the general properties of entropy in Sec- several steps in a process. Demand is specified as
tion 2, there are a number of expected character- the number of orders arriving per hour. All ten
istics for entropy which make it appropriate as a products have an equal probability of being gen-
measure of flexibility. erated as an incoming order. Products are routed
through specific routes of different machines be-
• Entropy will increase with an increase in the fore being shipped. Product routes range from
number of products or outputs processed. passing through three machines to passing through
• Entropy will increase as the relative demands six machines. Table 2 describes the product routes,
for products move towards being equal. while Table 3 shows what each machine processes.
• Entropy will be a maximum when resources are To produce product A, for example, a part must
equally allocated to the relative demands. successively pass through machines 10, 1, 9, and
finally 7.

4. Simulation model

In this section, the entropic measure outlined in Table 2

previous sections is tested through computer sim- Routes for processing products in the job shop model
ulation. A job shop model was developed and Product Route
validated, and then, used to evaluate the perfor- A M10-M1-M9-M7
mance of a system with various possible values of B M6-M3-M1-M9
relevant parameters, such as product mix, setup C M4-M8-M5-M7-M10
D M9-M3-M2
and processing times, order arrival rate and
E M1-M9-M5-M5-M6-M7
product routes. Computer simulation was used to F M3-M6-M10
precisely define the scenarios which were to be G M5-M4-M2-M8-M10
tested, to control the variation of several param- H M7-M10-M6-M3
eters, and to collect a great deal of data on several I M8-M7-M5-M1-M2
J M2-M8-M9-M4
performance and operations measures. The simu-
702 E. Shuiabi et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005) 696–707

Table 3 second configuration, the route for each prod-

Machines and their range of products for the job shop model uct was altered in such a way as to increase
Machines Products the load on some machines and decrease it on
M1 ABEI others.
Data were recorded every 4 hours over a 24-
M5 CEGI hour period during which simulation parameters
M6 ABEFH were held constant. At each point in time, the
M7 ACEHI following were measured: the value of entropy for
M8 CGIJ each machine to measure machine flexibility, the
entropy level of the job shop to measure process
flexibility, the utilization rate of each machine, and
the average utilization of the job shop. The tasks
Some simplifying assumptions were used to that each machine performed were classified
build the model. First, transportation time was according to the products to which they contrib-
assumed to be negligible compared to setup, pro- uted, as shown in Table 4.
cessing and queue times, and second, each order The first column in Table 4 refers to the ma-
was processed as one item. chine name. The second column shows the tasks
performed. P-A-M1 is the task of processing
product A on machine M1. SET-A-M1 is the task
5. Experimental design of setting up product A on machine M1. T-A-M1-
M9 is the task of transporting product A from M1
Experiments consisted of several scenarios to M9, which, as mentioned earlier, is assumed to
similar to real life situations, where questions be negligible, and therefore, set to zero. Column 3
about flexibility often arise. An experiment was indicates the number of tasks performed. The
designed by specifying: setup time and processing fourth column is time per task. The fifth column is
time for each product on each machine, demand the total time of each task. The last ten columns
arrival per hour, product pool to be processed, and show the processing times for each product. The
length of simulation time. The scenarios tested last row shows the total amount of time consumed
were: processing each product. All times are in minutes.
Setup and make times were added up for each
• The effect of changing demand. The order arri- product to calculate the total time the machine was
val of the different products was varied, and in- dedicated to each product. This was used to cal-
creased from 5 incrementally to 27. culate the relative demands, which were calculated
• The effect of changing processing times. The for each product on each machine as follows
processing time for each product was set to 10 (Table 5):
minutes; then, this was changed to 5 minutes. pA ¼ ðsetup þ make timesÞ=total processing time
In the third modification, the processing times
were random and ranged between 5 and 10 min- ¼ ð12Þ=ð12 þ 18 þ 12 þ 12Þ ¼ 0:22:
utes. Entropy was then calculated for each machine as
• The effect of changing setup times. The setup follows (Table 6):
time for each machine was set to 1 minute, X
changed to 5 minutes, and then to 10 minutes. S¼ p lnp;
• The effect of changing the number of products SM1 ¼ ½ pA lnðpA Þ þ pB lnðpB Þ þ pE lnðpE Þ þ pI lnðpI Þ;
(varied from 5, 6, 8, and 10). SM1 ¼ ½0:22ln0:22 þ 0:33ln0:33 þ 0:22ln0:22
• The effect of changing process routes. Two dif-
ferent sets of routes were simulated. The origi- þ 0:22ln0:22;
nal set of routes was simulated; then, in the SM1 ¼ 1:36:
E. Shuiabi et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005) 696–707 703

Table 4
Job shop model tasks and task times (M1)
Tasks Number Time Total A B C D E F G H I J
performed of tasks per time per
task machine
P-A-M1 2 0:05:00 0:10:00 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
P-B-M1 3 0:05:00 0:15:00 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
P-E-M1 2 0:05:00 0:10:00 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0
P-I-M1 2 0:05:00 0:10:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0
SET-A-M1 2 0:01:00 0:02:00 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SET-B-M1 3 0:01:00 0:03:00 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SET-E-M1 2 0:01:00 0:02:00 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
SET-I-M1 2 0:01:00 0:02:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0
T-A-M1-M9 2 0:00:00 0:00:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
T-B-M1-M9 3 0:00:00 0:00:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
T-E-M1-M9 2 0:00:00 0:00:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
T-I-M1-M2 2 0:00:00 0:00:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 12 18 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 0
time per

Table 5
Sample calculation for relative demand
pA pB pC pD pE pF pG pH pI pJ
0.22 0.33 0 0 0.22 0 0 0 0.22 0

Table 6
Machine entropy
Relative demand Entropy
pA pB pC pD pE pF pG pH pI pJ
0.22 0.33 0 0 0.22 0 0 0 0.22 0
px ln px 0.33 0.37 0 0 0.33 0 0 0 0.33 0 1.36

Utilization for each machine was calculated as 5.1. Other performance measures
follows (machine 1):
U ¼ ðtotal processing timeÞ=ðtotal available timeÞ; In addition to entropy, throughput was mea-
sured to indicate when total capacity reached a
UM1 ¼ ð12 þ 18 þ 12 þ 12Þ=ð4 hour  60 minutesÞ
limit. In conjunction with entropy, throughput
¼ 54=240 ¼ 0:225 or 22:5%: allowed the discrimination between volume and
Finally, entropy and average utilization were cal- product flexibility. Utilization was measured to
culated similarly for the whole job shop, as shown determine the level of resource usage. It was de-
in Table 7. fined as the ratio of processing time (setup + pro-
Here, processing times for products were the duction) to total available time. Utilization
sum of all the processing times on all the machines. increased as more products were able to be pro-
For example, a total of 20 minutes was spent cessed, but was neither a good measure of flexi-
processing product A. Results for each experiment bility nor could it distinguish between volume and
are discussed in Section 6. product flexibility. Finally, number of products
704 E. Shuiabi et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005) 696–707

Table 7
Entropy and utilization for a typical simulation
Products Entropy Average
A B C D E F G H I J utilization

Total processing 20 43 20 13 52 26 30 66 60 48
Relative 0.05 0.11 0.05 0.03 0.14 0.07 0.08 0.17 0.16 0.13
demand, px
px ln px 0.16 0.25 0.16 0.12 0.27 0.18 0.20 0.30 0.29 0.26 2.19 15.8%

being produced by individual machines and in Throughput Vs Demand

total was measured to verify the actions of en- 80
tropy. 70

6. Results 30
In this section, the results of the simulations 0
and the subsequent use of entropy as a measure 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
are presented. The results are given for changes in Demand (orders/hour)

demand, processing times, setup times, the number

Fig. 3. Throughput versus changes in demand.
of products, and routing changes.

6.1. Changes in demand Utilization Vs Demand

Average Utilization

The entropy level of the job shop increased with 80

changes in demand until it reached a saturation 60
level, as shown in Fig. 2. When throughput was 40
analyzed, it was noticed that as demand increased, 20
the number of products produced per period in- 0
creased up to an average of 71 products per day 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

when the capacity of the shop reached its limit, as Demand (orders/hour)

shown in Fig. 3. With increased demand, the Fig. 4. Utilization versus changes in demand.
average utilization of the job shop increased, as
shown in Fig. 4, but the throughput remained
steady at 71 products per day. Entropy values for different machines experi-
enced change due to the changes in demand at
each machine with time. Fig. 5 shows trends for
Entropy Vs Demand
some representative machines.
2.30 To summarize the results of this scenario, as
2.25 demand was increased, entropy levels increased

2.20 until a limit was reached. Both throughput and

entropy increased with higher demand, then,
2.05 reached a limit at about the same demand point.
2.00 As demand increased, the system used more shop
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
capacity to gain flexibility. At about 80% utiliza-
Demand (orders/hour)
tion, throughput reached a limit. The value of
Fig. 2. Entropy versus changes in demand. entropy reflected the flexibility of the shop well. By
E. Shuiabi et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005) 696–707 705

Entropy Vs Demand (Machines) as processing times increased since more shop

capacity was being used. Similar to the case for
1.4 changes in demand, entropy varied with time for
different machines as the demand for products on
a given machine changed with time.

6.3. Setup times

1 The value of entropy increased when setup time

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 was changed from 1 to 5 minutes. The change in
Demand (orders/hour)
the value of entropy was due to the greater use of
the capacity of the job shop. Again, entropy varied
Fig. 5. Entropy versus changes in demand for a few selected with time for different machines as the demand for
machines. products on a given machine changed with time
(Table 9).
definition in Eq. (4), p represents relative demand
so it is expected that entropy should track changes 6.4. Number of products
in demand well.
For the following scenarios, demand was kept As the job shop handled more products, en-
at 23 orders/hour. This was done to eliminate tropy levels increased. This indicated more flexi-
change in capacity as a factor so that the effect of bility in the job shop. Indeed, the ability to process
other factors could be studied in order to deter- more products renders a process more flexible.
mine the usefulness of entropy as a metric. Utilization levels were almost the same for all
scenarios, since the arrival rate, setup time, and
6.2. Processing time processing time were kept the same. Thus, the
value of entropy changed with the number of
In this scenario, the processing time for prod- products being able to be processed not with shop
ucts was varied. Processing times were 5 minutes, capacity. Entropy was effective in showing the
varied between 5 and 10 minutes, and 10 minutes. impact of change on flexibility due to the number
For each case, the average value of entropy for the of different products being processed. As in the
shop was relatively steady over the time period previous cases, entropy varied with time for dif-
studied, and increased from short through variable ferent machines as the demand for products on a
to long processing times, as shown in Table 8. As given machine changed with time (Table 10).
in the scenario where demand was changed, the
change in the value of entropy was due to the 6.5. Routing changes
greater use of the capacity of the job shop, i.e.,
greater shop utilization. Despite keeping the In addition to the routes for the different
number of orders high, shop utilization increased products shown in Table 2, a second set of routes
was created. The values of arrival rates, setup
times, and processing times were kept the same for
Table 8
Results for changes in processing time
Processing time Average Average entropy Table 9
utilization (%) Results for changes in setup time

Short, 5 minutes 72 2.20 Setup time Average Average entropy

Variable, 5–10 92 2.23 utilization (%)
minutes 1 minute 69 2.20
Long, 10 minutes 96 2.27 5 minutes 96 2.26
706 E. Shuiabi et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005) 696–707

Table 10 • Entropy changed when the relative demand for

Results for changes in number of products products changed either in number or distribu-
Number of Average Average tion.
products utilization (%) entropy • Entropy was successful in showing the impact
5 products 79 1.43 of change in the number of products being pro-
6 products 84 1.64
cessed. As the number of products handled by a
8 products 82 1.91
10 products 84 2.22 process increased, entropy increased, thus indi-
cating an increase in the flexibility at the ma-
chine or shop level.
• Entropy did succeed in showing change due to
Table 11 setup or processing time. This change was
Results for two different routes mostly due to the use of excess machine or shop
Route Average utilization (%) Average entropy capacity for flexibility.
1 87 2.25 • Routing change was reflected in changes in en-
2 87 2.22 tropy values for both individual machines and
the shop when the number of products being
processed changed.
Table 12
• Entropy was a good dynamic indicator for indi-
Average entropy for machines for the different routes
vidual machines. The value of entropy changed
Machine Average Average Change in
entropy entropy number of
with time as the number of products being pro-
route 1 route 2 products cessed changed.
M1 1.33 0.62 4fi2 Flexibility is of strategic importance for many
M2 1.32 1.31 4fi4 organizations in order to survive in highly com-
M3 1.27 1.25 4fi4 petitive and dynamic markets. In this study, en-
M4 1.35 1.39 4fi4 tropy was seen as a suitable metric for flexibility,
M5 1.26 0.64 4fi2
M6 1.42 1.48 5fi6
and it indicated the ability to respond to changes
M7 1.51 1.57 5fi6 in product mix and in demand. It was shown to be
M8 1.31 0.95 4fi3 applicable to any process and to be able to provide
M9 1.42 1.40 5fi5 a dynamic measure with time. Although entropy
M10 1.43 1.41 5fi5 was able to measure the flexibility of a production
facility, it could not distinguish between the
availability of extra capacity and the ability to
both routes as in the other cases. The average handle variation in product demand. This was also
values for entropy and utilization for the different the case for Kumar (1986) who defined total en-
routes are shown in Table 11. The average value of tropy as the sum of the entropy due to available
entropy for a given machine also changed with capacity and routing flexibility, and for Rao and
different routes when the number of products Gu (1994) who used entropy as a measure of both
being processed changed (Table 12). In these sce- production volume and product flexibility in cel-
narios, the change in entropy depended on the lular manufacturing systems. Thus, entropy can be
average number of products being processed, not used to measure flexibility, but it is quite limited in
on the utilization of the shop. its ability to determine causality.
Despite the advantages, there are also some
limitations to using entropy as a measure of flexi-
7. Conclusions bility. Entropy is a relative measure; it cannot be
used to measure absolute values, or to indicate
The results obtained in this study showed the achievement of preset targets. It can only be used to
following: monitor a trend, e.g., as a measurement where time
E. Shuiabi et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005) 696–707 707

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