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School. Id : 12816
School : SMK Negeri 1 Pangkalpinang

 Background

Every student who graduates from a Vocational High School (SMK) is required
to have skills and be ready to work because Vocational High School (SMK)
graduates are usually not recognized by the business/industry world. Therefore,
a Dual System Education (PSG) program is being held, namely by implementing
Field Work Practices (PKL) so that every student who graduates from a
Vocational High School (SMK) has experience in the business world before
entering the business world for real after graduating from school.

The PKL program will provide valuable work experience for students. Apart
from that, students will also learn how to get a job and learn to have a job that
suits the student's interests and talents. The aim of holding this field work
practice is so that students can apply the skills acquired at school in work fields
that are appropriate to their respective expertise programs. PKL objectives:

Producing workers who are able to have professional skills, namely workers
who have the knowledge, skills and work ethic that suit the demands of the world
of work. Increasing alignment (link and match) between educational and
vocational training institutions and the industrial world. Increasing the efficiency of
providing education and training for professional quality workers, by utilizing
existing training resources in the world of work. Providing recognition and
appreciation for work experience as part of the educational process.

Based on the goals above, it is hoped that students will be able to become
workers who are of high quality and of course professional. Through the PKL
program, students' experience and insight into the world of work will increase
greatly so that students' work readiness will be better. Benefits of street vendors

According to Oemar Hamalik, PKL has the benefit of being an integral part of
the training program, industrial practice needs to be carried out by students
because it contains many benefits. The following is a complete description of the
benefits of street vendors: Provides opportunities for students to practice
management skills in actual workplace situations. This is important in order to
learn to apply the theories, concepts and principles that have been studied
previously. Providing practical experiences to students so that research results
expand. Providing opportunities for students to solve various management
problems in the work environment by utilizing their abilities. Bringing and bridging
students' preparations to enter the world of work so that students are well

And the writer practiced field work at the Pangkalpinang Samsat. Samsat is
an integrated cooperation system between the National Police, the Provincial
Revenue Service, and PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) in the service of issuing STNK
and Motor Vehicle Registration Numbers which is linked to the income of money
into the state treasury either through Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB), Return Fee.
Name of Motor Vehicle, and Mandatory Contribution to the Road Traffic Accident
Fund (SWDKLLJJ), and carried out in one office called the "Samsat Joint Office".

 Objectives of Field Work Practice Objectives

~ Objectives of Implementing Field Work Practices
This Field Work Practice is specifically carried out for Vocational High School
(SMK) students, this activity aims to:
a. Improving the quality and quality of vocational school education through
the role of the world of work.
b. Increasing efficiency in the education and training process for quality
c. Produce workers who have the knowledge, skills and work ethic that suit
the needs in the workplace.
d. Providing knowledge and work experience as part of the educational
e. Obtaining harmony and equality between school and the world of work.
f. Expand students' views of the types of work that exist in the relevant field
or place of practice with all its requirements.
g. Have a standard level of competency as required by the world of work.
h. Implementing the theory that has been obtained at Vocational High School
(SMK) in the world of work.
i. Can absorb technological developments and work culture for the sake of
~ Purpose of Writing a Report
After carrying out Field Work Practices (PKL), students who have
carried out PKL are required to write a report on the activities that have been
carried out at UPTB BAKUDA. It is intended to:
a. As a condition for taking the Skills Competency Test.
b. As one of the requirements for taking the Final School Examination (UAS).
c. As proof of having participated in the Industrial Work Practice program.
d. As a condition for obtaining a Field Work Practice (PKL) certificate.
e. As a lesson for students how to write reports well and correctly.
f. For input for schools in developing lesson materials.
g. So that students can be trained to be independent, brave, responsible and
h. Increasing the efficiency of the education process and training of quality

 Formulation of the problem

Contains problems according to the title to be discussed in the Field Work
Practices (PKL) report.
1. What is motor vehicle tax?
2. What is the service process for registering motor vehicle tax?

 Method of collecting data

To perfect the data needed in preparing this report, the author carried out data
collection methods in 4 (four) ways, namely:
A. Interview
When the writer was at the street vendoor’s place the writer was
placed in the information section . There I asked “what is the tranfer of in
and out of vehicles?”, “what is fiskal?”, “what is the difference between an
annual tax and five-year tax?”
B. Heritage Studies / Internet media information (literature or library)
Apart from asking questions with office employees, I also looked for
information from other sources, namely the internet. I'm looking to find out
"why do motor vehicles with different addresses have to be transferred?",
"what are the requirements for a vehicle transfer?", "can we pay taxes
using photocopy ID cards?"

 Understanding motor vehicle tax

Motor vehicle tax (PKB) is a tax on ownership or control of motor vehicles
(vehicles with two or more wheels and their trailers used on all types of land
roads and driven by technical equipment in the form of motorbikes or other
equipment whose function is to convert certain energy resources into mechanical
power motorized vehicles in question, including large moving equipment).

 In general, the description of the motor vehicle registration

service process at the SAMSAT office in Pangkalpinang City is
as follows:

a. Information Services
The information service aims to provide detailed explanations to taxpayers
who will ask directly about the motor vehicle service process carried out at the
SAMSAT Pangkalpinang office. The information service in question includes
the requirements that must be completed for each type of request, the amount
of fees/tariffs and the service mechanism. Every taxpayer who wishes to
register can obtain the widest possible information relating to the proposed
motor vehicle registration.

b. Registration
This process consists of receiving motor vehicle registration after the
taxpayer has filled out the registration form according to the type of service
requested and completed the requirements file, as well as submitting it to the
SAMSAT implementing officer for processing and researching the application
file. During the process, taxpayers wait for a summons to process payment or
collect STNK, SKPD and TNKB.

For the sake of a smooth and orderly service process, the processing must be
in accordance with the queue number. If the file is declared suitable, the file is
submitted to data input matters. The service officer invites the applicant to wait
until the next notification or summons for the process.
c. Data Input and Publishing SSPD
This process contains the process of entering the taxpayer's police number
(NOPOL) into the registration computer to determine the taxpayer's personal
and vehicle identity data, the legality of motor vehicle ownership and the level
of taxpayer compliance in paying motor vehicle tax.

Through this process, the amount of tax is determined according to the

motor vehicle identification (type, model, year of assembly, and cylinder
contents) and SWDKLLJ. The officer will print the SSPD as the basis for
payment by the taxpayer.

d. SSPD correction
In this process, corrections are made to the SSPD by correction officers
(correctors) from each agency. Corrections include conformity to motor vehicle
identification, motor vehicle tax, and SWDKLLJ.

e. Payment
Taxpayers will pay motorbike tax and SWDKLLJ according to the SSPD
after a payment order is issued. Payment is made to the designated bank.
Bank officers will validate the SSPD as proof that motor vehicle tax has been

f. Validation
SAMSAT implementing officers from the police will validate the issuance of
STNK for taxpayers who register for validation or renewal of motor vehicles.

g. Submission of STNK and SKPD

In this process, the STNK and SKPD are combined in one packaging/plastic
wrapper to be handed over to the taxpayer. For the motor vehicle validation
registration process, the combination/packaging is between the SKPD and the
old STNK, each of which has been validated. Meanwhile, for the motor vehicle
renewal registration process, the merging/packaging is between the SKPD and
the new STNK, each of which has been validated.

Every process of handing over STNK and SKPD to taxpayers must be

accompanied by documented evidence. as proof that motor vehicle tax has
been paid.

After carrying out the field work practice (PKL) program for 3 months, starting
from June 26 2023 to September 26 2023. At the Regional Financial Agency
(Pangkalpinang City Regional Agency Technical Implementation Unit), the author
can conclude that:.

1. Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB) is a tax on ownership or control of motor vehicles.

2. The object of the PKB is the ownership or control of motorized vehicles used
on all types of land roads.

3. So the Progressive Tariff is the tax rate for motor vehicles that have more than
one vehicle, and usually this rate is imposed on cars.

4. NJKB or vehicle sale and purchase value is a method or condition and basis
for calculating the imposition of motor vehicle tax.

5. Taxpayers are individuals or entities that own motorized vehicles. Taxpayers

who make tax payments are given proof of payment or payment of tax.

6. PKB rates are divided into 3 groups according to the type of motor vehicle
ownership, namely:

a. 1.5% for non-public motorized vehicles

b. 1% for public motorized vehicles

c. 0.2% for motorized vehicles, heavy equipment and large equipment

7. Delays in carrying out registration beyond the stipulated time/due date will be
subject to a fine in the form of an increase of 27% of the Principal Tax plus an
Administrative Sanction in the form of interest of 2% per month, calculated

8. Taxes that are underpaid or late in payment for a maximum period of 24

months are calculated when the tax is due.

9. How to pay Annual Tax at UPT BAKUDA, Bangka Belitung Islands Province,
Pangkalpinang City Area, is very easy because we only need to bring a
photocopy of the old KTP, STNK and Tax Notice.

If the reference/reference is from a government publication:

MERINDA PURNAMA SARI, 2019 Street Vendor Report

 Time
The implementation time

for Field Work Practices (PKL), Academic Year 2023/2024 will be held from 276
June to 26 September 2023.

Day Entry Time Home Time

Monday 07.45 01.30
Tuesday 07.45 01.30
Wednesday 07.45 01.30
Thursday 07.45 01.30
Friday 07.45 11.00
Saturday 07.45 12.30
sunday Holiday Holiday

 Activity photos

serve the community press the queue number

 Interview :
Incoming and outgoing mutations for vehicles are if their vehicle has a
different address between STNK and KTP., Fiscal is the process of revoking
files from one region to another., The difference between the annual tax and
the 5 year tax is that if the annual tax is only paying the tax, whereas for the
five year tax it is time to change the vehicle plate.

 Heritage Studies / Internet media information (literature or library) :

Motorized vehicles with different addresses must be transferred because if

they are not transferred they cannot be processed. because the data is at the
address that matches the STNK., To pay taxes using a photocopy of your
KTP in the Pangkal Pinang area, you cannot at least attach a photo of your
original KTP via cellphone.

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