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Student of the year was held every year at St. Teresa school for 25 consecutive

years. The Dean was hospitalized and the only batch he can remember was the last

batch so the coach calls them and told them to visit the Dean. After calling them each of

them is having a flashback of what happened on the competition of student of the year.

The only participant of that competition is the new corners at St. Teresa school whoever

win the student of the year will have a support on going to college at abroad by using

the trust fund of the school. Every student is eager to win the trophy. Each of them was

doing their best and willing to sabotage their friend just to win the trophy. During the

competition the group of friends got separated. At the very end of the video is the

realizations of each of them.

Watching the student of the year make me feel different emotion. I feel sad for

Adhi, he lives a hard life and until now the burden was still there his relative always told

him that when he is there, they got unlucky. Because of not having a family to support

him he has to do his best just to get the trophy. For Tanya I feel ashamed instead of her

she like to cling in Rahan even though that person has a girlfriend. At first, I hate Rahan

for being a playboy not until I watch further. He also has a difficulty dealing with her

father for expecting too much from him even though he is trying his best that he can just

to make his father proud. For Shanaya I was annoyed on her because she keeps on

loving Rohan even though he keeps on having an affair. My heartache for each of them

for having a parent that has a high expectation, having a parent that do not care about

their child’s feeling and for keep on pressuring them. Keep on telling things to do but not

asking what you feel, even if you do your best but for them you did not it feels heavy on


Overall, I slightly like the movie because watching it I feel sad, happy and

annoyed. The type of tone they use is not my type as I feel sleepy as the movie

continues. I like the story itself not the way it is delivered. Watching it make me feel

different emotions.

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