Principles For Selection of Counselling Program Assessing The Needs of Disaster - Affected Persons

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Name: Gurnoor Kaur

Date: 27/09/2023
Principles for selection of counselling program; Assessing the needs of disaster- affected
A disaster is a serious disruption to community life which threatens or causes death or injury
in that community, and damage to property which is beyond the day-to-day capacity of the
prescribed statutory authorities and which requires special mobilizations and organizations of
resources other than those normally available to those authorities.
Principles for selection of counselling program:
• Conduct a thorough needs assessment to understand the psychological and emotional
needs of the affected population. This should include assessing the type and extent of
trauma experienced.
• Counselling programs should be culturally sensitive and tailored to the specific context
and the counsellor must recognize and respect the cultural, linguistic, and religious
diversity of the affected population.
• Implement trauma-informed care principles, which include understanding the impact
of trauma, creating a safe and supportive environment, and avoiding re-traumatization.
• Choose counselling techniques and interventions that are evidence-based and have been
shown to be effective in addressing trauma and mental health issues in disaster settings.
• Ensure that counsellors are adequately trained and supervised. This includes ongoing
professional development to keep them updated on best practices.
• Make counselling services accessible to all affected individuals, including those with
disabilities or special needs. Consider physical accessibility as well as providing
services in multiple languages.
• Involve the affected community in the design and implementation of counselling
programs, their input can help tailor services to their specific needs and preferences.
• Be prepared to adapt counselling programs as the situation evolves. Disaster
management is dynamic, and the needs of the population may change over time.
• Adhere to ethical guidelines and standards in counselling and mental health services.
This includes informed consent, avoiding conflicts of interest, and maintaining
professional boundaries.
Assessing the needs of disaster- affected persons:
• Assess medical needs, injuries, and the availability of medical facilities. Ensure that
critical medical care is provided promptly.
• Determine food and water requirements, ensuring that affected persons have access to
safe and adequate nutrition and clean drinking water.
• Assess the availability of shelter and safety concerns. Provide emergency shelter for
those displaced by the disaster.
• Identify immediate psychosocial needs and provide Psychological First Aid (PFA) to
individuals in distress.
• Assess the impact on livelihoods and employment opportunities. Determine the need
for livelihood support and economic recovery programs.
• Evaluate the status of healthcare infrastructure and the need for ongoing medical care
and mental health support.
• Assess the impact on education facilities and the educational needs of children and
youth. Provide educational support as required.
• Evaluate the damage to critical infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and utilities, and
prioritize reconstruction efforts.
• Assess any environmental damage and address ecological and environmental needs.



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