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 Cardiovascular
 Neurological
 Respiratory
 Digestive
 Musculoskeletal
 Renal
 Sensory impairment
 Hormonal
 Drug side effect
 Genito-urinary
 Any other

 Lack of purpose in life
 Ailing spouse
 Death of spouse
 Isolation from friends/ relatives
 Feeling of gradually loosing control (no-one listens to me)
 Feeling of gradually loosing control (I can’t look after myself)
 Economic problems
 No care giver
 Problem with care givers
 Feeling of helplessness & frustration
 Inability to cope with changed lifestyle
 Low self-worth (I am not important anymore)
 No one cares for me
 Frustration related to inability to maintain old life style
 Narcissism
 Any other

1. Acute confusion-
 Decreased ability to maintain attention to environmental stimuli
 Difficulty in shifting attention from one set of stimuli to another
 Thinking disorganized
 Speech problems
 Decreased on level of consciousness
 Anxiety, fear, irritability, anger & apathy

2. Memory loss-
 Due to vascular blockage / alcoholism / Parkinson’s / Alzheimer’s / dementia /
hallucinations / head trauma / drug induced

 Onset- (gradual / insidious / sudden)

3. Associated behavioral changes-

4. Problems encountered due to memory loss-

5. Insomnia-
Persistent difficulty in initiating and maintaining sleep / sleep disorder / disturbances in
sleep-wake schedule / disturbed sleep

6. Problem encountered due to insomnia

7. Suspiciousness- (low / medium / high)

8. Problems encountered due to suspiciousness-

9. Problem encountered by care givers-

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