Agro 112

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Q.1.Define Meteorology:-A Study Of Lower Atmosphere.

Scopes of Agricultural Meteorology:- Weather and climate is a resource and considered as

basic input or resources in agricultural planning, every plant process related with growth
development and yield of a crop is affected by weather.Similarly every farm operation such as
ploughing harrowing, land preparation,weeding,irrigation,manuring,
spraying,dusting,harvesting,threshing,storage and transport of farm produce are affected by
The scope of Agril Meteorology can be illustrated through the following
few applications.
Q.2.Define Weather Forecasting:-Any advance information about the probable weather in
future obtained by evaluating the past and present meteorological conditions of atmosphere is
called weather forecasting.
Explain its Types:-1)Now Casting:-Denotes very short range,say few hours to 24 hours.
Forecast at time of cricket match during the day. It denotes very short range i.e. few hours to 24
2)Short range forecasting (SRF):-Valid for 3 days or 72 hours and are issued twice a day. It is
an outlook for subsequent two days.
The short range forecast includes cloud spread, rainfall distribution, heavy rainfall warnings,
heat and cold waves ,low pressure areas,cyclone warning, hail/ thunderstorm, dust storm, snow,
frost and likelihood of maximum wind speeds
3)Medium Range Forecasting:-This forecast of warning of weather elements hazardous to
agriculture is valid for 3 to 10 days period.
In this forecaster, irregularities of weather elements such as temperature, rainfall from normal
values are predicted.Agricultural operations like sowing,planting,spraying, dusting,irrigation
scheduling,storing,fertilizer application,transportation of agricultural and livestock goods
protection from frost,hails etc. can be forecasted.
4)Long range forecasting (MRF):-Valid for more than 10 days, say a month or a season.
IMD received issuing LRF since the year 1988 onwards on total monsoon rainfall of the country
by 25th May.
These forecasts can be used for predicting likely trends in food grains production of India before
monsoon rains and its distribution.
Q.3.Define Atmosphere:-The dynamic layer surrounding the earth above its surface containing
various gases, moisture, aerosols etc. is called atmosphere.
Composition of atmosphere:-The various components / constituents of the atmosphere can
be divided into following three categories.
1.Gases:-The atmosphere is mixture of many gases.Nitrogen(78%)and oxygen (21%) make up
approximately 99% gases constitution and 1% by other gases.Four gases viz.nitrogen ,oxygen,
argon and carbon di oxide accounts for 99.98% of the dry volume. Some gases remains
constant at surface of globe up to the height of 80-88 km. these gases are called Non variable
components/ permanent gases.
They are nitrogen, oxygen, argon, neon, helium, krypton, xenon and radon.
Some gases or component changes with time, space, season etc. are called as Variable
They are carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide,
ozone, hydrogen, methane and ammonia
2)Moisture:-Moisture in the form of water vapour exist in the atmosphere.
It is released through the process of evaporation from open bodies like sea, ocean, lake, river,
etc. and also released by plants through transpiration.
Water vapour comprises up to 4 % of the atmosphere by volume and about 3 % by weight near
the surface but it is almost absent above 10 to 12 km.
Water vapour plays a large role in absorption of long wave radiation.
It is also important component of hydrological cycle( precipitation).
The proportion of water vapour in the atmosphere always changes according to space and time.
3)Solid impurities/ Aerosols:-These are suspended solid particles of dust, salt, and carbon
also some liquid particles like water droplets.
These particles are dispersed in the atmosphere and are known as aerosols.
Aerosols enter the atmosphere by man made pollution and by agricultural practices as well as
through forest fires, wind raised dust, sea spray and volcanic activity.
Bacteria, spores, pollens, seeds, smoke are also present in the atmosphere. They are also
called as aerosols.
Q.4.Stratification of atmosphere:-On the basis of the vertical temperature difference, the
atmosphere can be divided into four horizontal layers or shells, namely.
Lower Atmosphere:-1.Troposphere.2. Stratosphere
B) Upper Atmosphere:-1.Mesosphere and 2.Thermosphere
Q.5.Define Radiation:-The transfer of thermal (heat) energy in the form of electromagnetic
waves from one place to another through vacuum with speed of light
(3 x 105 km/ sec) as radiation.
Significance Of Radiation:-1)It provides the necessary energy for all the phenomena
concerning biomass production.
2)Photosynthetically Active Radiations (PAR) are the real source of energy for photosynthesis
process.Plants are efficient biological convertors of solar energy into biomass. Radiation defines
yields of the crop in particular region
3)It also provides the energy for physical processes taking place in Plant soil and atmosphere.
4)It condition ( governs) the distribution of temperature and hence crop distribution on the earth
5)Almost all growth, development and yield governing processes,such as germination,
elongation formative activity, reproduction,
flowering, photoperiodism, leaf enlargement, pigmentation etc. are affected by radiation.

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