Student of The Year: Reaction Paper

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In critical condition and on his death bed, former Dean of St. Theresa’s College,

Yogendora Vasisht, request to see his students for his last batch. Some of them hold

themselves responsible for the Dean for being ill. Then, the film goes into a flashback

set ten years back. Rohan Nanda is the heartthrob in the college and the son of the

Indian Business Tycoon Ashok Nanda. His father wants him to be a business man but

he wants to be a musician. His girlfriend Shanaya Singhania a rich popular girl. She

feels jealous because of Rohan’s constant flirting with Tanya Ishrani. So Shanaya

planned with Abhimanyu Singh (best friend of Rohan and also his rival) to pretend to be

interested in her to make Rohan jealous. So, Rohan put more attention to Shanaya and

the relation became more stable. But there’s a problem Abhi fall in love with Shanaya

and surprisingly she also fell for him. When Rohan found it out, there relationship fall

apart and it sparks the spirits of them to compete for the Student of the Year Award. So,

they give all their efforts and as they compete for this award their friendships to broke

for suspecting they taking advantage of each other. “Pseudo”, Kaisad Irani a genius

student but not blessed in his physical attributes, gets eliminated on dance competition

because of his lack of skills. So, he realizes that the Dean real purpose for making this

award, is to break the relationships students made with each other. On the last portion

of the competition, Rohan won the award. Back in the present, the protagonists came

together to visit their former Dean and as they talk, they found out the truth and realizes

their mistakes and lapses hence, their disagreement had been solved.

The story is a bit of unusual, it is narrated by the main characters by telling their

experiences on their college life starts from a flashback. Unexpectedly, it gives the

viewer a new spice and for me it is one of its strengths. One of the factors why I enjoyed

the movie is the actors/actresses had a very good job on portraying their respective

characters, it’s very much on international level. Also, the looks it really complement the

story. Thus, the movie offers a typical Bollywood experience with its vibrant colors,
catchy songs, and glamorous settings and energy they offer. Its new for us because we

are not accustomed of its genre and unexpectedly it amazed us. But every movie has

deficiencies, so do the “Student of the Year”. It shows the bad side of the youth like

flirting with other girls while having a girlfriend but for some it’s a good because we are

being exposed on what is the right and wrongs that can happen in a relationship and I

feel really proud because I’m not the likes of the bad characters in the story.

Overall, the movie “Student of the Year” had a very amusing plot, they had a lot

of twist and its very realistic or relatable. It is a good movie for teenagers and I would

also recommend it to students to watch, because it will motivate them to focus on their

studies and strengthening their relations with other people. Also, other than lessons it

can provide as amusement to ease our boredom. You may watch with your friends.

Thank you.


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