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Mechanics Research Communications 29 (2002) 257–268

Direct calculation of AGMA geometry factor J by making

use of polynomial equations
M.A. Sahir Arikan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Middle East Technical University, I_ n€on€u Bulvarı, 06531 Ankara, Turkey
Received 6 March 2001

The available sources and procedures for determination of AGMA geometry factor J are tables, charts and semi-
analytical methods. When computerized gear design is considered, usage of tables requires a number of interpolations;
usage of charts requires curve fitting; and usage of semi-analytical methods needs a numerical algorithm and may have
convergence problems. As an alternative to these, polynomial equations for direct calculation of AGMA geometry factor
J are derived for external spur gears. Thus, it is made possible to evaluate the J factor easily and with minimum process
time. J factors are determined being independent of the highest point of single tooth contact (HPSTC). Derived equa-
tions can be used to calculate the tooth root stresses corresponding to loads acting on any point on the involute tooth
profile. Thus, cases where the center distance is increased for providing backlash or for operating the gears at a desired
exact center distance can easily be handled by determining the corresponding new HPSTC. A computer program
is developed to demonstrate the usage of the derived equations. The method can also be used for determination of the
J factors for gears with non-standard proportions.
Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Spur gear; AGMA geometry factor J; Spur gear geometry

1. Introduction

AGMA geometry factor J is the key parameter in calculation of tooth root stress. In early applications,
it was determined for some specific numbers of teeth by using layout procedures, and results were given in
forms of tables. If such tables are going to be utilized for computerized gear analysis or design applications,
all of the tables prepared for different rack cutters should be input to databases; and J factors for gear pairs
that are not included in the tables should be determined by making use of interpolation algorithms. Since
gear design requires an iterative procedure, usage of such tabulated data will necessitate a number of in-
terpolations, computations and process time.
Mitchiner and Mabie (1982) introduced a semi-analytical procedure (equations are solved by using
numerical algorithms) for determination of J factors for external spur gears with standard proportions.

E-mail address: (M.A.S. Arikan).

0093-6413/02/$ - see front matter Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 9 3 - 6 4 1 3 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 2 4 9 - 5
258 M.A.S. Arikan / Mechanics Research Communications 29 (2002) 257–268

They gave results in tabular and graphical forms for various rack cutters. J factor charts for external spur
and helical gears with standard proportions are also given in AGMA Standard 218.01 (1982). In its ap-
pendix, the standard gives a semi-analytical method for calculation of tooth form factor Y for external spur
and helical gears.
A semi-analytical method for determination of AGMA geometry factors for spur, helical and herring-
bone gears is given in AGMA Information Sheet 908-B89 (1989). The sheet comprises a number of tables
for standard and some non-standard gear pairs cut by using different rack cutters. Considered non-stan-
dard gear pairs are long-and-short-addendum (x-zero) gear pairs, in which equal but opposite modifica-
tions are given to the pinion and the gear.
When the available sources and procedures for determination of AGMA geometry factor J are over-
viewed, it is found that there are tables, charts and semi-analytical methods. As explained before, usage of
tables requires a number of interpolations, computations and process time. On the other hand, charts are
very useful for manual calculations, where the required value can be read quickly and easily with an ac-
ceptable accuracy when manual calculations are considered. In order to use the charts for computer
applications, curves should be fit to them, and corresponding analytical expressions should be deter-
mined. Since the points used to form the charts cannot be seen on them, accuracies of the values read from
the charts are only within reading accuracy. Therefore, such fitted expressions will naturally bear some
errors in them. More important than that is, these charts are also prepared by using some specific numbers
of teeth, and for intermediate values, interpolation again becomes necessary. Being the last alternative,
semi-analytical methods always need a numerical algorithm for the solution, which naturally comprises
iterations and usage of process time. Convergence is another fact to be considered with numerical algo-
On the other hand, when the recent studies on gear design are considered, it is seen that approaches are
being used to find the gear drive with the best performance (Arikan, 2000; Houser et al., 2000). In such
approaches, it becomes necessary to evaluate all of the possible designs in order to find the best solution. To
give an idea, number of designs evaluated for a case is given as 65 000 by Houser et al., 2000. As the number
of evaluations increases, process time starts to be the dominating factor when the performance of the gear
design software is considered. Obviously, in such software, due to the difficulties mentioned before, a
program module that uses a semi-analytical method for determination of the J factor should not be used.
When the simulation-based approach is considered, usage of analytical expressions, which need interpo-
lation for determination of intermediate values, also does not seem to be a good choice. Therefore, a re-
liable, direct, easy to implement, flexible method should be used in simulation-based gear design
In this study, a new geometry factor, j is introduced. The new geometry factor j is again a measure of
the stress at tooth root, but it is calculated all along the involute tooth profile. Then, its variation is ex-
pressed by making use of polynomial equations. Thus, it becomes very easy to find the j factor for
any desired loading point. Calculation of AGMA geometry factor J is straightforward after determination
of j.
Critical loading points for tooth root stress analysis are the highest point of single tooth contact
(HPSTC) and the tip of the tooth; HPSTC being the mainly used one provided that there is load sharing.
For a gear, location of HPSTC depends on the number of teeth of the mating gear and the center distance.
HPSTC also changes in case of undercutting. Location of HPSTC can easily be determined by making use
of basic gear geometry and by considering all of the mentioned affecting factors. Once the location of
HPSTC is found, corresponding j factor can be determined and AGMA geometry factor J can be calcu-
lated. The method can also be used for determination of the J factor for gears with non-standard pro-
On the other hand, when the center distance is increased for providing backlash or for operating the
gears at a desired exact center distance, J factor should be calculated by using the corresponding new
M.A.S. Arikan / Mechanics Research Communications 29 (2002) 257–268 259

HPSTC. Since the information on tooth root stress is available for the complete tooth profile with j factor,
the method introduced in this study can handle such cases easily, without requiring solutions that have to
be made starting from the beginning. Since AGMA geometry factor J is calculated and given for specific
number of teeth combinations and for specific loading points, values given in tables and/or charts of related
standards and sources can only be used for the conditions for which they are determined. For these reasons,
usage of j in calculation of J is a direct, easy to implement and flexible method without needing any
numerical algorithms.

2. Spur gear geometry

Profile of an involute spur gear tooth is composed of two curves. The working portion is involute and the
fillet portion is trochoid. Coordinates of the points on working and fillet portions can be determined by
using parametric equations previously derived by the author of this paper (Arikan, 2000; Arikan, 1995).
Used coordinate system, important points and tooth profile are shown in Fig. 1.
Theoretical limit radius (rL ) is an important parameter when gear kinematics is considered. It is the
radius at which the involute profile on a gear should start, in order to make use of the full length of the
involute profile of the mating gear. If it is smaller than the radius at which involute tooth profile starts (rti ),
involute interference occurs. When gear teeth are produced by a generating process like using a rack cutter
or hobbing, interference is automatically eliminated, since the cutting tool removes the interfering portion.
This is called undercutting, which weakens the tooth, shifts the HPSTC up along the tooth profile and
results in a reduced contact ratio. Besides weakening, shifting of the HPSTC is another factor that increases
the tooth root stress. Theoretical limit radii for the pinion and the gear, rLP and rLG , respectively, can be
calculated by using the following equations (Arikan, 2000; Arikan, 1995). Points corresponding to these
radii are the intersection points of the line of action with the outside circles of the gear and the pinion.
2 2 1=2 2 1=2
rLP ¼ 12f½db  þ ½ðd m þ Dm Þ sin /m  ðDmo  D2b Þ g ð1Þ

rLG ¼ 12f½Db 2 þ ½ðd m þ Dm Þ sin /m  ðdom  db2 Þ1=2 2 g1=2 ð2Þ
In the above equations, d and D are the pitch diameters of the pinion and the gear, respectively. Subscript
b is used for base, o is used for outside diameters. Superscript m indicates operating values. /m is the

Fig. 1. Coordinate system and Lewis parabola.

260 M.A.S. Arikan / Mechanics Research Communications 29 (2002) 257–268

Fig. 2. Theoretical limit radii rLP and rLG .

operating pressure angle. Base, pitch and outside radii, together with the theoretical limit radii are shown
in Fig. 2.
/m , d m and Dm can be found by making use of the following equations. In the equations, NP and NG are
numbers of teeth, and xP and xG are addendum modification coefficients of the pinion and the gear, re-
spectively. /c is the pressure angle of the rack cutter. Superscript s indicates standard values.
2ðxP þ xG Þ tan /c
inv /m ¼ inv /c þ þB ð3Þ

d s cos /c
dm ¼ ð4Þ
cos /m

Ds cos /c
Dm ¼ ð5Þ
cos /m
When the backlash is going to be given by increasing the center distance from the zero backlash center
distance, an additional backlash term B should be used as shown in Eq. (3). In the following equation for
the backlash term, B is the circumferential backlash at operating pitch circle and m is the module.
B cos /m
B¼ ð6Þ
mðNP þ NG Þ cos /c
Involute function, inv is defined as follows:
inv / ¼ tan /  / ð7Þ
When the gear pair is going to be operated at an exact desired center distance C m , / can be found by
making use of the following equation:
M.A.S. Arikan / Mechanics Research Communications 29 (2002) 257–268 261

C s cos /c
cos /m ¼ ð8Þ
where, C m is the operating, C s is the standard center distance, and can be calculated as given below:
mðNP þ NG Þ
Cs ¼ ð9Þ

3. Calculation of AGMA geometry factor J

For spur gears, definition of the AGMA geometry factor J reduces to the following equation (AGMA
Standard 218.01, 1982; AGMA Standard 2001-B88, 1988):
J¼ ð10Þ
Following reduced equations can be used for tooth form factor Y and stress correction factor Kf . Tooth
dimensions used in calculation of Y are shown in Fig. 1. /L is the load angle.
Y ¼   ð11Þ
cos /L 6hF tan /L

cos /m s2F sF
 L  M
sF sF
Kf ¼ H þ ð12Þ
qF hF
H ¼ 0:331  0:436/c ð13Þ

L ¼ 0:324  0:492/c ð14Þ

M ¼ 0:261 þ 0:545/c ð15Þ

Height of the Lewis parabola hF , and corresponding tooth thickness at critical section sF can be cal-
culated by finding the coordinates of the tangency point of the Lewis parabola and the tooth root fillet
curve. As seen in Fig. 1, y-coordinate of the vertex of the parabola yL can be found by making use of the
equation of the line whose slope is tan /L and passing through a point on the involute tooth profile ðxi ; yi Þ.
Values of xi and yi can be found by using the parametric involute equations:
yL ¼ yi  xi tan /L ð16Þ
Following equations can be used to find the load angles for the loads acting to the tooth at diameters dx and
Dx , which are for the pinion and the gear, respectively. Load angles are measured from an axis perpen-
dicular to the tooth centerline. In the equations, tPm and tG
are the circular tooth thicknesses at operating
pitch radii for the pinion and the gear, respectively.
1=2  m 
ðd 2  db2 Þ t
/LP ¼ x  Ps þ inv /c ð17Þ
db d

ðD2x  D2b Þ1=2 m
/LG ¼  þ inv /c ð18Þ
Db Ds
262 M.A.S. Arikan / Mechanics Research Communications 29 (2002) 257–268

An opening down parabola, having its vertex at ðyL ; 0Þ can be expressed by using the following equation:
y ¼ cx2 þ yL ð19Þ
Slope of the parabola can be found as shown below. Slope of the tangent to the tooth root fillet curve, mf
can be found by making use of parametric trochoid equations:
mp ¼ ¼ 2cx ð20Þ
Since, at the point of tangency ðxt ; yt Þ, the two slopes, mp and mf should be equal; by using numerical al-
gorithms, first h, then xt and yt , and finally c can be found by equating them. Then, hF and sF can be
calculated as follows:
hF ¼ yL  yt ð21Þ

sF ¼ 2xt ð22Þ
The minimum radius of curvature of the fillet curve, qF occurs at the point where the fillet curve is
tangent to the root circle. Thus, it can be found by evaluating the radius of curvature at h ¼ 0.

4. Highest point of single tooth contact

In calculation of AGMA bending stress number, HPSTC is considered the most critical point, provided
that there is load sharing between adjacent contacting tooth pairs. In case of not having load sharing, tip of
the tooth should be taken as the most critical point. Thus, either the diameter corresponding to HPSTC, or
outside diameter should be used in Eqs. (17) and (18) in finding the load angles that are going to be used in
calculation of J factors. As shown in Fig. 3, HPSTC corresponds to the contact point on a tooth when the
next tooth pair is just coming into contact.
AGMA tables were prepared by using the equations and the method given in the previous section by
considering the HPSTC as the most critical loading point. For the tooth pairs existing in the tables, cor-
responding HPSTCs were determined and J factors were calculated. In earlier applications, graphical
layout procedures were used. Today, J factors can easily be calculated by using computer programs. In
AGMA tables J factors for tip loading are also given. These factors are used for gears without load sharing.
An AGMA information sheet comprises a number of tables for standard and some non-standard gear pairs
cut by using different rack cutters.
Pinion and gear diameters corresponding to their HPSTCs can be found by using the following equa-
tions. In the equations, condition rti > rL indicates undercutting. As mentioned before, one of the effects of
undercutting is shifting of HPSTC up along the tooth profile (Arikan, 2000; Arikan, 1995).
When rti P 6 rLP :

Fig. 3. HPSTC for pinion tooth.

M.A.S. Arikan / Mechanics Research Communications 29 (2002) 257–268 263
" 2  2 #1=2
db d m sin /m
dHPSTC ¼ 2 þ þ Ze ð23Þ
2 2

where, Ze is the distance between the pitch point and HPSTC of pinion measured along the line of action
when the pinion is not undercut.
2 1=2 2 1=2
Ze ¼ pb  12½ðDmo  D2b Þ  ðDm  D2b Þ  ð24Þ
when rti G 6 rLG :
" 2  2 #1=2
Db Dm sin /m
DHPSTC ¼ 2 þ þ Zc ð25Þ
2 2

where, Zc is the distance between the pitch point and HPSTC of gear measured along the line of action
when the gear is not undercut.
2 2
Zc ¼ pb  12½ðdom  db2 Þ1=2  ðd m  db2 Þ1=2  ð26Þ
when rti P > rLP :
8 2 32 91=2
< d 2  2 !1=2 =
þ 4 rti2 P  þ pb 5
dHPSTC ¼ 2 ð27Þ
: 2 2 ;

when rti G > rLG :

8 2 32 91=2
< 2  2 !1=2 =
Db Db
DHPSTC ¼ 2 þ 4 rti2 G  þ pb 5 ð28Þ
: 2 2 ;

5. Form factor y and geometry factor j

As seen in Eq. (11), tooth form factor Y has /m term in its expression; and Y is used to calculate AGMA
geometry factor J. This means that J factor depends on /m , and /m changes with changing center distance.
Center distance should be changed in case of addendum modification or backlash; or it can be changed to
have an exact desired value. In order to make Y and J independent of the center distance and /m , two new
factors, y and j are defined:
Y 1
y¼   ð29Þ
cos /m 6hF tan /L
cos /L 
s2F sF

J y
j¼ m ¼ ð30Þ
cos / Kf
After calculating the geometry factor j, AGMA geometry factor J can easily be found by making use the
following equation:
J ¼ j cos /m ð31Þ
Eq. (3) or (8) can be used to calculate / .
264 M.A.S. Arikan / Mechanics Research Communications 29 (2002) 257–268

6. Results

A software, which uses the method and the equations described in the previous sections is developed and
a large number of J factors are calculated. When the results are compared to the values given in tables and/
or charts of related standards and sources, a very good agreement is observed (Arikan, 2000; Arikan, 1995).
After verifying the method and the equations, variation of the geometry factor j with the application point
of the tooth load is found by calculating it at various points along the involute tooth profile by making use
of the developed software. Results are given in Fig. 4. Gears are cut by using AGMA 201.02 rack cutter,
where /c ¼ 20°, addendum is equal to 1.000 module, dedendum is equal to 1.250 module and rack cutter
tooth tip fillet is equal to 0.300 module (AGMA Standard 201.02, 1980). Gears are standard (i.e. with zero
addendum modification).
In order to have non-dimensional equations, non-dimensional radius f is defined as given below; where, r
is the radius at which the load is acting, ro is the outside radius, rr is the root radius of the gear. Thus, when
the load is acting to the tip of the tooth (r ¼ ro ), f ¼ 1.
r  rr
f¼ ð32Þ
ro  rr
As seen in Fig. 4, depending on the number of teeth, geometry factor j shows different trends. For small
numbers of teeth, it first increases than decreases as radius increases (i.e. going up along the tooth profile).
The curve is composed of concave down and concave up regions. For numbers of teeth between 25 and 30, j
continuously decreases; the curves again have concave down and concave up regions. For numbers of teeth
greater than 30, continuously decreasing concave up curves are observed. If the same equation form is
going to be used for all numbers of teeth, this behavior necessitates the usage of fifth degree polynomials for
expression of j. However, if the only purpose of the analysis is to find the j factors corresponding to the
HPSTC or tip of the tooth, j equations can be derived only for the upper section of the tooth. Variations
of j for this region is also shown in Fig. 4.
Since all of the j curves within this region are continuously decreasing concave up curves, third degree
polynomials are used to express them as shown below. Correlation coefficient (R2 ) for the polynomials is
0.9999 or larger. Error between the actual j values and values found by using the equations is less than 1%,
for most of the cases being less than 0.1%.
j ¼ b3 f 3 þ b 2 f 2 þ b 1 f þ b 0 ð33Þ
Variations of the coefficients of the j equations (b3 , b2 , b1 , b0 ) with number of teeth are given in Fig. 5. As
shown below, the coefficients can be expressed by making use of fifth degree polynomials with large cor-
relation coefficients (R2 > 0:999999). Table 1 shows the coefficients of the b equations (c5 , c4 , c3 , c2 , c1 , c0 ).

Fig. 4. Variations of geometry factor j for 0:2 6 f 6 1:0 and 0:6 6 f 6 1:0.
M.A.S. Arikan / Mechanics Research Communications 29 (2002) 257–268 265

Fig. 5. Variations of the coefficients of j equations for 0:6 6 f 6 1:0.

Table 1
Coefficients of b equations for 0:6 6 f 6 1:0
b3 b2 b1 b0
c5 2.05065423379580E09 5.38347200563886E09 3.78427430190731E09 1.52370973721368E10
c4 7.19385122632127E07 1.84877739152272E06 1.32007942823739E06 2.12648852363092E08
c3 9.26297315987786E05 2.31309865675556E04 1.63472813939788E04 6.84563308784333E06
c2 5.21917148277171E03 1.24341275604963E02 8.26026964600921E03 1.39426725220662E04
c1 7.35482783117977E02 1.44130464046962E01 4.26968107547372E02 5.05434130653838E02
c0 5.62458566332324E02 1.65370021622790E01 5.55171844062127E01 2.73601770988651E01

b ¼ c5 N 5 þ c4 N 4 þ c3 N 3 þ c2 N 2 þ c1 N þ c0 ð34Þ
In case of undercutting, HPSTC should be calculated by making use of the radius at which involute
tooth profile starts (rti ). Following fifth degree equation is used to express the variation of rti with number of
teeth. The equation is derived for standard gears cut by using AGMA 201.02 rack cutter. Correlation
coefficient (R2 ) for the equation is greater than 0.9999999.

rti ¼ 7:05247844281706 1010 N 5 þ 2:44400144302614 107 N 4

 3:34424255558543 105 N 3 þ 2:29028964604263 103 N 2
þ 4:18274705888717 101 N þ 3:56225498745626 101 ð35Þ

7. Sample results

A computer program in MathCADâ is developed to demonstrate the usage of the derived equations and
the method. Screen dumps of the program are given in Fig. 6. For calculation of J factors, the solution
should be made for a module of 1 mm. Consequently, diameters and center distances given in the results
section are also for 1 mm module, and they should be multiplied by the actual module for actual values.
Backlash should be input in terms of module, and should also be multiplied by the actual module for its
actual value.
Table 2 gives some comparative results obtained by manual compilation (by making use of AGMA
tables and interpolation) and by using the method and the computer program developed in this study.
266 M.A.S. Arikan / Mechanics Research Communications 29 (2002) 257–268

Fig. 6. Sample results found by using the derived equations and the developed program.
M.A.S. Arikan / Mechanics Research Communications 29 (2002) 257–268 267

Fig. 6 (continued)

Table 2
Comparison of results obtained by manual compilation and AGMA tables, and by using the developed computer program
NP NG Manual compilation Computer program % Difference from manual compilation
18 25 0.332 0.360 0.334 0.363 0.6 0.8
18 35 0.338 0.387 0.340 0.387 0.6 0.0
18 50 0.344 0.410 0.346 0.411 0.6 0.2
24 35 0.373 0.397 0.376 0.397 0.8 0.0
24 50 0.380 0.420 0.383 0.421 0.8 0.2
34 50 0.415 0.434 0.415 0.434 0.0 0.0
50 50 0.444 0.444 0.446 0.446 0.5 0.5

8. Discussion and conclusion

Polynomial equations for direct calculation of AGMA geometry factor J are derived for external spur
gears. Thus, it is made possible to evaluate the J factor with minimum process time for computerized gear
analysis and design applications. Also, a new geometry factor, j is introduced. The new geometry factor j is
again a measure of the stress at tooth root, but it is calculated all along the involute tooth profile. Then, its
variation is expressed by making use of polynomial equations. Thus, it becomes very easy to find the j
factor for any desired loading point. Calculation of AGMA geometry factor J is straightforward after
determination of j.
When the results obtained by using the derived equations and the computer program are compared to
AGMA geometry factors given in tables and/or charts of related standards and sources, a very good
268 M.A.S. Arikan / Mechanics Research Communications 29 (2002) 257–268

agreement is observed. Thus, instead of making use of semi-analytical methods or interpolation of tabu-
lated or chart data, developed method and derived equations can be used for reliable and direct calculation
of AGMA geometry factor J.
As seen in Fig. 6, entire data related to the tooth root stresses of gears cut by a rack cutter is, in a sense,
condensed into the coefficient matrix C. This matrix contains the coefficients of the equations that are going
to be used for calculation of the j factor. When it is desired to include a new rack cutter, or geometry, its C
matrix should be formed and added to the software. This is where the flexibility and easy implementation
property of the method comes from. Rest of the calculations seen in Fig. 6 are for determination of the
main dimensions of the pinion and the gear, and should be performed during every gear analysis or design
Another matrix used by the program is the Crti matrix that contains the coefficients of the third degree
equation used to calculate the radius at which involute tooth profile starts (rti ). In general, calculation of rti
is not necessary unless there is a possibility of undercutting. If gears with small number of teeth are not
going to be used, there is no need for the Crti matrix and equations that use rti to find the location of
As given in the results section of the program, J is found to be 0.341 for the pinion, and 0.391 for the
gear. Corresponding values found by making use of gear tooth geometry and Lewis parabola are 0.341 and
0.394, respectively. The maximum difference between the two J values is 0.003, which is a typical maximum
difference when many results found during the test runs of the program are considered. For gear pairs with
average properties, J factor is around 0.35. When compared to this average value, the difference of 0.003
corresponds to a difference of less than 1%. As seen is Table 2, maximum percent difference from manual
compilation is 0.8%; for some cases it becomes zero.
On the other hand, usage of Lewis parabola requires a semi-analytical solution, but usage of derived
equations makes use of a direct method. It is reliable, easy to implement, flexible, takes less process time;
and does not have any convergence problems. It can handle cases where location of the HPSTC changes
with changing center distance for providing backlash or for operating the gears at a desired exact center
distance. Shifting of HPSTC because of undercutting can also be considered.


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