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DOA :- 25/10/23
DOS :-30/10/23
Q1. Explain various diversity techniques in detail ?
Ans:- Diversity techniques play a significant role in mobile communications to improve
signal quality, mitigate fading and interference, and enhance overall system performance.
These techniques are particularly crucial in wireless environments, where signal propagation
conditions can be highly variable and challenging. Several diversity techniques are
commonly employed in mobile communication systems:

1. Spatial Diversity: Spatial diversity in mobile communication involves the use of

multiple antennas at the transmitter and/or receiver. Multiple Input Multiple Output
(MIMO) technology is a popular implementation of spatial diversity, where multiple
antennas are used to transmit and receive data simultaneously. MIMO exploits
multipath propagation by transmitting independent data streams through different
antennas, which can significantly improve data rates, spectral efficiency, and link

2. Frequency Diversity: Frequency diversity is used in mobile communication to combat

frequency-selective fading and improve link reliability. This technique involves
transmitting the same data over multiple frequency channels, allowing the receiver to
select the best quality signal among the received frequencies. Frequency hopping
spread spectrum (FHSS) and orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) are
common methods that leverage frequency diversity to enhance signal robustness in
mobile communication systems.

3. Time Diversity: Time diversity is utilized to combat fading and improve signal
reliability in time-varying wireless channels. In mobile communication, this technique
involves transmitting the same data over different time instances, allowing the
receiver to combine the different versions of the signal. Time diversity is often
employed in conjunction with error correction coding and interleaving to mitigate the
effects of burst errors and improve overall system performance.

4. Polarization Diversity: While less common in traditional mobile communication,

polarization diversity can be used in specific scenarios to combat polarization
mismatch, especially in satellite communications. By transmitting signals with
different polarization states and utilizing antennas that can receive different
polarizations, the system can mitigate the effects of polarization fading and enhance
signal quality and reliability.
5. Path Diversity: Path diversity is critical in mobile communication, especially in urban
environments where signals can encounter obstacles and experience multipath
propagation. Techniques such as maximal ratio combining (MRC) and selection
combining (SC) are commonly employed to exploit the diversity of propagation paths,
combining multiple received signals to improve the overall signal quality and

These diversity techniques are vital in ensuring robust and reliable mobile communication,
especially in the face of challenging and dynamic wireless propagation environments. By
leveraging various forms of diversity, mobile communication systems can achieve higher data
rates, improved coverage, and enhanced quality of service for users.

Q2. Compare IS-95 WCDMA and CDMA2000 ?

Ans:- IS-95, WCDMA, and CDMA2000 are all different standards of CDMA (Code
Division Multiple Access) technology used in mobile communications. While IS-95 and
CDMA2000 are based on the CDMA technology, WCDMA (Wideband Code Division
Multiple Access) is a different standard that falls under the umbrella of the broader category
of CDMA.

Here's a comparison of IS-95, WCDMA, and CDMA2000:

IS-95 (cdmaOne):
 IS-95, also known as cdmaOne, was the first commercial CDMA technology standard.
It was primarily used for 2G mobile communication systems.
 IS-95 had limited data transmission capabilities, providing data rates of up to 14.4
 It used a frequency band of 1.25 MHz and supported voice and data services.
 WCDMA is a standard that falls under the family of 3G technologies based on the
CDMA platform.
 It provides higher data transfer rates compared to IS-95, supporting data rates of up to
384 kbps for mobile users.
 WCDMA offers improved spectral efficiency and higher capacity, enabling the
provision of high-speed data services, multimedia applications, and internet access.
 CDMA2000 is an advanced version of the CDMA technology and is used for 3G and
4G mobile communication systems.
 CDMA2000 offers significantly higher data rates compared to both IS-95 and
WCDMA, supporting data rates of up to several Mbps.
 It includes different standards such as 1xRTT, EV-DO, and EV-DV, providing
enhanced voice and high-speed data services, including internet access and
multimedia applications.
In terms of data rates and capabilities, CDMA2000 offers the highest performance among the
three standards, making it suitable for providing advanced mobile services and high-speed
data transfer. WCDMA, although also a 3G standard, provides intermediate data rates and
capabilities. IS-95, being the oldest, has the lowest data rates and is mainly used for voice

Q3. The IS-95 system user a rate 1/2 convolutional encoding in the forward
channel and rate 1/3 convolutional coding in the reverse channel. What
were the reasons for doing so ?
Ans:- The choice of using different convolutional coding rates in the forward and reverse
channels of the IS-95 system was driven by several technical considerations and requirements
to optimize performance and efficiency. These decisions were made to address specific
challenges and constraints in each channel. Here are some reasons for using a rate 1/2
convolutional encoding in the forward channel and a rate 1/3 convolutional coding in the
reverse channel in the IS-95 system:

1. Asymmetric Traffic Requirements: The forward channel in the IS-95 system is

primarily used for broadcasting information from the base station to multiple mobile
devices. In contrast, the reverse channel is used for transmitting data from individual
mobile devices to the base station. The different convolutional coding rates were
chosen to accommodate the asymmetric nature of traffic requirements in these

2. Different Error Sensitivity: The choice of the coding rates also considers the
differences in the sensitivity to errors in the forward and reverse channels. A rate 1/2
convolutional code in the forward channel provides a good balance between data rate
and error correction capability, ensuring reliable data transmission to multiple users.
In the reverse channel, the rate 1/3 convolutional coding provides a higher level of
error correction to improve the reliability of data transmitted from individual mobile
devices to the base station.

3. Channel Characteristics: The decision to use different convolutional coding rates may
also have been influenced by the specific characteristics of the forward and reverse
channels in terms of noise, interference, and signal propagation conditions. Adapting
the coding rates to the unique channel conditions helps optimize the overall system
performance and ensure efficient use of available bandwidth.

4. Spectral Efficiency Considerations: The use of different coding rates allows for better
utilization of the available spectrum while maintaining the required levels of
reliability and performance. By employing different coding rates in the forward and
reverse channels, the IS-95 system can achieve a balance between spectral efficiency
and error correction capabilities, thereby maximizing the overall system capacity and

By employing different convolutional coding rates in the forward and reverse channels, the
IS-95 system aimed to achieve a balance between data rate, spectral efficiency, and error
correction capabilities, thereby ensuring reliable and efficient communication between the
base station and mobile devices.

Q4. Write a note on Altamonte Scheme?


Q5. Difference between GSM and EDGE

Ans:- GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) and EDGE (Enhanced Data rates
for GSM Evolution) are both standards for digital mobile networks. While GSM is a second-
generation (2G) technology, EDGE is an enhancement of the GSM standard that falls under
the category of 2.5G. Here are the key differences between GSM and EDGE:

1. Data Speed: GSM was primarily designed for voice communication, offering data
transfer rates of up to 14.4 kbps. On the other hand, EDGE is an enhancement of
GSM that significantly improves data transfer rates, offering speeds of up to 384
kbps. This increase in data speeds made EDGE capable of supporting basic internet
browsing, email, and other data-intensive applications.

2. Technology and Efficiency: GSM and EDGE use different modulation techniques.
GSM uses GMSK (Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying) modulation, while EDGE
employs 8PSK (Eight-Phase Shift Keying) modulation. This modulation enhancement
in EDGE allows for higher data rates and improved spectral efficiency compared to
the original GSM standard.
3. Upgrade Path: EDGE is an evolutionary upgrade of the GSM technology. It uses the
same infrastructure as GSM, allowing for a seamless transition from GSM to EDGE
without significant infrastructure changes. This backward compatibility makes it cost-
effective for network operators to implement EDGE in existing GSM networks to
support higher data speeds and improve the overall user experience without the need
for a complete network overhaul.

4. Deployment and Coverage: While GSM networks are widespread globally and
provide basic voice and data services, EDGE technology has been deployed in many
regions as an interim step before the introduction of 3G networks. EDGE is
particularly useful in areas where the deployment of 3G networks may not be
economically feasible or where 3G spectrum licenses are not available. It allows for
improved data services within the limitations of existing GSM infrastructure.

5. Spectrum Efficiency: EDGE offers improved spectrum efficiency compared to GSM,

enabling higher data throughput without the need for additional bandwidth allocation.
This makes it a cost-effective solution for delivering data services in areas where
spectrum resources are limited or expensive to acquire.

Overall, EDGE represents a significant improvement over the original GSM standard,
enabling higher data speeds and better support for data-intensive applications, while
maintaining compatibility with existing GSM infrastructure.

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