Questionnaire, Objectives and Hypothesis

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Demographic Information

Full Name of the respondent (optional)


Name of University:

Name of City:

Name of Province:

Gender: Male Female

Age group: 20 to 30 years 31 to 40 years 30 41 years & older

Ph. D
Qualification: Bachelor Master M.S/M. Phil

Maximum Level of Sports played during student life:

Intercollegiate/ Interclub Intervarsity Provincial National


Sports management experience:

1 to 5 years 6 to 10 years 11 to 16 years 17 years & above

Your University/campus participates in the HEC’s sports events Yes No

Number of times your University won Gold Medals in any of the HEC’s Sporting events
Number of times your University won Silver Medals in any of the HEC’s Sporting events
Number of times your University won Bronze Medals in any of the HEC’s Sporting events
Number of times your University remained winner-up in any of the HEC’s final round
Sports events (excluding zonal level competitions)
Number of times your University remained runner-up in any of the HEC’s final round
Sports events (excluding zonal level competitions)
Survey Questionnaire for Ph. D Research

“An Analysis of Students’ Sports talent and participation in Sports in Higher

Education Institutes: A Comparative Study of the Universities of Sindh and
Punjab”. For each of the questions mentioned in the columns below, please mark a tick to a
column as per your choice.

Strongly disagree (S.D.A)

Disagree (D.A)
Partially Agree (P.A)
Agree (A)
Strongly Agree (S.A)
S. Statement S.D.A D.A P.A A S.A
No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
14 The players of our University are found with responsible behavior in sports
15 The players of our University express their keen interest in their sports
16 The players of our University obey the orders of their concerned Sports
17 Our University players focus on productivity (positive output)
18 Our University Players prioritize sports over their families.
19 Our University Players prioritize sports over their friends and social life.
20 Our University Players prefer their sports and education altogether.
21 Our University players observe delaying techniques when called by concerned.
22 Our University players express their love of the game.
23 Our University Players are found to be determined to success
24 Our University players perceive (observe/ recognize) social status as being
25 Our University Players follow their sports role models
26 Our University Players often plan on goal setting for professional development
27 Our University Players often try to next competitive stage.
28 Our University Players prefer to get exposure
(Overcoming potential obstacles)
29 Our University Players face parental pressure
30 Our University Players express sports as a stressful life event.
31 Our University Players lack exposure opportunities in sports
32 Our University Players have an unprofessional atmosphere
33 Our University Players belong to poor families, therefore face financial issues
34 Our University Players have positive reactions to the mistakes committed by
players themselves
35 Our University players express positive behavior for any type of
mistake/lacking by coaches/managers or University management.
36 Our University players can face criticism
37 Our University players express confidence to increase pressure on the opponent teams
38 Our University players possess enough common sense
39 Our University players have enough parental Support
40 Our University players have enough peer support
41 Our University players have enough managerial support
42 Our University players have enough support from Coaches
43 Our University players have enough parental physical support
44 Sports Week/ Sports Festival is annually organized at our University
45 Apart from sports week/ sports festival Inter-department sports competitions are
also organized
46 Our students take interest in sports events
47 Academic activities are suspended during the annual sports week or sports festival.
To enhance the students' sports participation.
48 I and my team personally motivate students to participate in the sports events
49 Heads of the department (HoDs) encourage students to participate in sports
50 Our University management encourages students to participate in HEC’s Sports
51 Our University teachers happily allow students to participate in Sports events
52 Our students have informed us as they face attendance issues when participating in
the sports events
53 Our students have reported as their academics disturb when participating in sports
54 Suitable Sports grounds for outdoor events are available in our University
55 Indoor halls for indoor sports are available at our University
56 Sports Equipment for indoor and out sports is available
57 Sports equipment is provided always to the University players for their regular
58 The facility of a fitness center/ Gym is available for University players.
59 Talented students in sports are identified during sports week/sports festivals and in
within-campus sports activities
60 Trials are conducted for better talent selection.
61 Proper coaches as per the specifications of various games are available for regular
guidance to the University players.
62 Training camps are arranged for the selected University players
63 To enhance sports participation, tracksuits/kits/shirts are given to the participating
students in within University events
64 Sports quota in admission for talented players is available
65 The admission/tuition fee is exempted for talented players in our University
66 Excellent Sports performers of our University are offered Sports Scholarship by
our University
67 Cash prizes as per the performance of the players are awarded to the players by
our University
Personal comments if any ………………………………………………………………………...

1. To find out the difference in sports discipline of players enrolled in the Universities of Sindh
and Punjab.
2. To explore the difference in the commitment of players enrolled in the Universities of Sindh
and Punjab.
3. To investigate the resilience in players enrolled in the Universities of Sindh and Punjab.
4. To assess the prevalence of social support of players enrolled in the Universities of Sindh and
5. To measure the sports participation of players enrolled in the Universities of Sindh and
6. To find out the differences in managing the sports talent at the Universities of Sindh and
7. To evaluate the role of the Director Sports in the players’ sports participation and managing
the talent at the Universities of Sindh and Punjab


1. H0. There is no significant difference between the players of the Universities of Sindh and
Punjab for their sports discipline.
2. H0. There is no noteworthy difference in the players’ commitment in the Universities of
Sindh and Punjab.
3. H0. There is no major difference in resilience between the players of the Universities of
Sindh and Punjab.
4. H0. There is no difference in social support to the players in the Universities of Sindh and
5. H0. There is no significant difference in the players’ participation in sports at Universities of
Sindh and Punjab.
6. H0. There is no difference in managing the sports talent at the Universities of Sindh and
7. H0. There is no notable difference in the role played by Director Sports in the players’
sports participation and managing the talent at the Universities of Sindh and Punjab

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