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Aber Green was in bondage, facing multiple problems she didnt understand and couldnt diagnose. She saw the steady downward spiral of her fortunes but seemed powerless to prevent it. Plagued by strange dreams, the Ugandan began to notice the uncanny connection between the spiritual attacks and her physical problems. Brought up in the UK, she had learned to dismiss these dreams and perceive them as merely figments of her imagination. However, time and experience painted a different picture. The more Aber prayed, the more the attacks in the night came, oftentimes in the form of a man who would sleep with her. Concluding her problems had a spiritual source, Aber miraculously found her way to SCOAN London after her young son stumbled across one of T.B. Joshuas videos on YouTube. When the Anointing Water was ministered to her, something remarkable happened! Here is her story: Spiritual Attacks I came to SCOAN London facing a lot of problems. I had spiritual dreams where a man would come and sleep with me. And every time I had these dreams, I would wake up and they would manifest in the physical. I knew if I had those dreams, I would be in for a hard time the whole week, the whole month. Whatever I had planned for that week that would be prosperous, maybe in business, would all fail so long as I had those dreams. On The Brink Of Divorce I tried prayer but I realised my prayers were not effecting anything. I didnt know what the problem was. There were a lot of arguments between myself and my husband and the arguments got worse and worse as I prayed. I would feel so much hatred inside of my heart towards my husband. I would try to drive him away. I would always say that I needed a divorce, that I wanted him to divorce me. I felt I needed to get out. I was so tormented that I felt that perhaps if he left, my problems would cease. I thought that maybe he was part of the problem. I used to isolate myself a lot because I was tormented all the time and I didnt know what to do or how to get out of it. Ineffective Prayers I had been experiencing these dreams for years. When you are growing up in school, they teach you that it is normal for you to be having these kinds of sexual dreams and as I got older and became a Christian, I wasnt sure if it was that real. I didnt think it was anything but as I continued praying, the problems got worse. I wasnt really sure how genuine these dreams were. I kept asking myself is it really real? I tried praying. I tried all kinds of prayers prayer books, prayer bombs but it wasnt going away. As I kept praying and started to fast, the dreams became more specific. Then I started connecting the dreams to what was happening to me physically and I realised there was something spiritually wrong. I wasnt sure what it was or the diagnosis but I knew

something was wrong. Each time I had these dreams, it was a warning signal that something terrible would happen to me or my family. Lost Intimacy As time went on, I stopped having affection for my husband. When we met together, what would happen to me is that my body would ache. The pains were intense. So I decided that I didnt want to be affectionate towards my husband because if I was intimate with him, my body would ache for days. I didnt even know what it was. I didnt realise it was spiritual. Because of this, I didnt want to be intimate at all. I would avoid being intimate at all times. Untreatable Rashes Coming to my health, I had rashes all over my body. Originally it was diagnosed as ring worms and it just wouldnt go away. So, the doctor decided to give me tablets which where the internal version of the creams I was using. What they would do is take my blood samples to check if my liver was okay because they told me this medication would cause liver damage if I took it for so long. But the rash didnt go away so I stopped taking those tablets as they simply werent working. An Unexpected Discovery It was also affecting my children. My son had failed his exams and he was one of the boys in the class that was expected to pass. When I saw his grade, I said, Thats it no computer games, no television for the whole summer holidays! You are going to have to read your books every day. Because I banned him from the laptop, my kids knew the only way they could go on the laptop was if they told me they were going on there to do something godly. So they had asked me if they could go on there to watch something about God. I said they could go ahead. My son typed in deliverance and a video of T.B. Joshua came up. My kids started watching it. They were upstairs for such a long time, up to four hours, being very quiet, watching all these videos. After about four hours, I thought they were being too quiet so I went upstairs to find out what was happening. My son said, Mum! Come and see this man of God. Come and look at this. I have never seen this before! Hooked On Emmanuel TV I watched the first clip and I got hooked. I didnt sleep for three days because as I continued watching it, the problems I had which I couldnt diagnose T.B. Joshua was diagnosing my problems as I watched. That kept me watching and watching. I said, I need to go and see this man. Every time he prayed for somebody, it seemed to work. I remember him spraying somebody with the Anointing Water and I said to myself, I need to get some of that spray in my system! From Lagos To London I had decided that my first instalment of student loan will go on my tickets to go to Nigeria. I needed the whole family to go so I plucked up courage and asked my husband and he didnt resist, because he knew the family needed help. When I was trying to make arrangements to get there, I discovered The SCOAN had a London branch. I thought, Brilliant! So long as they spray that stuff, the Anointing Water, I will be set free. Uncontrollable I remember the first spray. I didnt think anything of it. Part of the things in my head was that my husband would be the one to manifest because I thought I was the Christian in the house. So, that was what I was waiting for. After the second spray of Anointing Water, I couldnt control myself. That is the only way I can explain it. I

wasnt in control of my body, my movement or my actions. I could remember there was a pressure on my chest. I could remember the anger and hatred inside of me, that feeling of raw anger and hatred. Then I could remember the sudden release as my knees felt so weak and my body was so tired. Because of the violence and the manifestation of the demon inside of me, I felt so tired and exhausted because it had worked me during the ministration. But within me I immediately felt such peace, such clarity in my mind. I knew deliverance had come. The burden had gone. A Week Of Liberty It has been one week since my deliverance and I feel so free. The rash I had I keep saying it over and over again its gone! This is not a joke. The house is co calm. Nothing just gets to me its just so calm. If someone said something provoking to me, before I would have to say something, to let them know what I was thinking but now I let peace reign. I have so much energy, so much life within me. When me and my husband were intimate, I got up and realised the pain was gone. I realised that the pains I had before were because of this evil spirit. Now, there are no pains. Nothing is wrong with me! And now I see my husband in a different light. I didnt know he was that handsome! Snake-Visions Before when I used to pray I could remember this so well because it happened to me all the time. When I was trying to pray and during the times of prayer, I would see images of snakes. When I would pray and I tried to shut my eyes, the visions of the snake would come. Sometimes you would see a snake coming to your face to attack you, very violently. I saw different images of snakes coming up to me. Some of them would coil up and sometimes I would see lots of them swarming around. Because of that, I would be afraid to pray with my eyes closed. I would open my eyes most of the time to pray. Since the deliverance, I dont have that problem! When I sat down immediately after the prayer, that was one of the first things that came into my head why I am not seeing the snakes? I was even nodding my head and blinking my eyes, thinking I would see the flashes of snakes. But there were no flashes and up until now there are no flashes. Not Acting Its real. What you saw happening to me last week was not acting. Even if I tried, I couldnt do it that well. It is real. I tasted the power of God and I cant keep quiet because genuinely the manifestation of the power of God is in this place. If you need help, dont hesitate, dont think twice just come and receive your deliverance. Be set free so you can also set others free. Thank You, Jesus Christ! As Prophet T.B. Joshua says, The evidence of Jesus Christ is lives changed. We thank God for delivering Aber from the demonic bondage she was under and releasing her into a new life in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah! SOURCE: SCOAN London Blog VIDEO: Clip of Abers deliverance on YouTube - v=4LpRBds8zKY SCOAN London is an international branch of The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations based in Lagos, Nigeria under the leadership of Prophet T.B. Joshua ( Please feel free to contact us on +44 (0) 2070 603939, +44

(0) 7985 034222, +44 (0) 7432 696657 for more information. Our email address is

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