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LKPD 3 (Formatif 3)

1. Multimoda dengan teks tulis tentang Princess Mandalika

Read the following text carefully and answer the questions that follow!

Once upon a time, in ancient times, there lived a princess named Princess Mandalika. She
is the daughter of a famous king in Lombok, from the Kingdom of Sekar Kuning.
Princess Mandalika is known for having a beautiful face, as well as her polite and
gentle demeanor. No doubt the news about Princess Mandalika's beauty and kindness spread
quickly to all corners of the country.
Because of her privilege, many princes and youths came to marry this beautiful
princess. The King then left all decisions to his own daughter.
Princess Mandalika finally decided to meditate, in order to find clues to choose the best
of all the proposals she received.
After returning from meditating, Princess Mandalika came to a decision. The beautiful
princess then asked all the princes and youths who proposed to her, as well as the public to
gather at Seger Beach (currently also known as Kuta Beach, Lombok), on the 20th day of
the 10th month of the Sasak calendar.
They were asked to gather early in the morning, before the dawn call to prayer
resounds. After everyone had gathered, Princess Mandalika arrived, along with the king,
queen and bodyguards.
She then stood on a large rock and greeted the guests. Appearing very beautiful, the
princess conveyed a few words that lacked hope that there would be no divisions on the
island of Lombok. For this reason, Princess Mandalika accepted all applications addressed to
Suddenly, this confused everyone present at that place. Still bewildered, suddenly
Princess Mandalika threw herself into the sea and was immediately swallowed up by the
Seeing this, many people also went down to the sea to find the princess. Unfortunately,
he was not found. A moment later, a large number of small animals emerged from the sea.
The animal resembles a long, colorful worm that people call nyale. This is believed by
the community to be the incarnation of Princess Mandalika who wants to give happiness to
her people.

A. Based on the text above, analyze the parts of the text and write down the sentences that
indicate the parts of the text!
No Generic Structure Sentences in the text




B. Based on the text above, analyze the words/phrases that relate to the language features
listed in the table!

No Language Features words/phrase in the text

1. noun

2. verb

3. adjective

4. adverb

5. metaphor

6. conjunction

7. phrase

C. Based on the text, analyze the following general and specific information

No Information Answer

1. Topic of the text

2. Purpose of the text

3. Characters in the text

4. Setting of place and time

5 The moral value of the text

2. Multimoda dengan Comic strip tentang Lake Toba

Sumber :

A. Based on the comic strips above, analyze the parts of the text and write down the
sentences that indicate the parts of the text!

No Generic Structure Sentences in the text



B. Based on the text above, analyze the words/phrases that relate to the language features
listed in the table!

No Language Features words/phrase in the text

1. noun

2. verb

3. adjective

4. adverb

5. metaphor

6. conjunction

7. phrase

C. Based on the text, analyze the following general and specific information

No Information Answer

1. Topic of the text

4. Purpose of the text

5. Characters in the text

4. Setting of place and time

5 The moral value of the text

3. Multimoda Video tentang Roro Jongrang and Bandung Bondowoso

A. Based on the video you have watched, analyze the parts of the text and write down the
sentences that indicate the parts of the text!
Link :

No Generic Structure Sentences in the text




B. Based on the video, analyze the words/phrases that relate to the language features listed
in the table!

No Language Features words/phrase in the text

1. noun

2. verb

3. adjective

4. adverb

5. metaphor

6. conjunction

7. phrase

C. Based on the text, analyze the following general and specific information

No Information Answer

1. Topic of the text

6. Purpose of the text

7. Characters in the text

4. Setting of place and time

5 The moral value of the text

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