Action Plan

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Action Plan:

1. Identify your specific needs and limitations:

 The first step is to assess the situation and understand the specific needs
and limitations. Consider seeking guidance from a healthcare
professional, physical therapist or an occupational therapist to better
understand your physical abilities and limitations.

2. Create a supportive learning environment:

 Once you understand your needs and limitations, create an environment
that supports your learning needs. This may include adjustments to the
physical environment such as installing handrails, ramps, or elevators, or
modifying the seating arrangements in a classroom to ensure that you
have adequate space and support.

3. Explore assistive technology and tools:

 There are many assistive technologies and tools available that can help
learners with such as walkers, wheelchairs, crutches, or braces, or
software applications and speech recognition tools to aid in your difficulty
in walking and moving. Consider using assistive devices learning process.

4. Develop a personalized learning plan:

 Work with your teacher or tutor to develop a personalized learning plan
that accommodates your learning needs and goals. This plan should
include specific learning objectives, learning strategies, and
accommodations that align with your learning needs.

5. Build a supportive learning network:

 Build a network of support that includes family, friends, teachers, and
healthcare professionals. These individuals can provide emotional
support, guidance, and encouragement to help you stay motivated and
focused on your learning goals.

6. Practice self-care:
 It's important to take care of yourself both physically and emotionally.
Practice good self-care by getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and
engaging in regular exercise or physical therapy to maintain your physical

Parent Response:
 As a parent of a learner with difficulty in walking and moving, my role as a
parent is to guide my child in every school participations and activities, it is
also my role to give the needed of my child specially in school, I also need
to ensure the safeness of my child in every school activities. As a parent
of a learner with difficulty in walking and moving I will make sure to use my
voice to advocate the rights of my child.

1. Do you think parents are involved enough in enabling the
participation of their children with disability? What made you think
 We do not think that the parents are always involved enough because it is
unclear what kind of information is available in enabling the participation of
their children with disability in literature about what parents live through,
do, and what kind of problems and needs they have in supporting their
child’s participation.

2. How can parents make their role more salient in enabling the
participation of their children with disability?
 The parents will set as an example and promote a positive attitude for
their disabled child regarding in school and the need for an education.
Parents will help to setup discipline and can help them to build self-
confidence especially when participating in the given activities.

3. As a future teacher, how do you plan to involve the parents of your

students with disability in their education?
 We as a future educator, we plan to involve parents of our students with
disability in education by engaging them to cooperate in the activities as
guide to their child in every given task. Furthermore, we plan to educate
first the parents about their childrens disability so that they have
knowledge how to handle their child in a given situation.

Submitted by:
Joseph Peque
Sharrie Jeah Rocete
Trixia Nadine Anumbay
Section: BEED 1A

Submitted to:
Ma’am Ma. Careen Margate

Date passed: April 25, 2023

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