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Which one of the listed (a) Wherever space is available
requirements regarding the (b) In a state of readiness so that 2 crew
stowage of a survival craft members can prepare for launching in
corresponds to present SOLAS less than 5 minutes
1 Option (D)
regulations? Each Survival Craft (c) On the starboard side of the Ship
shall be stowed (d) In a secure and sheltered position
and protected from damage by fire or
(a) 28 Persons
(b) 30 Persons
2 Maximum capacity of lifeboat is? Option (C)
(c) 150 persons
(d) 100 persons
(a) The ship is on fire
(b) When some crew member fall into
the sea
3 MOB Marker Buoy is used in case (c) When the ship is sinking Option (B)
(d) When some crew has an
(a) Wire for pulling burning ships off
the pier
What is fire wire?
(b) Wire for handling fire buckets
4 Option (A)
(c) Wire for pulling fire hoses up to the
(d) Wire for securing smoke divers

(a) 550 Khz,2367 Khz and 121.5 Mhz

A ship is in distress should
transmit alarm signal followed by (b) 500 Khz,2182 Khz and 156.8 Mhz.
5 the distress call and message on Option (B)
one or all of the international
distress frequencies? (c) 550 Khz,2182 Khz and 121.5 Mhz

(d) 550 Khz,2367 Khz and 121.5 Mhz

(a) Inspections of life Saving

Appliances, including lifeboat
equipment shall be carried out monthly
to ensure they are complete and in good
Which one of the listed routine test
and inspections of life saving (b) General emergency alarm to be
6 Option (B)
appliances is not required by the tested daily
Which one of the listed routine test
and inspections of life saving
6 Option (B)
appliances is not required by the
(c) Survival crafts and rescue boat with
launching appliances shall be visually
inspected weekly to ensure they are
ready for use.
(d) Lifeboat engines to be run for atleast
3 mins
(a) Whatevery week.
Owners Provide

The number of Lifebuoys on a

8 (b) Minimum of 10 Option (D)
ship is dependent on
(c) Minimum of 15
(d) Length of the Vessel
(a) 8
The number of Lifebuoys on a
(b) 6
9 Cargo ship of length less than 100 Option (A)
(c) 4
mtrs is
(d) 10
Ship specific LSA information is (b) MARPOL
10 Option (D)
(a) Donned in 2 Minutes
(b) Allow the wearer to Jump from 4.5
Which of the following
11 requirements for immersion Suit is Option (D)
(c) allow the wearer to climb down a
vertical ladder of 5 Mtrs
(d) All of the above
(a) 2 Mins
The donning time for immersion (b) 5 Mind
12 Option (A)
suit is (c) 3 Mins
(d) 1 Min
(a) HELP Position
When floating in the water in (b) HUDDLE position
13 Option (B)
group, they should be in (c) Yoga position
(d) None of the above
(a) Secured via a Weak Link to a
secured point on the ship\
How should the Painter of a Life
(b) Secured to the part of Hydrostatic
raft which is fitted with
14 release Option (A)
Hydrostatic release be secured to
(c) It should not be secured anyway
the ship
(d) Directly to a secure point on the ship
(a) Emit smoke for at lease 3 mins when
floating in calm water
Which one of the listed
(b) Continue to emit smoke when
requirements regarding the
submerged in water for a period of 10
15 buoyant smoke signal does not Option (D)
mins inside 10 cm of water
correspond to present regulation?
(c) Not be swampedin a Seaway
The buoyant smoke signal shall
(d) Give a bright red light during the
entire emission time

(a) A manually controlled lamp visible

for 2 NM fitted at the top of the canopy
Which of the listed requirements,
regarding rigid life rafts does not (b) Floor preventing the ingress of water
16 Option (C)
correspond to present regulation? (c) All entrances fitted with rigid
The rigid life rafts shall have boarding ramps for boarding life
rafts at sea
(d) A manually controlled lamp fitted
inside the liferaft
(a) Once a year
Checking and Servicing Life rafts (b) Twice a Year
17 Option (A)
as per PMS is (c) Once in 5 years
(d) Based on condition of Liferaft
(a) Bottom Plug is secured tight
(b) Falls Wires are clear and secured
Before lifting a lifeboat from
18 tightly Option (B)
water it should be ensured that
(c) Engine is going astern
(d) Sea Anchor is streamed
(a) Life boat engine to be run for at least
3 mins every week
(b) Survival Crafts and R/Boats with
Which one of the routine test and launching appliances shal be visually
19 inspection of LSA is not required inspected weekly Option (D)
by regulations (c) Inspection of Lifeboat equipment
shall be carried out Monthly.
(d) General Emergency alarm to be
tested daily
(a) Substitute for limit switch of gravity
(b) To automatically unhook the
The function of Hydrostatic lashing and release the life rafts when
20 the ship sinks Option (B)
Release Unit is (c) For releasing life rafts in bad
(d) For releasing Lifeboat from sinking
(a) Two buoyant rescue quoits,
attached to not sless than 30 mtrs
buoyant line
(b) Two buoyant rescue quoits, attached
21 Lifeboats should have to not less than 15 mtrs buoyant line Option (A)
(c) One buoyant rescue quoit, attached
to not less than 30 mtrs buoyant line
(d) One buoyant rescue quoits, attached
to not less than 15 mtrs buoyant line
(a) True
In a Freefall lifeboat instead of
(b) False
22 immersion Suits TPAs are Option (B)
provided to all persons
(a) True
Hand flares burn with Bright Red (b) False
23 Option (A)
Colour (c)
(a) 15000 cd
Luminous intensity of Hand flares (b) 20000 cd
24 Option (A)
should not be less than (c) 25000 cd
(d) None of the above
(a) Messenger Line
(b) Heaving Line
25 LTA is used as Option (A)
(c) Mooring Line
(d) Lashing Line
Life jacket light shall have a (a) .75 cd/8 hrs
source of energy capable of (b) .50 cd/8 hrs
26 Option (A)
providing luminous intensity of (c) .75 cd/6 hrs
_____ for a period of _____ (d) .50 cd/6 hrs
(a) 10 minutes
Lifeboat must be stowed in such a
(b) 05 minutes
27 way that they can be launched in Option (A)
(c) 15 minutes
_____ mins
(a) Pyrotechnics
(b) Open fire
28 A distress signal on deck Option (D)
(c) Flag NC
(d) All of the above
(a) 3 Mins
MOB Smoke float working (b) 5 Mins
29 Option (C)
duration (c) 15 Mins
(d) 10 Mins
(a) 7 Kts
Life boat can be lowered when (b) 5 Kts
30 Option (B)
vessel is at ____ speed (c) 4 Kts
(d) 10 Kts
(a) 2 Ltrs
How much water is available in (b) 3 Ltrs
31 Option (D)
life raft per person (c) 500 Ml
(d) 1.5 Ltrs
(a) Emergency Position Indicating
Radio Beacon
(b) Emergency Position Indicating
Radar Beacon
32 EPIRB full form Option (A)
(c) Emergency Position Information
Radio Beacon
(d) Emergency People Indication
Radion Beacon
(a) 8
The number of Lifebuoys on a
(b) 10
33 Cargo ship of length over 200 mtrs Option (C)
(c) 14
(d) 12
(a) MRCC
(b) RCC
34 EPIRB signal to be received by Option (A)
(c) Cost Station
(d) None of the above
(a) 10%
Child Lifejacket requirement in (b) 15%
35 Option (A)
cargo vessel? (c) 20%
(d) 25%
(a) Stay in your cabin
Once you hear fire alarm proceed (b) Await fuirther instructions
36 Option (C)
to (c) Proceed to Muster Station
(d) None of the above
(a) It is heavier than Oxygen
(b) It displaces Oxygen
What are the characteristics of
37 (c) It is in itself not dangerous (not Option (D)
(d) All of the above
(a) effective means for bailing or have
self bailing arrangement
Which of the listed requirements (b) release device to enable forward
regarding lifeboats do not painter to be released under tension
38 Option (D)
correspond to present regulations? (c) remotely operated steering
All life boats shall be fitted with arrangement
(d) a buoyant lifeline bucketed
around the outside of the lifeboat
Every life boat is required to be (a) every month
launched and maneuvered in the (b) every 2 months
39 Option (C)
water at least once in ______ (c) every 3 months
months (d) None of the above
(a) one ltr of water each
After the abandon ship the
(b) 2 Ltrs of water each
40 survivors in a lifeboat must be Option (C)
(c) no water for first 24 hrs
(d) half a litre of water each
Fire protected lifeboats when
water borne should be capable of (a) 8 minutes
protecting its full complement
(b) 10 minutes
41 when subjected to a continuous oil Option (A)
fire that envelops the boat for a (c) 15 minutes
period of no less than how many
minutes? (d) 20 minutes
An enclosed lifeboat is fitted with (a) 5 minutes
a self contained air support
system, with the engine running, (b) 10 minutes
42 Option (B)
what is the minimum period of
time the air should remain safe (c) 15 minutes
and breathable (d) 20 minutes
(a) use the ship's gas extinguishing
central system to put out the fire

The smoke detector (fire indicator) (b) inspect the scene before deciding the
indicates fire in a cargo hold method to be used for the fire fighting
43 Option (D)
loaded by general cargo. What
(c) start the fire pumps open the hatches
first action should be taken
and start fire fighting by fire hoses
(d) close the ventilation system and
other openings to the hold in order to
choke the fire
(a) Use recommended symbols
Posters or signal shall be provided
(b) Give relevant insructions and
on or in the vicinity of survival
craft and their launching controls.
(c) Give information on survival craft
44 Which of the following Option (C)
requirements do not have to be
(d) Illustrate the purpose of control and
included according to present
the procedures of operating the
(a) 2 hours
Lifebuoy self igniting lights shall
(b) 6 hours
45 be capable of burning for not less Option (A)
© 45 minutes
(d) 8 hours
(a) ships with the length of 100m or less
shall carry minimum 8 lifebuoys
(b) ships fitted with freefall lifeboat
may carry thermal protective aids
Which of the listed requirements instead of immersion suits
for cargo ships regarding personal (c) cargo ships of less than 85meters in
46 Option (B)
life saving appliances does not length shall as a general rule carry
correspond to present regulations? immersion suits for every person
(d) self igniting lights for lifebuoy
required on tankers shall be of an
electric battery type
(a)there shall be at least five trained
persons on board, mustering and
assisteing untrained persons
(b)every lifeboat required to carry radio
Which of the given requirements
telegraph installation shall have a deck
regarding manning and
officer capable of operating the
47 supervision of survival craft Option (D)
equipments assigned
corresponds to the SOLAS
(c) a deck officer or certified person
shall be placed in charge of
eachsurvival craft to be used
(d) every motorised survival craft
have a certified engineer assigned
(a) 1 yr
Falls used in launching shall be
(b) 2.5 yr
48 renewed not later than how many Option (D)
(c) 3 yr
years? (d) 5 yr
(a) 10 life buoys
Vessels 100 meters and over in (b) 14 life buoys
49 Option (A)
length should have (c) 16 life buoys
(d) 18 life buoys
(a) fire
Lifeboats must be stowed in such a
50 way that they are capable of being Option (D)
launched in
Lifeboats must be stowed in such a
(b) collision of grounding
50 way that they are capable of being Option (D)
(c) man overboard
launched in (d) all of the above
(a)do not use dangerous liquid
The responsibility for safety and
detergents in closed spaces
security rests with everybody on
(b)do not wear clothes in the
board the vessel. General
51 messrooms, recreation rooms or cabins Option (C)
housekeeping rules should be
(c)do not sleep on open deck
followed. Which of the listed rules
(d)do not walk ladders without using
is the most important
hand rails
(a)have automatic self rightning abilities
(b)have self bailing arrangements
(c) have safety belts to be designed to
Which of the listed requirements
hold a person of 100 Kgs securely in
regarding enclosures of totally
52 place with the lifeboat in a capsized Option (B)
enclosed life boats do not
correspond to present regulations
(d) automatically at and opposotion in
damaged condition providing an above
water space for its occupants
At least how often shall rescue (a) every week
boats (MOB) be launched with (b) every month
53 Option (B)
their assigned crew and (c) every two weeks
maneuvered in the water (d) every three months
(a) 30 degrees to the horinzotal
When firing, the line throwing (b) 45 degrees to the horinzotal
54 Option (B)
apparatus should be held at (c) 60 degrees to the horinzotal
(d) 75 degrees to the horinzotal
(a)be capable of throwing a line with
reasonable accuracy
(b)include not less than 4 projectiles
According to LSA code chapter 7
each capable of carrying the line at least
regulation 7.1 line throwing
55 230m in calm weather Option (D)
appliances, every line throwing
©include not less than four lines each
appliances shall
having a breaking strength of not less
than 2KN
(d) all of the above
(a)every 36 months
Every inflatable life raft, inflatable
(b)every 18 months
56 life jacket and hydrostatic release Option (C)
(c)every 12 months
units shall be serviced
(d)every 24 months
Inspection of LSA items shall be (b)monthly
57 Option (A)
carried out (c)yearly
(d)half yearly
(a)one on each side of the ship
How many radar transponders (b) one in each life boat
58 (SART) are to be carried on board (c)two on newly built ships. Old ships Option (B)
ship for use in survival crafts have to comply by August 95
(d)two on each side on the ship
(a) conspicuous places on deck or at
muster stations
The additional life jackets are kept
59 (b)inside the bridge Option (D)
(c)on the bridge wings
(d)in the engine room
(a) 3-4 minutes
(b) 30-60 seconds
60 A life raft should inflate in Option (B)
(c) 1-2 minutes
(d) 30 minutes

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