ELACRE-Annotated Bibliography No.2

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The National Center for Teacher Education


Annotated Bibliography #2 on Peace and Development

Nadar, A. (2022, July 24). School Conflicts: Causes and Strategies to Deal with it.


In Pledge a Smile blog post on July 24th, 2022, the author shares many ways in which

conflicts will always occur since they are fundamental to human nature and are

necessary for moral and emotional development. They also exist at every school. The

school is situated in a setting where conflict arises frequently and takes significance as

a result of the numerous interpersonal interactions that take place in the school

environment. Since conflict arises frequently in schools, it follows that educators need

to be adept at handling it positively. It’s critical to deal with conflict head-on and find

solutions that are both integrative and constructive while building cooperative

connections. In a learning environment, harmony and appreciation should coexist, and

disagreement should not adversely affect how students are taught and how they learn.

Risser, M. (2022, May 24). Interpersonal Conflicts: Types, Examples & Resolution

Strategies. https://www.choosingtherapy.com/interpersonal-conflicts/

In Michelle Risser's Newsletter, Interpersonal conflicts occur when two or more

people disagree about something. Disagreements often come down to a difference in

goals, values, viewpoints, or access to resources. Interpersonal conflicts can arise in

any setting where people are involved: at work, at home, at school, and in personal or

professional relationships. Fortunately, there are several ways to resolve conflict and

emerge with the relationship intact. Furthermore, Interpersonal conflict is a normal,

The National Center for Teacher Education

common occurrence in relationships. Anytime more than one person is involved, there

are going to be different values, opinions, and thoughts. These differences are what

make people individuals. Interpersonal conflict can be healthy; sometimes, it can even

result in a mutually beneficial solution and a closer, healthier relationship. On the

other hand, when conflict escalates or is chronic and unresolved, this can be unhealthy

and stressful, causing more overall conflict in a relationship.

Pohl, J.C. (2026). The Ultimate Guide to School Conflict Resolution.


In JC Pohl's Blog post, Conflict, disputes, and disagreements are a fact of life. No

matter what rules or policies are in place at your school, the odds are high that you

spend a fair amount of time helping resolve student and staff conflicts. Unfortunately,

these issues can seemingly erupt out of nowhere and are sometimes difficult to

handle. But, on the bright side, while conflict may seem extremely difficult to deal

with, there are several proven strategies and methods to work toward a resolution.

This guide will go over what causes conflict in schools, what you can do about it, and

why it’s crucial to resolve these issues for a healthy learning environment.

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