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The thing that I learned about the video we watched is all about bullying. First of all,
what is bullying? Bullying is a form of harassment, verbal and physical, social behaviour that
intends to cause physical, social, and psychological harm. It can involve an individual or a group
misusing their power, or perceived power, over one or more persons who feel unable to stop it
from happening. If bullying is a bad thing to do, then why do bullying still exists? What is the
reason why they still do it? What should we do if someone bully us? Should we let our emotions
control us?

People bully because some of them have low self-esteem, lacked of attention, and feel
unworthy and unimportant, or they also find it quite fun. The reason they bully others, because
they are seeking for an attention, because if they are in the house, they don’t feel loved and
worthy. They want to dominate others and improve their social status and wanted to feel better
about themselves. Some people who have been victims of bullying to look for a way to retaliate
or seek revenge. Popularity is also a cause of bullying, people who are popular often make fun of
people who are less popular.

Based on the video we watched, if someone bullies us, the thing that we need to do is to
ignore them and do not get affected whatever they will say to yourself or be calm and give them
a compliment so that they will stop bullying you. In my opinion, if you get bullied you shouldn’t
let your emotions control you, even you're angry. I also got bullied in my kindergarten and
elementary days. She’s my classmate and my friend I will not name her, that time we were
practicing for our moving up, the teacher spoke. My mother gave me a burger and when I
already get the burger. She walked towards me and then she said that if she can get some of my
burgers. But I told her no because I was really hungry. After I said that she rolled her eyes and
punched my stomach, I wanted to cry that time because of the pain that I felt, but the thing that
I did was I tried to be brave and not cry, I felt anger at that time. I also wanted to punch her, but
instead the thing that I did is ignore her and told it to my mother that she punched me. My
mother instructed me that I should tell it to her mother, and I followed my mother’s advice.
Next in my elementary days, one of my classmates bullied me because I was skinny. He said that
I looked like a skeleton, this time I talked back, but what happened after that, his bullying got
even worse, he always bullied me and wouldn't stop annoying me until the end of the school
year. Sometimes I also bully people, but in a joke way and I know sometimes I break the limits
and hurt their feelings.

The bottom line of this reflection, if someone bullies you, try not to argue and just avoid
them or report them to your teacher, parent, or a person older than you. Try to compliment
them or make them feel worthy in this world, they will stop bothering you, maybe they will
become your friend after you say something nice that boosts their confidence and, can
persuade them to stop the word bullying. Try to talking to them that, bullying other is the way
to make friends or socialize with others, there’s always a way to make friend.

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