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- Slow -acting control system

INTRODUCTION TO ANATOMY - Glands produce hormones that
regulate growth, reproduction,
Anatomy metabolism, etc.
- part/structure 6. Circulatory
a. Organs
Physiology - Heart, blood vessels, capillaries
and blood
- Function
b. Functions
- Carries o2 nutrients, hormones,
Systems of the Body & other substances to and from
1. Integumentary tissue cells
a. Organs - White blood cells protect against
- Skin bacteria, toxins, tumors
b. Functions 7. Lymphatic
- Waterproofs, cushions, protects a. Organs
deeper tissue - Lymphatic vessels, lymph
- Excretes salts & urea; pain, nodes, spleen, tonsils
pressure b. Functions
- Regulates body temp; - Complements circulatory
synthesize vitamin D system by returning leaked fluid
2. Skeletal back to blood vessels
a. Organs - Cleanses the blood; involved in
- Bones, cartilages, ligaments, immunity
joints 8. Respiratory
b. Functions a. Organs
- Protects & supports body - Nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx,
organs trachea, bronchi, & lungs
- Framework for muscles & b. Functions
movement - Keeps blood supplied with O2 &
- Hematopoiesis; store minerals removes CO2
3. Muscular - Carries out gas exchanges
a. Organs through air sacs in lungs
- Skeletal muscle (attached to 9. Digestive
bone) a. Organs
b. Functions - Oral cavity, esophagus,
- Contraction & mobility stomach, small intestine, large
(locomotion) intestine, rectum, anus (liver &
- Facial expression, posture pancreas)
- Produce body heat b. Functions
4. Nervous - Breaks food down into
a. Organs absorbable units that enter the
- Brain, spinal cord, nerves, & blood; indigestible food
sensory receptors eliminated as feces
b. Functions 10. Urinary (Excretory)
- Fast-acting central control a. Organs
system - Kidney, ureter, urinary bladder,
- Responds to external/internal urethra
stimuli via nerve impulses b. Functions
(electrical messages) - Eliminates nitrogenous waste
5. Endocrine from the body (urea & uric acid)
a. Organs - Regulates water, electrolytes, &
- Pituitary, thyroid, parathyroids, acid-base balance of the blood
adrenals, thymus, pancreas, 11. Reproductive
pineal, ovaries, testes…..etc. a. Organs
b. Functions - Male



➢ Seminal vesicles, Dissection

prostate, penis, vas I. Regional
deferens, testis, - All structures of a region are
scrotum studied together
- Female II. Systemic
➢ Ovaries, mammary - All structures with related
glands, uterus, vagina, functions are studied together
uterine tube
b. Functions Microscopic anatomy (cytology, histology)
- Primary function for both sexes - the study of very small structures, where a
is to produce offspring magnifying lens or microscope is needed.
➢ Male – testes produce Histology
sperm & male sex - Structures can only be seen with a microscope
hormones - Cells and cell parts
➢ Female – ovaries
produce eggs & female Physiology
sex hormones; - the study of how the body and its parts work or
mammary glands for function
nourishment - physio = nature , ology = the study of
- Like anatomy , physiology has many
Some definitions subdivisions. For example, neurophysiology
1. Morphology explains the working of the nervous system ,
and cardiac physiology studies the function of
- form that structures take on.
the heart.
- Morphology affects function
- a part of the body. Can either be
microscopic (small) or macroscopic Anatomical Axes
(large). - axes are like skewers which pass through the body.
3. Function They are used to describe axes about which rotation
- refers to physical behavior. What a movements take place - very similar to the pin in a
structure does. door hinge. The door moves in a plane around an axis
- the plane is determined by the orientation of the pin
- Function is related to structures =
in the hinge.
Functional Morphology

Structure defines and restricts function.

- certain joints can only move in one direction.
For example a hinge joint can only have motion
perpendicular to the axis of the joint. The knee
joint (hinge) cannot have motion in the lateral
direction because that goes against the axis.

- the study of the structure and shape of the body
and body parts & their relationships to one
another. Anatomical Position
- The term anatomy comes from the Greek words - This is a reference position that allows for the use of
meaning to cut (tomy) apart ( ana). consistent directional terminology.
- All descriptions of location are made from within
Gross anatomy (macroscopic anatomy) anatomical position.
- the study of large, easily observable structures - Subject is facing forward with palms forward, thumbs
(by naked eye), such as the heart or bone. facing to the sides.
Surface Anatomy - This is the position from which all directions and
- Study of shapes and landmarks on the surface descriptions are made.
of the body - The person is standing erect, palms facing anteriorly,
feet together and facing forward.



In muscles…
- attachment of muscle on a fixed point,
closest to midline
- attachment of muscle that is moveable,
farthest from midline.

In four legged animals, the head is ANTERIOR to the

tail. In two legged animals, the head is SUPERIOR to
the tail.
Directional terms In four legged animals, the region toward the head is
Superior (cranial or cephalad) CRANIAL. The region toward the tail is CAUDAL.
- toward the head end or upper part of a
structure or body; above Medial vs. Median
Inferior (caudal) - A median structure is one which is in the median
- away from the head end or toward the (midline) plane of the body (such as the
lower part of a structure or body; below sternum, the umbilicus and the symphysis
Anterior (ventral) pubis).
- toward or at the front of the body; in - The term medial is a relative term and must be
front of used to compare two structures; one structure
Posterior (dorsal) being medial or closer to the median plane of
- toward or at the backside of the body; the body than the other structure.
Medial Hands and Feet:
- toward or at the midline of the body; on Palmar or Volar
the inner side of - means the anterior surface or palm of
Lateral the hand.
- away from the midline of the body; on Plantar
the outer side of - means the inferior surface or sole of the
- of the hand and foot refers to the
superior surface of the foot and
posterior surface of the hand.

Ipsilateral and Contralateral refer to the same or

opposite sides of the body, respectively.
- refers to the same side of the body
- refers to opposite sides of the body

Proximal Body planes and sections

- close to the origin of the body part or the Imaginary lines drawn through the body at various parts
point of attachment of a limb to the body to separate the body into sections:
trunk. Sagittal
Distal - cut made along the lengthwise or longitudinal
- farther from the origin of a body or the plane of the body dividing it into left and right
point of attachment of a limb to the body parts
trunk. Midsagittal (median) plane
Superficial (external) - right and left parts are of equal size
- toward or at the body surface. Coronal (Frontal) plane
Deep (internal) - cut made along a lengthwise plane that divides
- away from the body surface; more the body into anterior and posterior parts
internal. Transverse plane (cross section)
- cut made along a horizontal plane dividing the
body or organ into superior and inferior parts



Oblique plane - right upper quadrant (RUQ), left upper

- can be at any angle other than horizontal or quadrant (LUQ),
vertical - right lower quadrant (RLQ), and left lower
quadrant (LLQ).

Abdominal Regions

Umbilical region
- is the centermost region deep to and
Regional terms surrounding the umbilicus (navel).
There are many visible landmarks on the surface of the Epigastric region
body: - is located superior to the umbilical region (epi =
- Anterior body landmarks upon, above; gastri = belly).
- Posterior body landmarks Hypogastric (pubic) region
- is located inferior to the umbilical region (hypo =
Right and left iliac, or inguinal, regions (ing′gwĭ-nal)
- are located lateral to the hypogastric region (iliac
= superior part of the hip bone).
Right and left lumbar regions
- lie lateral to the umbilical region (lumbus = loin).
Right and left hypochondriac regions
- flank the epigastric region laterally (chondro =

Abdominal Quadrants

Axial Region
- The main axis of the body
Appendicular Region
- The limbs

Abdominopelvic Regions and Quadrants

- Because the abdominopelvic cavity is large and
contains several organs, it helps to divide it into
smaller areas for study.
- One division method, used primarily by
anatomists, uses two transverse and two
parasagittal planes. These planes, divide the
cavity into nine regions
- A simpler scheme to localize the abdominopelvic
cavity organs is to imagine one transverse and
one median sagittal plane passing through the
umbilicus at right angles. The resulting
quadrants are named according to their
positions from the subject’s point of view:



- 2 divisions
1. thoracic cavity
a. Pleural cavity
b. Mediastinum
c. Pericardium
2. Abdominal cavity
a. Abdomen
b. Pelvis
Serous Cavities
- 2 layers
1. parietal layer - outer walls of the
2. visceral layer – inner layer covers the
visceral organs
water between the membranes is a watery fluid

Human Body Plan
Vertebrates Have Some Common Features Life is organized into different levels based upon size
1. Tube within a tube body plan (from small to large)
- inner tube
- mouth to anus Organization of the Human Body
- respiratory organs - The body is organized from the smallest part to
- digestive organs the largest part.
- outer tube 1. Chemical Level
- axial skeleton - atoms, molecules
- axial musculature - carbohydrates, lipids, fats, proteins,
2. Bilateral Symmetry nucleic acids
- left half of the body is a mirror image of 2. Cellular Level
the right half. - simplest structural unit
- structures in the median plane are - The cell is the basic unit of life.
unpaired, but have identical left and - smallest unit that can live on its own
right sides. - Cells are specialized by size and shape
3. Dorsal hollow nerve cord for the job they do.
- develops into the brain and spinal cord. 3. Tissue Level
4. Notochord - a group of cells with common origin,
- stiff rod just deep to the spinal cord. structure, and function.
- present in the embryo, but is replaced - cells within a tissue all work toward a
by the vertebrae later in development. common goal (i.e.: movement, nutrition,
5. Segmentation etc.)
- repeating units of similar structures - Example: Humans have four kinds of
running along the length of the trunk. tissue in their bodies: Epithelia, Muscle,
- examples include the ribs and Connective, and Nerve.
intercostal muscles and the vertebral 4. Organ Level
column. - a group of tissues that have a common
6. Pharyngeal Pouches function.
- pharynx – outpouchings called pouches 5. Organ System Level
that correspond to the clefts between - a group of organs with a special
the gills of a fish. function.
- present in the embryo only. - Digestive System, Nervous System,
Body Cavities and Membranes 6. Organismal Level
- There are two sets of internal body cavities - A group of organ systems that at some
called the dorsal and ventral body cavities. point in time is capable of sustaining life.
These cavities are closed to the outside. - All cells, tissues, organs and organ
Dorsal Body Cavity systems work together in an organism.
- cranial cavity
- vertebral cavity
Ventral Body Cavity
- contains the viscera




- This phospholipid bi-layer membrane acts as a
Body Cavities and Membranes selectively permeable gateway for the passage
- 1665: Robert Hooke of substances into and out of the cell!
- observed cork cells (dead) and named - Boundary between cell and environment.
the “cell”. - Controls materials that enter and exit the cell.
- 1675: Anton Von Leeuwenhoek first to describe - Example: oxygen & nutrients IN - wastes OUT
living cells seen through a simple microscope. - The membrane also contains proteins
- Compound light microscope: series of lenses embedded within its phospholipid layers that act
that magnify objects. to encourage molecular movement, or as
- 1665: Hooke observed cork cells (dead) and recognition molecules.
named the “cell”.
- Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow are the Cell Structures - Cytoplasm
authors of the Cell Theory - Jelly-like substance that surrounds organelles.
- Makes up 1/2 of the volume of animal cells.
Cell Theory - Many important chemical reactions occur here.
1. The CELL is the basic functional and structural
unit of all life .
2. All LIVING THINGS are composed of cells, cell
parts, or cell products.
3. All cells come from pre-existing cells.

1940’s - Electron Microscopes

- Aims a beam of electrons through a magnetic
field, then over the surface of the specimen.
- Uses electromagnets.
- Most specimens must be dead and in a vacuum.
- Projects onto a screen or monitor.

Electron Microscopes
1. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
- ion coated surface shows 3-D picture
2. Transmission Electron (TEM)
- Microscopic-slice stained with metal
3. Scanning Tunneling Electron Microscope-
The Nucleus
Creates a 3-D surface image of a “Living cell”.
- The nucleus is the command center of the cell.
- Surrounded by a nuclear envelope - double
Two Cell Types
membraned, 4 layers thick.
1. Prokaryotic cells
- Pores in the nuclear envelope allow chemical
- have no membrane bound nucleus nor
messages to move in and out of the nucleus.
membrane bound organelles.
- Contains DNA - made up of long strands called
- Most are single-celled.
chromatin threads.
- Examples are bacteria and
- The nucleolus (inside the nucleus) produces
2. Eukaryotic cells
- have a membrane bound nucleus and
- The protein synthesis factories (make proteins
membrane bound organelles.
and enzymes).
- Either single-celled or multicellular
- Composed of RNA.
- Organelles are separated by
- Non-membrane structures
membranes so several processes can
- Directed by DNA.
be going on at once.
- Lynn Marguli’s hypothesis suggests that
- Known as the powerhouse of the cell.
eukaryote cells come from prokaryote
- Site of aerobic respiration. These organelles
capture glucose and use oxygen to release
energy for the cell.
- Foldings within the mitochondria are called
- O2 + C6H12O6 +Mito –> E + H2O +CO2



Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) - Composed of: Microtubules and Microfilaments

- Bilayer of lipids used for transport within the cell. - Assist organelles to move from place to place.
- 2 TYPES: Cilia And Flagella
- Smooth E.R. does not have ribosomes - Cilia
attached and are known to produce - Short, numerous, hairlike
lipids. - Beat in a “wave”. Example: lungs
- Rough E.R. have ribosomes attached - Flagella
and are known for both protein - Longer, 1-2 per cell.
synthesis and lipid synthesis and - Move in a whip-like motion.
transport. - Example: sperm cells
Golgi Apparatus - Single-celled organisms usually depend on cilia
- “Packaging Factory” or flagella to move.
- A series of flattened, closely stacked - Multicellular organisms use cilia on cells to move
membranous sacs near the nucleus that coats fluids over the surface of tissues.
Lysosomes Why can’t cells grow to a Ginormous SIZE?
- “stomachs” of the cell - The ability of the cell membrane to absorb and
- bud off from the golgi bodies as the cell needs. release substances prevents them from growing
- Digest worn out cell parts, food particles and large.
viruses or bacteria. - One way to explain this is to say the surface
- These small “suicide sacs” are filled with area to volume ratio demonstrates that there is
digestive enzymes used to breakdown not enough surface area to absorb nutrients
molecules within the cell. quickly enough to keep the cell alive as it grows
- As complex molecules enter the cell lysosomes larger. Thus, the cell must divide.
surround food and digest it.
- Centrioles are only found in animal cells.
- These are two small bundles of cytoskeleton The organs of the integumentary system include
arranged at right angles to one another & the skin and its accessory structures including hair, nails,
surrounded by dense cytoplasm. and glands, as well as blood vessels, muscles and
- Centrioles aid in cell division in animal cells. nerves
Vacuoles Dermatology is the medical specialty for the
- Vacuoles are storage vessels found within the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the
cell. integumentary system.
- Plant cells usually have large vacuoles while
animals have vacuoles that are small or even Structure of the Skin
absent. - The skin (cutaneous membrane) covers the
- Vacuoles can store food, water, or waste body and is the largest organ of the body by
products. surface area and weight
- A contractile vacuole is a specialized vacuole - Its area is about 2 square meters (22 square
to remove excess water from unicellular aquatic feet) and weighs 4.5-5kg (10-11 lb), about 16%
organisms. of body weight
Chloroplasts - It is 0.5 – 4 mm thick, thinnest on the eyelids,
- Only found in plant cells. thickest on the heels; the average thickness is 1
- Filled with the green pigment chlorophyll. These – 2 mm
organelles function to transform light energy into - It consists of two major layers:
stored energy (glucose and starch). - outer, thinner layer called the
- Grana: stacked membranous sacs. epidermis, consists of epithelial tissue
- Stroma: fluid that surrounds grana. - inner, thicker layer called the dermis
Cell Walls - Beneath the dermis is a subcutaneous (subQ)
- Cell walls in plants are protective dead layers of layer (also called hypodermis) which attaches
thick cellulose the skin to the underlying tissues and organs.
- Bulk of fiber in diet.
- In fungi - cell walls are made out of a
carbohydrate called chitin.

Movement And Support

Cell Walls
- Fibrous, provides support for organelles.
- Maintains cell shape.



Components of the Integumentary System - Keratinization, the accumulation of

more and more protective keratin,
occurs as cells move from the deepest
layer to the surface layer
- Dandruff - an excess of keratinized
cells shed from the scalp

- is composed of connective tissue containing
Structure of the Skin collagen and elastic fibers
Epidermis - contains two layers
- is composed of keratinized stratified squamous - the outer papillary region consists of
epithelium areolar connective tissue containing thin
- it contains four major types of cells: collagen and elastic fibers, dermal
- Keratinocytes (90% of the cells) papillae (including capillary loops),
produce keratin which is a tough fibrous corpuscles of touch and free nerve
protein that provides protection endings
- Melanocytes which produce the - The deeper reticular region consists of
pigment melanin that protects against dense irregular connective tissue
damage by ultraviolet radiation containing collagen and elastic fibers
- Langerhans cells involved in immune adipose cells, hair follicles, nerves,
responses, arise from red bone marrow sebaceous (oil) glands, and
- Merkel cells which function in the sudoriferous (sweat) glands
sensation of touch along with the - Striae or stretch marks can appear if the skin is
adjacent tactile discs stretched too much
- The epidermis contains four major layers (thin - Lines of cleavage - “tension lines” in the skin
skin) or five major layers (thick skin) indicate the predominant direction of underlying
- Stratum basale (deepest layer) or collagen fibers
stratum germinativum, where - Epidermal ridges reflect contours of the
continuous cell division occurs which underlying dermal papillae and form the basis
produces all the other layers for fingerprints (and footprints); their function is
- Stratum spinosum, 8-10 layers of to increase firmness of grip by increasing
keratinocytes friction.
- Stratum granulosum, which includes - Dermatoglyphics - the study of the pattern of
keratohyalin and lamellar granules epidermal ridges
- Stratum lucidum is present only in thick
skin (the skin of the fingertips, palms, Structural Basis of Skin Color
and soles) Variations in skin color arise from variations in
- Stratum corneum composed of many the amounts of three pigments: melanin,
sublayers of flat, dead keratinocytes carotene, and hemoglobin
called corneocytes or squames that
are continuously shed and replaced by Melanin
cells from deeper strata; constant - a yellow-red or brown-black pigment
friction can stimulate formation of a produced by melanocytes (located
callus. mostly in the epidermis, where it
absorbs UV radiation)



- The amount of melanin causes the - There are different types of hairs including
skin’s color to vary from pale yellow to lanugo, vellus hairs and terminal hairs
red to tan to black - Hair color is determined by the amount and
- The number of melanocytes are about type of melanin, carotene, and blood
the same in all people; differences in - Sebaceous (oil) glands are connected to hair
skin color is due to the amount of follicles
pigment produced
- A benign localized overgrowth of Skin Glands
melanocytes is a nevus or mole Sebaceous glands
- Albinism is an inherited inability to - secrete an oily substance called sebum
produce melanin - vitiligo is a condition which prevents dehydration of hair and
in which there is a partial or complete skin, and inhibits growth of certain
loss of melanocytes from patches of bacteria
skin Sudoriferous (sweat) glands (2 Types)
Carotene - Eccrine or Merocrine sweat glands
- yellow-orange pigment (found in the - Numerous eccrine (or
stratum corneum, dermis, and merocrine) sweat glands helps
subcutaneous layer) to cool the body by evaporating,
Hemoglobin and also eliminates small
- red color (located in erythrocytes flowing amounts of wastes
through dermal capillaries) - Apocrine sweat glands
- located mainly in the skin of the
Subcutaneous Layer axilla, groin, areolae, and
- SubQ layer (also called hypodermis) is not part bearded facial regions of adult
of the skin but, among its functions, it attaches males.
the skin to the underlying tissues and organs; - their excretory ducts
this layer (and sometimes the dermis) contains open into hair follicles-
lamellated (pacinian) corpuscles which detect this sweat is secreted
external pressure applied to the skin. during emotional stress
and sexual excitement.
Accessory Structures of the Skin Ceruminous Glands
Hairs (pili) - Modified sweat glands located in the ear
- have a number of important functions: canal
- Protection - Along with nearby sebaceous glands,
- reduction of heat loss they are involved in producing a waxy
- sensing light touch secretion called cerumen (earwax)
- Hair is composed of dead, keratinized epidermal which provides a sticky barrier that
cells prevents entry of foreign bodies into the
- Hair consists of: ear canal.
- shaft which mostly projects above the
surface of the skin Nails
- root which penetrates into the dermis - Nails are composed of hard, keratinized
- hair follicle epidermal cells located over the dorsal surfaces
- epithelial root sheath (Internal) of the ends of fingers and toes
- dermal root sheath (External) - Each nail consists of:
- free edge
- transparent nail body (plate) with a
whitish lunula at its base
- nail root embedded in a fold of skin



Types of Skin
There are two major types of skin:
Thin (hairy) skin
- covers all body regions except the palms,
palmar surfaces of digits, and soles
Thick (hairless) skin
- covers the palms, palmar surfaces of digits, and

Types of Skin
- regulation of body temperature
- blood reservoir
- protection
- cutaneous sensations
- excretion and absorption
- synthesis of vitamin D

Epidermal Wound Healing

Aging and the Integumentary System
- wrinkling
- decrease of skin’s immune responsiveness
- dehydration and cracking of the skin
- decreased sweat production
- decreased numbers of functional melanocytes
resulting in gray hair and atypical skin
Epidermal Wound Healing pigmentation
- loss of subcutaneous fat
- a general decrease in skin thickness
- an increased susceptibility to pathological
- Growth of hair and nails decreases; nails may
also become more brittle with age.


Development of the Integumentary System

- The epidermis develops from the ectoderm;
nails, hair, and skin glands are epidermal
derivatives - the epidermis of a fetus is protected
by a fatty substance called vernix caseosa
- The dermis develops from the mesoderm





Function of Muscles
- Produce movement
- Maintain posture
- Stabilize joints
- Generate heat

The Muscular System

- Muscles are responsible for all types of body
- Three basic muscle types are found in the body
- Skeletal muscle
- Cardiac muscle
- Smooth muscle

Characteristics of Muscles
- Muscle cells are elongated
(muscle cell = muscle fiber)
- Contraction of muscles is due to the movement
of microfilaments
- All muscles share some terminology
- Prefix myo refers to muscle
- Prefix mys refers to muscle



- Prefix sarco refers to flesh Cardiac Muscle Characteristics

- Has striations
Skeletal Muscle Characteristics - Usually has a single nucleus
- Most are attached by tendons to bones - Joined to another muscle cell at an intercalated
- Cells are multinucleated disc
- Striated – have visible banding - Involuntary
- Voluntary – subject to conscious control - Found only in the heart
- Cells are surrounded and bundled by connective

Connective Tissue Wrappings of Skeletal Muscle

- Endomysium – around single muscle fiber
- Perimysium – around a fascicle (bundle) of
- Epimysium – covers the entire skeletal muscle
- Fascia – on the outside of the epimysium

Naming of Skeletal Muscles

- Direction of muscle fibers
- Example: rectus (straight)
- Relative size of the muscle
- Example: maximus (largest)

Connective Tissue Wrappings of Skeletal Muscle

- Epimysium blends into a connective tissue
- Tendon – cord-like structure
- Aponeuroses – sheet-like structure
- Sites of muscle attachment
- Bones
- Location of the muscle
- Cartilages
- Example: many muscles are named for
- Connective tissue coverings
bones (e.g., temporalis)
- Number of origins
Smooth Muscle Characteristics
- Example: triceps (three heads)
- Has no striations
- Origin: attachment to bone that does
- Spindle-shaped cells
NOT move
- Single nucleus
- Insertion: attachment to bone that
- Involuntary – no conscious control
- Found mainly in the walls of hollow organs

- Location of the muscle’s origin and insertion

- Example: sterno (on the sternum)
- Shape of the muscle
- Example: deltoid (triangular)



- Trapezius (trapezoid shaped) - Myosin filaments have heads

- Action of the muscle (extensions, or cross bridges)
- Example: flexor and extensor (flexes or - Myosin and actin overlap somewhat
extends a bone) - At rest, there is a bare zone that lacks
actin filaments
- Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) – for
storage of calcium

Properties of Skeletal Muscle Activity

Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle - Irritability – ability to receive and respond to a
- Cells are multinucleated stimulus
- Nuclei are just beneath the sarcolemma - Contractility – ability to shorten when an
adequate stimulus is received

Nerve Stimulus to Muscles

- Skeletal muscles must be stimulated by a nerve
to contract
- Motor unit
- One neuron
- Muscle cells stimulated by that neuron
- specialized plasma membrane
- Sarcoplasmic reticulum – specialized smooth
endoplasmic reticulum
- Bundles of myofilaments
- Myofibrils are aligned to give distinct bands
- I band = light band
- A band = dark band

- Neuromuscular junctions – association site of

nerve and muscle
- Contractile unit of a muscle fiber
- Organization of the sarcomere
- Thick filaments = myosin filaments
- Composed of the protein myosin
- Has ATPase enzymes
- Thin filaments = actin filaments
- Composed of the protein actin



- Synaptic cleft – gap between nerve and muscle

- Nerve and muscle do not make contact
- Area between nerve and muscle is filled
with interstitial fluid

Nerve Stimulus to Muscles

- Neurotransmitter – chemical released by nerve
upon arrival of nerve impulse
- The neurotransmitter for skeletal muscle
is acetylcholine
- Neurotransmitter attaches to receptors on the
- Sarcolemma becomes permeable to sodium
- Sodium rushing into the cell generates an action
- Once started, muscle contraction cannot be

The Sliding Filament Theory of Muscle Contraction

- Activation by nerve causes myosin heads
(crossbridges) to attach to binding sites on the
thin filament
- Myosin heads then bind to the next site of the
thin filament
- This continued action causes a sliding of the
myosin along the actin
- The result is that the muscle is shortened


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