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Explai n, why pure liquids and solids can be (ii) How do rates of evapor ation and
ignore d while writing the equilib rium consta nt conden sation change initially?
expres_sion? NCERT (iii) What happen s when equilib rium is restor
2. The equilib rium consta nt expres sion for a gas . finally and what will be th~ final vapour 'd
4 5 pressur e? ~~
reactio n is K = (NH 3 l 1O2 l
' c (NO) IH2OJ6 10. Does the numbe r of moles of reactio n produ
increas e, decrea se or remam . Cts
Write the balanc ed chemic al equati on same when each
corres pondin g to this expres sion. the follow ing equilib ria is subjec ted to a of
NCERT decrea se in pressu re by increas ing the volunie?
3. For an exothe rmic reactio n, what happen s to (i) PCl5 (g)~ PCl3(g)+ Cl2(g)
the equilib rium consta nt if tempe rature is (ii) CaO(s) + C0 2(g) ~ CaC03( s)
increa sed? (iii) 3Fe(s) + 4H20(g)~ Fe304 (s)+ 4H (g)
4. What is the effect of reduci ng volum e on the 11. Ice melts ~lowly at higher altitude s. Explain Why?
follow ing system ?
2C(s)+ O2(g) ~ 2CO(g ) 12. What is Kc for the follow ing equilib rium when
the equilib rium concen tration of each
5. For the reactio n, H 2(g) + I 2(g) ~ 2 HI (g), the
substa nce is
standa rd free energy is 1':!.G 0 > 0. How is the (SO 2) =0.60 M,(O 2) =0.82 ~ and (SO3}= l~O M?
equilib rium consta nt effecte d? NCERT Exemplar 2SO2(g) + O2(g) ~ 2SO3(g ) NCERT
6. How can you predic t the follow ing stages 13. For the follow ing equilib rium, Kc =6.3x 1014 at
of a reactio n by compa ring the value of Kc
andQc ? · 1000 K NO(g) + O3 (g) ~ NO2(g )+ 0 (g)
Both the. forwar d and revers e reactio ns in
(i) Net reactio n procee ds in the forwar d directio n.
the equilib rium are elemen tary bimole cular
· (ii) Net reactio n procee ds in the backwa rd direction.
reactio ns. What is K c for the revers e reaction?
(iii) No net reactio n occurs . NCERT NCERT
7. Predic t which of the follow ing reactio n will
14. The reactio n, I.
have apprec iable concen tration of reacta nts
;md produ cts? CO (g) + 3 H2(g)
(i) 02 (g) ~ 2Q(g); Kc = 5 X 10- 39 is at equilib rium at 1300 K in a lL flask. It also
contai ns 0 .30 mole of CO, 0.10 mole of H and
(ii) 02 (g) + 2NO(g ) ~ 2NOO (g) ; Kc = 3.7 x 10-S 0.02 mole ofH2O and an unkno wn amoun t of

(iii) 0 2 (g)+ 2NO2 (g)~ 2NO20 (g); Kc =1.8 CH 4 in the flask.

NCERT Determ ine the concen tration of CH in the
8. 2 NO(g) +02 (g)~ 2NO2( g);AH = - 117 kJ mixtur e. The equilib rium consta nt, Kc for the
(i) Predic t the effect of an increa se in reactio n at the given tempe rature is 3.90.
concen tration of NO on the equilib rium NCERT
concen tration of NO2 • 15. At 450 K, KP =2.0 x 10 /bar for the given

(ii) Predic t the effect of pressu re decrea se as a reactio n at equilib rium,

result of increa sed volum e on the equilib rium 2SO2(g ) + O2(g) ~ 2SO3(g)
concen tration of NO2. I '
• •

What is Kc at this t_e mpera ture? ·

"" '

9. A liquid is in equili brium -with its vapou r in a 16. At a certain tempe rature and total pressu re of
sealed contai ner at a fixed tempe rature. The 105 Pa, iodine vapou r contai ns 40% by voIUIDe
volum e of the contai ner is sudde nly increa sed. of I at9ms .
(i) What is the initial effect of change on vapou r l2(g) ~ - 2l(g)
pressu re? Calcul ate KP for the equilib rium. NCBRI'
f r the reaction, N2(g) + 3H2 (g) ~ 2NHa(g), and [12 ) = 1x 10-5 mol. In ~hic}:l direction will the
artial pressures ofN2 and H2 are 0.80 reaction proceed? · NCERT Exemplar
th edPO o atmosphere respectively at
11 •4 24. Find out the value of Kc for each of the following
a ·Jibriurn. The total pressure of the system is equilibria from the value of KP .
eq~ atmosphere. What is K p for the above (i) 2NOCI (g) ~ 2NO (g)+ Cl2 (g); .
2.8 ? KP = 1.8 x 10-2 at 500 K
reaction .
mole of H 20 and one mole of CO are taken (ii) CaCO3 (s) ~ Cao (s)+ C~2 (g);
one ,
8, . 10 L vessel and heated to 725 K. At Kp = 167 at 1073 K NCERT
10 with
•Jibrium, 40% of water .(by mass) reacts
equ1 h
co according to t e equation, . .
. 25. Nitric oxide reacts with Br2 and gives nitrosyl
J-1 0(g) + CO(g) ~ H2(g) + CO 2(g)
bromide as per reaction given below.
2NO(g) + Br2 (g) ~ 2NOBr(g)
caJculate the equilibrium constant for the
reaction. NCERT When 0.087 mole of NO and 0.0437 mole of Br2
What is the equilibrium concentration of each ar~ mixed in a ·c1osed container at. constant
• fthe substances in the equilibrium when the . temperat~re; 0.0518 mole of ~OBr is obtained
~itial concentration of ICl was 0.78 M ? .. at equilibrium. Calculate the equilibrium
. 2JCl(g) ~ I2(g) + Cl2(g); K~ ':" 0.14 ,, . . . amount of NO and Br2. . NCERT
26. One of the reaction that takes place in producing
Asample ofHI(g) i~ placed in flask at a pressure of steel from iron ore is the reduction of iron(II)
• o.2atm. At equilibrium, the partial pressure of HI(g) oxide by carbon monoxide to give iron met_a l and
. is 0.04 atm. What is Kp for the given equilib_ rium? CO 2.' · . . . . •
2HI(g) ~ H2(g) t l2(g) FeO (s) +. CO (g) ~ Fe (s)+ CO2 (g);
Dihydrogen gas used in Haber's pro_cess is ., KP =0.265 atm at 1050 K
produced by reacting methane. from natural gas What are the equilibrium partial pressures of CO
with high temperature steam. The first stage of and CO2at 1050 Kif the initial partial pressures
two stage reaction involves the formation of CO . . are, Pco = 1_.4 a~ and Pco2 =:=: 0.80 atm? ' . NCERT
and H2• In second stage, CO formed in first
stage is reacted with more steam in water gas 27. _The equilibrium constant for the following
shift reaction, . , ·. . . reaction is 1.6x 105 at 1024 K. · . · ·
' .
CO(g) +H2O(g) ~ CO2(g) +H2(Kf.:' .i' H2(C).t Br2(g) ~ 2HBr(g)_ .
If a reaction vessel at 400°C is charged with' an·
equirnolar mixture of CO and steam such that Find the equilibrium pressure of all gases if
Pco = PH2o = 4.0 bar, what will be the partial 10.0 bar of HBr is introduced into a sealed
pressure ofH2 at equilibrium? K · =10.1 a· t • . container at 1024 _K. . . NCERT
4oo·c · P · , · .... · · ..
. · .. . . ... · ' : NCERT 28, An equilibrium mixture at 300 K containsN2o 4
Following data i~ given for the reaction, . . · . ·, · and NO2 at 0.28 and 1.1 atm pressure respectively.
· CaCO3(s)~CaO (s)+CO 2 (s) ·,-:· · If the volume of the container is doubled, . •
61H0 [CaO(s)J =-635.1 kJ ·moi-1 calculate the new equilibrium pressure of two
61H0 [COig)J = -393.5 kJ moi-1 .
gases. ·
6 0
fH [CaCO3(s)] =-1206.9 kJ moi-.1 · :. . , . 29. Brom~ne monochloride, BrCl de~~~poses into
Predict the ff · · ,· bro~me and chlorine and reaches the ..
equilib . e ect of temperature on the · equ1hbrium,
. above reaction.
num constant of the . •·
. 2BrCl(g) ~ Br2(g) + Cl2(g)
:I'he Value .f K . .. . , . NC£.~~ Exemplar
I( ) c for
. the reaction · ..< ' I · for whic;h Kc = 32 at 500 K. If initially pure BrCI is
g_ ~ H2(g) + I 2 (g) is 1 x10-4•· , . ·. ·, . · present at a concentration of3.3x 10-3molL-1
a given tim ' h .
· Ure is [HIe)'_t e co~position
, : .
of reaction
. . wh~t _is ~ts molar concentration 111 the
· -equ1hbnum? · . , ,. .. , :
mixtur; at
- 2 x l0 mo1,,[H2J = lx 10-, mol ·
30. At 473K, equi libri um con stan t Kc for whi ch dire ctio n doe s the rea~ tion tend to
deco mpo sitio n of pho spho rus pent achl orid e, PCl
proc eed to reac ~ equ ilibr ium ? . ~
is 8.3 x 10- 3 • If deco mpo sitio n is depi cted as, J2. At 1127 K and 1 atm pres sure , a gase oU S'~
PCl 5 (g~ ~ PCI 3 (g) + Cl 2 (g); of CO and CO 2 , ·in equ ilib rium with so~ ~
l:!H 0 =124.0 kJ mol -1 has 90.55% CO by mas s.
(i) Wri te an expr essi on for Kc for the reac tion . C(s )+C O 2 (g ) ~ 2CO (g)
(ii) Wha t is the valu e of Kc for the reve rse Calc ulat e Kc for this reac tion at the above
r.eac tion at the sam e tem pera ture ? tem pera ture . N
(iii) Wha t wou ld be the effe ct on Kc' if (a) mor e 3 3. Rea ctio n betw een N 2 and 02 take s place at
PC1 5 is add ed (b) pres sure is incr ease d (c) the
follo ws
tem pera ture is incr ease d ? NCERT 2 N 2 (g) + 0 2 (g) ~ 2 N 20(g )
31. Equ ilibr ium con stan t, Kc for the reac tion ,
If a mix ture of 0.48 2 mol e N2 and 0.933mole
N2( g) + 3H2(g) =~ 2NH (g) at 500 K is 0.06 1.
3 is plac ed in a 10 L reac tion vess el and allowed
At a part icul ar time , the anal ysis show s that form N 20 at a tem pera ture for whi ch
com pos itio n of the reac tion mix ture is Kc= 2.0 x 10-37 , dete rmi ne the com position of
3.0 mol L -l N 2 , 2.0 mol L -l H and 0.5 mol L-1
2 equ ilibr ium mix ture.
NH3 • Is the reac tion at equ ilibr ium ? If not in,

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