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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Batobalani National High School
Batobalani, Paracale, Camarines Norte


4th Quarterly Assessment
“Rather fail with honor, than succeed by fraud.” Good luck!
Name: ___________________________________Grade Level & Section: __________________
Date: ____________________________________ Score: _______________________________
GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Write your answers on a 1 WHOLE sheet of paper.

1. What occurs when fragment of large masses of rocks breaks and fall from a steep slope?
A. Rockfall C. Debris Avalanche
B. Flows D. Sinkhole
2. What type of geological hazard is shown when water saturates the ground, so the materials become
heavier which results to a debris flow?
A. Flows C. Avalanche
B. Volcanic Eruption D. Sinkhole
3. What results to the slow lowering down of land surface creating an opening in the ground?
A. Flows C. Avalanche
B. Volcanic Eruption D. Sinkhole
4. What stage of thunderstorm marked by a cumulus cloud, is being pushed upward by rising column of
a. developing stage c. mature stage
b. dissipating stage d. thunders stage
5. Which statement is true about El Niño and La Niña events?
a. Both describe a surge of cold ocean water.
b. Both are recent disturbances in ocean currents due to the greenhouse effect.
c. El Niño is associated with warm water and La Niña with cold water.
d. El Niño, is warm current that crosses the Atlantic Ocean. La Niña is the same current but traveling in the
opposite direction.
6. What is the difference between a typhoon, a hurricane and a cyclone?
a. Typhoons are formed over the Northwest Pacific Ocean, hurricane are tropical storms that form over the
North Atlantic Ocean and Northeast Pacific, and cyclone are formed over the South Pacific and Indian
b. Typhoons are composed of tidal waves, hurricane spin clockwise, and cyclones spin counterclockwise.
c. Typhoon, hurricane, and cyclone; are storms which are of different intensities.
d. All described storms, the names are used in western Pacific, North America, and near the Indian Ocean.
7. What type of map highlights areas that are affected by or are vulnerable to a particular hazard?
a. Spot map Blueprint c. Map
b. Hazard maps d. Spot map
8. The following are the 3 elements of fire triangle EXCEPT:
A. Heat, Fuel, Gas C. Heat, Fuel, Oxygen
B. Heat, Fire, Gas D. Heat, Water, Fire
9. The significance of the “fire triangle” lies in the fact that:
A. If you take away one of the elements, you can put out a fire.
B. If you add hydrogen, you can generate nuclear power.
C. It links both theology and physics.
D. None of the above.
10. Fire Prevention Month with a goal to raise awareness about fire safety is celebrated during the
month of:
A. January C. May
B. March D. August
11. Lit candles are not safe to use as nightlight because ________________________.
A. when left unattended the candle can topple over or burn down and cause fire.
B. the hot wax that drips can cause fire.
C. the smell puts people to sleep.
D. they are too bright.
12. Which of the following scenarios can lead to spontaneous combustion?
a. oil is used for cooking.
b. portable heaters tip over onto a carpet.
c. candles are used without a glass cover.
d. oil-soaked rags are left under the sun on a very hot day.
13. You and your friend are walking past a restaurant on the 3rd floor of the building
when people started to panic because of a fire inside it. What will you do next?
A. Do not panic. Activate the alarm if possible and look for the staircase to help you get out of that building.
B. Keep calm, stay away from the source, and run towards the elevator.
C. Stop, drop and roll over the wall until you reach the fire exit.
D. Both A and C are correct.
14. A gas tank in your neighbor apartment suddenly exploded causing a rapid onset of fire. Which of the
following will help you contain the fire on a fully developed phase?
A. Check by touching the doors and windows if it is hot and keep it open to delay the spread of fire.
B. Use appropriate fire extinguishers suited for the type of materials being burned.
C. Close the doors and windows as it will help you control the fire.
D. All of these are correct.
15. Based on the above given scenario, how can you help a suffocating neighbor get out of the burning
A. Come back and start collecting your personal items like your keys and keep yourself to safety as soon
as possible.
B. Stay low and keep your head close to the ground, keep your hands on the wall and
crawl to the nearest exit.
C. Ask him/ her to stop, drop and roll over the wall until you both reach the fire exit.
D. Both A and B are correct.
16. Your family will move into a new apartment alongside with your new school. Which of the following
safety measures should you consider first to avoid fire incident at home?
A. Check for the safety features of the building if it has fire wall, sprinklers, and fire extinguishers.
B. Unplugging electrical devices and inspecting wires for any signs of damage.
C. Always keep the doorways, corridors, and path unobstructed.
D. Both A and C are correct but not B.
17. You managed to get out of a burning building, but you’ve noticed that your clothes catch fire. What will
be your best response to this?
A. Stop moving, lie on the ground and roll over to extinguish the fire.
B. Look for a wet blanket and fan it over your burning clothes.
C. Run in a frantic manner so that the fire will fade away.
D. None of these are correct.
18. All of the following pertains to fire, except:
A. it is a rapid oxidation process, which is a chemical reaction resulting in the evolution of light and heat in
varying intensities.
B. it is a chemical reaction with three essential elements such as fuel, air and heat.
C. it is a useful element and force of nature because it produces light and heat.
D. None of the above
19. Fire drill pertains to:
A. a written document which includes the action to be taken by all staff and members in the event of fire
B. any visual or audible signs produced by a device or system to warn the occupants of the building.
C. an exercise or practice that teaches the people on how to leave the building safely.
D. the floor plan where fire exit is indicated.
20. The following are the proper responses in case of fire incident, except:
A. when fire occurs go out the building immediately, needless to notify the other persons about the incident.
B. proceed to designated evacuation area.
C. never go back to the burning building.
D. remain calm, think, and act.
21. Fire drill activity composed of different phases. Rescuing a fire victim is
included in what phase in the activity?
A. Phase 1 – Alarm C. Phase 3 - Evacuation
B. Phase 2 – Response D. Phase 4 – Assembly
22. In a fire drill, when all members or occupants are grouped together at the designated evacuation area it
pertains to:
A. Phase 1 – Alarm C. Phase 3 - Evacuation
B. Phase 2 – Response D. Phase 4 - Assembly
23. The acronym for the proper use of a fire extinguisher is _______________.
24. Why is it recommended to stay low to the ground when smoke fills a room?
A. Smoke and heat rise pushing cold air to lower areas.
B. The area below smoke is rich in oxygen.
C. You could see and breathe better.
D. All of the above.
25. What are the three things you should do if your clothes catch on fire?
A. stop, drop, and roll.
B. scream, roll and run.
C. run fast, drop, and roll.
D. run fast, yell, and wave your arms.

Prepared by:


Teacher II

“Nobody else is in-charge of your future except you. Don’t depend on luck, create it.”

🧡 🧡-Ma’am Kaye 🧡 🧡

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