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Margreet de Carpentier / October 11, 2020

Channeling No. 65
By: Jesus, Michael, Mary, Raphael and Isoritas the Alien
via Margreet de Carpentier / 11 October 2020

Be welcome. At this moment when World War III has almost come to an end. The
third world war that is so upset everyone. The sensitive people do not know what is
happening to them.
People attack each other for nothing. People are irritated.
The one because they want to obey the orders of the government, the other because
people simply accept everything that the government commands.
Every end of a war is difficult, every end of a war is a battle.

In this struggle it is important that you

stay positive, that you can see the
beauty of the moment. That you
remain calm, in your strength and in
your light.
Your light of the new world already
shining over you. Take that light,
realize it is there, embrace it, be
happy with it. Try to dance, dance
through this difficult time. We like to
see people well off. Know that in the
future you will get it better than you
ever had it. You would say heaven on earth. But what is heaven? Heaven can create
you yourself, you can make it a heaven yourself. This is particularly important today.

The emotions of man go up and down with peaks and troughs. Accept that and
quickly recover from the valley and hold on to the peaks, the moments of joy and
gladness and the moments of peace.

Again, we say don't be upset by the news, don't watch news, don't watch talk shows.
The information is not correct and falsehoods are being told. You are being
We see that people who did not want to be manipulated now finally follow the rules
step by step. People find it more and more normal. The government calls it, the new
normal. And many will react like that anyway and that is not necessary.

If you have to follow the orders that are being given now in places where you will
harm other people if you don't, then you may follow them. You can always say "under
Furthermore, you may follow your own path, your path of freedom.
Create the freedom around you, create the joy around you. It is near complete

The previous channel we talked about a few weeks. Those several weeks have
diminished. It's near, it's all around you. There is still something to polish off around
the world. Terrible things caused by the Cabal. They are busy rolling everything up
and arresting people.
Take courage, encourage each other. It is precisely in this period that people need
people to stay afloat in these difficult times.

One should not kill each other with words below the belt. On social media people no
longer feel like reacting to it. They no longer want to join the crowd that belittles other
Have compassion, point out, and if
you can't stand it, put it aside, don't go
along with it. Follow your own path.
Your own path of love and
compassion to your bystanders, But
also compassion to the adversaries.
They can't do better.
Don't judge anyone, don't point your
finger because there are other fingers
pointing at yourself. Don't judge. They
have become like that due to
circumstances. Because of the
environment in which she lived. A lot is caused by an inferiority complex and from
that feeling there are manifestations that are not correct. They want more than
another, they want to rule over another, have power over another.

They too have the opportunity to reverse it and if they fail, they may flow away from
your earth
Of your new world that you can already feel around you.

Margreet is now getting emotional because she now feels that world. That world full
of energy, full of zest for life, happiness, joy and care.
That's going to be your world. Without war, without so much hate. With enough food
for everyone. Sufficient care for the people who are sick. The people who are not sick
are no longer made sick by the pharmaceutical industry.
The doctors' eyes will open. In the last period, many doctors have already come to
support the real truth. They see that it is not right, what happened and what they are
presented with.
You will get fewer complaints from medication. The drugs will be manufactured
differently. Without the additives that keep the diseases instant and without the
additives that make you sick. Alternative care will blossom. What we have always
said alternative care and regular care will work together. One cannot be without the

People will be allowed to die again in a humane way. The whole world will never turn
upside down when a flu wave hits. It will return to normal for people with underlying
illnesses to die from the flu, with proper care. The cause of death is often underlying
diseases in people who in many cases already have a desire to die. One can no
longer stop the dying process and against better judgment, try to keep everyone
alive. Guide the dying person in love in a human way and no longer that she must be
kept alive because you cannot let go of her. You can put things into perspective. And
don't prolong suffering for your own feelings.
Trust it and have courage, know that it will be all right.
Know that anyone in your world who is somewhat sensitive, which is many people,
during this time, sleep badly, are restless and sometimes don't know what they are

Their emotions now come up twice as

hard, so that they can process twice
as hard. That is not easy. That is
There is light on the horizon. Look
forward to that.
Take care of each other, love each
Stay in your strength, in your light, in
your own energy.
We especially want to ask you to
close yourself properly. Close your
own aura well, so that you don't have
to feel anything from another, so you can stay in your own energy. That is very
important because you currently have enough on yourself. You don't have to share
your energy with someone else who comes to fill up with you. Stay in your strength
and shut down.

If you don't succeed, we have had Margreet make a vlog. Then watch and learn to
close yourself properly. Ask us to remind you to do that. This way, no one takes any
of your energy. You can better stay with yourself and you will be less exhausted by
what is happening in this world, your world. What a beautiful world is going to be.

The new world is very, very, near. Keep that in mind.

The last mile is always the hardest.
Then you can all enjoy the future that will be like never before. Like you who can't

Jesus, Michael, Mary, Raphael and Isoritas,

I hope you will again freely distribute this channel without changes including my
language errors.
Love Margreet.

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