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Big cities often have a reputation for being rude, unfriendly places for tourists. Journalist Tim
Moore went to three cities, New York, Paris and Rome, to find out if this is true. He went
dressed as a foreign tourist and did three tests to see which city had the friendliest and more
polite inhabitants. The three tests were:

1. The photo test

Tim asked people in the street to take his photo (not just one, but several – with his hat, without
his hat, etc.) Did he find someone to do it?

2. The shopping test

Tim bought something in a shop and gave the shop assistant too much money. Did the shop
assistant give back the extra money?

3. The accident test

Tim pretended to fall over in the street. Did anybody come and help him?

New York Paris Rome

The photo test I asked an office worker I asked some I asked a very chic
who was eating his gardeners to take woman in sunglasses.
sandwiches to take a some photos of me in She took a photo of
photo of me. “Of course front of the Eiffel me with my hat on,
I’ll take your picture. Tower. They couldn’t then without my hat.
Again? Sure! Again? No stop laughing when Then with my
problem! Have a nice they saw my hat. sunglasses. Then she
day!” asked me to take a
photo of her!

The shopping I bought an I love New I bought some fruit in a I bought a copy of The
test York T-shirt and drinks greengrocer’s and Times from a
from two different gave the man a lot of newspaper seller near
people. I gave them too coins. He carefully the railway station. It
much money but they all took the exact amount. was three euros. I
gave me the extra gave the man four and
money back. he didn’t give me any

The accident I fell over in Central I fell over in the When I fell over about
test Park. I didn’t have to Champs Elysees. A eight people
wait more than thirty minute passed before immediately hurried to
seconds “O dear”, a someone said “Are you help me.
man said. “Is this your OK?” And he was
camera? I think it’s Scottish”
1) Leia o texto e então responda as perguntas abaixo. Escreva as respostas em inglês.

a) Which city do you think was the friendliest in the photo test? 🡪

b) In which city did he take a photo too? 🡪

c) In the shopping test, where didn’t he get the right change? 🡪

d) Where did he buy a souvenir? 🡪

e) In the accident test, where did he wait longest for help? 🡪

f) In which city were people most helpful? 🡪

2) Responda as perguntas de forma que elas sejam verdadeiras para você. Escreva as
suas respostas em inglês.

a) Which city was the friendliest of the three?


b) Do you think Maringá would pass in the three tests? Why?


3) Complete os espaços usando as palavras abaixo.

greengrocer – gardener – newspaper seller – railway station – money – office worker


TEACHER: Lael Eduardo de Oliveira Lima DATE: / / 2020

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