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Group 2 | BSN 2-Y1-1

01 What is Subjectivism? 04 Case Study

02 Ethical Subjectivism 05 Conclusion

03 Psychological Egoism
is a philosophical position that asserts
that knowledge and truth are
ultimately subjective and dependent
on individual experience, rather than
objective and independent of human
If an individual believes that stealing is morally wrong, it is because
they have subjectively decided that it goes against their personal
values or beliefs. However, if someone else does not view stealing
as morally wrong, they may have different subjective experiences or
cultural contexts that have influenced their beliefs.
In the context of subjectivism, some individuals
may have held views or beliefs that supported
Hitler's actions or ideology, while others
vehemently opposed them. This does not make
his actions morally acceptable; it simply shows
how subjectivism recognizes the diversity of
moral viewpoints.
From the word itself, “Subjectivism,” which means an ethical view
which depends subjectively or depends to someone’s view,
experience, or feelings. As like what was discussed in Metaethics,
experiences can be a source of our moral standards. This causes the
differences in each and everyone’s ethical stand point which points
towards Ethical Subjectivism.
Killing is considered as immoral to almost
everyone, but in Subjectivism, there are no
universal law that says so. Our moral standpoint
which says killing is immoral is only a subjective
claim which came from our experiences, culture,
and opinion. So, others might and can think
that killing is NOT immoral. These differences
in ethical view is what we call “Ethical
One of the best examples in Ethical Subjectivism is
the case of Thanos from a Sci-Fi Movie “Avengers:
Infinity War.” He caused genocide and killed half
of population of the entire universe because he
thinks that this would benefit the other half. But
most of the population in the Universe contradicts
his Ethical Standpoint, where seeing his acts is
wrong. No one is to say which is correct, but both
side have their own Subjective Ethical View.
is a hypothesis that explains how human motivations
work. According to psychological egoism, all actions
are driven by self-interest.
For instance, I want to drink a soda because I want
to relieve my thirst and experience its sparkling
sweetness. Or a person who shows up for work
because they want to get paid. Giving to charity
could be done with the intention of impressing
others, avoiding guilt, or simply in search of the
nice, fuzzy feeling one experiences after carrying
out a good deed.
In August 2000, a young woman from Gozo, an island south of Italy, discovered that she
was carrying conjoined twins. Knowing that health-care facilities on Gozo were inadequate
to deal with the complications of such a birth, she and her husband went to St. Mary’s
Hospital in Manchester, England, to have the babies delivered. The infants, known as Mary
and Jodie, were joined at the lower abdomen. Their spines were fused, and they had one
heart and one pair of lungs between them. Jodie, the stronger one, was providing blood for
her sister. (Continue to the next slide)
No one knows how many sets of conjoined twins are born each year, but the number has
been estimated at 200. Most die shortly after birth, but some conjoined twins do well. They
grow to adulthood and marry and have children themselves. But the outlook for Mary and
Jodie was grim. The doctors said that without intervention the girls would die within six
months. The only hope was an operation to separate them. This would save Jodie, but Mary
would die immediately. (Continue to the next slide)
The parents, who were devout Catholics, refused permission for the operation on the
grounds that it would hasten Mary’s death. “We believe that nature should take its course,”
they said. “ if it is God’s will that both our children should not survive, then so be it.” The
hospital, hoping to save at least of the infant, petitioned the courts for permission to separate
them over the parent’s objections. The court granted permission, and the operation was
performed. As expected, Jodie lived and Mary died.
“Who should make the decision from the question of what the decision should be?”

When weighing the pros and cons of the circumstance, Jodie comes out on top because
Mary depends on her sister for her survival. Medical professionals and parents should, in my
opinion, agree on what should be done with Jodie and Mary. The doctors will be the ones to
help and advise the parents of Jodie and Mary since the parents won't know what to
consider and what not to consider because it is a significant decision that they must make.
Both physicians and parents play a vital role in deciding what decision should be made.
“Would it be right or wrong, in these circumstances to separate the twins?”

We are unable to judge whether it is right or wrong, it always depends on the circumstances
they are facing, and in their situation, separating the twins is the best plan of action in this
case to ensure that at least one of the twins survives. However, the parents' religious
convictions and desire to carry out God's plan were in opposition to this choice. In the
context, there are many factors to take into these circumstances. The twins will have a
limited amount of time to bond and the professionals believe that they will be denied their
right in life, so they need to decide what is the best solution, even though sacrificing one
person to gain a twin.
In this world where people have their own different beliefs, opinion and view towards
something, it is very important for us to consider and not to judge anyone based on their
ethical stand point. We all have our own unique source of our moral standards; what is good
to me can be bad to you, and what can be good to you can be bad to me. No one is to say
which is really correct between these differences. Subjectivism is something that we should
think about.

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