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10-21 04:58:21:766 21092 21092 I SecurityComApplication: romSupport: true, version:, isSystemApplication: true
10-21 04:58:21:779 21092 21092 E StatusManager: getFeatures exception:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method getFeatures()I in class
Lcom/scorpio/securitycom/SecurityComAccessManager; or its super classes
(declaration of 'com.scorpio.securitycom.SecurityComAccessManager' appears in
10-21 04:58:21:787 21092 21092 I StatusManager: Features: 0
10-21 04:58:21:801 21092 21092 E SecurityCom: isSupportBlockIncomingCall error:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: getBlockIncomingCallStatus [class
java.lang.String, int]
10-21 04:58:21:813 21092 21092 I StatusManager: mWatermarkNewMethod: false,
mTeeSupport: false, isTeeDisabled: false ,mSupportBlockIncomingCall:
false ,mSupportGetAllSdiMethodfalse, RomVersion:
10-21 04:58:21:824 21092 21092 E SecurityCom: isSupportWaterMarkNewMethod error:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: addWaterMark [class java.lang.String, int, int,
int, int, int, int, int]
10-21 04:58:21:838 21092 21092 E SecurityCom: isSupportGetAllSdi error:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: getAllSdi []
10-21 04:58:21:882 21092 21092 I SettingGlobalUtils: ScSuwEnabled: 0
10-21 04:58:21:894 21092 21092 I SettingGlobalUtils: isAdbEnabled: 1
10-21 04:58:21:902 21092 21092 I SettingGlobalUtils:
refreshDevelopmentSettingsEnabled: 0
10-21 04:58:21:919 21092 21092 W SecurityComManager: Can't get method:
10-21 04:58:22:023 21092 21092 I StatusManager: offset: 1616, data: 8,
needUpdateMd5: false
10-21 04:58:22:040 21092 21092 I IntegrityCheckUtils: checkDataIntegrity
DataIntegrityFlag: 0x28, isDataIntegral: true, integrity_atomicity: 0
10-21 04:58:22:064 21092 21092 I StatusManager: offset: 66, data: 1, needUpdateMd5:
10-21 04:58:22:088 21092 21142 I SecurityComApplication: GSLB init ridRecoup: 1,
countryCode: 0
10-21 04:58:22:105 21092 21142 I StatusManager: getKeepAliveSwitch: false
10-21 04:58:22:113 21092 21142 I SecurityComApplication: deviceState:
registered,isSimLockSupport: false
10-21 04:58:22:118 21092 21092 I SecurityComApplication: register ContentObserver
10-21 04:58:22:129 21092 21142 I StatusManager: offset: 334, data: 11,
needUpdateMd5: false
10-21 04:58:22:142 21092 21092 I TPushHelpUtil: onSuccess clientId not null
10-21 04:58:22:148 21092 21142 I StatusManager: offset: 345, data: 4,
needUpdateMd5: false
10-21 04:58:22:156 21092 21142 I StatusManager: setVersionType: 0
10-21 04:58:22:173 21092 21143 I SecurityComApplication: GSLB init success
10-21 04:58:22:187 21092 21092 I TPushHelpUtil: initClientId
10-21 05:08:13:624 23380 23380 I SecurityComApplication: romSupport: true, version:, isSystemApplication: true
10-21 05:08:13:691 23380 23380 E StatusManager: getFeatures exception:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method getFeatures()I in class
Lcom/scorpio/securitycom/SecurityComAccessManager; or its super classes
(declaration of 'com.scorpio.securitycom.SecurityComAccessManager' appears in
10-21 05:08:13:698 23380 23380 E SecurityCom: isSupportWaterMarkNewMethod error:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: addWaterMark [class java.lang.String, int, int,
int, int, int, int, int]
10-21 05:08:13:706 23380 23380 I StatusManager: Features: 0
10-21 05:08:13:725 23380 23380 E SecurityCom: isSupportGetAllSdi error:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: getAllSdi []
10-21 05:08:13:755 23380 23380 E SecurityCom: isSupportBlockIncomingCall error:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: getBlockIncomingCallStatus [class
java.lang.String, int]
10-21 05:08:13:777 23380 23380 I StatusManager: mWatermarkNewMethod: false,
mTeeSupport: false, isTeeDisabled: false ,mSupportBlockIncomingCall:
false ,mSupportGetAllSdiMethodfalse, RomVersion:
10-21 05:08:13:972 23380 23380 I SettingGlobalUtils: ScSuwEnabled: 0
10-21 05:08:13:984 23380 23380 W SecurityComManager: Can't get method:
10-21 05:08:13:997 23380 23380 I SettingGlobalUtils:
refreshDevelopmentSettingsEnabled: 0
10-21 05:08:14:024 23380 23380 I SettingGlobalUtils: isAdbEnabled: 1
10-21 05:08:14:339 23380 23380 I StatusManager: offset: 1616, data: 8,
needUpdateMd5: false
10-21 05:08:14:355 23380 23380 I IntegrityCheckUtils: checkDataIntegrity
DataIntegrityFlag: 0x28, isDataIntegral: true, integrity_atomicity: 0
10-21 05:08:14:369 23380 23380 I StatusManager: offset: 66, data: 1, needUpdateMd5:
10-21 05:08:14:383 23380 23494 I SecurityComApplication: GSLB init ridRecoup: 1,
countryCode: 0
10-21 05:08:14:424 23380 23380 I SecurityComApplication: register ContentObserver
10-21 05:08:14:434 23380 23494 I SecurityComApplication: deviceState:
registered,isSimLockSupport: false
10-21 05:08:14:447 23380 23494 I StatusManager: getKeepAliveSwitch: false
10-21 05:08:14:463 23380 23495 I SecurityComApplication: GSLB init success
10-21 05:08:14:475 23380 23494 I StatusManager: offset: 334, data: 11,
needUpdateMd5: false
10-21 05:08:14:500 23380 23494 I StatusManager: setVersionType: 0
10-21 05:08:14:525 23380 23494 I StatusManager: offset: 345, data: 4,
needUpdateMd5: false
10-21 05:08:14:549 23380 23380 I TPushHelpUtil: initClientId
10-21 05:08:14:581 23380 23380 I TPushHelpUtil: onSuccess clientId not null
10-21 05:08:15:428 23380 23500 I SecurityComPush: Push onSdkInitSuccessclientId not
null,token: not null
10-21 07:54:48:244 29232 29232 I SecurityComApplication: romSupport: true, version:, isSystemApplication: true
10-21 07:54:48:292 29232 29232 I StatusManager: Features: 0
10-21 07:54:48:320 29232 29232 E StatusManager: getFeatures exception:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method getFeatures()I in class
Lcom/scorpio/securitycom/SecurityComAccessManager; or its super classes
(declaration of 'com.scorpio.securitycom.SecurityComAccessManager' appears in
10-21 07:54:48:334 29232 29232 E SecurityCom: isSupportBlockIncomingCall error:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: getBlockIncomingCallStatus [class
java.lang.String, int]
10-21 07:54:48:377 29232 29232 E SecurityCom: isSupportGetAllSdi error:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: getAllSdi []
10-21 07:54:48:414 29232 29232 I SettingGlobalUtils: ScSuwEnabled: 0
10-21 07:54:48:463 29232 29232 I StatusManager: mWatermarkNewMethod: false,
mTeeSupport: false, isTeeDisabled: false ,mSupportBlockIncomingCall:
false ,mSupportGetAllSdiMethodfalse, RomVersion:
10-21 07:54:48:569 29232 29232 I SettingGlobalUtils:
refreshDevelopmentSettingsEnabled: 0
10-21 07:54:48:917 29232 29232 W SecurityComManager: Can't get method:
10-21 07:54:49:043 29232 29232 E SecurityCom: isSupportWaterMarkNewMethod error:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: addWaterMark [class java.lang.String, int, int,
int, int, int, int, int]
10-21 07:54:49:204 29232 29232 I SettingGlobalUtils: isAdbEnabled: 1
10-21 07:54:49:305 29232 29232 I StatusManager: offset: 1616, data: 8,
needUpdateMd5: false
10-21 07:54:49:389 29232 29232 I IntegrityCheckUtils: checkDataIntegrity
DataIntegrityFlag: 0x28, isDataIntegral: true, integrity_atomicity: 0
10-21 07:54:49:677 29232 29232 I StatusManager: offset: 66, data: 1, needUpdateMd5:
10-21 07:54:49:943 29232 29308 I SecurityComApplication: GSLB init ridRecoup: 1,
countryCode: 0
10-21 07:54:49:976 29232 29232 I SecurityComApplication: register ContentObserver
10-21 07:54:50:153 29232 29308 I StatusManager: getKeepAliveSwitch: false
10-21 07:54:50:501 29232 29308 I SecurityComApplication: deviceState:
registered,isSimLockSupport: false
10-21 07:54:50:767 29232 29308 I StatusManager: offset: 334, data: 11,
needUpdateMd5: false
10-21 07:54:50:818 29232 29308 I StatusManager: offset: 345, data: 4,
needUpdateMd5: false
10-21 07:54:50:927 29232 29232 I TPushHelpUtil: initClientId
10-21 07:54:50:942 29232 29232 I TPushHelpUtil: onSuccess clientId not null
10-21 07:54:50:959 29232 29308 I StatusManager: setVersionType: 0
10-21 07:54:51:004 29232 29309 I SecurityComApplication: GSLB init success

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