NucChem Week 5

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First Quarter- Module 5

Exploring the Electromagnetic Spectrum

MELC 6 & 7Week No. 5 Competency: Describe and explain the differences and similarities of each section of EM Spectrum.

Exploring the Electromagnetic Spectrum
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MELC 6 & 7Week No. 5 Competency: Describe and explain the differences and similarities of each section of EM Spectrum.


1. Explain the relationship between the size of a wave and frequency.

2. Explain the relationship between a wave's energy and wavelength.
3. describe each major type of electromagnetic wave.
4. differentiate between different types of electromagnetic waves
5. Identify the various types of radiation that come from the Sun.
6. Compare and contrast the types of radiation in terms of their
arrangement in the electromagnetic spectrum.
7. recognize that waves have a specific wavelength and frequency and
that scientists and engineers use this knowledge to develop
technologies that meet our societal needs and wants.


MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read each question and Circle or darken the letter
that corresponds to the BEST answer. There is only one BEST answer for
each question.

1. What can electromagnetic waves travel through that mechanical

waves cannot travel through?

A. Air B. Water C. Wood D. Vacuum

2. Electromagnetic waves are classified using what measurement?

A. Amplitude B. Energy C. Frequency D. Power

3. What type of electromagnetic waves cause sunburns?

A. Infrared rays B. Microwaves C. Ultraviolet D. Visible light

4. What type of electromagnetic waves are used to cook food,

predict the weather, and for communications?

A. Infrared rays B. Microwaves C. Ultraviolet D. Visible light

5. Which characteristic is the same for all photons?

A. Speed of the photons C. Energy stored in photons

B. Wavelength of the photons D. Dense of the photons

MELC 6 & 7Week No. 5 Competency: Describe and explain the differences and similarities of each section of EM Spectrum.

Waves in the Spectrum

Radio waves have the longest wavelengths and lowest frequencies; wavelengths range
from 1000s of meters to 0.001 m. (The shortest radio waves are microwaves.) Radio
waves are used in RADAR (radio detection and ranging), sending sound, pictures
(TV), cell phones, cooking and satellite transmissions.
Infrared waves (heat) have shorter wavelengths, from 0.001 m to 700 nm and higher
frequencies (a nm is one billionth of a meter). Infrared is used to find people in the
dark and in TV remotes.
Visible light is what we can see in the EM spectrum. Wavelengths of visible light
range from about 700 nm (red light) to 400 nm (violet light). Visible light frequencies
are higher than the frequencies of infrared waves. Notice how visible light is such a
small portion of the entire spectrum.
Ultraviolet wavelengths range from about 400 nm to 10 nm; the frequency (and
therefore the energy) is high enough with UV rays to penetrate living cells and cause
them damage. We need UV rays to produce vitamin D in our bodies. Even though too
much can lead to sunburn and skin cancer, UV rays are easily stopped by clothing.
UV rays are used for sterilization of materials because they kill bacteria in high
enough concentrations. Although humans cannot see UV light, bees, butterflies,
some small rodents, and some birds can.
X-rays have wavelengths from 10 nm to 0.001 nm. They have enough energy to
penetrate deep into tissues, but are stopped by dense materials, such as bones. Used
for examining solid structures (such as looking for cracks in bones and bridges), and
for cancer treatments.
Gamma rays have the shortest wavelengths (less than one trillionth of a meter: 10 to
the negative 12), therefore the highest frequencies, therefore carry the most energy.
These are the most damaging to tissues and can penetrate the deepest. They are
hard to stop! You would need a 3–4 foot thick concrete wall to stop them. Gamma

MELC 6 & 7Week No. 5 Competency: Describe and explain the differences and similarities of each section of EM Spectrum.
rays are released in nuclear power plants, by nuclear bombs, and by naturally
occurring elements on Earth. They are sometimes used in the treatment of cancer.



Part A: Your going to use the periodic chart or periodic table, and then you
need to identify Z and N for the following elements: LET’S START !

𝑍𝑋 𝑁 Element Z N Element Z N
(Atomic number – (# of neutrons) (Atomic number – (# of neutrons)
Number of Protons) Number of Protons)

(1) He - 4 ______ ______ (5) O - 16 ______ ______

(2) C – 12 ______ ______ (6) Ne - 20 ______ ______

A change occurs once the value of A is over 20. What is happening?

(3) Ca - 40 ______ ______ (7) Ca - 48 ______ ______

(4) U- 238 ______ ______ (8) Pb- 207 ______ ______

What is the change between Z & N as you go further down the periodic table?


Use the entry slip to write what you have learned from the last lesson...

The important thing I

learned from previous

Come up with a hashtag

that is appropriate/
applicable to the new

MELC 6 & 7Week No. 5 Competency: Describe and explain the differences and similarities of each section of EM Spectrum.

How does the world look to a bee? What exactly is different among
different colors of light? We’ll consider these questions and more in this
edition of Everything You Need to Know About…
Have you used a microwave today? Listened to the radio? Did the
dentist take an x-ray at your last visit? The oxygen you’re consuming as you
consider these questions — along with nearly everything you’ve ever eaten —
is a product of plants’ ability to capture the energy in visible light. Microwaves,
radio waves, x-rays, and all kinds of light fall on the electromagnetic
spectrum. Today we’ll explore key physical properties of electromagnetic
waves, an essential and omnipresent part of the world as we experience it.



Before starting the activity, mark whether you agree (+) or disagree (–) with each
statement below. After completing the activity, mark whether you agree (+) or
disagree (–) with each statement below. Under each statement, explain how the
activity gave evidence to support or change your ideas.


______ ______ 1. All electromagnetic energy is visible.

______ ______ 2. Electromagnetic energy is the same thing as


_____ ______ 3. Ultraviolet has a frequency higher than visible


_____ ______ 4. The electromagnetic spectrum includes only

visible light and infrared.

____ _____ 5. Radio waves are not really electromagnetic.

____ _____ 6. Only visible light can transmit through a


____ _____ 7. All electromagnetic waves are transmitted,

reflected, and absorbed depending on the
material they hit.

____ _____ 8. All electromagnetic waves have the same


MELC 6 & 7Week No. 5 Competency: Describe and explain the differences and similarities of each section of EM Spectrum.

Use your notes or textbook and the terms in the vocabulary box to fill in the blanks
for the following nine questions. You will not need to use every term.

Electromagnetic radiation Gamma rays Radiant energy

Visible light Electromagnetic spectrum Infrared waves

Radio waves Wavelength Frequency Microwaves

Ultraviolet rays X rays

1) The____________________ represents the different forms of electromagnetic


2) Light is classified as_______________________ because electrical and magnetic

fields vibrate in a light wave.

3) ___________________________is energy that travels by radiation. An example of this

is light.

4) Heat radiation, also known as_______________________ , cannot be seen by your

eyes but can be felt by your skin.

5) Microwaves are one type of____________________________ .

6)_______________________ can be used to communicate with satellites.

7) Because_________________________ have the highest energy of all electromagnetic

radiation, they are the most damaging to human tissue.

8) Compared to all other types of electromagnetic radiation, radio waves have the
lowest______________________________ .

9) An overexposure to__________________ can result in sunburns and skin cancer.

10) Why does an empty paper plate not heat up in the microwave?_____________

11) Why should you use sunscreen and a hat when you are out in the Sun?

MELC 6 & 7Week No. 5 Competency: Describe and explain the differences and similarities of each section of EM Spectrum.


Look at the diagram carefully and take a few moments to think before you start

All About EM—Notes Outline

The Electromagnetic Spectrum The EM Spectrum is the __________ range of EM

waves in order of __________ frequency and __________ wavelength. This means as
you go from left to right on the chart, the wavelengths get __________ and the
frequency gets __________. An __________ relationship exists between size of the
wave and frequency. Remember: all EM waves travel at the same __________. The
equation for speed is __________ times the __________. So, for the answer to always
be 300,000km/s, as one number goes __________, the other must go __________. All
EM waves are __________. The higher the __________, the more __________ in the

The Spectrum of Waves

1. __________ have the __________ wavelength and __________ frequency; wavelength

can go from 1000s of meters to .001 meters. (The shortest radio waves are the
__________.) Radio waves are used for: __________ __________ __________ __________.

2. __________ waves-(heat) have __________ wavelengths, from .001 m to 700 nm,

and __________ frequency. Infrared is used for: __________ and __________.

3. __________ is what we can __________ in the EM spectrum. Wavelengths of visible

light go from about 700 nm (__________ light) to 400 nm (__________ light); the
frequencies are __________ than infrared.
MELC 6 & 7Week No. 5 Competency: Describe and explain the differences and similarities of each section of EM Spectrum.
4. Ultraviolet wavelengths from about 400 nm to 10 nm; the __________ (and
therefore the __________) is high enough with UV rays to __________ living __________
and cause __________. Too much UV can lead to __________ and __________.
However, we __________ UV to produce __________ in our bodies. UV rays are
__________ stopped. Although humans cannot see UV light, __________, butterflies,
and __________ can.
5. ____ -ray wavelengths are from 10 nm to .001 nm; they have enough __________
to penetrate __________ into tissues, but are __________ by __________ materials.
They are used for: __________ __________ __________.

6. Gamma _____ have the __________ wavelengths (less than one __________ of a
meter), therefore the __________ frequencies, therefore carry the most __________.
These are the most __________ to tissues. They are __________ to stop! You would
need a __________ thick concrete wall to stop them.

PART 2. The Color Spectrum

The things we see come in an amazing variety of colors because of visible light. We
see different wavelengths of light waves as different colors. All of the colors together
make up white light.

To test this, cut out these 4-inch circles and

glue them onto cardstock. Color the wedges with
the ROYGBIV colors (red, orange, yellow, green,
blue, indigo, violet). Spin the wheel on the end of
a pencil and note what happens. What color do
you see? Experiment with different color
combinations and see what you can make.

MELC 6 & 7Week No. 5 Competency: Describe and explain the differences and similarities of each section of EM Spectrum.

1. Consider the three colors of the visible light spectrum that are listed below. Rank
these three colors in order of frequency.

Red, Yellow, Blue

2. Consider the three colors of the visible light spectrum that are listed below. Rank
these three colors in order of frequency.

Violet, Green, Orange

3. Consider the three colors of the visible light spectrum that are listed below. Rank
these three colors in order of wavelength.

Blue, Yellow, Red

4. Which one of the listed colors of the visible light spectrum consist of waves with a
wavelength greater than the wavelength of a green light wave? Select all that apply.

a. Orange light
b. Blue light
c. Red light
d. Yellow light
e. Violet light

5. Which one of the listed colors of the visible light spectrum consist of waves with
a wavelength greater than the wavelength of an orange light wave? Select all that

a. Yellow light
b. Blue light
c. Red light
d. Green light
e. Violet light

MELC 6 & 7Week No. 5 Competency: Describe and explain the differences and similarities of each section of EM Spectrum.

Tour of the Electromagnetic Spectrum

Research your segment of the electromagnetic spectrum and fill in
Table 1.

Table 1. Information on One Section of the Electromagnetic Spectrum

Section Wavelength Frequency Energy Encounter Examples

of Span (m) Span (Hz) Span (J) Examples of size of 1
Spectrum wavelength

Table 2. Information on All Sections of the Electromagnetic Spectrum

Section of Wavelength Frequency Energy Encounter Examples

Spectrum Span (m) Span (Hz) Span (J) Examples of size of 1

<2 x 10-24 Radio A building

Radio wave >1x10-1 <3x109 communication

MELC 6 & 7Week No. 5 Competency: Describe and explain the differences and similarities of each section of EM Spectrum.

Use the data that you collected and the information given to answer the
following questions. INFORMATION: The sections of the electromagnetic
spectrum are arranged in the following order of increasing energy – radio
waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, gamma rays.

1. What happens to the value of the wavelength as you move from radio waves to
gamma rays?

2. What happens to the value of the frequency as you move from radio waves to
gamma rays?

3. What happens to the amount of energy associated with each section of the
electromagnetic spectrum as you move from radio waves to Gamma rays?

4. What type of mathematical relationship exists between wavelength and


5. What type of mathematical relationship exists between energy and frequency?



You may Complete and write the Graphic organizer below.

MELC 6 & 7Week No. 5 Competency: Describe and explain the differences and similarities of each section of EM Spectrum.
2.B. Use the Exit slip to write what you have learned today...

MELC 6 & 7Week No. 5 Competency: Describe and explain the differences and similarities of each section of EM Spectrum.

1. What are the different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum?

2. What do all electromagnetic waves have in common? How do they
3. What are some sources of electromagnetic radiation that we use every
4. Give an example of when observing an object through different
wavelengths provides significantly more information than an image of
the object in only one type of electromagnetic radiation.


MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read each question and Circle or darken the letter
that corresponds to the BEST answer. There is only one BEST answer for
each question.

1. What can electromagnetic waves travel through that mechanical

waves cannot travel through?

A. Air B. Water C. Wood D. Vacuum

2. Electromagnetic waves are classified using what measurement?

A. Amplitude B. Energy C. Frequency D. Power

3. What type of electromagnetic waves cause sunburns?

A. Infrared rays B. Microwaves C. Ultraviolet D. Visible light

4. What type of electromagnetic waves are used to cook food, predict the
weather, and for communications?

A. Infrared rays B. Microwaves C. Ultraviolet D. Visible light

5. Which characteristic is the same for all photons?

A. Speed of the photons C. Energy stored in photons

B. Wavelength of the photons D. Dense of the photons


Write a short paragraph essay on POLARIZATION with 250 words. It should

be grammatically correct and legibly written. Explain what it is and how we
use polarizers. Explain why sunglasses polarize light vertically.

MELC 6 & 7Week No. 5 Competency: Describe and explain the differences and similarities of each section of EM Spectrum.
Something to Think About:

Make a reflection on journey of an atom in the sun…

And to share one example of how Radiation/EM waves are
used in the real world with their table.


Exploring Radioactivity. Accessed June 18, 2020

BetterLesson: The Electromagnetic Spectrum. Accessed June 21, 2020

Wilbraham, Stanley, Matta, and Waterman.(2010). Prentice hall Chemistry, Pearson /

Prentice Hall Inc.

Silberberg, Amateis. (2017). Chemistry the Molecular Nature of Matter and Change 8th ed.
McGraw-Hill Education

Keller, Rebecca W. Phd.(2013). Focus on High School Chemistry Student Textbook. Real
Science – 4 – Teens

Navigating Nuclear Energizing our World. Accessed June 18, 2020

Nuclear Chemistry. Accessed June 17, 2020

Brown, LeMay, and Bursten.(2006). Chemistry the Central Science 10th Ed. Prentice Hall

Nuclear Chem. Chapter20. Accessed June 18, 2020

Light and Electromagnetic. Accessed June 20,2020

Intro. To Light and spectrum. Accessed June 21,2020

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Schools Division Office-Mandaluyong

Calbayog Street, Highway Hills, Mandaluyong City 1500
Telefax: (632) 79552557

Email Address:


MELC 6 & 7Week No. 5 Competency: Describe and explain the differences and similarities of each section of EM Spectrum.

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